In the only tavern in Kabasi town, the team's "golden master" Wallace briefly summarized today's exploration results and announced that he was free to move around, but emphasized that he must return here before it gets completely dark.

After saying that, he entered the only room in the bar alone - he had previously spent 1 gold pound to let the bar owner's son give up his room.

After completely sealing the room with his spirituality, the young man wiped his face with his hand and revealed his true face...a face that belonged to Abner!

It turned out that not long after Abner was "teleported" to the small town of Kabasi, he discovered that the organizer of this team was contaminated with the aura of a high-ranking existence, and could become the medium for that existence to come at any time.

So after a brief thought, he "invited" Mr. Wallace into his "Alvin's Answer Maze" and temporarily trapped him in it.

To this day, Abner has determined that the "Answer Maze" is indeed created by the extraordinary characteristics of an alien planet, and its status is equivalent to that of an angel. Even if the "Dragon of Fantasy" comes in person, because he is not familiar with that way, he wants to It's not that easy to get out, let alone just a "container".

"However, Angelweed, the Dragon of Fantasy, deliberately arranged Elizabeth and Daxter into this expedition. He probably had the intention of using them as hostages to blackmail Klein, right?

"What a good plan!

"But he doesn't understand human nature...or in other words, he doesn't understand Klein...

"Mr. Fool is not a person who will only compromise when threatened... He may be timid sometimes, but if you use his friends like this, you have to be prepared to bear his revenge!

"Angelweed is really smart..."

With a slight sigh, Abner took out the "magic mirror" and let it use its "devil" ability to spy on other members of the team.

"Speaking of which, the composition of this team is really complicated... On the surface, the one with the highest ranking is Wallace, who was thrown into the maze by me, a 'hypnotist'...

"But in fact, he has a Sequence 5 'Chaos Mentor' among his followers... This should be the bodyguard sent to him by his family, but I didn't find this when I 'viewed' his memories before. Maybe he doesn't even know it himself.

“And that Professor Mosar is not an ordinary person, but a genuine ‘archaeologist’, and he should have no shortage of powerful extraordinary items in his hands.

"Of the rest, only Dast Guderian and Stephen Hampres are worthy of attention, because they may be the backbone of the 'Dragon of Utopia' arrangement."

When she was thinking in her heart, the feedback from the "magic mirror" also came, and other people could be glimpsed into their thoughts. Even Elizabeth's secret feelings sealed in her heart were revealed, except for Stephen Hampres's. There seems to be a layer of fog shrouding the mind, making it impossible for the "magic mirror" to grasp accurately.

But the "inability to pry" itself exposed his problem.

"It seems that even in this team, there is a light and dark arrangement. Wallace on the bright side is easier to identify. He is just a target or bait. Stephen Hampres should be his real back-up man. .

"What should we do now? Capture Stephen into the 'Maze' together?"

"Hmm... My intuition tells me that doing so may not be effective. Instead, it may allow him to complete the arrangement more calmly, destroy the 'secret' at the critical moment, and let the Hidden Sage notice Yaluo Lan..."

After thinking carefully, Abner closed the "Pure White Eyes" and used his ability to make a "prophecy."

——From the previous "Destiny" simulation, we can know that using the uniqueness of "Wheel of Fortune" in Kabasi Town may attract Ourolius.


When the revelation of the "prophecy" appeared before his eyes, Abner's eyes suddenly lit up and he thought to himself:

"Yes, the other party is the back-up man of the 'Dragon of Utopia', and his methods may be very strong. I can't guarantee that I can stop him..."

"But to think about it differently, since I can't stop it, then let Him fail!

"After all, as long as you are unlucky enough, even mechanical transformation with a success rate of almost 100% can fail, not to mention that the possibility of destroying Yarolan's 'secret' is not too high."

Thinking of this, Abner suddenly became enlightened, and then he opened the "Pure White Eyes" and directly used the "mimicry" ability that could only be learned by the original "insighter" to transform into the "incomplete mythical form" of the "monster" path - the giant snake. !

In the "giant snake" state, Abner clearly sensed the existence of the "God of Luck", which was something he had never experienced before when he "mimicked" the star insect.

Abner speculated that Alvin might have been "hidden" in the goddess' "Land of Night", so he didn't find anything during the last "mimicry".

And now, since we can sense the "God of Luck", we can naturally take advantage of the "bad luck" in Him that far exceeds "luck"!

The next moment, the power of the "Mage of Doom" quietly fell on Stephen Hampres, who was chatting with Dust.

Immediately afterwards, this thirty-year-old gentleman in a gray tuxedo who cared about his own dignity first felt uneasy, and then saw several children from the town running past, and the puddles they accidentally stepped on Suddenly a few drops of mud splashed out and landed on Stephen's clothes.

This result made Stephen furious as if he couldn't control his emotions, and scolded several children.

Dast on the side saw this scene and couldn't help but frowned. He felt that the gentleman in front of him had lost his grace, and the smell of the perfume on his body was also quite strange. It didn't look like a men's product, but a "confused" one for women. As a result, his original desire to make friends faded away, and he only had a few words before turning around to find Elizabeth.

Stephen was quite upset about this. It was rare for him to meet a very desirable target. He originally wanted to close the distance step by step and finally trick him into sleeping with him...

Yes, Stephen's sexual orientation is different from ordinary people, and he is the relatively weak one.

Abner, who observed this scene through the "magic mirror", nodded with satisfaction. With such "bad luck" on his side, it would be difficult for him to succeed in whatever he did tonight.

Next, as time passed by and the sun gradually set, Abner looked through the window and watched the roofs of every house in the town change from orange to light red, and then to blue... Finally, when everyone After the colors bloomed for a brief moment, they gradually dimmed until they were dim and dull.

The dark night has also fallen at this moment!

When Abner was about to go to the hall of the tavern to summon the expedition team and let them act according to his own arrangements, he suddenly noticed that the black gem given by the goddess on his chest was shining dimly again.

It seems that as long as he wants, he can call upon the "nightmare" power surrounding the town at will and enter the deepest level of "secret".

Abner also suddenly woke up at this moment:

"It turns out that the gift given by the goddess that day was not just for the trip to 'Afternoon Town'...

"It turns out that the goddess has arrived a long time ago and I will meet Yaluo Lan and provide the most convenient way...

"No wonder I had a hunch that asking the goddess for help in this matter would have a higher success rate.

"No wonder the revelation from my active 'prophecy' just now was 'bad luck'..."

"It not only refers to the ability of 'misfortune', but also implies the 'Queen of Misfortune'!

"In addition, Yaluolan's spell 'Mysterious Reappearance - The Lost Kingdom of Night' is originally using the 'hidden' power of the goddess... In addition, the real reason for the 'Disappearance of the Kingdom of Night' is probably at the level of the True God and the King of Angels" The secret, but Yaluolan happened to be able to know...

"I originally thought it was the previous 'I' who told me...but now it seems that may not be the case.

"Yalo Lan, she may have a certain tacit understanding with the goddess!

"Vera said that she must have a back-up plan and would not be easily caught by the 'Hidden Sage'... Maybe this 'back-up plan' is bigger than I thought!"


Kavin, my brain is muddled again, so let’s stop here.

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