Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 449: Human skin shadow

The light yellow mist floating on the street is gathering more and more, blurring the low stone and wood buildings, blurring the neatly arranged red brick bungalows, and only roughly can see the orange lights swaying in the window bars expanding rhythmically. Or shrink, following the shimmering light on various mirrors, all the way to the east.

"Flame Leap" followed "Mirror Flash", and under the guidance of spiritual intuition, it didn't stop until a certain ordinary house at the junction of the Eastern District and the Backlund Bridge District.

The illusory figure of "Wraith" jumped out of the mirror, illusory and erratic under the distortion of the light, followed by an orange-red spark that swelled, and Klein, who strode out of the flame, retracted his clothes, and his eyes suddenly stopped moving. Sharon, looking in the direction of her gaze - a dim and calm room behind a window.

"What happened?"

"Maric, not in the room." Sharon replied succinctly.

Looking away from the brick-red second-story building next to the building under his feet, Klein turned his hand and took out a coin and tossed it upwards.

"There is some danger, but not much."

With his fingers touching the mechanism of the "Chain Blade Cane", Klein put away the gold coins.

Although gold coin divination cannot give accurate results like a pendulum, with the improvement of Klein's sequence and the assistance of "substitute", it can often obtain fairly accurate enlightenment.

Sharon's light blue eyes darkened, "The information in the spiritual world is very vague."

The information in the spiritual world is very vague... I remember that "devils" can predict the danger to themselves in advance, so correspondingly, they should also be able to block others' divination through ritual magic or other means, just like Sha Miss Lun can use the "Wraith" state to interfere with my divination.

Klein quickly reviewed the existing information and asked:

"Has it been exposed here before?"

"No." Sharon's expression remained unchanged.

It's hard to say if it hasn't been exposed... Klein's fingers unconsciously touched the wrist wrapped around the silver chain of the pendulum. He wanted to ask Sharon again if she was carrying any items related to Maric. After confirming Maric's current situation, decide whether to make a move.

But before he could untie the chain, a strong spiritual warning rushed to his brain. Klein almost followed the instinct of the "clown". Respectively stretched to the waist and armpits.

At the same time, Sharon, who was floating in the air in a spirit state, also froze, and the illusory color instantly faded to almost transparent, blending into the mirror behind her.


The blood-red floating flames surrounded the orange-red sulphur fireball and rushed towards him, and the scorching hot temperature instantly sealed Klein's surroundings from three different directions.

As if they were alive, they strayed strangely from their original trajectory, and turned abruptly at the moment when Klein avoided them, pointing directly at the tense-faced "Magician" again.

Oops, the side effect of the "substitute" is the fear of flames... Before the thin flame tongue of the fireball sticks to the skin, Klein already felt a severe burning pain, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he glanced at the sides Go, and finally stopped behind a full-length mirror floating in the air out of thin air.


A fireball mixed with sulphur and gravel exploded in the almost airtight room. The violent shock wave slammed into the whole house, shaking the whole house slightly. One after another, residents who were having dinner rushed out of the door in a panic and ran into the foggy street. After reviewing it crampedly, he finally ran in the direction of the police station with a terrified expression on his face.

The pungent sulfur smell filled the room, ashes and carbonized wood fragments floated in the room, and the mirror surface of the full-body mirror with the golden frame was half shattered, stained with jet black, and it was almost impossible to see its original appearance.


With the breeze blowing, a paper figurine shrunken behind the full-length mirror, also stained with burn marks, shook a few times, and swelled into Klein whose double-breasted coat had been burned beyond recognition.

"Squat down."

Before Klein could catch his breath, Sharron's cold and ethereal voice came through the full-length mirror with an exaggerated crack.

The house that had just been sultry and hot by the explosion didn't know when it began to become gloomy. The transparent and pale hands of the "Wraith" stretched out from the mirror, and Sharon, who was meticulous in the black and complicated palace dress, waved her hands outward, and a cold wind blew out. swept every corner of the room.

Is this the strange spiritual body that Maric has encountered?

No, ghosts can't create brimstone fireballs. Is there a "demon" hiding in the dark to manipulate these ghosts?

Patting the dust on his knees, Klein pulled out the chain blade with his backhand, and quickly loaded the Attachment Revolver. Standing diagonally behind Sharon, he watched as the cold wind swept past, revealing his body shape and various shapes. The strange ghost, a faint white light suddenly appeared on the back of his right hand.

He searched for the individual who was still in hiding from the perspective of the spiritual body line, and then his eyes locked on the room where Maric was supposed to be waiting, and then swept to the top of his head.


