Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 419 The Agreement with Lieutenant General Bingshan

Of course, that door was dismantled by Hobert. Since the place was looted, of course this "Traveller's Door" could not be let go.

Hobert had previously learned from Christine about the formation of the "Traveler's Knife". If necessary, this "Traveler's Door" could be put into use immediately.

Moreover, this door can change its shape, not necessarily just the shape of a stone door, but also an ordinary wooden door.

Then Hobert turned his attention to the corpse of the ancient God of Death in front of the "Iron Throne". Even in the "Land of Disorder", the corpse of the God of Death with the shape of a huge divine bird still exudes the smell of death.

When the light was still one or two meters away from Him, it became pale, as if the color had faded.

Hobert prepared a separate room for Him outside the main hall. His spirituality told him that if the power of the "State of Disorder" was injected into the corpse of the ancient God of Death, although He would not be resurrected, something terrible would definitely happen. matter.

Hobert decided not to seek death.

As for the black dog spirit beast, Hobert couldn't do anything with it at the moment.

However, like the "Bull Demon King", one can inject the power of the "State of Disorder" into the body of the black dog spirit beast, allowing it to be temporarily under Hobert's command.

It can use the extraordinary power of level 3 of the "Death" path sequence, and can also use the abilities of "chaos", "order", "distortion" and "forbidden".

But in normal times, Hobert couldn't command it.

It can sense the location of the ancient Death's corpse and will search for it spontaneously. If it encounters an insurmountable obstacle, it will face the direction of the Death's corpse and stop there motionless.

Hobert sighed, feeling like he had met a child who was both stubborn and affectionate, so he expanded the room containing the corpse of the ancient god of death and moved the black dog spirit beast into it.

Then, Hobert felt a sense of relief in his heart. All the treasures of Backlund that he knew were finally looted by him.

Like Amon's tomb, although he knew about it, he was not familiar with it. The key was that he didn't want to have anything to do with Amon yet, so he never planned to plunder it.

When he left Backlund before, Hobert still had some regrets. He didn't know how long Meric's extraordinary characteristics would be buried? He remembered that the church blew up the ruins directly.

I don’t know whose hands the corpse of the God of Death will eventually fall into? Now that everything is in his hands, Hobert is relieved.

Looking at Rafter in the underground ruins again, he finally recovered from the extreme fear just now, and Hobert used the "Teleporting Stone Statue" to send him back to the surface.

Then he said to him: "You can leave Backlund."

Then Hobert took back his spirituality and returned to the real world.

Sitting behind the desk, Hobert asked Alan outside to order the kitchen to make donuts. He spread out the letter paper and wrote a letter to Azik.

The content of the letter is roughly as follows: "When my family members and I once again explored the room where the ancient Death God's corpse was stored, we found a way to seal the Black Dog Spirit Beast and took away the Ancient Death God's corpse.

"If Mr. Azik still wants to pay homage to the corpse of the ancient God of Death, you can write to me in advance and I will take you to pay homage."

While waiting for the donuts, the messenger suddenly appeared in the study.

She brought Jessica's package, which contained two failures in Kelly's eyes, weapons that had no effect when combining extraordinary materials with weapons.

In the eyes of the "craftsman", both weapons were failures.

There was also a letter from Jessica and a forwarded letter from Selina.

Hobert was slightly startled. Originally, he wanted to take the initiative to write a letter to Selina.

"Please wait a moment, I want to reply." Hobert said to the messenger.

Messenger: “Three donuts in ten minutes!”

You still have the nerve to say it!

Hobert put the pocket watch on the table: "Start timing now!"

He first replied to Jessica and wrote a few words to explain that he had received the package from her.

Then she wrote a reply to Selina. In Selina's letter, she said that after thinking about it for so long, she finally decided to become an extraordinary person in the future, and asked Hobert to give her this opportunity. However, she hopes to spend time with her family in the next year, and hopes to look for Hobert after graduation.

Hobert's reply to her was also very simple. He told her that he would have a good talk with her after the New Year. He also told her how to summon his messenger and the reward for each letter sent.

Hobert quickly sealed the two letters and stamped them with a seal: "It's less than ten minutes. Let's count it as ten minutes."

Messenger: "Aren't you going to check again?"

"No need, I'm confident." Hobert smiled.

The donuts had just come out of the oven at this time. Hobert sent a total of three letters this time. The messenger waited for a few more minutes and paid her a total of twelve donuts.

Fortunately, the kitchen only made a dozen at a time, and after paying the messenger, Hobert also ate two.

