Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 434 Determining the Wedding Date

Hobert, who was already panicking, tried to remain calm: "I know why you came to me."

He suppressed the movement of wiping cold sweat and smiled: "I will not affect the so-called torrent of the times, because this torrent is also beneficial to me, and I am not interested in whether you become a god or not."

Adam nodded slowly, not surprised that the "creator" knew his purpose, but it was more reasonable.

On this basis, the "creator's" promise becomes more credible.

"If you have any questions in the future, please contact me directly." Hobert wanted to end the conversation as soon as possible.

As for contact information: Guess!

Adam suddenly said: "George III will become the Black Emperor, and the Church of God of War has just delivered Trunsoest's brass book to Castile."

Hobert smiled and said: "You also know how reluctant George III was to become a god.

"You can fool those idiots in Augustus, but you can't fool me."

Adam did not continue to speak. He saw many contradictory messages, such as the weakness of the "creator" beyond his imagination.

But the "creator" happens to know a lot of secrets. Logically speaking, if he knows so much, he shouldn't be so weak. Is this because he is hiding his strength?

Adam remembered that the last time he was so blind to his opponent's weakness was in the Fourth Age.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that the opponent was at most an angel level, but he was a difficult opponent.

After this simple and rapid psychological game ended, Hobert immediately broke off contact with Elliot.

Adam also left, and Elliot felt that his prayers were pious enough, so he went back to continue the meeting, and no one thought there was anything wrong with it.

In "The State of Disorder", Hobert wiped away a cold sweat, but soon he realized: I am in a spiritual state now, where did the cold sweat come from.

He smiled helplessly: Even with the protection of the "Nation of Disorder", Adam will be able to see clearly the truth and falsehood in me if we continue to talk.

After waiting for a long time, Hobert felt that his mood had calmed down, and then he looked at Elliot's condition again.

They were in a meeting, as if nothing had happened just now.

Forget it, if they don’t know, they don’t know.

But then I thought: No, it would be wrong if my loved ones don’t know Adam’s basic information. As long as they know Adam, Adam will know them. And if they don’t know about Adam, it’s as if I’m afraid of Adam and don’t dare to tell the Beloved about him.

Hobert sighed: Hey, it's really troublesome to deal with people on the "Imaginary" path. They can decipher a lot of information in slightly unexpected places.

So Hobert put the scene of Elliot praying just now into his stars.

In the Southern Continent, in a luxurious villa on the outskirts of Crolier City.

Elliot was in a meeting when a picture suddenly appeared in his mind. When he was praying just now, there was a priest with a golden beard standing next to him!

Elliot blurted out: "How come I didn't notice it!"

Lawrence and others were stunned. Elliot quickly explained: "The 'creator' just gave a reminder. I, when I was praying just now, there was a priest standing next to me. Why didn't I know anything about it?" Didn’t you notice?”

Everyone was a little surprised. To be able to deceive a Sequence 6 spiritual being, the level of that priest should be quite high.

Lawrence said: "Pray to the 'creator' again and ask what's going on?"

Elliot finally recovered from his shock and went to a corner to pray in the conference room.

It's not that his psychological quality is too poor, but that this experience is too scary.

Imagine that one day, a person works or studies as usual, and feels that there is nothing worth paying attention to all day long.

But in fact, while he was working and studying, there was a person sitting quietly next to him, watching his every move.

This feeling of having no privacy and being unable to detect the other person's presence is scary to think about.

After Elliot prayed to the "Creator", the image of the "Creator" once again appeared in front of everyone through Elliot's star: "That is the angel of fantasy, Adam!"

The "founder" waved his hand as he spoke, and the entire conference room was immediately filled with "power of order", and everyone seemed to wake up suddenly.

Everyone stood up immediately, and before they could praise the "creator", they each realized what was wrong with them.

Lawrence: "We were in a meeting just now, why did I take out the 'Balancer Crown' to play with?"

