Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 65: The First Tarot Club

When he regained his sight, the gray, boundless, deserted, and silent world immediately appeared in Abner's eyes. He looked at the figure sitting upright and shrouded in thick fog, and bowed his head in awe, saying hello:

"Praise you, Mister Fool."

At the same time, he looked around secretly, but found no other people. Thinking that it was not yet three o'clock, he suddenly had a guess in his heart: Is this Klein who called me up in advance?

Klein, who was sitting at the top, was very satisfied that there was no accident in this "convocation". The other party seemed to be bluffed by him last time and did not report it.

But his mood is very active today, not as calm as last time... This is to confirm that I am really a kind 'God', so I am not afraid? Is the heart that big? This is not okay, I have to remind him that I am a high person, and I have to be in awe at all times! However, what should be done to mention him without losing his dignity?

Klein quickly thought about the countermeasures in his mind, and soon came up with an idea.

"'Tower', we meet again." He said with a smile, "The other members will have to wait for a while, so let me confirm with you something I didn't mention last time."

Abner vaguely guessed that this was Klein's plan to pretend, so he cooperated authentically:

"Listen to your teachings."

Why do I feel that your mouth is saying humble words, but your heart may be complaining? Klein observed the color of Abner's emotions with his spiritual vision, and the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily. He stretched out his hand to pinch his forehead, and said solemnly:

"I allow you to recite my name and remember the following titles."

"The fool who does not belong to this era, the mysterious master above the gray mist, the king of yellow and black who is in charge of good luck."

Abner didn't pretend to be shocked this time when he heard the familiar name. After all, he had confirmed the identity of the opponent's god in front of Klein the last time he came to Gray Mist, and isn't it natural for a god to have a three-stage honorable name?

"It doesn't belong to this era... So you are the revived ancient god, no wonder the one from Antigonus' family failed to stop you from ascending to the throne!" Abner held back a smile and forced a wave of praise .

He is happy now? What are you happy about? Can being happy with my 'strength' bring him opportunities? And this Mister 'Tower' really knows a lot of mysterious knowledge, but unfortunately I have to maintain the image of a fool, so I can't ask.

Seeing that three o'clock was approaching, Klein pressed his hand to the crimson stars that symbolized "justice" and "The Hanged Man".

Abner looked at this scene with a smile, and saw the burst of light on the opposite side and the side, stretching out two blurred figures.

Audrey Hall looked around for half a circle, suddenly froze, and then heard Mister Fool's ever-smooth voice:

"This is a new member, titled 'Tower'."

"This is Miss Justice, and this is Mister Hanged Man."

Got a new member of the party? Audrey was startled at first, and then filled with joy.

She is very happy to see the Tarot Club develop and grow, and she has a sense of ownership.

"The Hanged Man" Alger carefully observed Mr. "Tower" beside him, judging the origin and background of the other party.

She doesn't seem to be very old, but she looks very confident, and she doesn't have the slightest fear of being in a mysterious place... Is this stupid and bold, or is she confident?

Abner was also quietly observing the two of "Justice" and "The Hanged Man".

Audrey is indeed a cheerful and optimistic girl like the sun as described in the original book. Even if she can't see her face clearly, she can still gain a good mood from her.

Well, Alger, the only feature is the seaweed head... Well, I admit that compared with "Justice", "The Hanged Man" really doesn't attract much attention.

After the three of them greeted each other, Audrey saluted the Fool cheerfully, and said with a smile, "Good afternoon, Mister Fool. It's a pity that there is no good wine here, otherwise I would be able to toast your successful attempt.


At this time, she should be referring to the matter of using ritual magic to obtain the blessing of good dreams, right? It is also whether Klein's experimental honorable name is useful. Abner thought to himself watching this scene.

"You are far stronger than we imagined." Alger Wilson also praised.

Fearing that Abner would not understand what they were talking about, Audrey kindly explained to him the experiment the Fool had done before, and asked if she needed to tell him the content of the ceremony.

Abner shook his head, smiled and declined politely: "The Extraordinary path I'm in is very good at ritual magic, and I can do such prayer rituals."

Good at ritual magic... which way would it be? Sneakers? Seer? Klein and Alger turned this thought in their minds at the same time.

Then, after watching Klein embarrass himself with a wave of "calmness" of a mysterious existence, Audrey handed in the manifested Roselle's diary.

"This is Mister Fool's reading time, Mister Tower, please wait first." Seeing that Abner was a little distracted, Audrey reminded kindly.

"Thank you for your reminder, beautiful Miss Justice." Abner nodded with a smile.

Alger next to him sat there silently, staring straight at the surface of the long bronze table, calmly as if he was facing a real god.

