Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 84 The “Polite” Messenger Lady

At night, due to the introduction of "air pollution" related laws after the great smog incident, the clouds above Backlund became lighter and thinner, and the light of the crimson moon made the dim streets a little brighter.

However, there was thick fog shrouding the villa of Her Royal Highness Vera at No. 5 Williams Street in the West End, blocking all peeps.

"That old dragon has realized some things after the failure of this plan, and will not provoke you easily again." Vera sat on the bed, tidied her pajamas, and looked at Abu not far away. Nadao said, "In addition, He also specifically mentioned that the box and the little girl holding the box are at your disposal as an apology for this offense."

After Abner finished his small meeting with Audrey, he rushed here to learn about the follow-up to last night's incident. When he heard this, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "The 'Dragon of Fantasy' is really good at it. A favor for Shun Shui..."

You know, Esilante and the "Corrupted Box" are his trophies, so using this to apologize is really stingy.

"Of course it's more than that..." Her Highness Vera shook her finger and added, "He also promised one thing, provided an information, and gave a suggestion."

"Commitment, intelligence and advice? What are they?" Abner became interested and asked curiously.

“The promise is that He will transfer the identity of ‘Arrogance’ to you at the right time in the future…

“And the information is about Mr. Gluttony who is stationed in ‘Conston City’.

"He said that this gentleman has lived for at least 500 years relying on a sealed artifact that matches 'Gluttony'... It's just that he keeps changing his identity, so few people notice it. If his mind is not gradually decaying, even Angel-level dragons can't find it either." Vera quickly recounted the promise and information of the "Dragon King", leaving only the "suggestions" unsaid.

"Arrogant" identity? It is indeed more useful at the right time...such as when "cheating" George III...

Mr. Gluttony from Constant City? Does this information have anything to do with me? Why go out of your way to tell me?

Hmm... The only thing related to Constant City in my current "task list" is to investigate the cause of "Silica"'s death... Is there any connection between Mr. "Gluttony" who has lived for more than 500 years and Silica's death? What's the connection?

At least he is an important suspect or clue provider, otherwise the "Dragon of Fantasy" would not specifically name him as an "apology."

As his thoughts were spinning, Abner looked at Vera again and asked, "What is your final suggestion?"

Vera opened her mouth, and after trying several times, she shook her head and said, "Whose suggestion does it involve? Even if I use 'mist' to cover it, I can't tell because I am only at the 'angel' level." exit.

"That suggestion, He doesn't mind that I know, but can't tell you."

With that said, Vera pointed to the night sky outside the window, and continued, "In my opinion, He should have done this on purpose to destroy your trust in that one,"

Something involving the goddess that I can't know about yet? It’s a very simple tactic to alienate people, but it goes straight to people’s hearts!

Of course, even without His hand, I can't really trust a god... This method is actually disgusting... Neither I nor the goddess care too much at this stage.

Abner shook his head slightly and lost interest in the so-called "suggestion".

Seeing this, Vera narrowed her eyes, and then returned to her original state. She only reminded: "The 'King of Dragons' is not a generous existence. He suffered a loss this time, although there is a high probability that there will be no others in a short time." Action, but he will definitely find an opportunity to have to be careful."

"I understand!" Abner nodded solemnly.

In fact, Abner, who was marked by two goddesses and carried an angel-level clone with him, was not too worried about this.

Next, after Abner and Vera reviewed the knowledge of the mythical creature forms of the "Black Emperor" path, he "politely" said goodbye and left.

After watching his figure disappear, Vera withdrew the "mist", looked at the crimson sky alone, and said silently to herself:

"Before he becomes Sequence 3 and his divinity is further consolidated, we can no longer have close contact with him... Once the balance is broken... Forget it, with that person watching, it is unlikely to reach that point..."

Friday morning at a manor outside Bayam.

Okefa Connor Chris, who had obvious Feneborter characteristics, sold the "Death Knell" revolver to Klein for 9,000 pounds under Anderson's introduction.

