Mystery: Start with the Reader

Chapter 88 Leonard is frustrated

"Old man, are you sure?" Leonard pretended to smooth down his hanging hair and whispered to himself.

"There can be no mistake. That girl is your 'kind', and the person parasitizing her is either hiding it very well... or I don't know which wild 'stealer' demigod lacks 'common sense'. Or Amon is deliberately 'fishing'." Pales Zoroast's old voice sounded in his ears.

Leonard sneered at this and whispered: "If it were really Amon, would you take the initiative to talk to me now?"

"Yes, I have finally grown up, and my analysis this time is good." Pales was not annoyed. Instead, he laughed "haha" and praised, "I am finally willing to use my brain to think about the problem!"

The corners of Leonard's mouth twitched a few times, feeling that the old man was "connoting" himself.

"Find a way to get closer to her. I need to make some confirmations." Pales suggested.

"How to get close? What excuse?" Leonard asked subconsciously.

"A dance is being held here..." Pales stated the surrounding environment rather helplessly.

Hearing this, Leonard was stunned for a second, and then glanced at Abner Brain, who had just danced the opening dance with a socialite on the dance floor. Only then did he react, and then straightened his collar and hair, He walked straight to Miss Emma at the dining table.

Yes, because of his private investigation into Viscount Abner Braine, Leonard had seen this young lady’s information, so he recognized her.

But halfway, he felt a little strange. After all, there was no one around such a beautiful lady to invite her to dance.

"Miss Emma, ​​can I ask you to dance?" Leonard said after making a move that he thought was very handsome.

Emma glanced at him a few times, then turned her head and said unceremoniously:

"I don't dance with strange men!"

"Huh?" Leonard, who stretched out his hand halfway before realizing he was rejected, was immediately confused.

On the other side, Abner, who had skipped the opening dance, was walking among the invited guests. While exchanging pleasantries, he described his plans for Beldan City.

But unfortunately, most people are actually more interested in his film company, and their response to the "Beldan City" project is slightly lukewarm.

But this was what Abner expected, and he was not disappointed... Anyway, investing in "movies" is the same. As long as the money is in your hands, you can spend it however you want?

After all, the current film industry is still in the stage of wild growth. Directors and producers are all held by the company's own people. Don't you have the final say on where the money is spent?

As long as 80% of the budget is used to build a location in Beldan, doesn't it count as a disguised investment in the construction of the territory?

In this way, Abner stopped and walked among the people drinking wine, and soon came to a middle-aged man with black hair and brown eyes, deep facial features, and a typical Loen appearance.

He wears a silk top hat, has a slender face, and has a rather cold temperament, but it is not the gloomy type that makes people feel uncomfortable, but the kind that has the connotation of night.

"Mr. Patrick Blaine?" Abner asked with a smile while holding the wine glass.

"Hello, Viscount Braine... I am Patrick." As he said this, the man looked at Abner carefully for several times before sighing, "When I heard the reputation of 'heroic detective' before, I often talked to other The clansmen said that your achievements are already comparable to mine...but now, I feel that my original words were still too arrogant."

Lu En's implicitness always makes people smile knowingly when he praises others.

Abner nodded thoughtfully, and under close contact, part of the other party's "River of Destiny" also appeared in his eyes. Although he could not see too much from this, he could still confirm that the other party was indeed A blood relative of my own body.

Therefore, Abner showed a "polite" smile and began to chat with the "experiment" demigod cultivated by the "Spiritual Religion" artificial death faction in front of him, and took the initiative to lead the topic in the direction of the "people" .

After all, it is still too difficult to obtain the blood of a demigod silently, even if the other party lacks a lot of knowledge in the field of mysticism. In the original work, he was evaluated by Miss "Messenger" as "immortal..." and "fool..."

"The construction of my territory requires a lot of manpower. Can you recommend some outstanding 'tribesmen'? After all, your own people are always more trustworthy." Abner smiled and made his "request", and at the same time, he also asked the family for help. Out came the "olive branch".

Patrick smiled sincerely when he heard this and immediately recommended three young people with college degrees.

One, Nelem, graduated from Backlund Technical College and is currently an employee of a construction company;

One named Beaton graduated from the History Department of Tingen University and was considered Klein’s senior;

The last one is named Confer. Abner has never heard of the university he graduated from, but his major is more relevant to the film company-acting department.

Patrick even admitted that Confer was actually his illegitimate son. Although his surname was not "Blane", he was a good actor and had appeared in many plays. However, he was always ostracized because of his background and was unable to get ahead.

There should be no problem with Nelem and Biton. They are the normal so-called elites of the Blaine family. They just want to make a career with me... This can be regarded as each having their own needs. Just treat them as selling their blood.

As for Confer...I'm afraid he is an extraordinary person...Is he studying "acting" major to "act" better?

Haha, maybe he was a "gift" from Patrick after he drank the extra potion...

Well, this illegitimate son most likely still believes in the "God of Death"... Does Patrick want to use him to preach in my territory?

Thinking about it carefully, there seems to be no problem with this... Anyway, before long, the "God of Death" will be the vest of the "Goddess"... It doesn't matter if you believe in Him...

With the help of Patrick's disturbance of his "destiny", Abner observed more "tributaries", and many thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind.

Next, after instructing Patrick to have the three young men report to him as soon as possible, Abner passed him and walked to where Viscount Horatio and his family were holding the wine glass.

Then, he witnessed Leonard being rejected.

Abner chuckled secretly in his heart, but also quickened his pace, because Leonard's unusual behavior, coupled with "Lion" Leon's previous reminder, made him sure that there must be something wrong with Emma.

In order to play the role of "scammer", Emma often teased the men who invited her to dance parties, which often made people unable to get off the stage, so she had a "weird" reputation.

But at that time, people mostly talked behind their backs and would not say anything to their faces.

But after Duke Negan was assassinated and her father was deposed, all kinds of unpleasant words began to be spoken, which made her reputation even worse... although she didn't care.

However, just because she doesn't care doesn't mean her mother doesn't care.

So, after Emma unceremoniously rejected Leonard's invitation, Mrs. Norma finally couldn't help but reprimand her.

But at this moment, Abner's voice came at the right time:

"Miss, do I have the honor to invite you to dance?"

Seeing this, Emma smiled, immediately put the glass of champagne in her hand on the tray in the waiter's hand, and responded politely:

"It's also an honor for me."

This completely different attitude surprised Mrs. Norma and she looked at Abner several times in surprise.

It also made Leonard Mitchell, who had not gone far, suddenly become "aggrieved".

Abner Brain is obviously not much more handsome than me!


I have something to do at home today, so I got the temporary code for my mobile phone in this chapter~~The quality may not be very high~~

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