Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 72: Invariably

"Mike Joseph, nice to meet you."

Looking at the enthusiastic reporter Joseph in front of him, Klein instinctively smiled, took two steps forward, and held the opponent's right hand stretched out in the air.

"Sherlock Moriarty, you can call me Sherlock."

"Then you can also call me John." Mike Joseph was stunned for a moment, but he didn't refuse. He followed Klein's offer.

As he spoke, he naturally walked to Klein's side, raised his brows, and took the initiative to open the topic.

"Sherlock, it's been busy in the newspaper office recently. You've also seen a lot of people coming over here. How about we go outside and talk?"

Are the newspapers busy lately?

Klein subconsciously thought of the recent incident of the Crazy Ripper and the Rotten Male Corpse, which caused people to panic.

One is only aimed at women, and the general living conditions are not good, and the other is more aimed at male employees who will be nostalgic near the romantic place.

In a sense, the murderers of these two cases are quite "unique", but I don't know whether it is deliberate guidance behind this, or there is just something hidden...

Alas, it's a pity that I'm not a real detective, otherwise I could use the resources of reporter Mike to try to search for clues about the Ripper... Although Klein felt a little melancholy, he still kept a smile on his face, and he was kind. road:

"Of course, no problem."

During the conversation, Klein maintained his position one shoulder away from Mike Joseph, and walked out of the increasingly crowded lobby of the Daily Observer newspaper together.

There seems to be a major incident today. Just a few minutes after Klein was waiting for Mike's reporter to come out, various expatriate reporters and news personnel suddenly flocked to the newspaper office and even took up the visitor registration. channel.

It is rare. Although the newspapers of this era have begun to use the general route of steam trains for long-distance news under the impetus of Emperor Roselle, the news within a big city like Backlund can only be communicated. Completely relying on manpower to solve it... Klein looked around at the crowded crowd in front of him with some emotion, and his eyes that were constantly passing suddenly stopped.

Beside the visitor registration passage, a bookish gentleman who looks young, has gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, and a pair of conspicuous dark red pupils is explaining something to the staff who maintains the order at the door, holding a Zhang brand new press credentials.

Is this the gentleman who spoke to me in the library earlier? Klein was a little surprised, but his body did not stop moving forward. With the convenience of Mike, he walked out of the door of the newspaper headquarters smoothly.

Reporter Mike, who had been walking in front, was obviously more curious about what happened. After walking out of the door, he took the opportunity to get in front of an intern reporter and used his senior identity to ask them what made them crazy.

"Oh, I'm sorry for letting you see this scene." Mike, who no longer needed to be in charge of this part of the news, spread his hands helplessly, and walked over with a leisurely gait.

As he said that, a mischievous look suddenly appeared on his somewhat mature face, and he joked to Klein with a smile:

"The police officers in the West Velas Field may not be able to sleep well today. Just now, another lady was injured. In the eleventh time, they have already thought about the title of the day, and the West Velas Field is helpless!"

Eleventh time? Klein resisted the urge to frown, but the thoughts in his mind were already chaotic.

The church hasn't acted yet? This number and frequency is enough to cultivate a powerful "devil"!

This apparently "devil"-style case must have been handed over to the official Beyonder team long ago. Whether it was through psychics, divination, or the most basic carpet search, why haven't the Beyonders of the church caught the criminals? Have you really been entangled in the possible big action of the Aurora Society that I reported earlier?

As a former night watchman, Klein instinctively sensed the clue behind this incident, and his brows almost shrunk.

There was still a smile on his face. Mike, who was observing the expression of the only detective who contacted him, gradually became stiff and smiled reluctantly.

"Well, maybe this isn't something to make fun of."

He took Klein's increasingly serious expression as dissatisfaction with his speech.

For many members of the Church of the Storm Lord with a strong sense of justice, this kind of incident associated with evil is worthy of being taken seriously, especially not as a joke.

Although reporter Mike didn't know Sherlock Moriarty, the other side's sturdy man who walked neatly and showed a stern style in his gestures would still make him feel a little bit afraid.

He doesn't think I'm the kind of person who is more old-fashioned and can't make jokes at will?

I am a former "keyboard powerhouse", how could I not even listen to these things, my friend, let's find out about Mao Xiong's jokes.

Klein immediately put away his serious and old-fashioned expression, smiled and shook his head, and took the initiative to explain:

"You may have misunderstood, Mike, I'm just a detective, and I'm a little bit sensitive to these kinds of information, you know, the crazy ripper case is so big lately, this is a good opportunity for us detectives ."

After he finished speaking, Klein raised his right hand familiarly, tapped a few times on his chest, and outlined a complete triangular holy emblem pattern.

"Praise the **** of steam and machinery."

Visible to the naked eye, the somewhat embarrassed expression on Mike's face quickly faded away, and soon returned to the usual relaxed expression with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

As we all know, the followers of the steam and mechanical gods are more flexible.

"Actually, I'm not very interested in this serial murder case. I've been mainly investigating what's behind it recently." After a while, Mike broke the silence again and thought about it.

Klein, who understood that the other party wanted to talk about the subject, turned his head in cooperation and said solemnly:

"What's going on behind the scenes?"

"Yes." Mike's face suddenly became solemn, and his tone was no longer light, and he said more seriously, "Although I have not followed up on the reports of the scene, I have recently used the resources of the newspaper to sort out the victims. I found one thing in common between them.”

"Although these people are either maids or female workers, the only thing that seems to overlap is that their lives are relatively poor, but in fact there is another thing in common."

Saying that, Mike paused and blinked.

"They've all been street girls."

Street girl? Klein subconsciously thought of Jack the Ripper, who once committed a serious crime in Fogdu, and felt a little embarrassed and unreal.

