Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 119: 2 missions

For Klein, the term "insect of spirit" is a completely new existence.

However, according to the various dream pictures I saw before, are the translucent worms that drilled out of the "mystery" the so-called spiritual worms?

As for the mixture of various characteristics, it is not difficult to understand. Judging from the authority displayed by "Mystery", he must not only have "divine" in his body, but also "apprentice" and "thief" angel-level characteristics.

From the current point of view, the reason why I chose the "diver" pathway is probably also because of the law of aggregation of Beyonder characteristics and the spiritual induction made by the special connection between me and "mystery".

After a long sigh of relief, Klein put down the diary in his hand, leaned on the cold stone back, and said with a slight smile:

"You can communicate freely."

At this time, Derrick the Sun, who had been waiting for an opportunity, first looked at the other members and confirmed that he would not disturb others before imitating Miss Justice and raising his hand:

"Mr. World, I am very satisfied with the extraordinary weapon you gave me. It is very suitable for the battle mode of the City of Silver. I have already collected enough merits. When the materials are exchanged and the promotion is successful, I will be on the next patrol. It will probably take two or three days to retrieve the real rhizomes of the Mist Treants that have been marked.”

These words are completely sincere. The unpretentious long sword has indeed shown good strength, and the inscriptions in the Giant language and the abilities related to the "Warrior" pathway will not make people think that they are from the outside world, although It attracted the attention of the team leader, but the other party only showed a certain interest in this weapon and did not go into it.

After all, most of the Beyonders in the City of Silver are in the "Warrior" pathway, and there are many mid-rank sequences, and many "Knights of Dawn" themselves are completely stronger than that weapon.

Moreover, this weapon effectively makes up for my lack of ability to attack the domain now, as well as the hidden "silence". If used properly, combined with the ability of "Singer" to support teammates, I should be able to get the most important role in the team. A secondary position for better trading with other members of the Tarot Club in the future.

Listening to "Sun"'s sworn assurance, "World" nodded and made no other statement, as always gloomy.

Then, he turned around again, looked at the other party members, and asked hoarsely:

"Ladies and gentlemen, do any of you have clues about the spinal fluid of the evil-patterned panther and the medulla crystals of the Elf Spring?"

The dignified "Justice" hesitated for a moment and did not answer immediately. The remaining two ladies also kept silent. Instead, today's unusually dull "The Hanged Man" finally spoke up, with a deep voice:

"Recently, there will be a pirate conference in the Sunya Sea, which is organized by the king of the five seas, and will be attended by the four pirate kings and seven pirate generals. The spinal fluid of the evil-printed black panther and the The medulla crystals of the Elf Spring water, which is a specialty of the Sunia region, should be easy to obtain."

He did not explain the trusted pirate admiral who filled Qilingers' vacancy.

If it is not above the sea, this information is useless even if it is known.

Of course, if that member is interested in this aspect, he wouldn't mind helping him with popular science, and by the way, sell the recent orders from the Church of the Storms that involve the pirate general.

While speaking, he looked vaguely at the position of Miss Justice.

Sure enough, this young lady who had not bought anything recently and had plenty of money raised her hands in a small gesture, eager to try.

"Mr. Hanged Man, can you give us some information about those pirate generals and kings?"

"Of course, if only the newly promoted pirate general would do."

Audrey is rare and lacks confidence, because she does not know how much it will cost to attend the Extraordinary party tonight, and Mr. Hanged Man is experienced in this area, and is very good at attracting newcomers.

Sure enough, Alger smiled and replied in a gentle tone:

"I will give you the information about other veteran pirate generals in the form of documents after the party, only two hundred pounds."

"As for this new pirate general - Vice Admiral Disease, I can share it with members of the Tarot Society for free."

"Do you accept this price?"

Two hundred pounds? Audrey thought for a while, then nodded and agreed:

"No problem, um, just share the information about the disease Lieutenant General directly."

Seeing that two hundred pounds had been credited, the smile on Alger's face became more sincere.

"Lieutenant General Tracy, once called 'Disease Girl' by other pirates, inherited the fleet under Qilingus, and also integrated some small pirate groups, although the strength is not as good as the more veteran 'Star' Admiral', 'Admiral Hell' and 'Admiral Blood', but they are definitely enough to rival other pirate generals and belong to the true Sequence Five."

"And the enemies who fight with her often die from various diseases that are not clear, and her black flame and frost are also very powerful..."

Alger recounted the outline of the "Disease Sorceress" ability that the Church of Storms issued to all maritime mobile forces, and roughly described a vague image of a pirate general for other members.

