Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 344 Alone communication with Audrey

Although Klein lamented that he was "accidentally recruiting people", he had no ill intentions toward the "Emperor" or Hobert. On the contrary, he hoped to obtain more high-end knowledge from the "Emperor".

Therefore, even if Klein had such a sigh, he had no intention of kicking Hobert out of the group chat.

Then Klein understood the source of the "Emperor's" knowledge: it might not all come from the family, but might also come from a secret organization. After all, Hobert was backed by the "Creator".

But since Hobert is a favored person or believer of the "Creator", why didn't he seek help from the "Creator" when he faced the madness caused by the curse?

Klein gave several answers in his mind: For example, the "creator" is not very good at solving the problem of curses, so Hobert prayed to me. Another example is that when Hobert asked me for help, he also asked the "Creator" for help. It may have been from that time that Hobert got the attention of the "Creator".

But just thinking of this, Klein did not intend to conduct further verification, because he had indeed received help from the "Creator" before, and now he has no signs of losing control, which means that it is not an evil god.

Through his contact with Hobert, Klein could also sense that he was a lawyer with a sense of justice and a trustworthy teammate. As for treason or not, Klein didn't care too much.

In this case, Klein is also willing to be a reliable teammate for Hobert.

Almost instantly, Klein thought a lot, and then he continued to listen to the conversation between Justice and the Emperor.

Hobert answered Audrey's question: "What kind of robbery? Yesterday, I planned to kill the 'Chaos Mentor' of an Extraordinary family, but it failed."

Audrey was stunned: "Then you are not injured, right?"

"That's not true. After all, I now have the ability to 'travel'. I can still run away if I can't fight." Hobert didn't want to reveal too many details about last night's battle.

Audrey said "Oh": "The newspaper said that you stole all the cash and gold in the safe."

Hobert was stunned: "Why did I forget the safe!"

This is a loss suffered by "The Fool". I think back then, no, some time in the future, when he pretended to be the "Black Emperor" to kill the human trafficker Kaping, he was upset because he didn't raid the safe.

Hobert asked, "Did the newspaper say how much property was in the safe?"

"Said there was a lot of gold and no less than 1,000 pounds in cash."

Hobert smiled and shook his head: "A fierce extraordinary battle broke out at that time, and I really didn't care."

Audrey covered her mouth and chuckled: "It seems that even the reporters don't know the inside story."

Then she asked: "Why did you kill that 'Chaos Mentor'? What is the origin of the Extraordinary family that is hostile to you? Are they all extremely vicious criminals?"

"If I advance again, I will be promoted to 'Chaos Mentor'." Hobert said: "The people I killed were all members of the Tamara family. This family is the same as the Amon family we just mentioned. A nobleman of the Duo Empire.

"This extraordinary family has the extraordinary paths of 'lawyer', 'arbitrator', and 'apprentice'. If you hear news about them, you can choose to tell me, and I will return to Backlund to start hunting again.

"As for their character, they have certainly done a lot of bad things using their stronghold in Backlund. Although they are not as bad as the Aurora Society, they are not kind people either."

Of course, Hobert knew that Audrey was particularly concerned about moral issues. In her opinion, the person must be sure to have bad character before he can kill him.

This view cannot be said to be naive or simple. It is only because she has experienced so few things that she has such persistence.

An aristocratic girl under twenty years old, she has been well protected by her family since she was a child. She has not been fully exposed to society until now. It can only be said that she is still living in her own world.

At the same time, based on his own life experience in the A.D. era, Hobert could not persuade her to have such a concept. She could only let her experience and think on her own.

Hobert remembers that Miss Justice became less naive when she went to work for a charity.

At the moment, Hobert was not willing to have ideological conflicts with Audrey because of such a trivial matter, so he said that the people in the Tamara family "are not kind people."

Audrey smiled and said, "Let me tell you, you must have taken action after you knew they were not good people!"

She said in her heart: "These reporters are so bad, they actually portrayed Hobert as a cruel robber!"

Hobert cleared his throat: "As a friend, I have something to remind you."

Audrey was stunned: "You say it."

"I have mentioned some laws of extraordinary characteristics before. You should be able to understand that Extraordinaries of the same pathway and adjacent pathways are very likely to be enemies as long as they do not belong to the same organization."

Audrey nodded slowly, as if she understood what Hobert meant.

Hobert continued: "As a person with extraordinary abilities, I will not harm an ordinary person at will, but I also don't mind punishing some people or things that I don't understand.

"Just like an adult, he would not hit or scold a child at will, but if the child is too naughty, he must teach him a lesson for his parents."

After the gray mist, Klein felt that the "Emperor's" values ​​were too to his liking.

Audrey nodded: "I understand, this is a very correct concept."

Hobert waved his hand: "Continue to listen to me, but it will be different when we face the Extraordinary.

"Whether he is willing or not, as long as he becomes an Extraordinary, he must accept the fact that the Extraordinaries in the adjacent paths are enemies, and he must accept that other Extraordinaries will regard him as an Extraordinary attribute or a piece of wealth at any time. fact.

"Do you understand? In the extraordinary world, in addition to wonder and mystery, there is also darkness and haze."

Audrey nodded seriously: "Emperor first... No, Mr. Hobert, I understand what you mean."

She said sincerely: "Thank you very much for your reminder. I will be careful to contact every Extraordinary. Every Extraordinary may be a potential enemy."

She smiled brightly and said: "Fortunately, I met a like-minded Extraordinary in the Tarot Society, an Extraordinary who can be trusted enough."

Hobert smiled slightly and did not continue the topic: "If you have any urgent matter, contact me. Xio has my emergency contact information. You can..."

At this point, Hobert suddenly realized that something was not quite right in the atmosphere.

The smile on Audrey's face seemed to disappear.

Hobert immediately understood what the problem was: "I was already under surveillance by the royal family at the time. Contacting Hugh would not attract their attention, but contacting you would definitely have an impact on your father's political career.

"For the sake of you and your family, of course I can't contact you."

The smile on Audrey's face appeared again: "I knew you would make the safest choice at any time."

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But the author has an urgent matter and has to go out today. He really doesn’t have time to write an extra update, so he has to put today’s extra update on tomorrow.

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