Backlund, Queens.

Audrey quickly arrived outside Earl Hall's study. She took a deep breath, calmed down her emotions, and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

Audrey opened the door: "I'm sorry to disturb you, father. Is what the newspaper said true? Brigadier General Huo... Christine is treason?"

In the study, in addition to Count Hall, there were also Audrey's eldest brother Hibbert, and Count Hall's good friend Count Wolfe.

Earl Hall knew that his daughter was friends with Hobert, so he smiled and said: "Dear, please come in, we are also talking about this matter."

From everyone's expressions, Audrey already understood that this matter was true! Hobert is really treasonous!

He said at the Tarot meeting yesterday that he has been busy recently. Could it be that he is busy treason?

Audrey sat on the soft seat behind her father and heard Earl Wolfe say: "I have said before that some people are too harsh on Christine."

"That's right." Earl Hall said: "Back then, he and Rex stabilized the situation in East Balam, thus establishing our dominance in the Southern Continent.

"But Christine, who has a high prestige in the military, has not been promoted for more than ten years. This has caused dissatisfaction among many people."

Hibbert asked, "Father, who is Rex?"

Earl Hall smoothed his hair with his hand: "Those are the people of our time. If...hey, there is no what if."

"Perhaps Christine has other plans? Or other plots?" Earl Wolf suddenly said: "Otherwise Christine would not take the eldest son on the adventure. I have seen that young man, and his future achievements may exceed him. 's father."

Earl Hall smiled and said: "With Christine's mind, I don't think he will do anything stupid."

"In any case, they killed the prince." Hibbert said: "They will never want to return to the Kingdom of Loen in this life."

Earl Hall took the opportunity to teach his son: "Don't rush to make conclusions, nothing is absolute.

"Especially when you don't know Kristen very well, you should be cautious in expressing your opinions. Of course, in private conversations like ours, you can be more casual."

Audrey observed everyone's expressions. Her father and Count Wolfe seemed not surprised by the rebellion, and they seemed to intend to accuse the royal family.

After the conversation ended, Audrey realized that it was time to leave. Earl Hall and Earl Wolf seemed to have other things to talk about.

After leaving her father's study, Audrey realized that the protagonist of the rebellion should be Brigadier General Christine, and that Hobert might just be affected.

The reason why Christine rebelled was because she suffered unfair treatment. Everyone seemed to know this.

No, we have to find another way to confirm.

Audrey thought of Xio and Forsi, and she quickly called her maid Anne: "Go and ask for leave from the studio for me. Just say that I have something urgent today and don't have time to take art classes."

She then said to another maid: "Go and help me prepare the carriage. I want to go to the residence of Viscount Gray Lint."

"Excuse me! Brigadier General Christine and his son are treason! His son Hobert has a reward of 10,000 pounds, and the king vows to make Christine lose his son!"

In the Wood District, Jessica heard the newsboy's voice as soon as she got off the public carriage.

She hurried over to buy a newspaper and opened it on the street to read.

"Steam! They actually killed a prince!"

Even Jessica, who hates nobles, knows the importance of a prince in the Loen Kingdom.

Treason, Lawyer Hobert is treason!

It took Jessica about half a minute to accept this fact.

Then she immediately thought of the letters that Lawyer Hobert had left with her. Just as she was about to speed up, she suppressed her thoughts: for such a large treason case, the royal family will definitely launch a series of investigations. Maybe, maybe I'm being watched.

So Jessica tried to endure it, kept her usual speed, and came to the law firm.

As soon as they entered the door, Laska and several other lawyers rushed over and asked: "Jessica, Lawyer Hobert..., is that true?"

Jessica said: "I'm just like you, I don't know the specific situation!"

She said seriously: "But I want to remind you that no matter what Lawyer Hobert has done, his contribution to the legal profession and the people at the bottom of Backlund are indelible!

"Go back to work! Wait for the next arrangement."

After entering her office, closing and locking the door, Jessica showed her panic.

She took three steps at a time to reach her desk and found the letter that Hobert left for her. When she opened the letter with a knife, she was a little panicked and dropped the knife on the ground.

Picking up the knife and trying again to open the letter, Jessica quickly read it.


"When you read this letter, I should have already left Backlund. Don't worry about me. I originally planned to leave Backlund and seek new development.

“Give Attorney Barton the letter that says ‘Attorney Barton’. In that letter, I will ask Attorney Barton to retain our team. I think he will agree.

"I hope you can continue to fight for the interests of the people at the bottom of Backlund and the disadvantaged groups, and be the light of this era!

"Maybe I will implicate you and be investigated, but it should just be surveillance and investigation, because you really don't know anything.

"There are other documents in the envelope, proving that you will participate in the meeting to formulate the Labor Law on my behalf.

"There is no law that stipulates that the invitation of the parliament will be terminated due to force majeure and other factors, so no matter what earth-shattering things I do, it will not affect the legality of you attending the meeting on my behalf.

“Someone has to explain those complicated terms to the workers, and of course you will be subject to more stringent investigation and may even get you jailed, so the choice in this matter is yours.

"The other two letters were sent to the addresses above, and I will not repeat the specific precautions.

"If anyone sends me a letter or comes to see me, please continue to register. I will occasionally return to Backlund and my office.

"If you come to me in any emergency, call my messenger. The incantation is: I,

"Call in my name:

"A spirit that lingers in the void, a friendly creature that can be driven, a messenger unique to Hobart Jeffrey.

"Use the codes of dualistic rituals, and the incantations are in Hermetic, or other occult languages.

“Prepare three donuts before each call, that’s the reward for delivering the letter.

"Burn after reading."

Signed Hobert.

Jessica breathed a sigh of relief. Hobert had already made arrangements. It seemed that he had been planning for this for a long time.

Then she burned the letters in her hand, stamped the letters with "Hugh" and "Sherlock" on them, and mailed them with the letters to clients.

The letters from the law firm are all urgent and I believe they will receive them by the afternoon.

Then Jessica took the letter to Barton and went to Barton's office.

In the North District of Backlund, in a classical office building not far from the Church of the Goddess of the Night, Daly stopped Leonard who was about to go downstairs with a newspaper: "Where are you going?"

"I'll go to the security company and ask Thomas what's going on?" Leonard shook the newspaper in his hand: "We had a chat last Saturday and he didn't seem to be troubled, but why did he suddenly become treasonous? ?”

Dai Li smiled and said: "Don't worry, has the church expressed its position on this matter?"

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