"Vice Admiral Deep Sea" is a cautious, calm and decisive person. He hardly has the "violent" temper common in the "Sailor" path. Therefore, after realizing that he could not escape immediately, he simply sat down and took over the other party. The "Black Rand" was taken out of nowhere.

Hal Constantine poured himself a glass, drank it in a rough manner, and asked in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty the Envoy of God, it's a pleasure to see you again, and I'm very grateful for your hospitality... I wonder why you asked me to come back?"

At this moment, Abner was a little disappointed, because after testing some of the "sauce" he added to "Black Rand", it was confirmed that the Hal Constantine in front of him was not the same as the "God of Luck" Oliver Constantine. No blood relationship...

In other words, the other party is not a descendant of himself and Coshinam.

But there are some things that still need to be asked... With this thought in his mind, Abner considered it and asked:

"I want to ask you a few things. If you can answer truthfully, I can guarantee you that Miss Gwen, Miss Lydia and Youngster Tran will not cause you any trouble."

After all, Miss Gwen was not actually harmed in any way, and her uncle was also well taken care of by "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" on the island, so her face should still be useful.

"Vice Admiral Deep Sea" Hal perked up after hearing this. He thought for a while and expressed his stance: "As long as I know, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"Very good..." Abner smiled and nodded, and then said solemnly, "First question, why did you change your last name to 'Constantine'?"

As an illegitimate son, Hal was not allowed to use the surname "Delion", but according to Cello's report, his father actually gave him the surname "Segust" in order to make him fit the "Sea Monster".

Hearing this question, Hal was silent for a while, and then sighed: "'Constantine' is the surname of that 'Seguste' sea monster... It, no, she was actually very good to me at the beginning, I once really regarded her as my relative, my second mother... so I changed my last name to 'Constantine'.

"It's a pity that she had cooperated with the Delien family. Although I knew that the Delien family had sinister intentions and reminded her several times... she refused to believe me... or in other words, she had already fallen into the Delien family at that time. There is no way to escape from the calculations of the family and the devil..."

Sure enough... that sea monster obtained the separated characteristics of the "God of Luck" and gained part of the knowledge from the remaining spirit, so did it claim to be a descendant of Oliver Constantine?

From this point of view, "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" betrayed the sea monster in the end, not only to protect himself, but also because he wanted her to die rather than let her fall into the hands of the Delien family, right?

I wasn't sure at the time, but now I'm almost sure that whether it's you, the Delien family, the devil, or even the "Mother Tree of Desire" who thinks it has its own tricks, in the end I'm afraid they were all plotted by the goddess and "me" .

I just don’t know in which life this game was set up... It doesn’t look like the handiwork of the "God of Luck"... This kind of game-within-a-game model is most likely something that can only be done by "I" after the fifth era.

In comparison, the "I" from the second to the fourth era is much "simpler".

Thinking of this, Abner was about to ask his second question when he heard Hal Constantine ask: "You want to get information about the 'Constantine' family, right?"

Hearing this, Abner swallowed what he was about to say and asked instead: "You know?"

"Vice Admiral Deep Sea" nodded, took another sip of "Black Rand" to moisten his dry throat, and said:

"Because its surname is 'Constantine', I have done some research, which can be regarded as some research."

Hal, who calmed down again, was no longer so emotional and called the sea monster "it" again. He paused, organized his sentences a little, and then continued:

"During the Solomon Empire in the Fourth Age..."

As soon as he said this, Abner interrupted: "Is it Solomon's First Empire or Second Empire?"

"Vice Admiral Deep Sea" Hal was stunned when he was asked, because he didn't know that there were two more Solomon Empires, but the divine envoy's statement was definitely correct, so after thinking for a while, he said: "That's Ai The period when Inhorn, Augustus, Castile, and Sauron all served Solomon at the same time..."

"That should be the First Empire..." Abner nodded slightly, "You go ahead."

Solomon's First Empire? "Vice Admiral Deep Sea" Hal was thoughtful and continued what he said before:

"During Solomon's First Empire, in addition to the three demonic families of the 'Blood Worship Cult' who believed that the 'Abyss' would erode and corrupt the real world and destroy the entire vast universe, there was actually a secret organization that spread disaster and destruction - -The Witch Family is the predecessor of today's 'Witch Sect'.

“In the early Fourth Age, there were two major families within the Witch family, and Constantine was one of them, and the other was the ‘Succubus’ family.

"The Constantine family only allows female members to become 'witches'. The status of men is very low and they basically exist as 'slaves'..."

"Later, I don't know what happened... In short, the 'Original Witch' rose, the witches of the Constantine family were slaughtered, and the patriarch of the 'Succubus' family suddenly disappeared... You also know the final result, 'The Witch Family' There was only one left, and women were no longer allowed to become "witches", gradually forming today's "Witch Sect".

"By the way, all the male-turned-witches later abandoned the surname 'Constantine', and no one uses it anymore."

In fact, he still has some speculations. For example, the "original witch" is probably a male member of the Constantine family, so after becoming a god, women of the sect will no longer be allowed to become witches... But this involves the privacy of the gods, "Vice Admiral Deep Sea "How dare Hal dare to say it?

Anyway, when it comes to this point, His Excellency the God Envoy should be able to deduce it himself.

On the other side, Abner did think of what Hal had speculated, and even went further than him. He knew that the reason why the so-called "Succubus" family would also be destroyed was probably because "Original Witch" Chick wanted to become a god. Taking away the extraordinary characteristics of the ancestors of this family.

And since Constantine can be as famous as the "Succubus" family, there is at least a Sequence 1 "Doomsday Witch"!

"But even if Chic gets the last Sequence 1, or even obtains uniqueness, it would not be that easy to hunt down the other two Archangels of the same Sequence...

"Unless she had a helper... would she be the 'God of Death'? That's why their alliance is so stable. Chike even resolutely fought against the Seven Gods in order to help the 'God of Death', and started the 'Pale Disaster' with them?

"But these groundless speculations will not help me find the descendants of the Constantine family... let's think about the actual...

"Well, since all the original witches in the Constantine family have been killed, the witches who turned into men later changed their surnames...

"Then why does the current 'Red Saint' Margaret call herself 'Constantine' in front of the man in black, '1 of Hearts'?"


Please give me monthly tickets in early June~~

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