What is the content of the diary that Audrey handed in this time? Let me think about it... By the way, it seems that the Great Emperor complained that the Artisan Church is too weak, and Zaratul cooperated with him and told him the approximate time standard for playing the role of digestion, and hoped that he could steal a dangerous Antioch from the Artisan Church. Relics of the Cornus family.

Abner boredly recalled the contents of the diary in his memory, and then heard Mister Fool sitting at the top say:

"I kept you waiting for a long time."

"It's our honor." Everyone came back to their senses, Qiqi said.

Then, Audrey looked at the "Hanged Man" first, organized her words and asked:

"Where can I find the Psychological Alchemists?"

Psychological much can Alger know? This is my chance to demonstrate my intelligence and knowledge!

Just when Abner was thinking about how many layers of the psychological alchemy society he would expose, "The Hanged Man" Alger Wilson shook his head and said:

"Miss 'Justice', first, I don't know the clues, and second, I don't think you need to be so anxious to find the Psychological Alchemy Society. Your current focus should be on digesting the 'spectator' potion."

Audrey quickly glanced at the Fool, seeing that he had no intention of supplementing, and when she was feeling slightly disappointed, Abner suddenly said, "Miss Justice, are you an upper-class nobleman of the Loen Kingdom? , then it is not difficult to find the Psychological Alchemy Society."

The upper class nobles of the Loen Kingdom... Is my performance, my accent still so obvious? After I became an 'spectator', I was already deliberately hiding it... Audrey opened her mouth half-opened and was taken aback for a moment, but she quickly recovered and asked curiously:

"Are the members of the Psychological Alchemists related to the nobles of the kingdom?"

"The original Psychological Alchemist Association was just a seminar for enthusiasts. They all believed that the mind possessed infinite power and infinite magic. Later, this seminar got a treasure map and found the relics left by Hermes!"

Having said that, Abner looked around and found that not only Audrey, but Alger and Klein were also paying attention to him, so he continued with satisfaction: "The ruins left by Hermes finally laid the foundation for the future." The research basis and direction of the Psychological Alchemist Society, that is, the 'audience' sequence that digs out the secrets of the mind."

I usually dare to say so much outside, and finally feel comfortable.

"Hermes? The Hermes of Hermes?" Audrey asked with great interest.

"Yes, he can be regarded as one of the earliest mystic masters of mankind. The ancient Hermes language created by him has the magic of directly resonating with natural forces." Abner replied with a smile before returning to the topic:

"Psychological Alchemists are very active in the upper echelons of Backlund, and many family members of nobles or big businessmen have been developed into members by them. They also send eyeliners in various secret and extraordinary circles. If you want to contact them, it is actually very easy. Simple, go directly to a secret party to buy or sell the 'spectator' potion formula."

"If your family has enough power and wealth in Loen, I believe it won't be long before a young lady or madam who can befriend you will take the initiative to come to your door."

After saying this, whether it was Audrey, Klein, or Alger, they all had deep fears about the Psychological Alchemist Association, and they knew how much power such a huge network of contacts could mobilize.

At the same time, they also had a series of conjectures about Abner's identity, even knowing such a secret, who exactly is Mr. 'Tower'? Could it be the inner ghost of the Psychological Alchemists? But he didn't seem to have any affection for the organization, and even lacked respect when talking about Hermes.

"But psychological alchemy will do this, and the major churches don't care?" Audrey asked hesitantly. She completely forgot the original intention of asking at this moment.

"Hehe, the major churches regularly invite the big nobles and businessmen who support them to attend the grand mass!" Abner didn't answer directly, but let the three people present understand what he meant.

"So... the alchemy association in my heart would not dare to go to dad... um, dare not go to the big nobles who often go to the church, but develop the family around them? Like me?" Audrey was suddenly stunned.

"That's right!" Abner nodded first, then changed the topic, and persuaded, "I don't recommend you to contact the Psychology Alchemy Society right now. In addition, you'd better get Mr. Fool's permission before you go to contact, and Get asylum. Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to hide your secrets from an Extraordinary who is at least a 'psychiatrist'."

"That's it..." Audrey glanced at Mister Fool who was still indifferent, and sighed with some disappointment, and then realized that this action was a bit impolite, so she quickly adjusted her posture, and said to Abner: "Thank you for your explanation, Mister 'Tower'."

"Actually, you can digest the 'audience' potion first, while looking for reliable people to bring you into the Extraordinary gathering circle. By then, you may be able to accumulate enough contributions to make a request for asylum to Mr. Fool." Abu While making suggestions, Na was also thinking in his heart: Miss Fors, 'Salted Fish', I can only help you so far. Whether you can get on Audrey's line depends on whether you have worked hard during this period of time. .

And Klein, who was sitting at the top, looked dazed under the fog.

"What? Accumulate enough contributions to allow me to provide asylum? What excuse do you have to refuse?"

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