Mystery: The Ancient God is Actually Me

Vol 2 Chapter 6: Gehrman Sparrow

Leaving from the temporary settlement set up on the edge of the Eastern District, the old Kohler, who was still drowsy and even more frail, was still wandering back in front of Klein.

Although the Church of Steam treated all refugees that could be accommodated in a timely manner, the demigod-level plague still caused irreversible damage to their bodies, which could not be completely eradicated by mass-produced potions produced by ritual magic.

Yin En chose to stay in Backlund... Also, I couldn't take him to sea. Before I was truly promoted to a demigod, I couldn't even fully guarantee my own safety. I wanted to use the help of "secret" Power also has this consideration.

Klein slowly turned into the alley, and when he came out, he was tall and turned into a gentleman with black hair and blue eyes.

I remember Mr. Ards, the map should have appeared in... Klein opened his eyes, a little stunned.

Fate is indeed a wonderful connection, and Mr. Azik actually chose the apartment run by Mr. Agron.

The statement given by the royal family is that Prince Edsack's association with the cult has unfortunately caused a tragedy. I wonder if Mr. Aiglon, who was once supported by the prince, will be affected by this incident...

On the first floor of the former apartment, the middle-aged gentleman whose back was always straight at the front desk was nowhere to be seen at this time. Instead, he was replaced by a gentleman who was bored and counted his key rings.

Klein did not disturb the gentleman who was most likely an Extraordinary. He went up to the second floor under the cover of illusion, made a distinction, and knocked on a door on the left side of the corridor.


The door in front of him opened automatically, revealing a desk swaying with a soft light.


Azik put down the pen in his hand, looked back, carefully looked up and down the strange visitor several times, and made sure that he came back completely without any injuries, and then he smiled.

"It seems that the angel didn't make it difficult for you."

A warm feeling surged into his heart, Klein wiped his palm on his face, changed back to his original appearance, and stood beside the desk.

The undead walking around the house gently closed the door and slid all the way to the kitchen, and after a while, there was the sound of coffee cups colliding with water.

"I went to Hornages Mountain, and it took a while to get back from there." Klein stood beside the teacher with a bit of restraint, glanced down imperceptibly, and was a little curious on the letter. what was written.

"Coming back a few days late just avoided the period when the official nerves were the most tense, and saved a lot of trouble."

Azik glanced at his unfinished letter and suddenly laughed.

"Speaking of which, you may not believe that there is a royal family behind the smog this time, which reminds me of some bad memories."

As he spoke, the "Death Consul", who was already very old, closed his smile, couldn't help sighing, and his eyes were cold.

"Ince Zangwill was also involved in this incident. It's a pity we didn't have the chance to meet him."

"Perhaps, we still have a chance." Klein thought for a while and couldn't help comforting the teacher.

"After the big smog, the church will definitely put pressure on the royal family. I saw the report of the new policy in the Backlund Post on the way back. At least in secular politics, it has already begun, and the demigods of the church are absolutely in control. More details will definitely detect the abnormality after the incident, thus forcing the royal family to cut off most of its existing allies."

"If this is the case, a demigod like Ince Zangwill, who is wanted by the church and has no support at present, will definitely be forced to leave Loen's sphere of influence. Even if he uses 0-08 to cover his whereabouts, he will definitely Leave some traces, and this may be our chance."

The more Klein spoke, the more confident he became, until he came across the strange look in Azik's eyes, and then stopped his analysis.

"Mr. Azik, is there any problem?"

"No." Azik replied frankly, but the strangeness in his eyes was even worse, "But Klein, have you changed? I can feel that you are not as happy as you are now, and you seem to be early You are not surprised to know the secret actions of the royal family."

Klein's shoulders slowly collapsed, and he took off the "mask" covering his heart, revealing the dullness that was hard to shake.

As expected of Mr. Azik.

"I just suddenly found out that I might never get a chance to go home again."

Containing the deep sadness in his words, Azik's eyes were also a little dark, but he quickly recovered, and his voice said softly:

"But your brothers and sisters are still living well, and you protected them with your life, isn't it just so that they can continue to be peaceful, maybe a little poor, but still very precious?"

