Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 229: Emlyn's haunting

In the unknown alley, Xio nervously observed the surroundings, only to see a man wearing a golden mask appearing silently as usual in the depths of the alley, the tall and straight outline swallowed by the darkness gradually became clear.

"You said you found important information?"

The man wearing the golden mask stood a few steps away, still dressed in a black suit, but he didn't look as comfortable as before.

The recent re-emergence of the "Ripper" not only caused a lot of trouble for the heart of the machine, but also a hot potato for the MI9 agents responsible for the security control of the capital.

"When I was investigating the clues, I found a notebook." After listening to Fors's suggestion, he went straight to the point.

"Notes?" Golden Mask was stunned for a moment, then looked at the dark brown notebook in Xio's hand, took two steps forward, and stretched out his right hand.

Based on what he knew about Hugh's reputation in the Eastside, this little-known "arbiter" was not the type to perfunctory about commissions, and since she thought the notebook was worth the risk of meeting, it must be worthwhile .

Looking at the golden mask that was a few steps closer to him, Xio kept his composure, leaned on his side cautiously, and handed over the note.

The man wearing the golden mask was not surprised by Xio's cautiousness, and after taking the notes, he quickly flipped through it.

"The few pages I turned over." Xio reminded in a half-truthful and half-deliberate tone.

In the dark alley that lacked light, the golden-masked man's eyes faintly glowed with golden light. He used the night vision attached to his extraordinary power to read the "key points" carefully marked by Xiu and Fors, and the speed of turning the pages became slower and slower.

Those are the parts of the notes about Capin's crimes. Although according to what Mr. World introduced at the Tarot Club and some of the truth I know, they are all skins, and there is no hidden part at all, but Fors. It also specially marked some parts related to Eucalyptus Lanurus and Eucalyptus the Ripper. At least from the point of view of note-taking, there seems to be some relationship between them... Xio observed the golden mask. Body movements, the beating heart slowly calmed down a lot.

As agreed at the previous Tarot meeting, she is just an ordinary wild Sequence Nine in MI9's eyes. Since you want to confuse the other party, you must follow their cognition and give some perspectives that stand on the Sequence Nine. It seems important, but it is actually irrelevant. As long as you deceive the mission reward and MI9's trust in yourself, you will be successful!

"These are really important, at least they can be used as a reference." Golden Mask closed the note, raised his head to look at Xio, and first praised.

But he was quick to point out the flaws in the content of the notebook.

"But a lot of in-depth investigation is missing here, and there are some parts that need to be reconfirmed, so it's not so convenient to use as evidence and clues."

"Do you mean that this doesn't count as meritorious deeds, and it doesn't count as my completion of the mission?" Xio quickly asked in a tone that pretended to be extremely concerned.

Golden Mask shook his head, "No, you are only a Sequence Nine, as long as one-third of the content recorded in this notebook is true, it can be considered a good answer, I will report it to my superiors, no surprise, you will be in two days. You can come and get paid.”

Huh... Hearing that the other party didn't turn his face and deny the person, Xio breathed a sigh of relief without covering it up, and then waved his hand more naturally.

"Then I'm waiting for your news, it's still the same place."

After all, the "arbiter" who was disguised in a black coat and looked like an ordinary newsboy in the dark quickly left the alley and disappeared into the night.

"Her mood was not very stable just now, but after you promised that the merits and rewards would be valid, her performance was normal."

In the shadow of the corner of the alley, Aigron's low voice came from it, and the man in the golden mask still standing in the alley looked at the corner where his colleague was hiding, and said sternly:

"Many wild Beyonders do this when they first work for the official. Most of them have some gray resumes, which is normal."

In the shadows, Aegron, whose eyes turned into golden vertical boys, sneered softly, looked at the man who was putting away his notes, and shook his head.

As a "Dream Walker" who is in a state of observation throughout, not only can he easily grasp the changes in the little girl's thinking and emotions, but he can also get a glimpse of the thoughts of colleagues who have never seen the real face.

However, he has already retired and hates MI9's style. He has no obligation to point out to his superiors that when facing this informant, that colleague always shows a kind of care and guilt that only elders have, and the two seem to have something else. connect.

