In the bedroom, Emma, ​​who had taken a shower and put on pajamas, fell down on her soft big bed and said to herself:

"I'm really not used to dealing with this kind of social scene. Compared to the 'dance', I prefer to go out at night to attend extraordinary parties, and quietly steal items that other extraordinary people have struggled to exchange."

"And then quietly return it? I have to say, you are really a failed fire thief." Flora Jacob, the "parasite" who "resided" in her body, mocked.

Although she couldn't hurt Emma because of the "contract", she never showed weakness in words.

Emma was used to Flora's provocation and didn't take it seriously. She just smiled and said: "The so-called stealing of fire means stealing a person's most precious thing... and according to my experience, an item It always goes through a lot of hardships. It is the most precious in people's hearts when they just get it. Stealing it at this time will have the best effect of 'acting'.

"And according to what the teacher said, 'return' is also part of the role of the 'Fire Thief'."

Flora was speechless, but she still said disdainfully: "You really trust your teacher! Aren't you afraid that he actually has the same bad intentions as me?"

The "contract" she had with her was made by the teacher the other party called her, so she hated that person so much that she would sow discord whenever she had the chance.

"It would be easy for the teacher to deal with me, there is no need to go to such trouble... As for the possibility of him using me? Isn't that normal? If he didn't have other purposes, how could a powerful demigod make an 'investment' in me? ?

"At least the reward he paid me in advance not only includes the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 6 and Sequence 5, as well as the corresponding occult knowledge, but also you, the 'bodyguard' at the demigod level... To me, this is full of sincerity. Isn't it?

"You have to know how many extraordinary people are willing to risk their lives for these things...I am no exception."

Emma actually thought very clearly about the teacher who suddenly appeared, so after a few casual remarks, she changed the subject, held her face with both hands, and said enthusiastically:

"Having said that, Abner is really becoming more and more attractive... If I weren't destined to become a big shot in the extraordinary world in the future, and didn't have worldly thoughts, I would really have to compete with my good sister Fanny."

"That is indeed an attractive man...but he is not worthy of you now, let alone your friend! So, stop dreaming!" Flora sarcastically said again.

"What do you say?" Emma was not annoyed after hearing this, but asked with interest.

She had always known that Abner was very powerful, but she didn't know what level it was. Now listening to Flora's words, it seemed that she had detected something through close contact.

"I'm sure that man is already a demigod! Even if he hides it very well, it's impossible to hide it in front of a 'parasite'!" Flora said this and glanced at Emma contemptuously. He continued, "So, I am already a big shot in the extraordinary world. You, a mid-level thief, should stop dreaming."

"Abner is already a demigod?" Emma's face showed a look of surprise, and then she laughed wantonly, "He is indeed the man that Fanny and I have chosen, but he pushed us away in less than a year. The door between humans and gods has acquired divinity!”

After saying that, she turned over and lay on the bed, looked at the luxuriously decorated ceiling, smiled and said to herself: "Abner is so fascinating regardless of his identity, status, strength, appearance and stories... It must be Backlund is the dream lover and beloved object of many girls...

"If I steal his heart and then 'return' it after I get it... Well, or abandon him, will the 'Fire Thief' potion be able to be fully digested?

"In this way, it's not like I'm sorry to Fanny."

"I think you will pay for it in the end!" Flora sneered and badmouthed her again.

"Hmph, I won't argue with you, an old woman with no love experience!" Emma snorted.

"You sound like you have experience... Also, I have to emphasize that I am actually only twenty-nine years old this year, so I am not old!"

Emma just had a few words with the demigod of the Jacob family who was "parasitizing" on her body, and then fell asleep.

In her sleep, she achieved her goal and became a very important figure in the extraordinary world. Even the Pope of the Church of the Seven Gods was very polite to her...

Just when she became famous and began to enjoy the service of an outstanding man like Abner Brain, an old man about fifty or sixty years old, with half-white hair, but whose face could not be seen clearly, suddenly appeared in this dream.

He didn't even look in Emma's direction, but went straight into her spiritual island... After all, this kind of "dream" was a very common thing in his eyes, just some delusions of ordinary people.

