Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 13 Conversation with Lilith

Because it was not yet time to distribute Holy Communion, there was not a single believer in the Harvest Church, so Father Utravsky, who looked like a half-giant, sat at the front and prayed devoutly.

“Because of the Tarot meeting in the afternoon, Emlyn should be at his own home, so he was not there.

"And Hazel didn't come to the church probably because of my banquet invitation tonight..."

While these thoughts flashed through his mind, Abner slowly walked up to the half-giant bishop's god.

Bishop Utravsky put down his hands, opened his eyes, and said kindly:

"Go down by yourself, the Mother Goddess has already known of your arrival."

Abner originally wanted to say a few words to the bishop, but when he heard what he said, he could only nod and said: "Okay."

After all, we can't let the gods wait in the basement...even if the relationship between that god and him is somewhat complicated.

After passing through the stone door that was engraved with the "Holy Emblem of Life" and many mysterious symbols, forming a complete seal, Abner saw the beautiful silver-haired figure again.

But this time, knowing that the "shell" of the "god of beauty" in front of him was actually the product of his own "remains" after promotion, Abner looked at her with a somewhat strange look... although this did not prevent him from still feeling that she was beautiful.

"It seems that you have already explored there." Lilith, who once again came into the body of the "Beauty God", spoke first and said with a smile.

Abner carefully looked at his body, which had completely transformed into a woman, and found that she was still wearing the red shirt that she had originally worn when she was a vampire duke. Although it was actually a pretty good extraordinary item, he still Feeling a little "shabby".

Next time I come here, I have to make myself... no, make some nice clothes for Lilith and bring them over... In my memory, Lamia actually loves beautiful clothes...

After a few words in his heart, Abner nodded slightly and said, "Yes... I remembered what happened when I was Felipe..."

Having said this, he still couldn't help but ask: "Don't you know what Lamia is now?"

"Although Lamia is my clone, she, or rather I, didn't know my true nature at the time... Later, I encountered danger while searching for you and has died." Lilith replied lightly.

"How did you die?" Abner asked, frowning.

"I encountered Si'a... You know, Lamia's strength is only that of an 'ancient alchemist', and cannot be an opponent of a 'god'." Lilith said with a smile, as if she didn't mean what she said. Not myself.

Siua? Why did she attack Lamia?

Wait, I remember Lilith once said that the "material" of Lamia's clone is actually the same as Miss "Plant", coming from some kind of "unknown" plant.

What kind of plant is attracted to the "Mother Tree of Desire"?

But since the clone was made from that material, it’s impossible for Lilith not to know this...

"So, being killed by Si'a is also part of the plan?" Abner thought in his heart and asked.

When asked, Lilith raised her lips and smiled without saying a word.

Abner reacted immediately and knew that there were some things that Lilith could not say, otherwise the "Mother Tree of Desire" would definitely sense it. So after thinking for a while, he tentatively asked: "And in the mind of the sea monster before, Is it related to the incident in which the 'Mother Tree of Desire' was designed to infect the 'Shadow World'?"

——Speaking of which, after being promoted to demigod and further deepening his connection with the "Omniscient Eye" and the "Pure White Angel" in the "Unknown Land", Abner realized that his memory blockade had been revoked. Now I can think about the past at any time without being "contaminated".

Lilith stretched out a finger, put it in front of Abner's lips, and said pointedly: "There are some things that you just need to understand in your heart, but don't always say them out loud...otherwise, even you can't completely isolate them. That one’s induction.”

As she said that, she suddenly came forward again, leaned close to Abner's ear, her eyes were half-covered, and her lips seemed to be opening and closing, and she said:

"I can only tell you that after the mark of the 'Shadow World' was stripped off by the 'God of Luck', it once entered that 'unknown' space."

Feeling the sound of breathing in his ears and smelling the aroma on the tip of his nose, Abner screamed in his heart. After all, the goddess in front of him was really good at using her body and language to create an ambiguous atmosphere...

And it was my own body... Abner felt the changes below and had to shift his attention to think about the meaning of Lilith's words:

"Since the pollution in the 'Unknown Land' is likely to come from the concept of 'Liu Bo'...

"In other words, the brand of 'Shadow World' has long been in the shape of 'Liu Bo'?

"It seems that my previous guess was not wrong in the general direction. The 'Shadow World' is indeed a trap for the 'Mother Tree of Desire'..."

"But Lamia... her essence is a special plant... could it be that she is a suitable spiritual and power carrier for the 'Mother Tree of Desire'?

"Wait a minute... that necklace of 'Proof of Lost Heart'... could it be the former Lamia?

"If this is really the case... then the 'Mother Tree of Desire' may have fallen into the scheme from the very beginning.

“‘Unknown’ plants…unknown again!

"Assuming my guess is correct, the reason why Nalamia was arranged to stay with me for a few years may be because of the intention of continuing to nurture her body through the 'unknown land'..."

Although Abner is very clear that the feelings he had with Lamia during their relationship were real. After all, Lilith also personally admitted that her current humanity is based on that time, but he still maintains a certain degree of vigilance towards gods. I believe too much that the other party's purpose will be so pure...even if she acts like his wife or lover.

But I can't directly ask her why she faced me with such a doting attitude... because the consequences are hard to predict... and I don't have the ability to deal with "badend" at all now!

Thinking of this, Abner took a deep breath, changed the subject, and asked something else: "Do you know the ceremony designed by Russell and held eleven years ago?

"That's probably the plan of the 'Fallen Mother Goddess'."

Seeing that Abner was indifferent to her "teasing", Lilith took the initiative to take a few steps back, shook her head with a smile and said:

"I am not omniscient...if I had known about it in advance, the experiment would not have been carried out at all.

"Well, this should be a plan between you and 'Knowledge' or Adam during the 'Seal of Disaster'. I don't know the details... You were special in that life. Neither Hei Ye nor I had anything to do with you. We just stayed away from each other. Watch from a distance.”

You and Hei Ye...could it be that the goddess is really the same? Recalling the "terrible" nature of the goddess in the original work, the pressure in Abner's heart increased sharply, but on the surface he still asked: "What is so special about the 'Seal of Disaster'?"

"You need to find out the answer yourself, I can't tell you directly.

"However, I can give you a hint...

"Why do you think that no matter whether it is the 'God of Luck', Lai Yin, or Vicente... you have lived so many times, you have always stopped at Sequence 2?"

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