Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 421 The protection promised by Baron Hobert

(Additional updates for orders over 1,500!)

The only captain of the "Black Seagull" pirate group was a Sequence 9. After being killed by Hobert, it was like the pirate group was wiped out.

While cleaning up the battlefield, Hobert saw "Lieutenant General Iceberg" coming out of the woods with several subordinates.

Hobert was stunned, why hasn't this bitch left yet?

"Hobert Jeffrey!" From a distance, Edwina, who saw Hobert's "true face" said: "When I saw this name, why did it feel so familiar? It turned out to be 'Traitor'" '!"

When Hobert gave Edwina the method to summon his messenger yesterday, it was inevitable that the other party would know his real name.

Fortunately, Hobert was prepared and told the other party his last name instead of using a pseudonym.

Hobert smiled and said: "This island is the territory of Jeffrey Territory, but we are allies, you can land on the island at will.

"I just thought of a good name. How about naming this place 'Dockyard Island'?"

Although the baron did not legally have the right to expand territory, he declared sovereignty over the unnamed island and gave it a name. According to the colonists' custom, Hobert had sovereignty over the island.

"What a name!" Edwina said, "Okay, you can continue playing the lord game. It's time for us to leave."

"Walk slowly, walk slowly, and remember to write to me!"

After sending away "Lieutenant General Iceberg", Hobert became even more fearless on this small island. He led his men to kill the leaders of three small pirate groups, and also plundered the 'Skeleton' pirate group and ' In the camp of the Black Whale pirate group, the first mate of the "Black Whale" pirate group and the boatswain of the "Skeleton" pirate group were killed.

Most of the members of these pirate groups went to the woods to search for extraordinary creatures. Otherwise, under the leadership of Hobert, they would definitely destroy whoever they encountered.

It wasn't until late afternoon when everyone was too tired to walk anymore that Hobert asked Schier to put all the flags on the beach before they completely evacuated.

Hobert, who was at the end, simply demolished the "Traveller's Gate". Anyway, he would build the magic circle of the "Traveller's Gate" and rebuild it again when he brings people here next time.

Otherwise, it would be easy for someone to discover this gate. If there are pirates who know how to use the "Traveler's Gate", they may directly kill the Jeffrey Territory, which is thousands of miles away.

The front yard of the Lord's Mansion was already piled up with spoils of war. As everyone moved back, Philip took notes.

Hobert took the record sheet and took a look at it. Most of them were tents, lanterns, tables and chairs and other daily necessities. The property was worth about nine hundred pounds.

Pirates usually carry valuable property with them, and the money is found from the bodies of killed pirates.

The harvest of extraordinary materials was not small. A total of 6 types and 15 extraordinary materials were found, and Hobert only recognized three of them.

One of them is the blood crystal of the Lava octopus, which is one of the main materials of the "astrologer", and Hobert is going to sell it to Forsi.

At the same time, there are a large number of spiritual materials. The pirates have just hunted extraordinary creatures and have not had time to take action. The extraordinary materials and spiritual materials are now cheaper for Hobert.

There are four extraordinary characteristics, three of which are sequenced to 9 levels. They are one "sailor", one "singer", and one "prisoner" extraordinary characteristic.

A sequence with 8 levels, extraordinary characteristics of "Fighter".

Hobert gave the extraordinary characteristics of "Sailor" to Schier, the extraordinary characteristics of "Singer" to Albert, and another person gave a piece of Sequence 9-level extraordinary material as their trophy.

The next step was to reward everyone according to the number of enemies killed. Because the currency captured was gold pounds, Hobert asked Philip to distribute the rewards in gold riso.

The most received 23 gold Liso, the least completed only two assists and only received 2 gold Liso.

However, Hobert allowed them all to choose one to three more trophies from the yard. Most of them chose lanterns that were practical and easy to hold.

So there were a lot of tents and daily necessities left in the yard, as well as some meat, fish, and wine.

Hobert asked the kitchen to cook a big meal of fish and meat, and had a feast with everyone.

At the banquet, Hobert pointed to the young man next to Albert: "Is this your son?"

Albert quickly led the young people around him to kneel down to Hobert: "Yes, sir, his name is Kerwin, and he is my eldest son."