But Hobert was afraid that the news would spread that he liked donuts and could eat more than ten donuts at once. The key point was that this was the second time today that he had "eated" more than ten donuts.

After finishing all this, Hobert had nothing more important to do. He took a walk around the town of Jeffrey and used "travel" to take a look at the "Nohal" that was going upstream.

The appearance of this ship made people along the way stop and watch.

This waterway has not seen such a big ship in more than 50 years. Children ran and played with the ship on both sides of the river. More people stopped what they were doing and watched the ship go upstream along the river until the ship The shadow is getting smaller and smaller.

There is no danger at the moment.

Hobert returned to his study again, still doing nothing.

So Hobert thought, should we explore the road first?

He has never been to the Southern Continent. What if it is difficult to cross the Raging Sea from the spirit world?

Then he thought about the island that had just been discovered in the sea. It was said that there were ruins from the Quaternary Age and many extraordinary creatures there.

There are basically some extraordinary creatures on some newly discovered islands, but they will soon be hunted down by the pirates who arrive.

Hobert was not interested in those extraordinary creatures, but he was very interested in the ruins of the Quaternary Age.

Because I knew the exact location from Alger, I could reach the island by using the "Faceless Man Necklace" to "navigate".

The more Hobert thought about it, the more excited he became, so he put on Loen-style clothes and used "travel" to reach Connacht City on the southern coast of the Northern Continent just like the last time he "travelled".

Then we passed through Bayam, the capital of the Rhoside Islands, and finally arrived at the unknown island.

This is already the southwest section of the Raging Sea, very close to the Southern Continent.

Hobert appeared on a deserted beach. In the entire northern continent, it was winter, but in the southern continent it was summer.

The power of nature is still amazing even in this extraordinary world.

At the same time, Hobert found that he was overdressed. Summer or spring clothes were suitable here, but Hobert had a thick sweater and leather vest underneath his windbreaker.

However, he had no intention of finding a deserted place to throw away a few pieces of clothing. For "Chaos Tutor", the weather no longer made him feel uncomfortable. He couldn't even think about sweating, not even a drop of sweat. It will feel hot.

The beach was relatively low, and Hobert used his "low flying" ability to fly up. He looked through the dense woods and saw a small mountain range on the island.

Hobert returned to the ground and waited for a while before being able to use the "travel" ability again. This time he used "travel" to reach the highest mountain on the island.

From here, you can have a panoramic view of the entire island.

The island is divided by a small mountain range running north to south, with a plain on the east side, all covered with dense forest. The west side is narrower, but there is a place suitable for a port.

There is a ruins there, and the remains of the Quaternary Age should be there.

Hobert also saw several ships and several camps, which should be pirate ships and camps established by pirates.

So far, no official force has declared its sovereignty over this island, so naturally no navy or official extraordinary people will come here.

Hobert used "Travel" again and came to the west coast of the island, not far from the ruins.

While walking to the ruins, Hobert also encountered two pirates traveling together.

After they saw Hobert, they watched from a distance for a while. One of the pirates said: "Hey! That fool in thick clothes!"

Hobert ignored them, but they caught up with them. One of the pirates said, "This is the territory of the 'Skeleton' pirate group. Did you pay taxes when you passed by?"

Hobert glanced at them: "How much is your captain's bounty!"

Another pirate puffed up his chest: "Up to 1,500 pounds! How about it? Are you scared?"

"Go away, my reward is 30,000 pounds!"

The two pirates laughed loudly: "You are indeed a fool. You don't even know how to brag! Which pirate general are you?"

Another pirate simply took out his gun: "Pay the tax first! Your windbreaker is not bad..."

Hobert stuck his cane on the beach, broke off the opponent's gun with his left hand, and twisted the opponent's arm with his right hand, adding a "joint" to the opponent's arm.

Amid the pirate's screams, he looked aside and kicked another pirate's calf off: "You two, are you satisfied with the taxes I paid? Do you want some more?"

The two pirates endured the severe pain and quickly begged Hobert for mercy.

Hobert smiled, picked up his cane, and continued towards the ruins.

When he got close to the ruins, Hobert realized how huge the buildings that had once been here were. It was visually estimated that the buildings here were built against the mountains. They were at least a thousand meters long and three to four hundred meters wide. Even if they were placed Now, this is also a very huge building.

Judging from the collapsed walls, it should be quite high.

Hobert even suspected that some extraordinary strength was used during the construction of this behemoth. Otherwise, the steel and iron frame structure could support such a building, and there was not much metal in the ruins.