Taking advantage of this, he changed his words and said meaningfully:

"However, recently, this new pirate general is being pursued jointly by the Church of the Storms and MI9 because of the witch sect that may be connected to his back, especially the Church of the Storms, and even dispatched the elite of the Punisher. Not long ago, he was in a frenzy. The 'Sea Singer' assigned by an ascetic at sea severely hit the sick lieutenant."

The Witch Sect, being hunted by the Church of the Storm and MI9? Klein frowned slightly and immediately stretched out.

Wasn't it because of my report that the Witch Sect's actions at sea were caught during a thorough investigation into the arms and human trafficking crimes that the Aurora Society was involved in, and then this action was triggered?

From this point of view, the diseased vice-admiral still integrated Qilingus' fleet in this environment, and there should be a certain speciality within the witch sect, at least a member that is valued.

And Mr. Hanged Man didn't mention the required remuneration just now. Is this the default payment in gold pounds?

Klein pondered for a while, his eyes fixed, and the "World" sitting at the bottom turned his neck, looked at the "Hanged Man" and said:

"If you got one of those two materials, what would you like to be paid for?"

Alger, who had just started digesting the potion and had not made any progress, thought for a while and felt a little tangled.

The reason why he didn't directly propose the remuneration just now was because of this factor.

With the experience of searching the sunken ship last time, he is not very short of gold pounds now - although there is not too much of this kind of thing, he has not had a chance to buy the potion materials he needs recently.

The follow-up "Ocean Singer" formula can still be obtained from His Royal Highness Edmund, and maybe the potion will have the opportunity to be exchanged for meritorious deeds... Alger was entangled in three, and responded at his discretion:

"The equivalent of gold pounds or the equivalent of extraordinary weapons, of course, this needs to meet my requirements."

It's reasonable..."The world" is as gloomy as ever, without saying much, just nodding.

Seeing that both Mr. World and The Sun showed signs of recent promotions, Audrey, who had been on the sidelines, also raised her hand and looked at the three men opposite without much hope, especially the "Hanging Upside Down". people", the other party said last time that he would help him pay attention to this news.

Of course, she did not directly ask Mr. Fool to buy the formula in this regard, even if the "crystal" containing the angel and all the formulas was placed on the long table - she didn't know what compensation she should use to pay the "The Fool" Mr.

She didn't think about Xio and Fors beside her. They were going to go to the party together today, so she didn't need to do anything.

"Everyone, I want to buy the formula of the Sequence Seven of the 'Audience', do you have any clues?"

Almost as soon as her voice fell, the introverted little "Sun" raised her hand.

"I have it here."

"What payment do you need?" Audrey asked subconsciously.

"The follow-up sequence of the 'Singer' pathway." Derrick didn't think about it, but gave Miss Justice a strange look, surprised that the other party asked a question without suspense.

That's right... Audrey's cheeks flushed slightly, and she lamented that she had broken the "audience" state and leaned against the back of the chair behind her.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of Mr. Fool, who was sitting at the top, tapping on the table, and looked away.

Klein, who was sitting at the top, helplessly looked at the "secret" who was using illusion to block the vision of the other members. He suddenly appeared and was standing beside his seat. He heard the other party say:

"I have the formula that the 'sun' needs here, as well as the formula of the 'psychiatrist'."

In the eyes of everyone, "The Fool" looked calm, and his voice revealed aloof indifference.

"I only need each of you to complete one task, and no other compensation is required."

Derrick, who had a foundation of faith, took the lead in making up his mind, bowed his head slightly, and said in a respectful tone:

"What do you need me to do?"

Afterwards, Audrey also expressed that she could take over the mission.

Looking at the two little guys in front of", his face was still calm, which made Klein unable to read his mind.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he said with a light smile:

"It's not a hassle, I just need you to contact a few people."

As he said that, he first looked at Derrick, raised his hand slightly, and put a mass of information into the opponent's mind.

"Your mission is to contact the potential Loholid believers in the City of Silver and inquire about his current state. After the mission is successful, I will give you the recipe."

Then he looked at Audrey, who was still in the "audience" state, with the same expression as usual.

"Your mission is to contact Loen's royal advisor, Herwin Rambis, and join the Psychology Alchemy Society through him."

Joining the Psychology Alchemy Association, Mr. Herwin Rambis turned out to be a member of that organization? Audrey was slightly surprised.

But "Mystery" obviously didn't mean to solve her puzzles, and went on to say:

"When the time comes, you just need to give this to him, and he will understand what it means."

In the thin gray fog, a charm that looked very much like a diamond flickered and floated quietly in front of Audrey.

Mystery: The ancient **** is actually me https://

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