Elliot: "When I was in the meeting just now, why did I suddenly want to pray to the 'Creator' and why did I stay there for so long?"

Chester: "Why didn't I think there was anything wrong with your performance just now?"

"The Creator": "This is Adam's ability!"

Hobert didn't explain in detail, letting them experience it themselves.

The more they thought about it, the more frightened they became, especially Lawrence. As the only saint in this room, when he was holding the "Crown of the Balancer" just now, he felt that something was wrong!

The key is that he himself exposed the level 0 sealed artifact in his family to the other party.

Lawrence asked: "What is the sequence of Adam, the great 'creator'?"

Hobert: "He is the King of Angels!"

The eyes of Lawrence and the two demigod elders were fixed. The three of them could read some confidential family books, including descriptions of the "King of Angels".

Elliot asked again: "Dear 'Creator', why did Adam come?"

Hobert said in a solemn voice: "Look for me. He has left now."

After saying that, the "creator" also disappeared from the conference room.

Several people looked at each other, and no one spoke for a long time.

It wasn't until two or three minutes later that Elliot asked: "Clan leader, how many elders, what is the order of the 'King of Angels'?"

Lawrence glanced at the other two demigod elders before saying: "Above Sequence 1, below True God."

"True... true god!" Elliot looked surprised. He didn't expect that he, who was still very weak, could come into contact with such a high-level existence.

Then several people looked at each other. Such a being could only come to see the "Creator", otherwise no one else would know that He had been there.

This should be a high-level meeting. As for what the two big men talked about, they can only guess.

Kingdom of Feneport, Jeffrey Territory.

Hobert, who returned to the real world, immediately prayed to himself, then returned to the "Land of Disorder" and used his "real vision" to confirm that Adam did not appear beside him.

Hobert understands Adam better. In addition to ignoring Adam's existence, he can also change the decisions of others without anyone noticing. If there is no "real vision", Hobert feels that he will be paranoid: This decision is mine. Made it yourself? Or did Adam help me make it?

Another thing is Adam's "writer" ability. He can "write people to death" without leaving home. This is a "remote attack".

However, Hobert is not too worried about his danger in the real world. He has thought about this problem before.

He believed that the "State of Disorder" could help him cut off the connection between the "Creator" and Hobert, and also cut off the masked man who appeared in Backlund's Great Smog, and Hobber who returned to Feneport. relationship between features.

The incident just now proved Hobert's guess, otherwise Adam would have come directly to Hobert, not just to Elliot.

Therefore, after Adam's memory is sealed in the "Land of Disorder", there is currently no danger in the real world.

It was based on this kind of thinking that Hobert dared to participate in the Great Smog incident when he was at Harvest Church at noon.

Then Hobert thought: Adam suddenly came to me, probably not just because of the "subordinates" of the "creator" who appeared during the great smog incident.

Before Hobert got involved in the "Backlund Great Smog Incident", he did a lot of thinking at Harvest Church.

Until now, he still believes that the "torrent of the times" that Adam has been promoting should be: the improvement of steam engines has brought the world into a new era. The countries in the Northern Continent are gradually overcapacity, and the gap between the rich and the poor in each country is gradually widening. These unprecedented The series of contradictions caused by the problem can only be solved by a war that sweeps the world.

As for the promotion of George III, it is the best catalyst for these contradictions. After all, after more than a thousand years of games and battles, when the extraordinary powers of the four countries in the Northern Continent are basically balanced, none of them will rashly start Total War.

But it will be different if George III becomes a god. This will force the Feysac Empire, the sworn enemy of the Loen Kingdom, to start a war before George III becomes a god. This will force the Feneport Kingdom to join the war without hesitation.

Hobert believes that this "torrent" has little to do with the scale of the Great Smog. It is the result of an accident caused by Triss and Klein. It is also the reason why George III needed a large number of slaves to build a mausoleum. Obtaining a "population balance" may not have been in Adam's "script".