After introducing the advantages and negative effects of this revolver, this middle-aged man who was a little fat, had a round face, and looked quite amiable added:

"By the way, if it's just for carrying, it won't be a big problem. It's just that it makes you thirsty easily. Drinking more water and going to the bathroom will solve the problem."

Now Herman always has a "reasonable" reason to go to the bathroom... Klein laughed at himself and said "hmm":

"I'll give it a try, and if there's no problem, I'll close the deal."

Of course, he didn't really want to test the gun, which would give him an extra weakness out of thin air. His method was to use spiritual exploration combined with divination and lie detection to check. He did it quite calmly and didn't care about Oakfa and Anderson at all. look.

I'll wait and confirm above the gray fog... However, Oakfa shouldn't dare to lie to me. He must be afraid of the crazy adventurer's revenge afterwards. After all, he has returned to a stable and peaceful life, with a wife and children... Klein put the "Death Knell" on the table, lifted the suitcase, and took out the huge sum of 9,000 pounds that he had brought to the real world from above the gray fog to "disperse the smell".

Okefa took the money, quickly counted it, and initially confirmed the authenticity and total amount.

After exchanging a few insults with Anderson, Okefa was about to ask the valet to send them away when he heard the cold adventurer in front of him calmly say: "Can I borrow the bathroom?"

Okfa was stunned for several seconds before he reacted, nodded and said: "Of course."

After saying that, he called a servant and asked him to lead Klein to the guest bathroom in the corner of the first floor.

After Klein was completely out of sight, he said incredulously: "The side effects of 'Death Knell' took effect so quickly? This is wrong... Could it be that it has not been used for too long, causing the effects to accumulate?"

Anderson opened his mouth and let out a laugh:

"Okefa, maybe you should guess in another direction...for example, could this be a problem with his own body?

"You know, when he was on the Future, he always went to the bathroom."

"Aren't you worried that Gehrman will give you a shot?" Okfa obviously understood the provocation talent of the strongest hunter, but he did not expect that the other party would be bold enough to allude to the crazy adventurer's kidney problem.

"Tsk, although he is cold and crazy, he is not unreasonable." Anderson said "tsk", "As long as it is the truth, he will not deny it."

Okfa looked at him deeply, then took a step back decisively, keeping a distance from him.

You must know that the bathroom is just around the corner, and with the strength shown by the crazy adventurer, you might be able to hear it.

In fact, Klein did hear it, but although he wanted to shoot Anderson at this time, he still had to accept the letter sent by Miss Messenger first.

Yes, the reason why he entered the bathroom was because he noticed the "reminder" given by Miss "Messenger".

——Ever since Sharon successfully advanced to Demigod and communicated with Miss Messenger, the latter has become much more "polite" and at least will give Klein some "warning" before emerging from the spirit world. .

Klein then quickly scanned the letter and found out that the sender was Daniz. The "well-known pirate" said that "Vice Admiral Iceberg" wanted to see him for something and hoped that he could confirm the time and place of the meeting.

As soon as his eyes left the letter, Klein heard the four heads of Miss Messenger Reinette Tinichole say in turn:

"I want to..." "See you..." "The person..." "Is..."

"That..." "carrying..." "the devil..." "the resentful soul..."

Carrying the resentment of the devil? This combination is a bit scary... Who are you talking about?

Wait, I remember Abner mentioned to me once that "Pale Admiral" Maria has "devil" characteristics sealed in her body, and as one of the five survivors of the experiment eleven years ago, Probably not as "holy" as it appears...

Besides, this is not messenger can actually work as a spy? Well, speaking of which, He also worked as a thug for Abner, but the fee was a bit expensive... Klein complained while thinking:

"Have you explored the 'Golden Dream'?"

"Sharon..." "Please me..." "Help you..." "Early warning..." Reinette stared at Klein with the head in her hand and spoke again.


Kawenjia has a stomachache~~I can only show a story about Klein first.

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