Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 32 Relationship

You are the "giant snake" in sequence 1 of the "Wheel of Fortune" path. Behind my "pure white eyes" lies the uniqueness of the "Wheel of Fortune"...

Such a combination, based on the aggregation effect, is indeed likely to attract the "tail-swallowers".

But I had no premonition of danger, and...

"Since you chose to meet me, it means it's not a big problem." Abner said with a smile.

"I can only say that you are very lucky. Mr. Fool happened to touch the mural of the stupid snake, and her attention was briefly attracted to it." Baby Will Auceptin said "Hmm" After a sigh, he continued, "What do you want from me? Just tell me directly, our time is limited."

The frescoes of Ourolius? Klein should have seen Anderson by now, right? Abner nodded thoughtfully, then asked thoughtfully:

"Is there any way you can observe Ouroleus's 'River of Destiny'?"

Will Asceptin sneered:

"Don't think about it. The river of fate of the 'Giant Snake' is connected end to end. It is difficult for outsiders to interfere. You can't do it now!

"Well, it's impossible even if you control Uniqueness... not to mention that the best you can do now is simply use that thing.

"If you want to play the role of a 'prophet' better, the best choice is to use the uniqueness of the 'Wheel of Fortune' to concretely describe the different tributaries of fate and let others choose... Haha, you came up with this idea before. of."

Concrete words? Me in the past? Sure enough, I had an intersection with this little snake in a certain life... No wonder she reminded me before and said she was doing a 'friend' a favor.

With this thought in his mind, Abner said: "This can also help leave a unique mark elsewhere, and help you lure Ourolius away, right?"

Hearing this, Baby Will replied briskly:

"Isn't this what you need? Haha, although I can't observe your fate, I can infer your plans from the changes in the fate of the people around you."

"Besides, you guessed it right. I have been playing hide-and-seek with that stupid snake for a long time. She is not good at this kind of thing. It can be seen that she has no childhood. Every time she restarts, she grows up next to the 'True Creator' , lack of experience of different mental states at different stages, which causes her to be crazy sometimes, but of course, she doesn't care.

"So, as long as you use 'Wheel of Fortune' to play in other cities or even other countries several times from time to time, it will definitely confuse Ourolius's judgment, and she will soon leave Backlund again and again. .”

In other words, Xio and Forsi should both be under your observation, so from their fateful trajectories, you guessed that I wanted to hunt Mr. After Abner got the answer he wanted, he did not continue the topic and asked instead:

"Do you know Philina Otis?"

Will Asceptin, who was in the stroller, looked stunned and asked:

"Did you want to investigate her the day before yesterday?"

"You know? You made her so lucky all of a sudden?" Abner was stunned for two seconds and asked the same question.

He felt a little annoyed in his heart. After all, the attitude of the "Mercury Snake" showed that the other party had long known about Felina's specialness and must have understood the experiment eleven years ago. If he had asked in the morning, he wouldn't have gone through such a big detour. circle.

Will Auceptin laughed:

"Actually, she should be called Philina Jin. She is Luo Yin Jin's illegitimate daughter, and she can be considered a member of our 'Life School'...

"Well, you should know that it is only in name...after all, strictly speaking, she, like the other four similar girls, is actually the child of the one on the moon.

"Her mother in this world, Luo Yin Jin's lover, became pregnant inexplicably after a blood moon, and then gave birth to her within a month... but her mother also died because of this.

"Oh, it's a good thing that the one who wanted to keep it a secret didn't let the child be born with power... Otherwise, becoming the carrier of that one's heir and dying normally would actually be a luxury.

"After the ceremony eleven years ago, Felina has gained some qualities that were contaminated by the source of matter... she can instill knowledge into her spouse and change her destiny under special circumstances.

"Originally, this trait was difficult to control, the knowledge passed on could not be chosen, and the fate it led to would almost certainly be a tragic ending... But I helped her deal with it, and used a sealed artifact to turn that trait into a partial one. Controllable.

"As long as those who receive the 'knowledge' don't interfere too much with the fate of others with the knowledge they have acquired, nothing will happen..."

I remember Luo Yin Jin was the teacher of "Fat Medicine Master" Darkwill... He should be a demigod, and Felina turned out to be his "daughter"...

In addition, what does it mean to not interfere with the fate of others without knowledge? As long as ordinary people are instilled with knowledge, they must take advantage of it. Excessive interference in the fate of others is an inevitable result... You are just changing the death penalty from immediate execution to a suspended death without commutation!

Unless the person who acquires knowledge becomes enlightened, he becomes a "hermit" in his behavior.

When Abner was slandering, he heard Will continue:

"As for Feilina's 'luck', I did have a hand in it... but it was not originally prepared for you.

"As you know, Pales Zoroastrian's condition is not quite right, and he is parasitic on a 'Red Glove', that is, the colleague of Mr. Fool.

"And that guy was investigating Sherlock Moriarty, so he entered my house in the middle of the night and interrogated my father.

"I noticed his problem, gave him a short period of bad luck, and asked him to discover Felina's problem by chance, and went to investigate Felina, who was in an extremely 'lucky' state, so that he could suffer a little bit...

“Of course, giving Felina greater ‘luck’ is also meant to confuse the public, divert Ouroleus’s attention, and let her compete with Pales.

"However, since you took the initiative to find me, this hand will no longer be used...and you also destroyed it in advance...I am afraid that the 'luck' I blessed Felina with is used to avoid you!"

Hehe, I was just wondering why she ran away overnight... It's really your fault! Abner sighed, then thought for a moment and asked again:

"What exactly was the ceremony eleven years ago..."

Before he finished speaking, Will Ascetin suddenly opened his mouth and made a sound:


He cried like a real baby.

This...could it be that if you say it, you will be guilty of something taboo? Abner was stunned for a moment, then changed his words: "Let me change the question. Who were the participants behind the scenes in that ceremony eleven years ago?"

Will Ascetin stopped crying and said with a smile:

"Of course you are the biggest mastermind behind the scenes!"

He paused and said:

“But the leaders on the surface are the dead Russell, as well as Jaldabao and some members of the Spiritual Order who acted according to Russell’s orders.

"In addition, the One on the Moon, the Mother Tree of Desire, the Hidden Sage, the True Creator and I have all paid a certain degree of attention...

"As for whether there are other existences, I don't know."

Am I really the biggest mastermind behind this? In other words, is it me during the "Seal of Disaster"? With so many beings staring at this ritual, its role should be more than simply sealing the "Fallen Mother Goddess" brand in the bodies of the five girls, right?

What exactly is "I" planning?

Abner was speechless for a long time, feeling deeply that "Seal of Disaster" was indeed a top conspirator, and that most of the changes brought about by "Butterfly" in this world had its shadow.

After thinking about it, Abner put on a smile and asked again: "I want to explore the underground ruins of Bayam Fragrant Manor. Do you have any suggestions?"

"Remember to bring that 'Solomon Gold Coin'..."

"Also, if possible, bring the stone tablet in Azik's hand with you."

Speaking of this, Will Ascetin suddenly smiled happily and added:

"By the way, before going on an adventure, you'd better go to the Harvest Church."

This...I was planning to go to Harvest Church...but why are you laughing so hard?

There was not much time for intuition, and Abner had no time to think about the problem of slates and gold coins, so he asked the last question:

"What was the relationship between you and me before?"

Will was silent for a moment after hearing this, and stayed silent for a full half minute before replying:

"You were my teacher once...

"I was your teacher once."

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