Hobert nodded: "He fought very bravely today, let him be my personal guard tomorrow."

Albert said happily: "Thank you Sir for your kindness!"

Hobert waved his hand and asked one of Schier's subordinates: "What's your name?"

The subordinate immediately stood up and bowed: "Sir, my name is Jack."

Hobert said "Yes": "You are also very brave today. Before Schier comes back, you are responsible for the security of the Lord's Mansion. When Schill comes back, you will be the deputy captain of the guard."

Jack also followed Albert's example and bowed: "Thank you Sir for your kindness!"

Hobert asked again: "Can you read?"

"I went to school for a few years." Jack was a little embarrassed: "But I have almost forgotten it now."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Hobert also smiled: "Learn grammar and arithmetic again with the teachers in the territory. If there are any errands in the future, I will arrange them for you."

Jack bowed again: "Yes!"

Everyone looked envious. This was obviously a prelude to promotion. Only then did they regret, why weren't they more brave during the afternoon battle? A little harder?

At the end of the banquet, everyone who had drunk some wine respectfully bid farewell to the lord after eating and drinking, and then dragged their tired bodies away, talking and laughing, and even left excitedly.

As residents or followers in remote areas, if Hobert hadn't led them today, they might never leave the land beneath their feet, and they might never act so crazy in their entire lives.

After everyone left, Hobert sent Schier and Albert back to Bugas City. They still had their own tasks.

Returning to his study, Hobert first saw two corpses lying on the floor of the study. They were the first mate of the "Black Whale" pirate group and the boatswain of the "Skeleton" pirate group.

This was specially sent by Hobert to Schil after the battle.

After locking the door of the study, Hobert prayed to the Fool: "...Great Mr. Fool, please help me tell Mr. Hanged Man that I killed two pirates with bounties on them today and hope to meet with him and invite him. Help me collect the bounty.”

Although you have to pay him some "handling fees" to receive the bounty through Alger, it will save you a lot of trouble. The key is to get the bounty quickly.

A few minutes later, the majestic image of the Fool appeared in Hobert's mind, and then the scene changed to Alger's prayer scene.

He just happened to dock today and is now at the dock of a small island, saying that he can meet the "Emperor" now.

So Hobert changed his clothes, put on his mask, held the two corpses with both hands, and after a transfer, used "travel" to arrive at the meeting place.

This was not the first time that the two people met, so there was no need to be so cautious and polite. Hobert threw the body on the ground and introduced straight to the point: "One is the first mate of the 'Black Whale' pirate group, and there seems to be a reward of 900 pounds, and the other He's the bosun of the 'Skull' pirates, and I don't know how much the reward is."

"300 pounds!" Alger replied: "The total bounty is 1,200 pounds. Therefore, I have to use some connections and make some arrangements so that I can receive the bounty quickly.

"In addition to my own remuneration, I charge you 15%, which is 180 pounds."

"No problem, when can I get the bounty?"

"Next Mon."

Hobert extended his hand: "It's a pleasure to work with you."

Alger shook hands with him: "It's a pleasure to cooperate."

After Hobert used "Travel" to leave, Alger looked at the place where he left and whispered: "He finally went to sea! But this is good, at least I have a helper at sea."

Early Sunday morning, Jeffrey led.

Hobert was still sleeping when he heard Allen's knock on the door: "Sir! Flare!"

Hobert rolled over and yawned before realizing that Allen was talking about the "Nohal"'s distress signal.

After deceiving the "Nohal" into the Taidij River channel, Hobert asked Allen to find a few people to take turns staring south. After discovering the signal flare, he immediately informed himself.

According to the speed of the cargo ship, the "Nohar" would reach Jeffrey Town today. Unexpectedly, it encountered danger early in the morning.

Hobert estimated that the gangsters on both sides of the Taiwan Strait were still in a state of surprise two days ago, and now they finally couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to grab a vote.

After getting dressed, Hobert went out and took a look to the south. The light from the signal flare in mid-air had begun to fade, but it was still visible.

Hobert looked at Kerwin, who had come on duty early: "Come to the study with me."

After arriving in the study, Hobert said: "Get ready for battle!"

After yesterday's experience, Kerwin immediately realized that the lord would take him to solve the problem on the flare side: "Sire, I am ready."