He's retired anyway, and he doesn't want or like to meddle in his own business.

The shadow cloak draped over his body suddenly tightened, and when the golden mask looked at Aegron's hiding place again, the cramped corner was already empty.


After the last two transactions initiated by the "Artisan" agent, the gathering of "Eye of Wisdom" ended, Klein, who took off his robe and mask, did not directly return to Minsk Street, but wandered around the Brave Bar. Only after adjusting the disguise, hired a horse-drawn carriage and drove to the street where the Harvest Church is located.

Miss Sharon and Maric said that the sequence four of the "Xenogeneic" pathway, which is the sequence where Jakes is located, is called "Puppet", which can control inanimate objects in the environment. The demigod felt the illusion that the dead things around him might kill him all the time, but I didn't have this feeling at all when I was in the Braves bar, and the spiritual warning didn't respond. Miss Lun and Maric's hunt?

After paying the fare, he looked at the brightly lit Harvest Church in the night, and walked in through the main entrance.

In the huge prayer hall, as usual, there are not many believers. Bishop Utravsky, who is too tall and out of tune with the people around him, is in front of the altar, preaching to the few believers, and wearing a priest's uniform. Emlyn, who had just put down the water for the believers, was wiping the candlestick with a rag.

Klein smiled and walked up to him quickly. When passing by Bishop Utravsky, he did not forget to press the peaked cap on his head and greeted the bishop.

"Hey, it looks like you haven't found a way out of the mental cues yet."

Hearing Sherlock Moriarty's voice suddenly appearing in his ears, Emlyn, who was absent-mindedly wiping the candlestick, was shocked, and his hands almost knocked over the silver product in his hands.

"Why did you come over without making a sound?"

He hurriedly grabbed the candlestick and said to Klein angrily, his voice extremely low.

"Can't you smell others?" Klein asked rhetorically.

Uh... Emlyn, who was about to ask for guilt, blinked, suddenly deflated, and returned to a state of lethargy.

Klein raised his eyebrows when he saw the vampire's transformation. Even if he was caught by Bishop Utravsky before, Emlyn basically never showed such an expression.

"Bishop Utravsky recently forced you to do something you didn't want to do?"

For example, completely betrayed the belief in the ancient **** Lilith... Looking at the pretty appearance of the blood clan, Klein asked tentatively.

Emlyn, who has been constantly harassed by troubles recently, did not catch the rotten stalks in Klein's words. He just cleaned the candlestick with the rag in his hand even harder. After wiping it for a while, he looked at Klein and sighed again. Sigh and continue the work in hand.

Your performance, if I hadn't known the bishop's character, I would have thought that I had guessed... Klein, who was a little speechless at Emlyn's reaction, pouted and tried his best to keep his tone sincere. .

"We are friends, you can say it, maybe I can find a way to help you."


Hearing this word, Emlyn's face was full of disbelief, but he still agreed with Klein's "friend". He first stood up arrogantly, and then said with uncontrollable bragging:

"The first ancestor descended the oracle. She said that I was the key to solving the apocalypse, and gave me a difficult but very dangerous person."

After speaking, he habitually adjusted the collar, although there was no need to adjust the collar in the wide priest uniform.

The ancestor, the oracle, you, the key to the end?

Klein listened to Emlyn's words popping out one by one, and his first reaction was:

This vampire can't be deceived, can it?

However, from the perspective of a friend, he was quite "sincere" to control the smile on his face, and continued:

"This is indeed a glorious and arduous mission, so what did your ancestors want you to do?"

When it comes to the task, the arrogance on Emlyn's face almost couldn't hold back, but he still maintained this state, and said the task that made him sleepless in a tone that sounded reluctant.

"She wants me to pray to the 'God of Mysteries' and also the 'Fool' mentioned in the heretics recently spread by the Aurora Society of the Eastern District, in order to find a way out of the end."


Klein, who was watching Emlyn's music just now, froze in place like a stone withered, his eyes were scattered, as if the thread of the spiritual body was being manipulated.

Looking for me, no, looking for "mystery"?