Even in Adam's script, as long as a major smog incident occurs, Adam will not care whether so many people die, because even if not so many people die, the sudden appearance of enough respiratory tract infection patients can cause widespread concern.

Thinking back on this issue now, Hobert believed that Adam was involved in the Great Smog Incident because the "subordinate" of the "Creator", and he suspected that the "Creator" knew about George III's preparation to become the Black Emperor.

The "Creator" just showed amazing strength in the territory of General Anthony of the Southern Continent. Adam was afraid that the "Creator" would destroy his "Torrent of the Times" script, so he planned to come forward to talk to the "Creator".

But because the "subordinates" of the "creator" did not damage the tomb of George III, and the "creator" also admitted that he would profit from Adam's "era flow".

Adam didn't feel threatened here, so the matter was settled.

Hobert smiled slightly: "Sure enough, grasping the main contradiction is equivalent to grasping the nose of the problem."

The situation was urgent just now, so he didn't have time to think so much, but he still grasped the main contradiction and dealt with it appropriately.

After this matter is over, Hobert plans to be honest for a while and focus on developing the territory. After a while, no one will pay attention to the "creator" anymore.

As for the risks encountered in this matter, Hobert believed that it was the "cost" he gained, just like the action of conquering the Balk family.

Sometimes development opportunities come as they come, regardless of whether Hobert is ready or not. If you want to seize the opportunity, you have to take the risks. There is no such thing as taking risks and enjoying the results.

Hobert knows that his idea is incompatible with the essence of "Gou" that needs to be understood in this extraordinary world, but "Gou" is the essence of the development of the "Fool" path. If Hobert does the same, he may never become "Gou" Black Emperor".

The only thing that Hobert couldn't figure out was why he didn't leave immediately when he met the "Crazy Mage" of the Solomon family? She was still stupidly waiting to reveal the extraordinary characteristics of the "Witch of Despair".

After Hobert thought about it over and over, he thought it was the handiwork of 0-08 or Adam. Although the mask he wore gave him a certain degree of protection, he was still arranged to do things that seemed normal, but upon closer inspection were a little abnormal. Behavior.

Fireproof, anti-theft and anti-Adam!

Back in the real world, it was already evening.

Just as Hobert was preparing to have dinner, Forsi ran over from her room: "Hobert, something big happened in Backlund today!"

She talked and gestured all over the Backlund smog incident.

Only then did Hobert say: "I know about this. A friend asked me to help rescue people. I also rescued a girl from the heavy smog."

"Really?" Forsi "praised": "So awesome! You only saved one girl?"

"There is also an old man!" Hobert said quickly: "I originally wanted to bring them all back to the territory, but the old man didn't want to come, so I had to arrange for him to be in Backlund.

"As for that girl, you can see her later during dinner."

Forsi said "Oh" and the topic was dismissed: "Do you know why the great smog happened?"

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief and asked curiously: "Isn't it because the smog discharged from the factory is too serious, making the smog toxic?"

He sighed in his heart: Sure enough, life depends entirely on acting.

Just over an hour ago, Hobert had used his acting skills to deceive the most difficult man in the world to deceive, but he was still walking on thin ice in front of Forsi.

Forsi told the news that Xio had inquired about: a prince fell in love with a witch, and the king ordered the prince to abandon the witch. In anger, the witch increased the toxicity in the smog, causing serious consequences. The prince had already Commit suicide to apologize.

This story was obviously fabricated, but Forsi believed it because the prince who committed suicide was named Edsac, and Mr. Fool had reminded him in the Tarot meeting.

Of course, Forsi would not tell Hobert about Mr. Fool's reminder, but would only explain to him how reliable Xio's information was.

There was one more person at the dinner table. Helen looked at Freya curiously. The hot gaze from those beautiful eyes made Freya blush a little.

Hobert introduced Freya: "This is my fiancée, Miss Fors. This is a guest of the Lord's Mansion, Miss Helen."