At the same time as the spiritual warning sounded, Klein exerted force with both feet, and waved his right hand holding the chain blade backwards, beating on a ghost that was still frightened by Sharon, unable to move, curled up in mid-air and rolled to the corner of the room .

The unimaginable flame melted the roof known as the simple steel frame structure. A pair of eyes completely occupied by blood red penetrated the dark brown fog and looked at Sharon, who was still in a spirit state.

The corners burned red, and the incomplete steel fell on the floor, smashing large holes. With a calm face, Sharon let the steel and gravel pass through her body, her mouth slightly opened, and she faced the existence that looked at her. There was a scream.

The flame breath and the scream collided in the air, sawing each other, and they were comparable.

The giant demon dog stared at the "wraith" that had a crimson moon on its chest at some point, and the ends of the two jaws that were stretched open were upturned, evoking a grotesque laughter.


With the sound of a heavy heartbeat, the stalemate was broken.

The sturdy cone-shaped flame instantly doubled, and the reluctant scream was suddenly suppressed. The flamboyant flame continued to scratch forward across the sound waves mixed with spirituality. The hot temperature of the flame made Sharon's delicate pale face. It showed a warm red.

The giant dog, which had completely gained the upper hand, climbed the hollow that he had blasted open, not caring about the high temperature that had not yet dropped, pressing step by step, jokingly looking at the prey that was almost in his pocket, and his exaggerated jaws changed faintly. bigger.

boom! boom! boom!

Unfortunately, the giant dog, who was about to expand its breath again, suddenly felt a stagnation in the joints, and then a few painless black flames hit the dark purple outer armor arranged adjacent to it, and the substantive curse instantly touched the target. Explode, disintegrate into pieces.

Although these attacks did not cause any effective damage to the Demon Dog, they did interrupt its attacks.

Sharon, who had lost the pressure, seized the opportunity, and the screams that had been oppressed and retreated were multiplied, and the sound waves full of maliciousness were like a pair of giant hands, pushing the demon dog back several times.

The gloomy wind blew up again, whistling all around. After doing all this, Sharron's face became even paler before she took time to look at the place where Klein was tumbling just now.

She watched the blood seep from her eyes, and her light blue eyes shook imperceptibly.

"Be careful, that 'devil' has a certain divinity in his body!"

Klein, who was blood-red in front of him, endured the pain, relying on inspiration with both hands, the chain blades and bullets swept in several directions, defeating the ghosts who were trying to get closer.

The moment he manipulated the Demonic Giant Dog's Spirit Body Thread, he suddenly felt the fear of wanting to crawl, but before he could give up, the intense pain swelled from his internal organs, and his eyes that kept the Spirit Body Thread perspective were even more intense. Tortured, almost blind.

The last time I encountered a similar situation, I was looking directly at Lanvus who stole some of his divinity from the true creator.

"It's not a demigod."

A gloomy streak passed through to Klein's side, and Sharon, who was out of phantom, kept controlling the airflow to disperse the ghost, and said to Klein.

She originally tried to compete with the "devil" for the control of the ghost, but when she spread her spirituality, she suddenly realized that even with the protection of "Crimson Yuecrown", she could not shake the "devil" spread The influence of one cent is just one cent, just consuming spirituality in vain.

"leave here."

She tried again to no avail. Sharon, who gathered the yin wind to resist the shrieks of the surrounding ghosts, whispered, and then she was about to flash into the mirror, only to find that Klein, whose eyes were still blood red, was still standing there. Instead, she pointed the revolver at a body surface that melted. A strange spiritual body surging like wax oil.

He laughed at himself.

"Sulfur gas is everywhere in the room, so the Wraith can't avoid a massive explosion, right?"

If you try "Flame Jump" here, it will only blow up the whole house!

Looking at Klein, Sharron did not respond. The gathered cold wind spread again, and immediately gathered into thorns, blasting towards the window on the wall of the room.

The sour crunching sound was repeated frequently, and the wood-structured window frame slammed out under the impact of the airflow, and the window that could only be read by one person was squeezed open to the size of a door.

Klein, who was already basically familiar with the "Wraith" fighting method, immediately understood Miss Sharon's intention. The sharp chain attached to the flame turned with the wrist, like a python hunting, whipping the air, turning into a circle of constantly rotating flames, layer upon layer. , gradually approaching the ring channel.

The floating flame similar to the "devil" brimstone flame confuses the ghost's judgment.

