Constant City, inside a single-family house at No. 9 Hyacinthus Street.

Valentine was leaning at the table, reading a book on psychology and writing and drawing at the same time.

He is less than thirty years old, with neat black hair and calm brown eyes. There is nothing memorable about his appearance, but he has a temperament that is unforgettable at first sight.

Only three years ago, he was an ordinary public school teacher, living a life of poverty and being able to see everything at a glance. But by chance, he joined an organization called "Psychological Alchemy Society". Now Not only did he own the single-family house he had dreamed of before, he also became a Sequence 7 Extraordinary.

This level is already mid-sequence in modern times, even within Conston's organization, it is already middle-upper level.

And the reason why he was promoted so quickly was entirely because he was appreciated by that adult and given him the corresponding extraordinary materials.

Of course, it is also inseparable from his rigorous logical thinking, and he summed up the "acting method" in less than half a year.

At the party organized not long ago, he took over a task issued by the adult to turn a local factory owner and his partner, a businessman doing transnational business, into enemies.

Valentin conducted an investigation after accepting the task and found out that not only did the factory owner and the businessman have a good personal relationship, but the factory owner's only daughter was the fiancée of the businessman's eldest son...

It can be said that if nothing unexpected happens, the connection between the two parties will only become closer and closer until they become a family.

Therefore, in order to complete the task, Valentine used some means, taking advantage of the weakness of young people who were not well-informed, to make the businessman's son fall in love with a socialite, and designed the factory owner's daughter to break up the adultery between them...

Then, he used his extraordinary ability to "guide" the girl to an extreme. It was reasonable and logical for him to commit suicide by jumping into the river and would not arouse suspicion.

And the only daughter died because of this. No matter how good the personal relationship between the factory owner and the businessman was, it was highly likely that they would turn against each other...

What's more, Valentine also arranged several back-ups to ensure that this matter goes according to his ideas.

"I really enjoy this feeling of controlling other people in the palm of my hand and playing around with them more and more!" Valentin sighed, but he didn't think there was anything wrong with his idea. In his opinion, the strong dominates the weak. It's normal, just like when he was a public school teacher, he never paid attention to bullying incidents among students.

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door. Valentine thought the "good news" had arrived, so he slowly drank a cup of coffee before saying "come in."

Soon, a man walked in with a portable camera hanging on his chest.

"How's it going? Did you take the photo?" Valentine put down his coffee cup and said leisurely, "This news may become the headline of our newspaper and drive more sales."

It is worth mentioning that Mr. Valentine is now the owner of a tabloid newspaper. After he "hinted" the factory owner's daughter, he ordered his reporters to "just happen to" take photos of jumping into the river.

Of course, he would definitely have to make the reporter forget some things afterwards, so that he would just think that he was just passing by by chance.

"Boss, that lady hesitated for a long time and finally didn't jump into the river..." the reporter who entered the office said helplessly.

"What?" Valentin raised his head, showing a shocked look for the first time. He stared at his men and asked, "Did something happen around her? Tell me in detail what you saw. "

The reporter was taken aback by the boss's attitude, but he still told his story honestly. According to him, the lady just leaned on the railing and looked at the river for a while, then stood on the river bank for a while and then went back.

how so? How did she get over my suggestion? The more Valentine listened, the deeper his frown deepened, and finally asked: "Where is she now?"

"She should have gone to the Rand Club...she wanted to vent her frustration by playing tennis and other sports." The reporter replied.

This reason was his speculation. After all, he couldn't get into a high-end club.

"That's seems like I have to go see for myself what's going on."

Valentin thought for a while, used his ability to clear his men's memories, then picked up his coat and put it on his body, and wanted to take a car to the Rand Club.

Unlike his reporters, he has members there.

But as soon as he went out, he saw several policemen pointing at him from a distance and saying something to a man wearing red gloves next to him.

The "Red Gloves" of the Church of Night? ! Was my move discovered? How can this be? I was so careful, and tried to make the development as reasonable as possible every time I made a move... Those scum in the organization who directly hypnotized other people's whole families and took over other people's identities were not discovered. How could it be possible that I was exposed?

But seeing that Red Glove had already looked over, Valentin did not dare to delay. He immediately took out the life-saving charm given by the adult and recited the incantation "Teleport" in ancient Hermes.

The next moment, he appeared in a dim building in front of a man whose face was covered with a mask.

Seeing this, Valentin was about to salute and tell him what had been exposed, but before he could take action, he saw the "adult" in front of him took off his mask, revealing a young and handsome face.

"It seems that you don't know who he is... you don't even know where this building is. He is brought in blindfolded every time he attends a party, right?"

After saying that, the young man sighed and then snapped his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Valentin was surprised to find that he was back in the office again, still holding the coat in his hand but not putting it on, as if everything just happened was just a dream.

The only difference was that instead of his reporters, there were two people standing in front of him, a man and a woman.

The woman has a lazy temperament and beautiful appearance; the man looks exactly like the "adult" he just saw taking off his mask.

Although Valentin's mentality was inflated, he was not a fool. Seeing such a scene, he quickly understood what was happening. The man and woman in front of him were obviously powerful extraordinary beings. They must have weaved a dream just now and wanted to find out about the organization. And the secret of that adult.

As soon as he thought of this, he saw the man opposite him take out a monocle and put it on his eyes, and then he said to himself:

"Although the information obtained is limited, there are still some gains...

"Do you really think you've been appreciated? Haha, there's also the 'acting method'. He really took great pains to make you feel that he acted it out by himself, arranging so many scenes to remind you... Even so, you... It took the loser half a year to realize it.

"The reason why he did this is simply to train you to Sequence 5 as soon as possible, and then 'eat' you to obtain certain characteristics of the source of your bloodline.

"The only reason why he appreciates you is that you have a good ancestor!

"So that's it. The 'sealed object' mentioned by the 'Dragon of Fantasy' should have the ability to swallow flesh, flesh and soul, and acquire the 'characteristics' of the ancestors of the devoured ones..."

“But the person being swallowed cannot be too weak, at least it must be at the level of Sequence 5.

"The half of Silica's soul may have been swallowed by this sealed object... As a descendant of the God of Death, the power provided by her bloodline source is obviously not bad.

"'Gluttony'...this title is not wrong.

"However, the ability of that sealed artifact does not seem to be within the 22 pathways..."

This was also the last sentence Valentin heard. After that, he completely lost consciousness.

The handsome man was naturally Abner. After using "Amon's monocle" to decipher the code, he took it off and put it away, and said to Fors next to him:

"The 'Psychological Alchemy Society' gathering in Constant City will only be held next week. By then, with the help of Mr. Valentine's identity, we can truly get close to 'Gluttony' and find out his background."

Forsi blinked when he heard this and thought blankly: What does this have to do with me? Why tell me?

Outside the nameless desert island, on the "Golden Dream".

After Klein exchanged greetings with the two pirate generals, "Vice Admiral Iceberg" and "Admiral Pale", he heard what his "Messenger" said "with the grudge of the devil":

“I have determined that Senior has landed on Blue Mountain Island in order to track down Hermoshuin and is preparing to surround and kill him next Tuesday.

"Do you want to come along?"

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