Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 18 Xio’s mission goal

Through the "Information Extraction" ability advanced from "Aura Extraction", Abner could easily outline the appearance of Xiu outside the door in his mind.

A white shirt, with a large piece of lace decoration extending down the collar, a blue vest, and dark trousers paired with the jacket...

A wide belt is tied around the waist, with pockets, daggers and other items attached to it.

"This is obviously a attire that is convenient for fighting... If it weren't for Xio, at this time, at this place, with this kind of attire, if it were someone else, I would have thought he was here to assassinate me..."

After complaining in his mind, Abner opened the door with a little disappointment and welcomed Hugh in.

Xio entered the house, took a few glances, and found that Abner, who had obviously taken a shower, had not changed into pajamas, but was wearing a robe, so he smiled and said:

"It seems like what I plan to take advantage of the night to complete Mr. World's mission."

Klein entrusted Abner to go to the home of a professor at Storn University to exchange Russell's real manuscript. Abner did not hide it from Hugh and talked to her before the banquet.

"You're dressed like you want to go with me?" Xio's meaning was so obvious that Abner could guess her plan without using "prophecy".

"That's right... I happen to have a mission that requires me to go to East Chester County..." Xio nodded slightly, then looked at Abner, and continued in an incomprehensible tone, "In addition, I also want to take the opportunity to see my mother. My brother and I might not have enough time if we take the train."

"That's no problem..." While Abner smiled and nodded, he subconsciously observed Xiu's "tributary of destiny". As a result, his expression suddenly changed and he discovered some problems.

His relationship with Xio is close enough, and he understands him well enough... Under such circumstances, Xio's "fate trajectory" with the highest probability within a day or two should be relatively clear...

But in the "observation" just now, the results obtained by Abner turned out to be very vague, especially when it comes to her mission goals, there is still a lot of danger.

This danger was in several "tributaries" with a smaller probability, and even reached the point of threatening her life.

As his thoughts were spinning, Abner asked calmly on the surface in order not to interfere with the "River of Destiny":

"What mission did you take on again?"

Since Abner acted like he was asking casually, Xio didn't pay attention, organized his words and answered:

“Remember the theft of the Gustavus Dynasty’s ‘Great Seal’ during the exhibition that I mentioned before?

"Although the seal has been recovered, the thief has never been caught...

"Due to a lack of clues, the case was almost at a standstill... until yesterday there was an unexpected clue. A witness saw the thief boarding the train to East Chester County."

It was the case that Xio suddenly took over the night that Her Highness Vera and I met... The thief should not be simple. After all, even Stewart, the "secret instructor" of the Church of Storms, did not "retrace" his information, at least not in the middle sequence. The best of them all, or hold a magical item of this level.

With this thought in mind, Abner asked casually: "Can you show me the photo or portrait? Maybe I can help find him."

Hearing this, Xiu shook his head and said, "There are no photos or portraits... The witness actually just felt that the back of the person who got on the train was very similar to the suspect he had seen in the rental house...

"So, the most I can do is use my 'ability' to check the suspicious person at the station. There is a high probability that there will be no results... After all, who knows whether that person is a thief, and even if he is, who can be sure that he will not get off the bus halfway?

"Speaking of which, I want to give you a ride to East Chester, mostly to see my family."

In this case, even if Xio possesses the ability of "Punishing Knight" and has extremely strong perception, it is impossible to detect the thief...

So where does Hugh's danger come from?

Abner was confused and quickly decided to secretly follow Xio's movements tomorrow and protect him.

——Although according to the observed "destiny", the chance of her death is very small...

At this time, Xio looked at the hands of the wall clock and asked, "When will we set off?"

Abner came to his senses after hearing this and responded with a smile:

"It's just ten o'clock. Professor Michelle from Stoen University may not have rested yet. It's not a good idea to go there now... It's better to wait until later in the night."

At this point, he paused, and then said meaningfully, "We can rest for a while, there is still plenty of time..."

Tingen, inside the first-class carriage of a steam train parked on the platform, ready to depart again tomorrow morning for East Chester.

When Zangwill woke up from a deep sleep, his first reaction was to confirm his condition.

This is something he will do repeatedly every time he wakes up, because he has no way of knowing what story the Sealed Artifact "0-08" will weave and what kind of accidents it will bring after he falls asleep.

After confirming that he was not injured, Inszangwill put on his shiny leather boots and stood up.

As expected, he saw "0-08" quietly placed on the small table in the carriage, like the most ordinary and common quill pen.

However, before Inz Zangwill fell asleep, it was clearly locked in a metal box with layers of symbols and magic signs!

Moreover, he did not remember that he took the train, he clearly boarded a passenger ship!

Inszangwill walked over solemnly, holding "0-08" in one hand, and opened the notebook next to him with the other hand, and found that there was nearly a page of text there:

“Inz Zangwill still didn’t remember what he had done before, but he was keenly aware of some problems.

"He looked at the mirror and found that he felt strange inside, as if another Ince Zangwill was born inside his body, and it was getting stronger day by day.

"This feeling has been there since he was inexplicably hunted down by MI9 and the Church of Storms a month ago...

“Although he found out that it was because he stole the seal of the Gustavus Dynasty... but he didn’t know what he did with that seal.

"Just yesterday, a strange and powerful man targeted Ince Zangwill and found out the cruise ship Ince boarded...

"But the alert Ince suddenly turned back, allowing the strong man to miss."

After reading this description, Inszangwill took a deep breath, took out a mirror from his arms and looked over, only to see that he was still blind in one eye, and his classical sculpture-like face had no wrinkles, but his There was still a bit of sadness and resentment at the corner of his mouth, which was in sharp contrast to the solemn gaze.

"It's getting worse... This is a sign that the underworld in my body is expanding...

"It seems that a powerful undead spirit really lives in my body!"

Thinking of this, Inzangwill felt that his face was a little blue, and the lower corners of his eyes were darker. Coupled with that smile that he had no idea how to appear, the whole thing looked very sinister, cruel and weird.

He thought about it and prepared to summon the powerful undead spirit to explore the details of the soul in his body. If possible, it would be best to establish communication with the other party...

If you handle it properly, you may be able to get a "contract" with a powerful spirit!

——Although he has switched from the "Death" path to the "Night" path and became a "Night Watcher", Inszangwill has not lost his previous extraordinary abilities and is still a powerful psychic. Death Teacher in the spiritual realm.

But just when Ince wanted to take action, he caught sight of the last paragraph on the notebook from the corner of his eye:

"Ins Zangwill tried to use a powerful spirit to drive away the unknown soul in his body, but sadly found that it was of no use... and the Wadeson Sauron in his body was also mocking his overestimation!

"Ince was very worried about this and he didn't know what he was involved in."

"Sauron...?!" Inszangwill narrowed his eyes, his expression became more and more serious. After a while, he tried to summon a powerful spirit, but as written by a quill, he did not get any surprising answer. .

"Wadeson Soren...who is this person? What does he have to do with the 'seal' made by Russell?!"


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