Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 189 Winning the Black Emperor Card

Hobert was still a little nervous when he saw Ikanser, fearing that the other party would notice his gaze.

However, he soon discovered that the kind old man wearing a soft hat next to Ikanser was more threatening than Ikanser.

Hobert couldn't help but think, wouldn't he meet the Archbishop of the Church of Steam and Machinery like this?

Fortunately, the old man just seemed to notice something and looked at Rafter a few more times.

This is the reason why Hobert uses "psychological suggestion" instead of "hypnosis". Although the effect of "hypnosis" is better, the words and deeds of people who have been "hypnotized" will always show some strangeness.

It is much better to use "psychological suggestion", which is difficult to be detected by security personnel.

Because of Rafter's shout, people quickly gave way to him.

Ikanser smiled and continued to explain to the Archbishop and his two friends.

The old man, Bishop Horamik, also shook his head slightly and stopped paying attention to Rafter.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief and followed Rafter into the study area.

The study area was some distance away from the notes area. Hobert rehearsed the plan and felt that with Ikanser and the old man around, he was still sure to get the "Black Emperor" card.

So the plan continued.

Hobert knew that once such a plan was launched, it would have to continue as long as it did not completely fail.

If you start over, other problems may arise.

Because Jessica and Kelly have VIP tickets, no one will chase them away.

So Kelly simply skipped lunch and took notes while flipping through the high-end imitation "creative manuscripts" provided by the exhibition hall.

Jessica was also helping her friend organize notes, and she accidentally saw Rafter.

Jessica quickly pulled Kelly and pointed at Rafter.

Kelly said coldly: "If he dares to struggle here, I will kick him out."

The two of them stared at Rafter coldly, but the strange thing was that Rafter clearly saw them, but immediately looked away.

Jessica also discovered this: "He seemed to be looking for something."

When Kelly saw Rafter's eyes resting on the original "Creative Manuscript", she said with disdain: "How does this scumbag know what creativity is?"

But then, the two ladies seemed to notice something was wrong with Rafter. He lowered his head as if praying, but soon, a surging force came and tore a space above Rafter's head. Then, two majestic doors opened. The bronze door just appeared in the sight of the two ladies.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying force rolled up the original "Creative Manuscript".

The crowd suddenly became commotion. Although ordinary people could not see the two giant bronze doors, they could feel the powerful oppression emanating from the giant doors. Their not very keen spirituality also made their spirits fearful and panicked. Head thrashing around.

The exhibition scene, which had been peaceful just now, was suddenly filled with screams and cries.

Kelly's eyes narrowed: "There is some secret existence that wants to steal Russell's "Creative Manuscript"!"

"This can no longer be called stealing." Jessica smiled helplessly. This was simply robbing!

Horamik, who was in another exhibition hall, seemed to realize something, and he immediately went to the study area.

But there were too many people running around in panic, and Horamik couldn't get in at all.

Horamik stretched out his right index finger and opened the fingertip, revealing the spikes inside.

Pointing upward, the spikes in the fingertips carried a thin steel cable and launched out, nailing it to the roof.

Horamik clenched his fist and used the pull of the rope to fly into the air, flying over everyone's heads.

Entering the study area, Horamik first saw the majestic giant bronze door, and then he saw a black blurry, spiritual-like figure, steadily catching the rolled-up "Creative Manuscript".

Horamik opened his left hand, revealing a small-caliber cannon muzzle, but there were too many people around and there were so many exhibits, which made Horamik hesitate a little.

Just such a hesitation gave the dark figure time to bow slightly to Horamik, and then disappeared!

At the same time, the giant bronze door also disappeared in an instant, and the terrifying force with a sense of oppression disappeared without a trace.

Horamik's pupils changed from black to blue, but he still couldn't find the black shadow. His pupils turned red again, but he still didn't see the black shadow.

Horamik fell to the ground and looked around, hoping to find some clues.

Finally, he looked at Rafter, who had a confused face and was running around with the crowd.

The dazed and bewildered expression on Rafter's face was what stood out the most, because the others' expressions were one of panic and fear.

Horamik ordered security personnel to arrest Rafter: "What did you just do?"

"I don't know!" Rafter said with a confused look on his face: "Am I not in a casino? Why do I appear here?"

Horamik grabbed Rafter's wrist tightly and stared at Rafter motionlessly, as if he wanted to see through his soul.

Rafter immediately showed a very painful expression.

Three seconds later, Horamik threw away Rafter's hand: "He was 'hypnotized'!"

How Rafter gets out of trouble is completely beyond Hobert's consideration.

Because of the existence of the "State of Disorder", divination will also be isolated. No one knows what the secret being who took away the "Creative Manuscript" in full view of the public at the Russell Memorial Exhibition has to do with Hobert.

Hobert on the "Iron Throne" opened the "Creative Manuscript" and rummaged through the bookmarks inside.

This picture is so ugly. What is this thing painted on? Why are the graffiti on these bookmarks so ugly?

There are only two paintings that are pretty good, one of which is the "Black Emperor" card, which shows Russell sitting on the throne.

Even in the "Land of Disorder", one cannot feel the specialness of the "Black Emperor" card, but Hobert's spirituality can vaguely feel that this bookmark seems to be somewhat special.

"Bernadette!" Hobert recited the spell in Hermetic language, and the bookmark in his hand suddenly sank, shining with a clear brilliance.

On the cards, the image of Emperor Russell became more three-dimensional and more realistic. He was sitting on an ancient stone throne, wearing a black crown inlaid with various gems, wearing dark armor, and a black Cloak, holding a scepter, staring ahead with cold eyes.

The originally flat playing cards became like thick notebooks, with star-like fonts condensed in the upper left corner of the playing cards:

"Sequence 0: Black Emperor"

Finally getting it, Hobert smiled and immediately looked at the blasphemous cards, skipping the parts from Sequence 9 to Sequence 6, and looked directly at the sequences above that.

"Sequence 5: Chaos Tutor

Order and chaos are opposites and include each other. There is a code of chaos in order; when people are tired of chaos, order will inevitably appear.

An Extraordinary of this sequence can throw the order of a certain area into chaos, and he will become very majestic, making people unconsciously surrender to him. They already have their own understanding of order, distortion, and chaos. They usually teach several students to spread their understanding of order and distortion, and to confirm their own ideas.

Potion recipe:

Main materials: The complete crystal of the Crown Tree, the heart of the Phantom Chameleon.

Auxiliary materials: 10 ml of crown tree sap, one black Metagross flower, 10 g of dragon tree bark, 80 ml of white wine that has been stored for more than three years.

Ritual: You must have a territory of your own, and take the magic potion with the heartfelt support and recognition of the people in the territory. "

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