Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 127 A small help is an investment

Hobert's words made the plaintiff's lawyer look increasingly uglier. When he took the case, he discovered that the client, Kate, did not understand the law at all. Kate kept saying that she wanted to sue Bill for drunk driving, but there were loopholes in the relevant laws and regulations, making it difficult to sue Bill for drunk driving. Bill was convicted.

In this regard, the plaintiff's lawyer could only pray that the defendant's lawyer did not discover this, but obviously his prayer failed.

The defendant's lawyer Hobert discovered this loophole and decided to take over the case.

The plaintiff’s lawyer quickly changed his strategy and prepared to pay more points for compensation.

As a result, most of Kate's previously false bills were exposed by Hobert, and the final compensation was cut from 100 pounds to 30 pounds.

The case was not complicated, so the judge quickly ruled that the plaintiff's claim was not valid. Bill was fined 1 pound and compensated the plaintiff for 30 pounds of losses.

Even after leaving the court, Kate still looked confused, as if everything that happened in the court had nothing to do with him.

Bill was released in court. He and his family kept thanking Hobert and paid 10 pounds of commission on the spot.

After seeing off Bill and his family, Hobert asked Fors to go back to the office with him.

In the carriage, Hobert asked: "How is the material collection going?"

"We have almost collected it." Forsi said: "I also went to listen to the defense of other lawyers. To be honest, the defense was far less exciting than yours. I even planned to regard them as villains."

Hobert laughed and said: "When designing a character, remember to make me look handsome."

Forsi said helplessly: "I want to write a novel, not a biography for you."

"Then I would like to thank Mr. Hobert for providing the material on the title page." Hobert smiled: "Business mutual support!"

"That's okay." Because Hobert did provide her with a lot of material.

Then Forsi asked, "You asked me to go to the office. What's the matter?"

"Yesterday I found a potion that nourishes the soul, and the other party promised to deliver it today." Hobert said, "Just bring your and Xio's share."

Forsi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Hobert, sometimes I even doubt that you want to pursue me or Xio."

Hobert smiled and said: "You are right, I want to pursue you two. One of you is a literary girl and the other is a lolita girl. You are both very unique."

"Forget it." Forsi shook his head: "Your eyes have betrayed you, you have no such idea."

"I just discovered a fact very early." Hobert said seriously: "This world is too big. If I am the only one who becomes stronger, I will always fight alone. Such a life must be very tiring.

"If my friends and I were strong, we might even have the power to change the world."

Forsi chewed this sentence carefully.

"Don't think about rejecting this small help, and don't feel embarrassed." Hobert said: "This is just a normal exchange of favors."

When interests are really involved, such as when selling them extraordinary characteristics, Hobert will only give them a discount at most.

Through this conversation, Forsi felt that her relationship with Hobert had become much closer. Before, she always thought that Hobert was "Xio's friend", but now she felt that Hobert was also her Forsi. friend.

Back at the law office, the medicine that Ms. Dai Li promised had indeed been delivered.

Forsi brought the potion, promised to treat Hobert to dinner and prepared to leave.

Hobert suddenly said pointedly: "If you help Xio investigate Qilingos during this period, you must be vigilant at all times. He is a murderous pirate!"

Forsi agreed and waved goodbye.

Hobert first drank the potion sent by Ms. Daly, and after a while he felt that his spirituality became full and he returned to his best state.

Sure enough, the church, which has existed for thousands of years, has such unorthodox prescriptions.

He sat back at his seat and opened a folder leisurely, without reading a single word for more than ten minutes.

Yes, he started fishing again. After all, there was nothing important in the past two days.

Until the afternoon, he felt that fishing was quite boring, so he began to think about Bob's case.

Arnold will definitely find a better lawyer the next time the court is held, and it will definitely be more difficult than this time.

It suddenly occurred to Hobert that he could find a few witnesses to describe the environment in the workshop where Bob worked, and substantiate Arnold's "inaction."

So Hobert wrote to Bob and David and asked them to find some co-workers who had worked in the Arnold factory.

Time always flies when you have nothing to do, and Saturday arrives in a blink of an eye, and Hobert begins to prepare for a business trip.

You don’t need to prepare too much luggage. The main thing is to go home and bring Christine’s personal letter.

So Hobert simply went home for dinner on Saturday night and picked up Christine's letter.

Because he had not received an official letter regarding the next hearing of Bob's case, Hobert did not set out on Sunday, but planned to wait until next Monday.

Hobert didn't plan to go to the Mercenary Club's party this weekend, so he slept in at home and had lunch with Donna and the others before setting off back to Blanca Street.

When leaving home, Donna also made an agreement with Hobert that after he came back from his business trip, she would go to his rental house to play.

The reason why he returned to the rental house was because Hobert wanted to separate the extraordinary characteristics of the "astrologer".

The previously separated extraordinary characteristics of the "barbarian" have been reunited and turned into one extraordinary characteristic of a "lawyer" and one extraordinary characteristic of a "barbarian".

Now that the experiment was successful, he planned to separate the extraordinary characteristics of the "astrologer", "sheriff", and "briber" in his hands.

The first two were sold to Forsi and Xio, who would use them for themselves in the future.

After almost exhausting his own spirituality, Hobert finally shattered the extraordinary characteristics of the "Astrologer". In the future, he will get the extraordinary qualities of an "Astrologer", a "Master of Magic", and a "Apprentice". characteristic.

He found that with his current power, he could only crush the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 7 at most, and it seemed impossible to achieve even higher Sequences.

Then he seemed to have discovered a business opportunity to collect the remaining extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 8. When the time comes, he can sell them and turn them into one Sequence 8 and one Sequence 9 Extraordinary characteristics.

The only drawback is that each time the extraordinary characteristics are destroyed, too much spiritual energy is consumed, making it impossible to mass-produce it.

On Monday, Hobert received two letters and an official letter as soon as he went to work.

The content of the official letter is the new court date for Bob's case. After more than twenty days, there is still plenty of time.

The two letters came from Bob and David respectively. They listed several names, but they said they no longer knew the current addresses of these workers, where they worked, and they were not even sure whether they were still alive.

Hobert thought about it for a moment, and then wrote back to Bob to inform him of the new court date.

Then he put on his trench coat, checked his revolver, and took a taxi to find Darkholm, the gang leader in the East District.

When it comes to finding people, gang leaders are more efficient than police officers.

After getting off the carriage, Hobert found that the door of Duckholm's house was open. As soon as he entered the door, Hobert saw Xio who was vomiting, Forsi who was vigilant at the side, and what looked like a butcher " Processed” Darkholm.

Hobert stood blankly at the door: "Damn it! It can't be such a coincidence!"

Immediately afterwards, he felt an undisguised malice coming!

Thanks to [Hua Yuluo] for the reward~

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