Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 414 Seal of Full Moon Lake (Additional updates for everyone’s rewards)

Outside the city of Tubria, Lieutenant Colonel Baird's screams echoed in the dungeon of the military camp.

In the interrogation room, Baird had been tortured beyond recognition and nearly suffered a mental breakdown.

Ethel sat opposite and smiled and said: "My dear, you were beaten like this, which makes my heart feel like a knife. You'd better tell the truth quickly.

"Things are not as complicated as you think. Only you have the opportunity to see the letter my father wrote to me and the order sent through top-secret channels.

“And I don’t believe you are a spy for those bastards of Intis, otherwise I would have discovered something was wrong with you.

"You can speak freely here. Did you see the candlestick hanging from the roof? That is a sealed object from the Fourth Age. It can interfere with hypnosis and psychological suggestion, and can also effectively counter the 'secret keeping' ability.

"You have no secrets here."

Baird cried bitterly, and there were already many scars on his handsome face: "Ethel, please believe me, I am really just an ordinary spy..."

"Such a disappointing answer." Ethel waved his hand at the interrogator.

The interrogator, wearing gloves, carefully held up a set of shackles.

"Don't..." Of course Baird recognized this sealed object, but no matter how much he resisted, the interrogator carefully put the shackles on his feet.

The moment the shackles were completely closed, Baird's roar immediately became indistinct, and he was shaking with pain.

Then a stench came from his body, and the always handsome lieutenant colonel became incontinent.

After about twenty seconds, the interrogator quickly removed the shackles. Baird suddenly drooped his head, as if all the strength in his body had been taken away.

Ethel stood up and clasped his hands behind his back, as if he was strolling through the garden of his home: "A prisoner once described the pain caused by this sealed object: it was as if all the bones in his body were broken inch by inch."

She looked at Baird: "Tell the truth, because of our past friendship, I can spare your life."

Baird said weakly: "Yes, it's His Highness the Second Prince..."

Ethel smiled and said: "I know my royal brothers better than you. If you say that Bishop (the third prince) is extremely ambitious, I will still believe it, but Blaise (the second prince) does not have the courage or the ability to do so." means."

She told the interrogator: "Fifteen more seconds, don't let him die of pain."

"I said, I said..." Baird said quickly: "It is the Crown Prince, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince who asked me to pay attention to your every move, otherwise my parents, my brothers and sisters will die."

As he spoke, Baird cried bitterly: "Please let me go, I will never participate in the royal family again..."

Ethel took out the gun and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullet opened a big hole in the back of Baird's head, and his begging for mercy stopped abruptly.

Ethel wiped the moist corners of her eyes with her fingers: "I lied to you, the moment I come back alive, you will be dead.

"You betrayed me and I lied to you once. Well, we are even."

She stared at the corpse in front of her in a daze for a while, then glanced at the interrogator from the corner of her eye.

The interrogator immediately said: "General, all members of my family are hard of hearing. From my grandfather to my son, all of them are deaf."

Ethel smiled and said: "Smart people always live longer."

She walked out of the dungeon step by step and saw the clear sky outside: "It's time to return to Feneport City."

South Colson, west shore of Full Moon Lake.

Recently, the Teutonic Viscount always looks at the other side with his ancestral telescope: "Isn't it not the New Year yet? What are you cheering for on the other side?"

"Huh? Why are they still killing sheep and pigs? What are they celebrating?"

Viscount Teutonic asked the steward impatiently: "Where are the spies sent out? Have they not come back yet?"

The housekeeper quickly replied: "The news came last night that Knight Louis and Knight Duke were under house arrest by Baron Hobert. The original helpers in the town are no longer willing to help us, so it is difficult for spies to get the news now."

"It's less than a month!" Viscount Teutonic sighed.

He meant that Hobert had been here less than a month.

"Sir, I'm back!" At this time, the spies sent out finally came back, and he knelt on the ground: "Hobert, Hobert exempted Jeffrey from all agricultural taxes!"

"What!" Viscount Teutonic almost jumped up: "Is he crazy?"

After a second thought, Viscount Teutonic immediately said: "Block this news! You must block this news!"

If this news spreads in the territory, all the subjects under his rule will definitely run away.

The spy added: "Sir, I also brought the Duke knight who escaped from Hobert's mansion!"