"Is Backlund's situation so serious in this regard?" Looking at Mike's questioning gaze, Klein subconsciously shook his head and "explained" without hesitation:

"Oh, my hometown is in Jianhai County, and my previous life has been spent studying in Lenburg. These two places are not very common for this kind of situation."

During the conversation, they had walked into a cafe on the street. Under the guidance of the waiter, they ordered twice as much coffee at random and chose a position by the window.

Not too fond of direct sunlight, Mike, who was sitting under the curtains, adjusted his seat before slowly answering the question Klein asked just now.

"The specific situation is different. The density of factories in Jianhai County is even higher than that in Backlund, and it is not too difficult for women to find jobs. As for Lenburg, a country that respects knowledge, your previous studies should also be mainly in Wandering around the city, of course, you don’t see anything like that in places like this.”

He cast his eyes out of the window, staring at the crazy newspaper office across the road. The color in his eyes was blocked by sunlight and shadows, making it difficult to see his original emotions.

Klein, who was sitting across from him, stopped moving and was a little lost for a while.

What he said just now was nothing but made up things to confuse the public. He didn't expect this seemingly cynical reporter to reveal the truth behind it in one sentence.

Compared with other materials that I have seen on the Internet, the reality presented by Mike Joseph is more **** and merciless.

"Indeed, I have only seen the prosperity of Lenburg under the brilliance of knowledge, at least in the vicinity of the university, where women advocate truth and the future. There are very few such things." To hide the trance, Klein quickly changed his mind. With a wry smile on his face, he put his right hand on his cheek and rubbed it gently.

Soon, the waiter in the coffee shop served twice the coffee just ordered. On the rectangular tray, the white sugar and separately dispensed milk from Fluttershy were close to Mike's coffee cup, and the silver spoon was leaning against the wall of the cup. edge.

He picked up the various items on the tray familiarly, and according to his old habits, tried to adjust the hot coffee in front of him to his liking.

"I prefer something sweeter."

Mike, who was bowing his head and carefully serving, glanced at Klein's curious eyes, explained a sentence casually, and then continued:

"This cafe isn't as thoughtful as the baristas in the better cafes, and a lot of times, it's more to their taste to have them separate the sugar and milk."

Klein, who had already picked up the coffee cup, blinked and took a careful sip of the hot coffee in his hand.

Sure enough, he didn't drink anything different, only felt a strong bitter taste.

Alas, compared to this, I prefer the sweet iced tea from Desi Beach, and the recently famous lemon tea from Intis. The appropriate sweetness is sometimes easier to make my spirits than this kind of coffee.

He took another sip, instinctively wanting to reject it, but remembering that he bought it at twice the price of the Backlund Bridge, he silently raised his right hand and took another sip.

Mike, who finally prepared the flavor, took a sip with satisfaction, kept licking his lips, raised his head and said:

"Actually, I want to hire you to assist me in the investigation of the Eastern District. Although I have gone deep into that place more than once, but without the help of professionals, I think I still can't really find anything useful."

"Especially the fact that there has been a recent change in gang forces in the Eastern District, and the turmoil of the Zigman Party has made me, a journalist who is not strong enough, even more reluctant to take risks."

But I'm not a professional who can help you understand the East End...

Although he thought so, considering that he needed to establish a normal income channel, Klein nodded and accepted the commission.

"Of course there's no problem Mike. As far as I know, the backer behind the Zigman Party has had some problems recently. The kingdom's agencies have already intervened. It shouldn't be very dangerous recently."

Of course, if you happen to meet that "Rose Bishop" hiding in the Eastern District, it will be another story... Klein suddenly remembered the "Rose Bishop" who had briefly fought against each other and the man who accompanied her to the party later. Some instinctively worried, secretly slandered.

But it's just a simple investigation, shouldn't you encounter such a powerful Beyonder?

"Oh, Sherlock, you really are very professional." Hearing the "inside information" Klein said just now, Mike clapped his hands excitedly and praised without hesitation.

He picked up the coffee on the table again and took a sip before continuing the topic just now.

"Then we decided like this. As for the question of remuneration, I think we can try it now. If the effect is good, we can establish a long-term relationship in the future and assist in the investigation for five pounds. How about it?"

Mike spoke his thoughts quickly, his eyes kept paying attention to Klein's expression, and he repeated it again.

"Of course, this attempt is also five pounds."

It can be seen that this reporter should have really failed to find a more suitable partner in terms of price and capability... He can put forward conditions so readily, he should be with me Forged about the Master of Criminal Investigation of the University of Lemburg.

But although I fake it, I can use my fighting ability and divination to make up for the shortcomings in this area... Klein nodded lightly with guilt, calculating the price of five pounds at a time, almost To directly agree to the other party's proposal,

But his professionalism as a "diver" reminded him in real time.

Klein smiled and said:

"I'll wash my hands first, and I'll give my answer when I get back."

With that said, he walked to the bathroom at the back of the cafe, and after tossing a coin in it, he got the answer he wanted.

"I think the price is very reasonable." A minute later, Klein, who was shaking a little water on his hands, walked back to his seat with a smile and said with a smile.

Phew... Seeing that Sherlock Moriarty didn't bargain, Mike couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

It's not that he hasn't considered more famous and experienced detectives, but they seem to be busy with two mysterious cases in the newspapers lately, and even the most famous detective, Isengard Stanton, seems to be involved. Belongs to the detective's grand hunt.

"Then that's what we've decided. Today I want to start with the factory area." Mike raised his cup and gestured unceremoniously.

"It's a pleasure to work together." Klein also indicated, the steam from the coffee cup blurred his lenses, turning a foggy white.


"Pleasant cooperation, Mr. Evans." The editor-in-chief of "Daily Observer" handed back the intern press card Dunn prepared just now, smiling.


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