Hobert held his shoulders and led him through the spirit world to the shore not far from Full Moon Lake.

There are two small boats on the water approaching the "Nohar", and there are two groups of people on the shore chasing the cargo ship.

At this time, Dean, the captain of the "Nohar", was sweating profusely and staring at the two small boats. Even if he ignored the gangsters on the boats, if they just collided, the "Nohar" would very likely be It was knocked to the point of leaking.

On this long-abandoned waterway, it is impossible to find a shipyard that can repair large cargo ships.

Dean looked anxiously towards the shore. Where was the protection promised by Baron Hobert's envoy? Have you been deceived?

At this moment, Dean saw a huge boulder flying from the shore and hitting a small boat.

Amid the wails of the gangsters on the boat, the boat lost power and began to sink.

Dean quickly used his binoculars to look at the shore, but he did not find weapons such as catapults on the shore. He only saw a young man wearing aristocratic clothing.

He moved his shoulders, easily lifted a stone worth at least two hundred dollars, and threw it into the river again.

Next to that young man stood a young man dressed as a noble warrior. He looked surprised and was obviously stunned by the scene before him.

Another boulder flew and hit another ship with great accuracy.

Dean sighed: "This is the first time I have seen such a strong man!"

He quickly used his binoculars to continue observing the direction of the young nobleman. At this time, the nobleman and his guards had already engaged thirty or forty chasing bandits on the shore.

Dean was worried about them again. The disparity in strength was too great.

But for some reason, the gangsters suddenly broke out into internal strife. The two men took advantage of this opportunity and easily defeated the gangsters like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep.

The nobles and guards did not pursue, but loudly said: "Look clearly, the flag of Jeffrey's leader is planted on the bow of this ship. Whoever dares to take their ideas has only one outcome: death!"

This voice was so powerful that even the pursuers on the other side could hear it clearly and gave up the pursuit.

Dean finally breathed a sigh of relief and said to the surrounding crew members: "Our previous choice was right. Lord Hobart's envoy is a man of his word."

Kerwin on the shore looked at Hobert with admiration. After these two days of fighting experience, Kerwin was convinced of the lord's martial virtue.

At this time, Kerwin saw the lord turn his head and said to himself: "Go to the ship in a moment and tell the captain and crew that we are reinforcements sent by Baron Hobert.

“And tell them that there is Full Moon Lake ahead, and the east side of Full Moon Lake is the territory of Baron Hobert, and they can dock for repairs.

“When you come back, just jump off the boat and I’ll catch you.


Kerwin nodded: "I remember, but..."

Before he could come out, the prince grabbed him by the collar and threw him into the river as if he had just thrown a stone.

Kerwin's mind went blank, and he stood firmly on the deck of the Nohar with a look of horror on his face.

Looking at the surprised expressions on the faces of the surrounding crew members, it took Kerwin two or three seconds to react. He cleared his throat and said proudly: "We are the reinforcements sent by Lord Hobart..."

After repeating what Hobert had just taught him, Captain Dean quickly came over to thank him.

Kerwin waved his hand and said it was nothing. When he returned, he fully trusted the Lord's arrangements. He took a step forward and jumped off the ship amidst the exclamations of the crew.

Kerwin held his nose, ready to fall into the water.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew across the river, and this gust of wind actually held Corwin!

The disbelief on Kerwin's face immediately turned into a cheerful cry: "Yah!"

He felt as if he could fly. He opened his arms and laughed heartily. He flew to the shore close to the water and stood firmly in front of the lord.

The crew on the "Nohal" had already been stunned.

Hobert on the shore smiled and asked: "How does it feel?"

"That's great, sir. This is the first time I feel that life can be so enjoyable."

Hobert exclaimed: "It's great to be young!"

Although he looks only one or two years older than Kerwin on the surface, his experience of being "a man in two lives" has made his mental age at least forty years old.

He remembered that when he first used the "low flying" ability, all he thought about was that this ability would increase his mobility.

But Kerwin lamented that "life can be so fun"!

More updates for everyone’s subscription! Thank you all for your continued support!

I just made the last revision, let’s publish it together.

Oh, by the way, it’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass (*°▽°*)

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