Viscount Teutonic was stunned: "Let him in quickly!"

Grove Duke knelt down with a wooden box on his back: "Sir, you must help us regain our fiefdom! Hobert actually snatched our fiefdom away and planned to put us under house arrest in the Lord's Mansion.

"I took advantage of the celebration going on in the Lord's Mansion today and ran out because of the lack of manpower. Sir, for the sake of my service to you in the past, please help us regain the fiefdom!"

Viscount Teutonic had some doubts, and of course he would not agree immediately: "You, get up first."

"That's right!" Grove presented the wooden box to Teutonic: "I was going to fight Hobert anyway, so before I left, I simply stole Hobert's weapon!

"Now I present my weapon to Sir, Sir, please help me!"

Viscount Teutonic opened the wooden box and knew with just one glance that this sword was not an ordinary sword.

He held it in his hand and immediately understood that this was an extraordinary weapon!

He had only heard of this kind of weapon, but had never seen it before.

Viscount Teutonic played with it admiringly, then closed the wooden box and reached out to pick up Grove: "Don't worry, I will definitely help you regain your territory!

"But you have to wait for the opportunity. You will live in my lord's mansion first. Here, you will still enjoy the treatment of a knight. I will kill anyone who dares to disrespect you!"

Grove looked grateful: "Thank you, Sir!"

Hobert killed a total of three pigs and four sheep. The pig bones and pig water were not wasted. Under Hobert's guidance, he made a simple version of the Chaotian pot.

With the addition of chili pepper and aniseed, the aroma immediately attracts everyone. Just after it was cooked, Hobert only ate a few chopsticks before being eaten up by the people in the territory.

The people's joy has not diminished. Although there are many pigs and sheep killed, it is not enough to feed 3,000 people. Residents in the town and several surrounding villages spontaneously brought bread and vegetables, so that everyone can eat at noon. I was so full that I drank all the lamb soup and pork soup.

They have paid taxes for as long as they can remember, and taxes are a burden on everyone here.

But it's different now. This burden is suddenly gone, and they feel their waists are straightening up a bit.

In the afternoon, many people chatted excitedly in front of the Lord's Mansion, and spontaneously helped the servants wash pots and dishes.

Hobert ordered that no one was allowed to drive them away, and they could chat as long as they wanted.

At the same time, Hobert also asked Philip to send people to the Teutonic Viscount's mansion across the Full Moon Lake to ask for Grove.

When night fell, Forsi smiled at the dinner table and said, "Today I learned that happiness is really contagious.

"Obviously the tax exemption doesn't make me very happy, but after seeing their smiling faces, I am still happy for them."

Hobert smiled: "Yes, this makes me feel a lot better."

Helen on the side asked: "If you don't collect taxes, what will so many people in the Lord's Mansion eat?"

"Of course we are buying food from the people!" Hobert said with a smile: "Without collecting taxes, there will definitely be more food in the territory, and the price of food will definitely be lower.

"Before harming the interests of the people, the Lord's Mansion will purchase large amounts of food. If there is less food on the market, the price will naturally be stable.

"The food in the hands of the people is turned into money, and it can further prosper the economy of the territory. It serves multiple purposes."

Helen opened her mouth, she wanted to ask: Did you have a plan for a long time?

But she felt that she should ask more: Why do you know so much?

But in the end, she still didn't ask anything.

After dinner, when he and Forsi returned to the courtyard, Hobert said, "Come to me in the study at nine o'clock. I have something to ask you for help."

Forsi was stunned and nodded.

Arriving in the study, Hobert locked the door and entered the "Land of Disorder".

He checked the seal on the figure again. The figure was now clearer. He was a handsome young man, about twenty years old. You can still see that he has brass-colored hair.

Hobert thought about it for a moment, and found that there was still no better way to send him out of the "State of Disorder". He could only wait and see.

Then Hobert felt the changes brought about by promotion. First of all, he could control more territory of the "State of Disorder", and his consciousness could cover the largest pool at the foot of the mountain.

There are many, many stars in it, and the functions of these stars are not yet known.

In addition, his power in all aspects of the "State of Disorder" has been greatly strengthened, and the magical items in the "State of Disorder" have also been greatly improved.