There was a wall in front that had not completely collapsed. Hobert saw from a distance that there were several people in front of that wall.

There was a young lady standing in front of the wall writing and drawing, and several men were looking around coldly, as if they were watching out for the lady.

They also spotted Hobert, several pairs of eyes staring at him coldly.

When he was very far away, Hobert shouted: "I am a scholar who is very interested in Quaternary ruins. I have no ill intentions. I just want to take a look at those walls to see if there are any clues!"

Several men put on a defensive posture, but the woman seemed to whisper something, and one of the men said: "Come here."

Hobert walked over slowly, and when he got closer, he found that she was a beautiful lady with a face shaped like an oval, a high nose, thin lips, and a pair of light blue eyes that looked like clear spring water. .

Even though she had brown hair, a sword on her waist, and a beige western-style jacket, Hobert still thought of the image of Lin Daiyu in his impression. It's just that the face shape and eyes are very similar, but there is no pitiful and weak look. Instead, the eyebrows give people a heroic and charming feeling.

The men, led by a man with blond hair, stared at Hobert closely.

"Good afternoon, madam! Good afternoon, everyone!" Hobert greeted politely.

The lady nodded slightly in response, but the other men ignored him at all.

Hobert did not continue the conversation, but looked at the relatively intact wall in front of him.

The wall was very clean, but this was what made Hobert feel strange. He reached out and poked the wall. After more than a thousand years, and after being exposed to wind and rain for so many years, there was not much decay on this wall. trace!

As he walked forward, Hobert saw a very light pattern at a high place. After looking at it for a long time, he finally figured out that it was a huge emblem carved on the wall, and the picture was a crown!

"Trunsoest!" Hobert blurted.

The black crown is the emblem of the Trunsoest family.

The lady on the side asked: "Do you know the coat of arms of the Trunsoest family?"

I know it all too well. Hobert smiled and said, "I happened to see it in a book, but why does the coat of arms of the Trunsoest family appear here?"

The territory of the Trunsoest Empire is in the northern continent, and this sea area is already very close to the southern continent. Could it be that the power of the Night Emperor has already approached the southern continent?

"This is also something I want to figure out." The lady asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Hobert pondered for a moment: "Could this be a secret base built by the Trunsoest Empire back then to prepare for a sneak attack on the Southern Continent?"

"It seems that you know the history of the Fourth Age very well!" The lady extended a hand and introduced herself: "Edwina."

Hobert politely held the other person's soft hand: "Jeffrey."

Hobert had changed his appearance before setting off, so that no one would recognize him, but no one on the sea would know that he was a traitor to the Loen Kingdom, and even if they knew, they wouldn't take it seriously.

After all, there are so many vicious criminals in this sea that Hobert's incident is not worth mentioning at all.

After introducing himself, Hobert saw the expectant looks on the faces of the men around him, and he realized that he seemed to have missed something just now. After thinking about it carefully, he finally grasped the key point: "Lieutenant General Iceberg!"

These men just wanted to see Hobert's surprised expression.

Edwina smiled and said: "Yes. You can let go of my hand."

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was too surprised just now." Hobert smiled awkwardly. He didn't expect that "Vice Admiral Iceberg" was not as cold as he thought.

"I was hoping that someone could discuss this issue." Edwina said: "As you just said, it is unreasonable for the relics of the Trunsoest family to appear here."

Hobert looked at the men next to him: Can't they discuss it with you?

However, what greeted Hobert was the angry looks of several people.

Hobert said in his heart: Okay, okay, I know, you want it too, but I just hate that I don’t have enough knowledge. You can tell by your face that you are among those who dropped out of school early.

"I'm happy to oblige." Hobert said politely: "I am also hoping for a collision of ideas."

Edwina immediately asked: "Did you go to grammar school?"

Otherwise the adjectives used would not be so precise.

"I once studied at Backlund University, but unfortunately I didn't graduate."

"That's great." Edwina said: "My subordinates also found another clue. Come here."

She took Hobert to a corner of the wall, where there was a structural diagram drawn with a sharp instrument, and there were several words in the ancient Fusac language next to it.

Holbert stumbled and read first: "Length, sample box, alignment?"

Except for length, Hobert didn't know the meaning of other words. Looking at the simple structure diagram again: "This is a bit like the fire door structure on a large ship!"

He had just learned about the prices of some large cargo ships in Feneport City two days ago. The salesperson had introduced in detail the advantages of the cargo ships they produced. One of them was that their company's cargo ships had advanced fire doors.

