Forsi is a girl with a lazy temperament, about 1.65 meters tall, wearing a beige long skirt with a ruffled collar. Hearing Xio's words at this moment, she scratched her slightly curly brown hair, and said helplessly, "What's the matter? Can't you finish it by yourself? I can give you some advice."

"No, I need to search for criminal evidence of a gang leader, and I need your ability to 'open the door'!" Xio paused, staring at Forsi's still indecent posture on the sofa, and continued, "Besides, Forsi , you haven't left the house for almost half a week..."

"I knew it was because of this..." As she said that, Forsi saw Xio's brows wrinkled, so she had to raise her hand and said, "Okay, okay, I'll help you! But you have to make it clear to me What exactly."

Xio nodded, and recounted the request of Mr. Lian, the maintenance mechanic, before finally saying: "So I need some black information about that gang leader to increase the success rate of 'persuading' him!"

"Are you sure this is to persuade him and not to provoke him?" Fors groaned in her heart, but said calmly on her face: "Is this just one-sidedness of that Rian? Shouldn't you investigate the matter thoroughly before taking any action?" ? For example, does the gang leader have some other purpose?"

"Yes, I'm going to investigate. The reason why I came back is to get some money and equipment." Xio replied.

"Not only these, you also have to find out if the leader of the gang is a Extraordinary, or whether there are Extraordinary under him... If you don't check all of these, it may be dangerous for me not only to open the door to get the black material, even if you try to persuade I will definitely come back." Forsi said earnestly and kindly.

"Hmm... You're right, Forsi, I was negligent." After thinking about it, she felt that the other party was right.

"So, come to me after you finish your investigation!" In this way, I can delay for a few more days. Forsi thought complacently.

"Okay then..." After finishing speaking, Xio took out a small bag from her room and tied it around her waist. Before going out, she suddenly looked back in the direction of the sofa and said, "Forsi, although what you said is reasonable , but I always feel that you are perfunctory me."

"Why... I can't get up now!" Forsi stood up guiltily, walked to the door, and sent Xio outside with a smile.

Xio frowned. She originally wanted to tell Forsi about the strange person she saw in the restaurant, but after thinking about it, she gave up. After all, although that person gave her a very depressing feeling, it was not dangerous. , Saying it to Forsi might just add troubles in vain.


Don't mention Xio and Forsi, let's go back to Abner's side. The accidental encounter with Miss Hugh did not delay his scheduled itinerary, and he began to travel around the Jowood District, the North District and the Bridge District according to the memory of the original owner. I bought different plant powders, silver flakes and other items from various herbal medicine shops, flower shops, jewelry shops, and jewelry shops.

These are the necessary materials for the ceremony. Because they are not spiritual items, most of them can be bought in ordinary stores, but they are not so concentrated, and you need to go to many stores to get them together. However, despite the fact that they are not spiritual materials, the price is not cheap. They cost a total of 1 pound and 12 soli, which made the cash-strapped Abner secretly heartbroken for a long time.

The reason why Abner prepared the ceremony was to create a spiritual wall, so as to obtain a clean and safe spiritual environment to test his pure white eyes. Well, by the way, analyze the formula of the 'reader'. As for how he knew about this ceremony? Naturally, it was because in "Lord of the Mysteries", Old Neil almost taught Klein the layout method and spells of the spiritual wall, and he remembered every part of this passage in the novel when he opened his pure white eyes. detail.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Abner dragged his exhausted body back to the rented one-bedroom cottage. He first lay down and slept for an hour and a half, then hurriedly ate some dry food bought from outside during the day after getting up, and then adjusted his state at six o'clock, using deep sleep flowers, dragon's blood grass, deep red sandalwood and herbal powder such as mint to make "holy night powder\

,"These are the materials used to make spiritual walls.

Although Abner knew the method, but after all, it was the first time to practice it, so he was inevitably a little nervous. Fortunately, he has already incorporated some extraordinary characteristics, his concentration has surpassed that of ordinary people, and he has achieved success very quickly.

After sprinkling the holy night powder around in a certain order, he twisted out another handful of powder and sprinkled it around himself.

As the strange, pungent smell transpired, an invisible force surrounded Abner, separating him from the environment in the room.

After finishing all this, Abner took a deep breath, took out the gem representing the Extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 8 "Deduction Student" from the iron cigarette case, devoted all his attention to it, and silently recited 'Open', Give yourself hints. Through last night's accident and the fact that he almost opened his pure white eyes spontaneously when he saw Miss Xio in the morning, he roughly mastered the opening and closing method of his own golden finger.

The result was just as Abner expected, following his suggestion, the pupils in his eyes disappeared instantly, his eyes appeared pure white, and streams of rapidly passing data reappeared in his mind. His thoughts are also affected by this data flow, and he can't help but carry out high-speed memory, induction, analysis, and analysis...