Especially in the real world, more power of the "country of disorder" can be mobilized, and with the ability to hide the atmosphere of the "country of disorder", things like suddenly encountering Philip I or George III will no longer happen.

And Hobert gained a new ability in the "Land of Disorder": Forbidden!

This is a very high-level "forbidden!"

Hobert's spirituality guided him to look at the two new stars in the pool in front of him.

Combined with the "forbidden" ability he had just obtained, Hobert realized something: "If he had not encountered the Brass Book in advance, these two new stars would have appeared only after he was promoted to the 'Chaos Master'."

He suddenly realized that his meeting with Philip I of Castile had somehow allowed Hobert to save the life of Philip I's descendant Athel.

Hobert smiled and shook his head: Fate is really wonderful.

After another tour of the "Country of Disorder", Hobert broke a "Tree of Order" and left the "Country of Disorder".

Hobert took out the two jars of blood sent by Bishop Simpson and found a pen thick enough.

When it was almost nine o'clock, Forsi came to the study, and Hobert explained: "I got the method to seal the pollution of Full Moon Lake from my father, and I plan to seal the source of the pollution tonight.

"But I need you to do me a favor. How about we go for a walk at Full Moon Lake together?"

Hobert stretched out his arm, and Forsi took it with a smile: "No problem."

She was curious about how Hobert would seal it?

The space in front of the two people became illusory. After entering the spiritual world, they arrived at the shore of Full Moon Lake in the blink of an eye.

Not far away, there is the corpse of a giant beast that looks like a big ship. There is a fire on the other side of the corpse, and two guards are guarding the corpse.

The moonlight was pretty good tonight, and Hobert and Forsi took advantage of the moonlight to come to the lake.

"I need you to use freezing to create a layer of ice in the lake that is about the same size as the bed." Hobert explained: "I need to draw a sealing circle on it.

"I have considered using paper, but the magic circle on the paper will become blurry immediately after being exposed to water, so it is most suitable to draw the magic circle on the ice."

Forsi smiled: "Then you have to wait a little longer."

She released a "Freezing Technique" towards the water surface. As a result, only a palm-sized ice layer appeared on the water surface, and it was very thin.

Hobert found a stone and sat down: "It doesn't matter, you can just practice your extraordinary abilities, and I can also practice my extraordinary abilities."

"What do you practice?"

"Try using the 'Freezing Technique' again."

Forsi used the "Freezing Technique" again towards the lake. The ice layer that appeared this time was as big as the surface of a square stool.

She was surprised: "Oh my god, how did you do that?"

Hobert smiled: "I tried to lower the temperature in that area."

This is the "chaos" ability that makes it easier for lakes within five meters to freeze, and the longer it is used, the faster it freezes.

Forsi began to use the "Freezing Technique" continuously, and took a break after using it seven or eight times. The spirituality of Sequence 8 was too weak, and even this simple spell was a bit difficult to use continuously.

While Forsi was resting, Hobert suddenly asked towards the reed swamp: "Helen?"

The reeds parted, and on the rocky river beach, Helen could still walk out with a graceful posture: "Your spirituality seems to be stronger."

Hobert asked: "Why are you here?"

Helen smiled: "Can't I come for a walk?"

In fact, she came to contact the informants of the Gnosis Society's development in the West Coast, but unexpectedly she met Hobert and Fors.

Hobert smiled and said nothing.

After Fors was almost rested, they continued to make ice. Suddenly, a crystal-like ice gun pierced into the water, and a hard layer of ice appeared on a large area of ​​water around the ice gun.

Helen smiled and said, "Although I don't know what you are doing, I can help."

As she spoke, she threw two more ice guns into the water, and soon the ice area reached Hobert's needs.

Forsi was a little unhappy: "Look at the uneven surface of the ice you made!"

Helen snapped her fingers and the ice immediately became smooth.

Forsi angrily said to Hobert, "I feel like I'm in very good shape, and I'll be preparing for promotion tomorrow!"

Thanks again for everyone’s tips!

In fact, the standard for additional updates was already met the day before yesterday, but I only had time to write additional chapters yesterday.

After the additional chapter was changed to a 4,000-word chapter, the rules for additional chapters also changed accordingly.

The original reward was 10,000 points plus a 2,000-word chapter. Now the total reward is 15,000 points, and a 4,000-word chapter is added, which is equivalent to a 25% discount.

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