Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 360 Cooperation, not confrontation

The beautiful lady smiled and introduced herself: "Sir, you can call me Helen."

Her eyes and smiles revealed an unbearable charm and beauty. Even Hobert had to silently recite in his heart: "She used to be a man, she used to be a man." before he could control his mind.

Si Er, an ordinary person on the side, was breathing much heavier.

Hobert said to him: "You go out first, I will talk to Miss Helen alone."

"Yes." Sil felt like he was running away. When he came to the door, he breathed a sigh of relief: Uncle is right, my knowledge is still too shallow, this is the real woman! The women soliciting business on the pier are just like that.

Then, he was curious about how his lordship would "talk" to the beauty in the room.

The scene in the room was far less dirty than Schier thought. Hobert was still sitting in his chair: "You shouldn't use extraordinary powers on my servants."

"I'm not using it on him, I'm using it on you." Helen smiled charmingly.

"Maybe it's ungentlemanly to say this, but I still want to tell you that I have seen a more beautiful and elegant lady, so I have higher requirements for beauty." Hobert smiled:

"You can take back your abilities and let's talk about some practical issues."

"Oh?" Helen's eyes flashed: No wonder Ms. Monica said that this baron could cooperate. It turned out that he had slept with a member from other places? That's really easy to build a partnership.

As expected, Helen no longer uses extraordinary abilities, but her every move can still attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Hobert asked: "What do you want from me?"

"I heard you didn't bring your wife?"

"I have no plans to get married yet."

Helen smiled: "I didn't say I wanted to marry you, I just wanted to be your wife."

Hobert reached into his pocket and took out a wooden box: "Can I take what you just said as a willingness to cooperate? Then this is my sincerity in cooperation."

Saying this, he pushed the wooden box towards Helen.

Helen was slightly startled, then opened the wooden box and looked at it. There were two extraordinary characteristics, one "Instigator" and one "Apprentice". They should be the Extraordinary characteristics of the two idiots who were killed yesterday.

"But if you want to cooperate with me, you must cooperate with me personally. You cannot skip me and cooperate with others in my territory." Hobert said seriously:

"From now on, I am the only one who has the final say in my territory."

Although Hobert will try to maintain restraint and will not cooperate with people from the "Gnosis Society" in bed, he will not refuse cooperation in other fields as long as it does not harm the people in the territory or his own interests. Too thorough.

Last night, Hobert had already thought that this was a compromise that had to be made before the Earth Mother Church sent people.

It is impossible for his Sequence 6 to challenge the "Gnosis Society", "Blood Worship Cult" and "Aurora Society" at the same time, and Hobert said that he would never cooperate with the "Aurora Society" and "Blood Worship Cult".

The former are a group of lunatics, and cooperating with them is courting death.

The latter regards human life as nothing, and the level of cruelty and bloodiness has far exceeded Hobert's bottom line.

After much deliberation, it is still acceptable to establish a certain degree of cooperation with the "Gnosis Society", but Hobert also understands that such cooperation cannot exceed his own bottom line.

One of the bottom lines that Hobert set for himself was that he could not do bed exercises with the witch, otherwise it would be easy to become addicted to it, and without "corrupting" others, he would fall first.

Hobert, who grew up reading "Oriental classics", has a very thorough understanding of human nature. He knows that he is not a "saint", so he simply rejects everything that may make him "degraded", at least he can barely be a "gentleman" ".

Helen was silent for a few seconds. Hobert's reaction was a situation she had never considered before coming. After another few seconds, she said: "You seem to know us very well?"

Hobert answered the question incorrectly: "My father has some power in Feneport City."

Helen nodded: "I understand."

Hobert said to himself: You understand that yourself, but I didn’t say anything.

He said: "I came here for my purpose, but my purpose is not you. Don't try to infiltrate into my territory anymore. I don't care what you are doing here.

"On this basis, we can have some mutually beneficial exchanges. This is I think a feasible cooperation framework."

Helen thought for a while and then said: "I will come again tomorrow and give you an answer."

Hobert smiled slightly: "Looking forward to your reply."

After sending Helen away, Hobert called Phillip over again: "I heard there was a school in the town before, right?"

"Yes, Sir, but without the salary from the Lord's Mansion, the school has been dissolved."

"Where's the school teacher?"

"A few teachers have left here and a few local teachers have stayed."

Hobert said "hmm" and said, "Call those teachers."

Philip thought this was because his lordship was preparing to resume school, so he quickly sent two footmen to call for help.

Soon, one woman and two men, the only three remaining teachers here came. They were all locals. They had tried to work outside, but without exception they all failed and had to come back to farm.

Decades ago, compulsory education began to be universalized throughout the Northern Continent. Although nearly half of the people in Feneport Kingdom were illiterate, the other half of the people who had attended school would be qualified workers or servants.

They have sufficient learning ability and understanding ability to make them qualified for positions in this industrial age.

However, in this remote and remote area, at least 80% of the people are illiterate. This is the result of the efforts of Hobert's predecessor, Viscount Wright.

In territories that had been without lords for decades, the illiteracy rate was close to 100 percent.

"I am ready to resume the school." Hobert said straight to the point: "Your salary and benefits will remain the same as before. They will be paid by the Lord's Mansion every week. Your salary will be calculated starting today."

The three teachers were all pleasantly surprised. Being a teacher is certainly better than farming, the work is easy, and they are generally respected.

They immediately bowed to Hobert and expressed their praise for the lord.

“But I have to have the school repaired first,” Hobert said with a smile, “So before the school is repaired, you first come to work at the Lord’s Mansion.

"The specific work content will be designated by me personally."

The three people nodded repeatedly, indicating that they were willing to follow Hobert's arrangements.

Hobert ordered: "Your task in the past two days is to find fifteen people who can read and write and teach them to fill in this form.

"Next I need them to do a statistic and pay them two-thirds of your weekly salary."

The three of them were stunned for a moment. They all felt that Sir Alex's instructions were strange, but they still studied the form given by Sir Alex attentively.

They were relatively unfamiliar with efficient forms. Hobert explained to them for more than an hour before he finally understood the function and usage of the household registration form.

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