Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 164: Joint Investigation

"The blood race also wants to invest in me? It's the same as they invested in the Night Emperor in the Battle of the Four Emperors in the Fourth Epoch? But this effort is too small. Why support the Night Emperor and support a beauty queen? I only have one rough guy here!"

When Abner saw this, the corners of his mouth curved again, and he said in his heart: Viscount Karen, do you know that you have been rejected by the Emperor?

Bishop Utravsky had put down the receipt at this time, and said with a smile: "You can tell Scudder that the expenditure within this budget can be directly recorded in the account of the Harvest Church."

After hearing the words, Abner came back to his senses, and after putting the transcribed pages of the diary back on the pulpit, he replied: "I will convey it."

After speaking, he looked at the manuscripts again, and asked the bishop: "Miss Hazel should have confirmed that there is no pollution from the 'primordial moon', right? Why are you still imprisoning her?"

After the banquet that day, Councilor Macht quietly stuffed him another 100 pounds as a thank you gift for successfully introducing the bishop. For Qian's sake, he asked Hazel a lot.

"Now is not a good time... If you release Miss Hazel directly, the Church of Storms probably won't agree..." Bishop Utravsky shook his head and explained gently.

That's right... The Church of the Storm had suffered so much before, and it was at a time when it wasn't going well. If Hazel was released so easily, I'm afraid it would cause trouble.

Abner immediately came to his senses, and thought to himself, no wonder Congressman Macht didn't ask the bishop to let Hazel go home. As a politician, he thought he had seen this a long time ago...

That being the case, Abner didn't have anything to do anymore, and after communicating with the half-giant bishop for a while, he took his leave and left.

However, he left the Harvest Church and only walked out of an intersection when he saw Ms. Cherie in a black mourning dress standing on the side of the road.

The other party's eyes lit up when he saw him, and then walked straight over.

"What's the matter, Ms. Cherry?" Abner asked suspiciously upon seeing this. He doesn't seem to have any friendship with this girl, does he? Is it still aimed at Xio?

"Detective Bryan, it was Ms. Daly who asked me to hand over this letter to you." Cherry took out a folded letter paper and handed it to Abner.

Abner took it casually, questioned Cherry with his eyes, and after getting a positive answer from the other party, he opened the letter and began to read it.

The content of the letter is not much, the general idea is to invite him to have dinner at Severstal Restaurant on Kent Street in the North District at 6 o'clock tomorrow night, and also explained that His Excellency "Sword of the Goddess" will also be there...

The handwriting on the letter was not completely dry, obviously it was written not long ago... Is this a temporary idea? But can Dai Li be the master of Sesima?

Thinking this way in his heart, Abner asked casually on the surface: "Why isn't Ms. Daly here?"

"Ma'am, I really have something urgent to do, that's why I asked me to wait for you here." Cherie replied seriously.


In the northern area of ​​Backlund, in the underground room of Saint Samuel Church.

"The Punisher wants to send a deacon to Tingen? Do you want me to help you temporarily?" Daly's bewitching and cold face showed a hint of surprise.

"Yes, the Church of Storms lost a Wind Blessed One in the previous incident, which aroused the fury of the Thunder Church, and specially called in an elite Punisher who is good at tracking traces.

Since it is suspected that it was done by the 'Secret Puppet Master', the focus of the investigation now is on the 'Secret Order'. "Crestai Sesima, who was sitting in the main seat, said in a low voice.

"The last time there were clear traces of activity by the Secret Order was Tingen, or was it uncovered by Tingen's 'Nighthawks' team, and that's why the Church of the Storm went there to investigate?" Because she was following Dunn closely, Daly clearly understood Knowing every case of the "Nighthawks" team in Tingen, he is naturally no stranger to the activities of the Secret Order in Tingen.

"That's right, but it's impossible for us to let the deacons of the Church of the Storm go directly to the Nighthawks team in Tingen to check the information, or even interrogate the captured members of the Secret we need to use the name of 'joint investigation'." Sisi Ma thought about it.

"And because I am familiar with the Tingen Nighthawks team, as a member of the 'Joint Investigation' team, I can provide sufficient lubrication for the communication between the two parties?" Daly joked with a smile.

"If it's not for helping you, I really don't want you to go..." Saisima sighed.

"Thank you." Daly said sincerely, and then asked: "What time is it?"

"Next Wednesday or Thursday, it depends on when the deacon of the Church of the Storm will arrive." Sesima replied.

"That's's okay, it won't delay the date I just set for tomorrow night." Daly said with a light smile.


On Monday morning, because he was going to attend the Tarot Club in the afternoon, Abner sorted out the materials he promised to give to Mr. Fool in his room last week.

"I don't know a lot about the Secret Order...but I won't give Klein the content related to Zaratul. I will only reveal some things that can be obtained with a little connection, such as its headquarters in Intis. Information... In addition, it is possible to disclose to Klein the news that Ambassador Intis has a secret puppet master beside Ambassador Intis, so that he will be mentally prepared for encountering him in the future.

"Hmm... the puppet master is also crossed out, and only said to be a Sequence Extraordinary in the Seer path.

"As for the Antigonus family, I can reveal more... Tell him that this family is a prominent noble in the Fourth Epoch, and has a complete 'Seer' sequence potion formula... This is almost enough, no more It involves a deeper level of historical knowledge, even if I say it, Klein probably won't understand it."

I read the materials I had sorted out silently several times, and memorized them completely in my mind, and then lit a fire to burn them down.

Although it is also feasible to give these materials to Mr. Fool through "sacrifice", but now "Fool" still needs to "charge" to open the gate of the kingdom. It is really not worthwhile to consume nearly 10 pounds of materials for this thing. It's better to write it down and manifest it on the gray mist.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Abner, whose sight had recovered from the crimson and hazy state, once again came to the boundless gray fog that did not belong to reality, and then he saw Audrey "Justice" standing up halfway, lifting the hem of her skirt, and greeted cheerfully:

"Good afternoon, Mister Fool~~

"Good afternoon, Mr. Hanged Man~

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tower~"

After exchanging pleasantries, Klein, who had already turned on his Spirit Vision, noticed that Miss "Justice" seemed to be very excited, and couldn't help but wondered in his heart: Is this something happy?

At this time, Audrey puffed up her chest and said proudly:

"Mr. Fool, I memorized two pages of Roselle's diary."

Abner smiled when he heard this, and was not surprised that Audrey could take out the diary, because it was passed on by him through Xio, and because of this, Xio made a small profit.

However, he who kept a page in his hand also said: "I also got a page of the diary again, Mister Fool."

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