Klein quickly grasped the point, and felt a little ridiculous in his panic.

No, is "Mystery" very familiar with Lilith, the ancestor of the blood race?

Why did Lilith, the ancestor of the blood clan, who was rumored to have fallen, suddenly swindle the corpse to find "mystery"?

Klein tried to find the relationship, but found that he had never seen anything about Lilith in the "secret" notebook, at most it was just a background board when her dear friend, the creator, appeared.

And now I just heard that there are two people who are in charge of the Red Moon. Whether it is the Mother Goddess or the "Mother Tree of Desire", they all claim to be able to affect the Red Moon, and they have indeed mastered the ability of the Red Moon Domain. In this case , even if Lilith is still alive, what does she use to maintain the status of a god?

To sum up, Klein came to the conclusion that Emlyn was 80% deceived by others.

His stagnant expression gradually calmed down, and there was a hint of pity in it.

"Who told you the oracle of the first ancestor?"

"It's His Excellency the Marquis in our group." Emlyn felt that this question was a bit strange.

That's not right... Hearing Emlyn's answer, Klein had to pay attention again, and at the same time became even more puzzled.

The Marquis of the blood clan has no reason to deceive an ordinary blood clan. It can't be because Emlyn was planted by the bishop with spiritual hints to vent his anger, right?

Then he shouldn't lie to Emlyn, and he even came up with the name "mysterious"... Klein suppressed his doubts and decided to try to ask for more clues.

"So you are going to pray to that 'The Fool' now?"

When he chose the name, he still chose the "Fool" who preferred himself rather than the "Mysterious God".

Emlyn looked embarrassed. "of course not."

He shook his head, put the rag and candlestick in his hand aside, like Kleinkop started the mysterious existence.

"As far as I know, that 'mysterious god' was a recognized evil **** in the second era."

Evil... Klein gritted his teeth, and inexplicably agreed with the other party's evaluation. He tried his best not to show any extra expressions, and nodded solemnly.

"Well, it does sound like an honorific title only for the evil god."

Emlyn didn't notice the abnormality, and looked at the candlestick on the ground with embarrassment.

"Although many ancient gods at that time, except for the great ancestors, could be called evil gods, but only this one existed. Like the **** of demon wolves, they were all known for their strange abilities and enough madness."

"And the 'God of Mysteries' is extremely hostile to non-pan-human races, and has created many massacres and disasters recorded in ancient books. She is called 'Dreamer' and 'Deep Space Gate' because of her fear and belief in her life~www.wuxiaspot .com~ also has the title of 'King of a Thousand Faces' due to its changing avatars and ubiquitous features."

Listening to Emlyn's worrying popular science, Klein gradually became serious and memorized these "secret" pasts that he didn't understand.

When Emlyn finally finished talking about the most famous disasters caused by "Mystery", Klein nodded slightly in silence, and gave his own suggestions.

"Actually, I haven't heard of this terrifying existence, but I think you can apply for protection from your marquis, at least it will be relatively safe to pray under the protection of a demigod."

Klein thought that this would make Emlyn a little more at ease, but he never thought that Emlyn would suddenly and resolutely deny this proposal.

"No, according to the records, the 'mysterious god' slaughtering demigods will not be much more difficult than killing me. I cannot let a demigod of a race lose because of this."

Unexpectedly, Klein, who was suddenly so serious, was slightly startled. After thinking for a while, he said more seriously:

"But didn't your first ancestor descend the oracle? Under the watchful eye of your first ancestor, even if the 'The Fool' is really going to be against you, there won't be too much danger. You apply for asylum to that marquis, but it's just another one. layer of insurance.”

Hearing the name of the ancestor, Emlyn was persuaded a little, but he was obviously still a little shaken.

He shook his head lightly, then suddenly reacted, looked at Klein, looked up and down, and asked cautiously.

"Although thank you for your suggestion, what is your business with me?"

In his perception, this detective is by no means the type who will come to the door without a purpose.

Being treated with caution, Klein smiled, and Yun Danfeng spoke his intentions softly.

"It's nothing, just wanted to ask if you could give me the recipe for 'Beast Tamer'."

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