However, what he didn't notice was that the Abner who appeared in Emma's dream suddenly turned his head, glanced meaningfully at his back, and then became less agile again, like a marionette, and Emma Let’s drink and be merry together.

After entering Emma's soul island, the old man quickly saw the soul of the "parasite" Flora Jacob who lived here on the periphery.

The two spiritual islands are connected to each other. Although they have a tendency to merge, they are distinct.

"Tell me, what happened at today's party?" The old man relied on the loophole in his mind that he had created long ago, and through "deception", he made the other party's mind regard him as the master.

As for Flora Jacob, because the occult knowledge she had previously acquired was tampered with by Amon at the top of the sequence, she did not know the dangers of parasitic animals. Although she did not stay with the mouse for too long, she was still affected, even if the knowledge It still exists, but its intelligence has degraded to the point where it is only eleven or twelve years old...

This was also the main reason why, as a demigod, she couldn't help but quarrel with Emma.

Under such circumstances, she was unable to resist the "deception" of a "deception mentor", and the island of the mind soon showed corresponding changes.

But at this moment, a change suddenly occurred. Flora's spiritual island was suddenly "closed", and dozens of tentacle-like ropes were all wrapped around the old man. In a moment, the island was closed. He was trapped.

This was originally the "Rhine-Solomon Crow Lasso" arranged by the old man in Flora's mind, but he didn't expect that it would actually lasso himself at this moment.

At this moment, Abner, who had been waiting in Emma's mind, suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, put on his "monocle" in a playful manner, and stepped into Flora's mind.

"Amon! You are indeed here! is only at the level of Sequence 4, and it is still not the original body!" The old man gritted his teeth as he looked at Abner who suddenly appeared wearing a monocle.

The "pure white" color in Abner's eyes flashed slightly, confirming that the old man in front of him was the so-called "Heart 1" he met in the "Kaspersky" base of the man in black when he went to rescue Edwina. "Actually it's the same person...

In other words, both the old man in front of him and the young man back then are all clones of the "One of Hearts" organization of the men in black.

It turns out that it was Russell's "man in black" who was "manipulating" Emma behind the scenes... In addition to Amon, his target probably also wanted to spy on me!

After all, when I went to rescue Edwina, the man in black didn't seem to be surprised at all. He obviously had relevant information about me...

Moreover, there is a high probability that he also knows about Lao Huang's plan to give birth to Fanny's son.

But this "1 of Hearts" actually has a clone at the third level of Sequence... It's really generous. It seems that Lao Huang didn't have too many crows in the first place.

When Abner was muttering to himself, he saw the tied old man smile strangely, and then heard him say: "Of course I know that this secret technique cannot trap you after a thousand years... so this is actually a trap within a trap. , and I can tell you directly that the key to this game lies with me!"

After all, the old man didn't seem to be afraid of "Amon" stealing his thoughts, and just exposed his thoughts.

But Abner is not really "Amon", so how could he "steal" despite knowing it was a scam? So I just watched from a distance, intending to see what the man in black had to do with the ultimate method to deal with Amon.

"Do you think you can escape without taking the initiative to steal my ideas? It's too late! I have already solved the 'spell' left by the emperor... Although it is not as effective as your own 'decryption', it is enough!"

Before he finished speaking, the old man's body exploded, and pieces of "knowledge" filled Flora's mind, and these "knowledges" were all pointing to a name:

"Liu Bo!"

Seeing this, Abner couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, thinking: I've been looking forward to it for a long time, and this is the result? !

Use my name to "pollute" me?

This man in black, you are such a genius!

At the same time, the "Pure White Eye" also opened automatically, and Abner could clearly sense that there were two more spots in front of the illusory "sun" and "brass eye".

One is very dark and one is lighter.

Deep nature symbolizes Flora, and her heart is now filled with the name "Liu Bo". In Abner's view, when Klein first looked at Xio's crimson stars who had used the "Purification Ritual" to "charge" himself, It won't be so obvious.

And the other shallower one is the "1 of Hearts" who sacrificed his own clone...

Even if the avatar only recited the name of "Liu Bo", his body was still marked by the "Unknown Land".

"It seems that behind the 'Pure White Eye', the space near the illusory sun...may be similar to the ancient palace above the gray fog in terms of personality and reasons for its formation!"

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