Klein looked at the light in Ards' eyes, he knew very well that Mr. Ards did not fail to understand where the home he was referring to was.

As an angel who has witnessed the death and rebirth of a student, vaguely knows the relationship between Klein and the "secret", and has gone through a long life, of course, he can't be unaware of the things that really hurt Klein, he just... ...

It just pointed out the direction of Klein's current home.

In addition to what has passed away, he still has a place to go back, although it is only a small candle, it is difficult to compare with the brilliance in memory.

"I am a person who has lived for a long time." Azik recalled silently as he watched the candle on the table, "I have experienced the process of getting lost many times, and I have never returned home after this loss."

"Like the old castle you see, it was my first life, the home of my wife and I, but after I was forced to start a second life, it became a touch that only I will remember in my twilight years. Bright, aftertaste, but even if I go back, I can't find the feeling of home again."

"Sometimes we have a weird definition of home, it can be a house, it can be a piece of land, it can be a group of people, but it's always a place where we can unwind and relax."

Azik remembered something, his expression suddenly blurred, and his bronze-colored features became softer.

However, the softness didn't last long, and Ards blinked, and his reason became the majority again.

"What are your plans for the future?"

This sudden turning point dragged Klein back from his sadness back to reality, and quickly replied:

"I plan to go to the sea and digest the potion while looking for mermaids. This is the condition I need for the promotion ceremony."

"I will continue to track Ince Zangwill," Azik nodded silently, rubbing his chin with his fingers. "Contact via messenger for something."

The messenger... A trace of embarrassment flashed across Klein's face, he looked at Mr. Azik eagerly, and pointed to his pocket.

Azik looked at the pointed position, suddenly realized, and couldn't help but smile:

"I forgot."

He took out the copper whistle that he had taken back from his pocket, and when he was halfway through, he thought for a while, then put it back into his pocket, and handed the newly drawn gloves and copper whistle to Klein.

"Thank you for the knowledge recorded on your blasphemous card before, it helped me wake up a lot of memories, and I no longer need this glove, hehe, it is the relic of that pirate general, I made some seals so that you don't have to Satisfy it every day with the flesh and soul of a human, just feed it after use."

Creeping hunger! A relic from a "shepherd"?

Klein dazedly touched the cold human skin in his hands, his mouth opened and closed.

This is a powerful Sealed Artifact that can make Qilingus squeeze into the Admiral of the Sea in Sequence Six!

"Wriggling Hunger" plus "Desire to Prowl"—that is, that walking stick, I can almost already fight against some Sequence Five, which is enough to deal with most of the dangers at sea.

"But, Mr. Azik, this is too precious..."

Klein wanted to return the item, but was stopped by Azik. "It doesn't work anymore if it stays with me."

Azik was not surprised, but smiled gratified.

"Actually, I'm still confused about how to get rid of the confusion after losing again and again. I hope I can find the answer from you, so it's just a reward I paid in advance, how about it?"

Klein froze in place for a while, and stood there for a while, then he had to put away the copper whistle and put the Creeping Hunger on his left hand.

"Mr. Azik, you should know that I am not your original student."

Azik's expression remained the same, with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"But aren't you Crane Moretti?"


Roon, Pritz Harbor.

Bernadette, who was leaning on the wall window of the luxury private room on the passenger ship "North Wind" that was about to leave the port, looked at the busy crowd the size of ants on the pier in the distance, and suddenly said to the air beside him:

"Sulte has written back and he will be in Bancy in five days."

In front of the honey-colored wall, a wave-like floating suddenly passed by, and an unreal red-haired figure leaned against the wall and moved lazily.

"Yes, about as much as I expected."

Bernadette glanced at the handsome young man beside him, with a red flag imprinted on his forehead, and the expression of the young man, don't overdo it.

"You look much better."

Without waiting for the young man to speak, Bernadette blocked her mouth first.

"After you get Sirte's 'War Bishop' feature, half of the transaction between you and me has been completed. I hope you still remember your promise."

