Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 356 Hobert starts his sexy operation

Hobert could also use "travel" to send the letter directly to Backlund, but after all, he had just gone to Backlund some time ago and made a big fuss, so it would be troublesome if the official Beyonders were on guard.

Putting on the cloak again, Hobert used his "travel" ability to arrive at the room prepared for him in Christine's mansion.

This room was relatively secluded. After observing that there was no one outside, Hobert jumped to the roof to avoid the servant's sight and came to the door of Dopheus's room.

Knocking on the door, a voice came from inside: "Come in."

Hobert quickly closed the door after entering: "Good evening, Mr. Dophis."

Dophis's expression was still so stern, showing no emotion or anger: "Have you arrived at the fief?"

He paused and then said: "The count is not at home. He went to attend a banquet today."

"Yes, I have arrived at the fiefdom." Hobert briefly told the story of how he went to the fiefdom, and then took out the 700 pounds in cash that he had prepared long ago:

"Please Mr. Dophis help me convert this money into risos tomorrow. If I need more silver riso coins, the gold riso can just exchange it for me some coins or banknotes of 1 or 2 gold riso denominations."

In Jeffreystown, it’s basically less expensive than a Kiniso.

Dophis nodded, took the money and counted it in person.

Then he briefly talked about Christine's current situation. Christine showed her talents a little and was reused by Fernando II. Now she is leading a reform of military logistics.

Hobert probably understood that Christine's current situation was very similar to that of "Lonely Minister". The king was taking advantage of his lack of background to carry out reforms that would definitely offend people.

This is one of the reasons why Christine was reused. Another reason is that Christine is indeed talented and intelligent. While being used by the king, she can also ensure that she will not be killed by the king to quell the reform. bring anger.

At the end of the conversation, Hobert asked, "Where is the donut shop nearby?"

"It's in the kitchen."

"Is it fresh?"

"As far as I know, they were just baked around 5:23 in the afternoon." After saying that, Dophis got up and went out, and brought back seven or eight donuts a few minutes later.

After chatting for a few more words, and finding that he and Dophis couldn't talk anymore, Hobert got up and left, took the donuts and left directly using "Travel".

Back in Jeffrey Town, Hobert arranged the altar and summoned the messenger to deliver the letter.

Hobert ate two donuts and felt they tasted pretty good. Then he started the oil painting and fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, Hobert closed the painting and went to the front yard.

Philip, who lives in the Lord's Mansion, got up early and was already instructing the gardeners and his son on which flowers and plants to prune today, where to plant some flowers, etc.

Hobert nodded. Philip had withstood the test and could be trusted to be the butler.

After breakfast, Hobert called Phillip over: "It's time to find a chef and a helper. We can't buy every meal.

"In addition, regarding the renovation of the mansion, I have a new idea. I built a large stove in that room. The stove must be built underground, and then each floor is opened up, leaving a one-brick-high space under the floor. Seal well and then lay the floor.

"Finally, use a sealed passage to connect the large stove to the space under the floor of each room. Remember that the position of the fire must be lower than the position of the passage, and you must also find a leeward outlet to vent the smoke..."

Hobert talked and drew pictures to help Philip understand his thoughts.

Philip sighed: "It's a very strange design. Can it make every room warm? What's its name?"

"Yes, it's called the Fire Dragon!" Hobert added: "As for the craftsmen who will repair the mansion, in addition to looking for craftsmen in the small town, they also have to go to each village to recruit people, two people from each village!"

Phillip was stunned: "It seems, it doesn't seem like that many people are needed."

Hobert smiled and explained: "This is to let them know that they have a new lord."

Phillip nodded: "Yes."

Hobert asked again: "Do you have a son?"

"Yes, there are two."

"Let one of them come over to work." Hobert said, "Come here now. I will continue to patrol the territory in a while. Only two servants will look more presentable.

"Also, you can inform the original servants in the Lord's Mansion. Anyone who wants to come back to work can come back after negotiating their salary."

Phillip hesitated and said: "They, they all have some concerns."

Hobert glanced at the buildings on the mountain and said, "I understand. In a moment, you will organize a group of people to clean up the warehouse first and wait for your son to come back to report."

Phillip was slightly startled, but did not ask why.

Soon Philip's eldest son Roy arrived, and Sille had already fed the horse and re-saddled it.

After everyone gathered, Schier led the way with Hobert's two-handed sword on his back. Hobert rode in the middle, and Roy followed behind.

It took more than an hour for the three of them to climb the relatively gentle hillside.

Looking down from here, the Moon Lake is full of water vapor, making the two sides look like a fairyland.

The scenery is really good, but the vegetation on the mountain is messy and affects the scenery.

Hobert thought that if a railway track was laid here and a small train was built, it would be much better than some scenic spots in his memory.

There are several hilltop fields on the mountain, which look quite fertile. They are still green even in winter, and the crops are growing well.

According to Schier, since more than 50 years ago, the land around Full Moon Lake has been able to harvest four crops a year, and the output has doubled. Unfortunately, what is now in people's hands is not as good as the two crops that were harvested before. Lots of time.

As soon as they arrived at the top of the mountain, seven people came forward to greet them. They claimed to be subordinates of the "big lord" and looked quite arrogant.

There is also a large group of buildings up the mountain. It used to be the church of the Mother Earth, but now it has become the "Lord's Mansion" of the "Big Lord" and "Second Lord".

Hobert sneered and said to the arrogant-looking people in front of him: "It's just running an errand. What's the point? Get out and lead the way!"

Several people wanted to draw their swords, but they still held back their anger and led the way.

Although the church on the mountain is not as large as Hobert's "Lord's Mansion", the building looks very solemn. This is because the decorations symbolizing the harvest have been removed, and it looks a bit nondescript.

The church also has a large courtyard. A man in his thirties with a beard and a rough look stood at the door of the courtyard to greet him: "Welcome to your visit, Sir. Unexpectedly, after six years, a man has come to this land." A new lord."

This man is the "Great Lord". As soon as Hobert arrived, he heard that there was a new lord, but he didn't pay any attention to it. He planned to stop by to scare this guy when he was collecting taxes in a few days.

Maybe this young master from a big city will be scared away, but I just learned from the Duke Knight last night that the new lord is an extraordinary person.

The "Great Lord" hasn't found out what this guy's background is yet, so he seems to be extra polite today.

Hobert nodded pretendingly: "As long as you know who I am, you can move out of here. I want to turn this place back into a church."

Thanks to [shang Yuan] for the reward.

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