Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 51 Platform (1/9)

A quarter of an hour ago, the nightmare afternoon town.

When Abner came to the church where Derrick and others had set foot in reality, what he saw was a different scene.

The magnificent and bright church, the complete and classical tower, the three priests kneeling in penance... Scenes completely different from reality appeared in front of him one by one.

Relying on the protection of the "secret barrier" on his body, Abner carefully searched here with his "pure white eyes" in front of the three priests.

Soon, he discovered that this church was filled with the atmosphere of "degeneration" and "filth", and it was of extremely high status, and the source was the high tower next to the church.

But Abner circled the tower several times and found no way to get in. It was surrounded by the strong power of "fall" and "shadow", making it impossible to get close, even if the "secret barrier" on his body would After coming into contact with those powers, there were waves.

"You can't force your way in!" Abner suddenly made a judgment in his mind, and then used the illusory "omniscient eye" in the "Unknown Land" to strengthen his "analytic" ability and observe the tower comprehensively and carefully. .

After a while, he had a hint of enlightenment and thought secretly:

"I see... Although this tower is on the same level of nightmare as the weird Afternoon Town, there is no passage in and out... In other words, this tower has been completely sealed by the 'Dark Angel' himself!

"Well, I'm afraid he doesn't know about the 'God of Luck' building the transmission channel... He sealed this place probably because he didn't want the remaining source of energy to pollute the believers.

"And the real entrance to this tower is probably in reality... You must first get out of the nightmare, enter the interior of the tower in reality, and then return to the hidden nightmare, so that you can truly reach the entrance to the abandoned 'Sea of ​​Chaos'!"

"Well, I'm afraid there is another arrangement at that entrance. After I teleported here before, I immediately fell into some other location in the afternoon town in the 'nightmare', hiding the way I arrived.

"It is conceivable that when the 'Redemption Rose' conspiracy was being planned, the goddess would most likely suddenly appear in the afternoon town in the nightmare every time... and when she left, she would leave the nightmare first, making people think that the transmission channel was not in the nightmare. …

"But after He entered reality, he returned to hiding and teleported away...

"Oh, the entrance to the tower in the nightmare was blocked by the Dark Angel himself!

“Such a design…it’s typically dark under the light!

"Is it the work of the 'God of Luck'? No, it seems that the goddess was definitely involved in the construction of this secret passage connecting the Giant King's Court and the Elf Territory!

“Only His secret authority can hide it from the ‘Giant King’ and the ‘Dark Angel’!

"Of course, I think the cooperation of the Giant Queen is indispensable... no matter who this Giant Queen was originally."

As his thoughts raced, Abner prepared to use Mr. Fool to pull Derrick "The Sun" out of his nightmare, destroy the "balance" point between the nightmare and reality, and enter the real Afternoon Town.

——If the "balance" had not been broken before, it would not be so easy for him to get out.

But at this moment, Abner suddenly saw a man wearing tight black clothes being dragged from reality into the church of nightmare by three men in the same clothes. One of the draggers looked similar to the one being dragged. The man being dragged was almost identical, the only difference being that he had a gloomy expression and a dull complexion.

Seeing this scene, Abner immediately judged that the person being dragged was a member of the Silver City exploration team, and the other three were the shadows of him and his teammates!

Seeing that the man was about to be carried onto the altar and undergo some kind of transformation ritual, Abner had no choice but to temporarily lift the "secret barrier" and reveal his body.

——Now that we have encountered it and there is not much danger, we can’t just ignore it.

Of course, considering that there is a believer of the True Creator in Silver City, he did not reveal his true face, but put on the "vest" of the "professor", and at the same time transformed into a formal suit common in Loen, and put it on the marble Outside the armor.

As soon as he appeared, the surrounding space was dyed golden and spread out layer by layer.

The man with the same face as the kidnapped man immediately opened his mouth and let out a silent scream after being covered by the golden light. But he soon burned on his own, turning into a twisted shadow, and was engulfed inch by inch in the light and flames. Dissolve.

As for the expressions of the other two people, they were equally ferocious. Their bodies were dimming rapidly. Just two seconds later, the two of them disappeared completely like shadows illuminated by light.

Bang bang bang!

White bones and balls of flesh and blood fell from their bodies and hit the floor.

Little bits of light are slowly emitting from the interior of these wreckage...that is their extraordinary characteristic!

——Unlike the lucky guy being dragged, his teammates have been completely swallowed by his own shadow.

At the same time, the three priests in front of the statue in the church did not make any movement. They were still crawling there, repeating the same confession words over and over again, just like illusory images that were left behind due to the environment.

Abner ignored them, but came to the rescued man who was still in a dazed state, and asked with a smile in Giant language: "Are you okay...what do you call me?"

