Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 185 Personal Lawyer Team

Hobert looked at Jessica, who was a little nervous, but overall still dignified and generous. He thought divergently: This should be a "lawyer", otherwise Rafter would not be able to use the "savage" potion formula as a weapon. Her reward.

But I wonder if her friend who wields a warhammer is also an Extraordinary in the "Lawyer" sequence?

While thinking about him, he greeted Jessica politely.

Jessica said to Hobert enthusiastically: "Hello, Lawyer Hobert, I have listened to your defense and it was very exciting. I hope to learn more from you in the future."

Hobert smiled and said: "Learn from each other."

Jessica obviously wanted to chat more with Hobert, but it was not good to talk too much in front of everyone, so she had to say hello to other colleagues with some regret.

A few minutes later, Jessica went to other offices to meet other colleagues.

The colleagues around Hobert were all men, and they immediately started discussing the new beautiful colleague.

In terms of appearance alone, Jessica is definitely a beauty, and she is dressed smartly and tied in a ponytail, giving people a very energetic feeling.

Everyone was talking animatedly when a colleague suddenly said, "What's the point of talking about our new colleague here? She obviously has a crush on Barrister Hobert."

For a moment, everyone lost interest in continuing the conversation.

Hobert, who was reading the letter, heard the sourness in the tone of that sentence, but he did not answer or even raise his head.

No matter what industry you are in, as long as you do something excellent, there will always be people who will be jealous.

Hobert paid attention to the letter in front of him. This was Captain Ikanser's letter. It first conveyed Bob's gratitude for receiving the compensation, and then briefly explained their arrangement for Bob: He was sent to Constant, and changed his identity and household registration.

The industrial city of Constant also has a large group of workers. The Church of Steam and Mechanics also has many clergy there, and they will always pay attention to Bob's status.

At the end of the letter, Captain Ikanser talked about the "Rosell Memorial Exhibition" that will open this Wednesday, which is tomorrow, and sent 15 VIP-exclusive tickets together with the letter.

Hobert scratched his head. He was so busy some time ago that he forgot about it. Now that it has begun, the matter of the "Black Emperor" card has to be put on the agenda. As an Extraordinary on the "Black Emperor" path, he will definitely get this card of blasphemy.

Hobert put the tickets and letters in the drawer, took out the letter paper, and prepared to write a reply to Ikanser.

But just after writing a few words, Barton appeared at the door: "Hobert, come here."

Hobert covered his round-bellied pen and followed.

When I arrived at Barton's office, there was a middle-aged man sitting in the reception area: Barrister Aslan.

Since arriving at the law firm, Hobert has only seen this barrister with short brown hair and glasses twice.

He specializes in commercial dispute cases and is well-known throughout the country, so he usually travels around the country.

If two barristers appear at the same time, there must be serious issues to discuss.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Barton began to talk about the "workers' compensation case" that ended last week and the impact of this case. Aslan occasionally chimed in to express his approval of Hobert's achievements.

Then Barton said that the firm planned to set up a team of lawyers for Hobert to handle such workers' compensation cases.

Barton put it very bluntly: "There are two reasons for such a plan. The first is that the defense you made has a huge impact. The letters on your desk are enough to illustrate this point. I think our firm will receive requests from you in the future." Many similar cases.

"The second reason is that you have offended all the gentlemen of Backlund in this lawsuit. Apart from this type of case, it may be difficult to receive other cases."

As for the generous remuneration given by the two barristers, Hobert will become the third partner of the firm. He will receive 50% of the remuneration for the cases he handles and 10% of the dividend at the end of the year.

Because Hobert is not yet a recognized barrister and joined the firm late, he can only get 10% of the dividend now.

Of course Hobert understood that this was actually a choice and compromise made by Barton and Langster.

Their choice was not to abandon Hobert, but in order not to affect the firm's other businesses, they divested Hobert's business to a certain extent. This was a compromise with reality.

Of course, Hobert would not refuse such a good offer. His current business volume is not enough for him to set up a law firm of his own. The key is that he has already digested the "lawyer" potion and does not want to continue it. Such a troublesome operation.

Barton finally said: "I will arrange three independent offices for you, and you can also transfer three colleagues to help you."

After Hobert thanked him, he immediately named two colleagues who were familiar with him and were kind enough to him, Laska and Dico.

But the third candidate, Hobert, was a little hesitant. He spent less time in the office and was not really familiar with his colleagues.

Suddenly, Jessica's name appeared in Hobert's mind. This was a "lawyer" who might be helpful in future business, and who was barely "informed".

After confirming the colleagues to be dispatched, Lanster stood up and left. After sending the barrister away, Barton took Hobert to see the office. There are three offices, two small and one large. The large office is opposite the small office.

The people in the logistics department were already cleaning, and Hobert asked them to buy some more office equipment such as filing cabinets.

Then he talked to three colleagues. When talking to Lasga and Dicko, he did not shy away from others.

Several other colleagues in the office looked at the colleague who just spoke sourly. The colleague seemed not to have heard and was still sitting there reading the information, but he did not turn a page for several minutes, which seemed to reveal that he was pretending to be calm.

Whether it is Lasga, Dicko or Jessica, they are all willing to join Hobert's team. This is an opportunity for them. Generally, joining a professional team will give you more opportunities to appear in court, and the types of cases handled are similar. They won't have to take on any type of case like they do now.

That morning, the four people moved to the new office location.

The new office is on the first floor and is close to the side entrance for easy access.

Hobert divided three offices, one for himself, one for his assistants and a data room, and the remaining two colleagues in the large office also served as a conference room.

After dividing the office, Hobert asked: "Who wants to be my assistant? In addition to handling cases, the assistant's job also includes sorting information, sending and receiving letters, etc. Of course, the weekly salary will be 1 to 2 pounds higher."

"Me!" Jessica responded very quickly and took the initiative to persuade the other two colleagues: "In addition to sorting out information, assistants are also responsible for entertaining visitors. Women are more suitable for this job."

Both Laska and Dicko thought it made sense, so Jessica became Hobert's assistant.

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