Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 10 A relieved Klein

Although Abner couldn't see through the gray fog covering Klein's face, he could guess what he was thinking in his heart at the moment just by guessing. However, he had no intention of letting anyone play the role of "Nezha". Nezha with a human face is really weird. This is not the world of "Two Blossoms".

Giving this name to the extraordinary item you created is nothing more than satisfying your own "bad taste".

It has to be said that since being promoted to "Prophet" and knowing that he has so many "previous lives" planning, Abner's original self-repressive nature due to caution has gradually been "exposed"...

However, this is not a bad thing in his opinion. The more "profound" part of a character, the harder it is to be erased.

"The 'Hot Fire Wheel' is made with the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Wind Spinner' and the 'Arsonist'. You can control it to fly, and you can also command it to use 'violent wind' and 'fire' to attack the enemy.

“And this ‘Fire Point Spear’ is a supporting item of ‘Hot Fire Wheels’. Without ‘Hot Fire Wheels’, it is just an ordinary spear with an extremely sharp and relatively hard material...

"However, once used with the help of the ability of 'Hot Fire Wheel', a special 'flame' can be condensed at the tip of the spear. The function of this flame is similar to the secret technique 'Disintegration Technique' I developed. It brings absolute destruction to things, and even items that are combined with extraordinary characteristics can have their structures destroyed, rendering them temporarily useless.

“Its negative effect is that it will make the user and nearby enemies extremely violent and angry, and it is even easy to lose their minds temporarily!

"Without neutralization by abilities such as 'mechanical mind', the user and nearby enemies will engage in meaningless fighting until one party falls."

After the introduction, Abner looked around and said with a smile: "They are also priced at 10,000 gold pounds, and no counter-offers will be accepted."

The characteristics of "Windbreaker" come from the "Segust" sea monster, while "Pyromancer" is a step-by-step separation of the "Conspirator" characteristics that Abner obtained from "Mirror Apostle" Heta. from.

As for the materials of the "Fire Point Spear" and "Hot Fire Wheels", they are derived from the "Harris Sword" of "Admiral Hell", which was also the cane that Abner later made into a spellcasting material...

After advancing to "Prophet", Abner can no longer use the corresponding items when performing "Secret Technique", so this can be regarded as waste reuse.

Speaking of which, the side effects of this item are actually relatively large, but Abner has indeed tried his best. After all, the "taunt" of the "Hunter" and the "Rage" of the "Sailor" are superimposed, and there is such a situation where both the enemy and the enemy are angry. The situation couldn't be more normal.

"For 10,000 pounds, I want that 'Phoenix' revolver... Can you accept using extraordinary characteristics to pay the bill?" At this time, "The World" under the control of Klein took the lead and spoke in a hoarse voice.

Although he felt close to the combination of "Hot Wheels" and "Fire Spear", if he was asked to fight in that form... Crane would still refuse unless it was absolutely necessary.

What's more, the negative effect is really not compatible with his fighting style.

In comparison, Klein, who had used up the crystals of the "Funeral Blade" and could not replenish them for the time being, lacked powerful attack methods, needed a weapon like the "Phoenix" revolver.

Seeing "The World" speak, "The Hermit" Cattleya, who originally wanted to bid, suddenly fell silent. After all, various signs indicate that "The World" has a close relationship with Mr. "The Fool", and there is even a high probability that it is his...

"And I leaked part of the Tarot Club information behind Mr. Fool's back... If I compete with The World again, will it cause greater dissatisfaction from Mr. Fool?"

"Hermit" Cattleya hesitated again and again, but finally chose to give up.

The styles of "Fire Spear" and "Hot Wheels" didn't really match her, so she didn't mean to ask.

As for the rest of the Tarot Society? "The Sun" felt that he had no use for it, and "The Hanged Man" and "Magician" realized their poverty again... Miss "Judgment" just spent a lot of money to buy the "Retribution Knight" attribute from Jane not long ago. , and are not wealthy at the moment.

Miss Justice, the only one who could afford it, said that she did not need such an extraordinary weapon... Moreover, as a future "dragon", she was vaguely repelled by "Hot Wheels" and "Fire Spear".

So she set her sights on the ring that was both beautiful and could "flash" when she was attacked. After careful consideration, she said, "I want that 'flash' ring..."

After saying that, she looked at Forsi the Magician again, and asked with a smile: "Miss Magician, do you mind?"

"Ah? doesn't matter, I don't mind, Miss Justice. Magician" Forsi came back to his senses after hearing this.

In fact, she was also very fond of the "flash" ring. The reason why she didn't buy it just now was because she wanted to save more money to buy an extraordinary weapon... But she never expected that the price of the subsequent weapon would soar to five figures, which made her suddenly stop. Thoughts, without the swollen energy, how dare I bid with Miss Justice now...

In fact, the reason why Abner took out such expensive weapons later was to leave some pocket money for Forsi... It's all about having fun, but you can't really squeeze everything out of Forsi's hands...

After finalizing several deals, Abner saw that no one was interested in his joke work, so he stopped showing it and canceled the presentation.

While he was indifferent to the question of whether he could sell it or not, he secretly thought: Maybe he should sell this set of items to Ms. Plant. After all, as the incarnation of "Plant", she should have a better compatibility with him. Some.

After that, because there is no other transaction, the Tarot Society automatically enters the free communication stage.

Miss "Justice" took the lead in applying to communicate with Abner alone, and then after reporting on the progress of the investigation of "Disaster Queen", she asked with some anticipation: "Mr. Tower, the recently released 'Searching for Laurel', Is this your promotion ceremony?”

"No rush." ​​Abner didn't hide anything. He briefly explained the "Prophet's" ritual requirements to Audrey, and then asked, "What you just said, in a small town in northern East Chester County How confident are you of the clues?"

"Justice" Audrey, who was lamenting the demigod ceremony, immediately became serious when she heard this, shook her head and said: "I don't know...but I have managed to use this information to arouse the interest of the 'Psychological Alchemy Society'. This not only accumulated In order to contribute, you can also ask them to help explore the road.”

Abner nodded thoughtfully. Although he didn't think that a group of middle- and low-sequence audiences could do anything, it would be good to explore the reality...

Thinking of this, he solemnly said: "Before they set off, please inform me."

"Okay." Audrey agreed directly without asking why.

After this individual exchange, the members of the Tarot Club each shared their own experiences, and then the party came to an end.

All the members stood up and bowed to the top of the long bronze table to say goodbye.

As the crimson light dissipated, the figure of "The Fool" also disappeared under the respectful gaze of "Tower" and "World".

Only then did Abner look at "World" Klein, who had secretly swapped the positions of his body and "Eye of Total Blackness", and looked him up and down with a half-smile.

Klein felt uncomfortable looking at him, frowned, and asked in Chinese: "There's nothing wrong with you, right? Why do you look at me like that?"

"I think you can really pretend!" After a while, Abner looked away and sighed.

Can you "pretend"? Does he really know that I am the "Fool"? Klein's heart was shocked, and his spirit became alert. He thought that his identity as "The Fool" was about to be exposed. He was about to say something, but at this time, Abner's rather "hateful" words came into his mind. In the ear:

"You have known for a long time that 'Disaster Seal', Alvin, Dennett, Lai Yin, Vicente and others are also 'Liu Bo', right?"

So this is what happened? Scared me! I thought I was going to "die"! Klein immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

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