Hearing the question, the man woke up from a dream. He glanced at Abner warily, but considering that the other party had just saved him and he was obviously in a strange place, he still answered the question cautiously:

"I'm not hurt...Thank you for your help."

His thanks were indeed sincere, but he did not state his name.

Abner didn't care either. After picking up the extraordinary characteristics of the other two, he put away his smile and sighed: "This is the legacy of your companions... take it back and give it to their relatives.

"By the way, you can call me Mr. Tower, or Mr. Professor."

With Abner's current net worth, he would not covet two mid-sequence attributes, so he chose to hand it over to the other party to release his goodwill.

The man looked gloomy, but he still took the attribute, then saluted Abner and repeated what he had just said: "Thank you, Mr. Professor."

But this time, his tone was much more sincere.

"You're welcome, I'm actually a friend of Derrick Berg..." Abner chuckled, then changed the subject, clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I'll take you out of this nightmare now."

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to ask questions, he identified the "crack" between the nightmare and reality that appeared due to the "balance" being broken, and then used the "Hand of Lyon" to pull up the man and walk through it together.

——Finding weaknesses and loopholes is a special skill of the "Reader" path, and "Leon's Hand" is the secret technique that Abner taught Susie and Audrey... Although only Susie learned it .

As soon as Abner and the man entered reality, they happened to bump into the chief and his party, and then heard Derrick the Sun across from him say in a voice full of surprise:

"Mr. Tower? Why are you here?!"

In response, Abner was not in a hurry to answer, and only used his eyes to signal Derrick to stay calm until the man named La Roja completed the examination and reported to "Chief" Colin what had just happened. Finally, he smiled, then took off the transformed hat, pressed his hand on his chest, saluted everyone in Silver City, and said:

"It's our first time meeting you. I'm glad to see you all here."

As he spoke, he looked at the "Chief" and said with an inexplicable admiration, "Especially His Excellency Colin Iliad, your name is often mentioned by Derrick, and it is like thunder in my ears. Loud.”

"I'm also very happy to meet you...Mr. Tower." Although Colin did not lower his guard, he also responded to Abner's previous kindness. "In addition, thank you very much for saving my team members." .”

"It's's just a pity that I couldn't save the other two people." Abner pretended to be regretful.

The two parties tentatively exchanged a few words, and then thanked each other for the "gear book" and "projector" that they found. Colin then asked the question he most wanted to know the answer to:

"Mr. Tower, is it Mr. Fool's order that you come to Afternoon Town this time?"

"I came to the 'Land Abandoned by Gods' under the guidance of a great being. I do have a mission..." Abner did not answer directly. After giving a vague answer, he directly changed the subject and said, "It's just a coincidence that I met you. Please don’t tell others about your meeting with me.”

It's not that he doesn't want to bring the people of Silver City into the normal world, but that at least for now, he can't expose the passage connecting Bayam and Afternoon Town.

If he had not entered the reality of the God-Abandoned Land, the "Secret Barrier" would no longer be able to be used...or in other words, it would fall directly back into the nightmare once used. Abner did not want to meet the people of Silver City at all.

But since the meeting was unavoidable, he simply helped "Taiyang" stand up so that he could be taken more seriously.

After all, his appearance, in the eyes of Colin and others, means that Mr. Fool has the ability to send people from the outside in.

And since you can come in, you can go out!

On the other side, Colin agreed to Abner's request for confidentiality without hesitation, and seriously warned the three people around him.

In this regard, Abner nodded as if he was satisfied, and then left a sentence, "Derrick is very popular in our party. Whether it is 'The World', 'The Hanged Man', or me, they are all very fond of him." After appreciating it, he said goodbye and left, ostensibly heading outside the town.

In fact, he turned back halfway and used "psychological invisibility" to watch Colin, Derrick and his group from a distance.

He didn't dare to get too close. After all, "Demon Hunters" were also good at dealing with monsters that were invisible and had a weak sense of presence...

If the chief finds out, the image he just created will be completely ruined... and Mr. Fool's credibility may be implicated.

In this way, he witnessed Colin asking the priests in the church for the names of the other "kings", only for the priest to burn himself when he was about to pronounce the true name of "Eternal Blazing Sun".

Witnessed Colin, Derrick and others fighting fiercely against many monsters and winning...

Witnessing Colin finally realizing the danger hidden in the "Court of Giants", he knew not to be impatient, but to prepare for half a year, a year, or even two years and conduct preliminary explorations again and again...

Witnessed Colin's final decision to set up camp at the ruins of the crashed floating city.

After everything calmed down, Abner carefully came to the collapsed church again and walked into the almost completely destroyed tower next to it.

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