Five seconds later, when his complexion was getting worse and worse, and even turned black obviously, Abner hinted with great perseverance that he closed the 'Pure White Eye', and then smiled with difficulty. Weakly said to himself: "It seems that the current limit of opening in the best state is five seconds..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground and passed out.


At night, in the East District, Dharavi Street, a cramped but lively tavern.

Hugh Dilcha covered her nose and mouth, and squeezed in. To her, this place was not only full of the smell of wine and sweat, but it was also easy to meet people who were much taller than her, so she had to face each other directly. Underarms, and the strong smell there can almost stun a normal person.

After a lot of effort, even using the ability of "arbitrator", Xio finally squeezed to the bar counter and saw the person he was looking for.

It was a kind-looking middle-aged man with a friendly smile on his round face. But Xio knew that this man was a cruel and vicious villain. He once trampled off the hand of a thirteen or fourteen-year-old thief because he hid the harvest for himself.

Hugh wouldn't even want to see him if it wasn't necessary, but there was no better person to ask for information about a gang leader. Because he is not only the leader of the gang, but also has a grudge against him.

"Darkholm, I have something to ask for you." Xio rapped heavily on the wooden table top of the bar.

This rude action immediately attracted glaring glances, but they quickly retreated silently under the stern gaze of the "arbitrator".

"Oh, Hugh, I haven't seen you for a long time, and it seems that you are stronger than before!" The man named Darkholm said half drunk and half surprised.

That's of course, before I only had partial arbiter ability because of my father's inheritance, but now, I'm already a real "arbiter"!

Xio replied quite proudly in his heart, but on the surface he said seriously: "I want to know all the information about Rosen!"

"Oh? 'Two-Face' Rosen? Haha, Hugh, are you targeting that bastard this time?! Well, as long as you fix him, I'll tell you everything I know!" Darkholm was stunned for a moment. , then gloated authentically.

"'Two-Face Man'?" Xio raised his brows, feeling that this nickname is not simple.

"Yes, that bastard Rosen usually pretends to be a humble and polite gentleman, and he always advertises that he is willing to help those in need through difficulties, but he is actually a loan shark with very high interest rates! I don't know what he used What kind of tricks, he can manipulate the contract every time, and deceive people around, and most of the people who borrowed money from him end up ruined! This bastard is much more hateful than me, Hugh, you must teach him a lesson!" Da Ke Holm talked about Rosen gnashing his teeth with hatred, and he didn't know what the big hatred between them was. He kept urging Hugh to kill Rosen, and for this reason, he gave many examples of his family being ruined because of Rosen.

Xio frowned more and more when he heard it, interrupting Dakholm's chatter, and asked: "He can tamper with the contract every time, and the borrower only finds out what's wrong after the fact?"

"That's right, that's why I said I don't know what new method this bastard has discovered. After all, it's impossible for everyone who borrows money to be so stupid. In the past, this bastard didn't lend money so smoothly." Darkholm nodded.

"Before? Since when did he succeed?" Xio keenly discovered the crux of the problem.

"Seven months ago, I remember it very clearly, because that was the time when I became enmity with him. Hey, his career has been so smooth since then, and the money in his hand has increased several times, so I dare not retaliate against him." Dark Home gritted his teeth authentically.

"Seven months ago... why did you become enmity with him?" Xiu asked after thinking about it.

"Well..." Duckholm didn't want to say it at first, but when he looked up and saw Xio's majestic eyes, he trembled unconsciously, and hastily confessed honestly, "At that time, one of my aces stole Rosen's suitcase. Inside were the things he had just looted from a debtor's house. Rosen found out quickly, and then sent his men to beat up my ace and take back the suitcase... It would have been fine if the matter ended here, but That bastard actually found someone to kill a group of people, including that trump card, quietly shortly after the incident, it was a slap in the face to me!"

"What's in that box?" Hugh asked.

"Hmph, you also suspect that there are some sensitive items in there, so Rosen silenced it? I thought about it at the time, but after I asked the unlucky debtor, I realized that there were only some badges he collected, which were his. Hobbies, those things are actually not worth much to others, unless Rosen can find a similar badge collector to sell to him. So I think he is deliberately targeting me, and has no other ideas at all." Darkholm snorted.

"What's the name of that debtor? Where is he now?" Xio didn't change his mind because of Darkholm's words.

"That person died a long time ago, all his property was paid off, his family was sold, and he finally committed suicide by jumping into the river." Darkholm said disapprovingly.

Xio nodded, and after feeling that he understood almost everything, he took out a banknote from his pocket and gave it to Darkholm as an information fee, then turned and left the bar.

"The badge...could it be a magical item? We need to investigate carefully." Xio thought to himself.


At twelve o'clock in the night, Abner opened his eyes. He rubbed his forehead, silently arranged and strengthened the spiritual wall that was close to failure, then picked up the Extraordinary characteristic that fell on the ground, and opened the "Pure White Eye" again. ".

"Tonight, we must fully analyze the 'Reader' formula of Sequence Nine!"

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