Before his vision was restored, Klein, who acted solely on inspiration and intuition, ran quickly. Sharon, whose body was illusory and translucent, was by his side and jumped out of the almost collapsed building on the second floor.

One of the two disappeared, and the other rolled dexterously. The revolver was pulled in his hand, and the bullet blasted a circle of bullet marks on the manhole cover of the sewer. Then, the manhole cover was completely shattered when the chain blade touched the manhole cover lightly. Entrance.

The sulphur flame continued to burn the steel bars protruding from the masonry, the giant demon dog slowly walked out of the shadows, the blood-red eyes stared at the direction where the "Wraith" left, snorted, and all kinds of ghosts immediately moved behind him. , poured into the sewer entrance like a tide.

Its original target was not the thin monkey with very strange abilities, and recalling the terrifying ability that could interfere with itself and trigger the "devil" characteristics in the body, the giant dog hardly thought about it, so he handed over the task of chasing the "thin monkey". Not many witty ghost cannon fodder.

This is also one of the reasons why it no longer actively attacks after being repelled by the scream of the "Wraith".

Among the ghosts it controls, there is no shortage of weak-to-medium-rank types, and there is a lot of confidence that they can catch up with the Beyonder who is not in a good state.

As for the "Wraith"... The giant dog grinned, and the huge body covered with scales suddenly dissolved, turning into a puddle of viscous shadowy water flowing to another direction leading to the sewer.

At the end of the two's escape, the giant dog deliberately amplifies the two people's inner feelings of helping each other. This seemingly harmless treatment is often not alarming, so that it can better lurk in their thoughts, and in the key time to shape their decisions.

I don't necessarily have to take the initiative to look for the "resentful soul", she will come by herself...


The blood-stained sweat slid down his cheeks. Klein, who was running fast in the sewers, struggled to control his balance. From time to time, he would stop and stand for a while, relying on his spiritual intuition to tell the direction.

Going into the sewers didn't make his situation safe.

On the contrary, the dark environment and the coldness caused by nature paralyzed his judgment. Although his spiritual intuition had been calling the police, he was still unable to determine the specific location of the ghost.

Getting closer... In the vision of the damaged spiritual body line, Klein, whose brain was suffering from burning pain, clicked his tongue lightly, flipped the chain blade dexterously in his right hand, and looked at a path that was gradually approaching him. Illusory thread.

That spirit body doesn't seem to have complex thinking ability, it just acts with the instinct imprinted in its characteristics.

Klein "gazed" at the spiritual body whose surface was like melted wax oil, and watched it stop at a position outside his normal vision range. The slightly yellowed translucent substance on the surface of the body quickly wriggled, and the melted wax oil was pulled. Shrinking, roughly forming a human shape, and after a few seconds of stagnation, he continued his work, and finally turned into a pale and delicate lady in a black dress.

Miss Sharon!

This is the so-called human skin shadow?

After changing the I can't even use my own spiritual body at the same time. This imitation of "Wraith" is too unprofessional.

Klein "watched" the figure that looked the same as Sharron and gradually approached him. The corners of his tightly pursed lips evoked a helpless smile. He sighed slightly, and twitched the chain-blade whip.

The raging flames swept across the place where the spiritual body originally existed. Klein pulled the trigger of the revolver with his other free hand, looked at the location where the phantom thread reappeared, and shot a few shots blindly.

Looking at "Miss Sharon" who was swallowed up by the black flame, her pale and delicate face shrunk into a ball in pain, and her complicated long skirt wriggled and melted. Klein, who mastered the thread of the spiritual body, folded the chain blade, ignoring "Miss Sharon" who struggled violently. With pleading eyes, with a wry smile, he inserted the blade into the snow white under his neck.

"Fortunately, you didn't imitate Melissa or Benson, otherwise you might really startle me."

"And the most taboo thing about playing a role is ooc."

His eyes, which still had some blood stains, opened a slit. Klein felt the blurred vision, and looked at the snow-white, which stirred up a surging blade of translucent "wax oil". He bent his right hand and turned the blade sideways in an instant. , "Miss Sharon", whose limbs were still struggling, also twitched and slackened, and her light blue eyes lost focus.

The mimicry created by the shadowy human skin was finally unsustainable. It turned into a pool of translucent stickiness and slipped to the ground along the blade, mixing with the filth in the sewer.

Looking at the other ghosts slowly gathering nearby, Klein couldn't help laughing at himself:

"'Mystery' said that the opportunity for obtaining potion materials turned out to be like this, maybe..."

"This is also a kind of law of aggregation of Extraordinary characteristics?"

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