Edwina nodded with satisfaction: "It seems that you are quite knowledgeable. Yes, this is exactly the design drawing of the fire door. The words next to it are all professional terms used in shipbuilding.

“If I’m not mistaken, Trunsoest built a huge ship here, and during the shipbuilding period, two engineers discussed the design of fire doors in this corner.

"While discussing, they couldn't help but draw a few strokes and briefly record it in ancient Fusac language."

Hobert looked at the surrounding ruins with some disbelief: "In other words, this was once a huge shipyard."

"I also have such a guess." Edwina said with her hands behind her back: "According to the size of this dock, the length of this ship should be close to 2,000 meters, and the width is 300 meters! It is also dozens of meters high! It is enough to accommodate a small The population of the city!”

"Trunsoest Empire!" Hobert felt a roar in his mind, and many clues were connected together.

Edwina's eyes flashed with light: "Yes, the treasures of the Trunsoest Empire really exist!"

However, Hobert has already thought of another thing: "Do you have any Beyonders with the 'Sailor' path under your command?"

"Lieutenant General Bingshan" was stunned: "Yes!"

"I happen to know some secret information about the 'Trunsoest Empire'," Hobert said: "But I have to do some verification first and ask friends on the 'Mariner' route to dive deep from the port and along the way. Look out under the sea and see if you can find any strange places."

At the captain's instruction, the two "sailors" took off their hats and jumped into the sea.

Hobert sat on a stone and waited quietly.

Edwina asked: "You don't seem to be a 'local'."

Hobert smiled: "There seems to be no locals on this island."

Of course he knew that ordinary pirates couldn't tell much information from their clothes, but "Lieutenant Admiral Iceberg", the former "erudite", should have understood a lot of things.

Hobert changed the subject: "The material of these walls seems to be very special."

"It is said that this is a construction method that existed in the Third and Fourth Ages." Edwina talked eloquently and said without reservation: "It has been lost now.

"I found some clues from the book. In addition to mixing some spiritual materials with the materials, there should also be some magic circles when building it. While building it, I prayed to the gods for strength.

"With the blessing of the gods, the building can be larger than we imagined, and it can stand still for hundreds or thousands of years."

Hobert nodded slightly. This method of construction is no longer applicable. If you pray to the gods for strength or blessing, it may take a long time for him to reply, and the construction period may be very long.

The third era was different from the fourth era. At that time, the gods were still in his kingdom, and there were so many angels, some of whom were the objects of prayer.

After waiting for more than half an hour, the two sailors came out of the sea one after another.

After landing, one of the sailors began to report the underwater situation: "The water in the dock is very deep. We explored along the seabed and walked out for about a few kilometers when we encountered a cliff!"

Another sailor reported: "The cliff is very strange, the rocks below are indented, and it seems to be getting thinner and thinner towards the base of the island.

"We searched around the cliff, and there were similar structures all around. It looked like there was a huge cake on top, but there was only a goblet underneath."

"That's right!" Hobert clapped his hands: "This island was originally on the coast of the Northern Continent, and was moved here from the Northern Continent by the Emperor of Hades."

"Lieutenant General Bingshan"'s subordinates were all stunned, and then they all showed expressions of obvious disbelief.

Hobert said to Edwina: "During two explorations, I learned some more detailed information about the Trunsoest Empire. You agree to two conditions. I will tell you all this information." ."

The second mate Orpheus with blond hair next to him said: "Captain, we can't agree to him, this is obviously a trap."

Other sailors also said: "This kid is not a good person at first glance."

"Look, he's wearing such thick clothes on such a hot day. He must be a lunatic."


Edwina waved her hand to her subordinates: "Tell me your conditions, and I will decide whether to agree or not."

Orpheus and others felt depressed for a while, and they knew that the captain could not withstand the temptation of "historical secrets".

"The first condition is the goodwill from Lieutenant General Iceberg and the forces behind it. We may have deeper cooperation in the future."

Edwina nodded: "No problem."

Hobert added: "The second condition is to help me find traces of 'Lieutenant General Dusk'. After finding him, we can start a hunt together, or you can just provide information.

"As long as your information is accurate enough and you can use your ship as my 'forward base', and I hunt 'Vice Admiral Dusk', I will give you a certain amount of loot."

Edwina asked: "How is your strength?"

Hobert was stunned for a moment, and then said confidently: "There is a reward of 30,000 pounds!"

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