Seeing the awkward look on the "little girl" in front of him, Medici let out a snort, ignoring Bernadette's mixed eyes of shock and anger, and stroked her long chestnut hair.

"Tsk tsk, is it so insecure without the support of adults?"

"Let me give you an idea, little guy, you pray to my lord now, submit to my lord, I think the lord will be happy to help you find your father's tomb, maybe you can find some of her bones, so you can be resurrected that way. more convenient."

Seeing that the anger in the eyes of the owner of the long-haired owner who had been stroked by him was accumulating little by little until he couldn't bear it anymore, Medici, who had finished brushing his hair, suddenly burst out laughing and decisively let go of his palms. "level tactical retreat.


There was an explosion in the cabin of the "North Wind" for no reason. Although there was no serious problem after inspection, the captain, who had not figured out what went wrong, said that for the safety of the passengers, the trip will be postponed, and the departure will be considered after a day of repairs.


Inside the Brave Bar.

In front of the long billiard table, Klein and Maric stared at each other. After a long stalemate for two minutes, Maric, who was sitting inside, finally couldn't help it and wiped his eyes.

"So you're going to sea?"

There were too many things to say, but when he saw Klein's "creeping hunger" and leaning against the seat, a cane that was more expensive than the sum of his own possessions, Maric prepared all the belly drafts in advance. made useless.

To be fair, when he just knew that Sharon might be forced to be promoted to "Devil" and was infected with the evil **** of Klein's belief, he wanted to screw the detective's head off for a moment.

But looking at it now, he sadly found that he might not be able to beat the weak "diver".

The air distorted for a while, Klein looked at the familiar complex black, and unconsciously revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, I need to keep playing and getting promoted."

Maric looked at the friend who appeared beside him, and at the "diver" whose expression slowly softened. His cheeks couldn't stop twitching, he stood up silently, and walked out of the pool room.

He felt that he should not be here.

The illusory Sharon glanced at the door, her voice faint.

"The one said you have a new mission."

Klein nodded slightly, and the fingers of his clasped hands twitched.

"The promotion ceremony of the Sequence Five of the Diviner requires a mermaid, and the environment at sea is also more suitable for the role of the Faceless Man."

After speaking, Klein fell into a shameful silence.

I don't know why, he always fell into an inexplicable passive in front of Miss Sharon. This lady "Resentful Soul", whose face was as delicate as a puppet and whose temperament was closer to that of a puppet, was like a mirror, and one side could illuminate the gram. En, the mirror of the most original thoughts in your heart.

Dolls have the function of accommodating and reflecting souls in mysticism even in the earth period, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Perhaps this is also a secret occult connection, the weaker but inseparable one?

Klein shook his head slightly, throwing out the blind thoughts in his mind, and immediately changed the subject and said:

"By the way, do you know where to create fake identities?"

"No problem." Sharon's answer remained succinct.

Her clear light blue eyes looked at Klein and spit out a few words.

"Type, background, name."

The type is of course an adventurer who wants to go out to sea to find treasure. The background is faked from the vicinity of Jianhai. I am more familiar with the environment near Jianhai than other places. As for the name...

Klein suddenly thought of Sharon's endless question when he parted last time, and his movements were suddenly stunned.


While complaining about his own hindsight, he couldn't believe his guess, and glanced at Sharon in the air slightly timidly.

Maybe it's just me thinking too much... Klein tried to comfort himself, but then he thought of the captain's excellent example and the uneven future ahead of him, and pulled out a helpless smile.

"My name is Crane Moretti."

Aware of the doubts in Sharon's eyes, he deliberately emphasized:

"That's my real name."

"As for the new identity..." During the conversation, the detective's head hair color suddenly turned darker and slanted, the light blue eyes turned dark brown at some point, the wrinkles at the corners of the eyes quickly faded, and the facial features became much harder. Cheeks become thin and angular.

Klein, who took out a pair of gold-rimmed glasses from his pocket, suppressed the emotion in his eyes by taking advantage of the opportunity to fit the character, and nodded rather coldly.

"First meeting, my name is Gehrman Sparrow."

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