Freya, who had changed into local clothes, breathed a sigh of relief. Now she finally believed that Mr. Hobert did not bring her back just for beauty.

Because his fiancée is very elegant, beautiful, and has a good figure.

His lover, on the other hand, is shy and beautiful, and her eyes seem to be able to speak, appealing to the heart.

With Freya's knowledge, she naturally thought that Helen was the teacher's lover.

Hobert said to Forsi again: "Tomorrow morning you go to Xio and buy me some textbooks. I'm going to teach Freya how to read and write. After she has accumulated a certain vocabulary, you can teach her grammar!"

Because Helen was there, Hobert did not directly tell Forsi to go to Backlund, but asked her to "find a break."

Of course Forsi understood what Hobert meant, she nodded: "No problem."

Hobert added: "Let me tell you the second thing. My mother and sister Donna will arrive at Jeffrey Land tomorrow morning, or afternoon at the latest."

He said to Forsi: "Hurry back after buying the textbooks and come with me to the dock to greet mother."

Hobert mentioned this matter before, and Forsi nodded nervously: "Okay!"

Finally, Hobert said to Helen: "Ask Ms. Monica to come tomorrow afternoon. I have something to discuss with her."

The Backlund Great Smog Incident made the Hobart Witch Church one of his enemies, but of course he would not tell the Gnosis: I want to be an enemy of your superior unit.

He planned to observe whether it was possible to use the Gnosis Society to let the enemy consume himself, which was also a way to deal with the enemy.

In addition to the Witch Church, Hobert also included the Aurora Society and the Loen Royal Family among his enemies.

Needless to say, the Aurora Club had just killed every one they saw.

The Loen royal family can only be temporarily included in the ranks of enemies, and there is currently no means to deal with them.

Helen nodded: "Okay."

Then Hobert said: "Okay, let's finish the business, let's eat."

After dinner, Hobert returned to the study. Suddenly the lights in the study dimmed. Hobert felt something and saw a huge skeleton appearing in the study.

Dark red light flashed in its eye sockets. It seemed to stare at Hobert for a second or two, as if to confirm whether it was Hobert, and then opened its hand and placed the letter in the huge palm on the desk.

Then the skeleton seemed to collapse, and the bones flew away, leaving the study.

Hobert did not take any drastic action because he suspected that this was Mr. Azik's messenger.

Opening the letter on the table, it turned out to be Mr. Azik's letter.

Azik first apologized in the letter. He had been busy for some time and had not replied to Hobert.

In addition, he also said that after parting with Hobert last time, he went to see the corpse of the ancient god of death alone, but it could no longer remind him of anything more, and there should be no need to observe the corpse of the ancient god of death in the future. .

At the end of the letter, Azik reminded Hobert that he must seal the corpse of the ancient God of Death, otherwise it would be easy to attract some Beyonders of the "God of Death" path.

Mr. Azik also thoughtfully listed two sealing methods, both of which rely on the power of the spiritual world for sealing.

Hobert immediately asked the kitchen to make donuts, and he wrote a simple reply.

First, he thanked Mr. Azik for the reminder and the sealing method, and promised to seal the corpse of the ancient god of death.

Hobert briefly talked about his current situation and invited Mr. Azik to visit his territory.

After waiting for more than half an hour for the donuts to be ready, Hobert summoned a messenger to send the letter and at the same time settled the eight donuts he owed last time.

Back in his bedroom, as soon as Hobert closed his eyes, the scene he saw in Backlund's East District would still appear.

He had no choice but to use meditation to get himself to sleep as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Hobert personally directed everyone in the yard to clean the lord's mansion and also clean the road up the mountain.

Around nine o'clock, Forsi, who rarely got up early, had already bought the textbooks. After simply putting on light makeup, he and Hobert took a carriage to the dock to greet Monlisa and her party.

The news that the lord's mother was coming had spread like wildfire a long time ago. Today, the dock was full of people who came to greet Monlisa and her party.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, we finally saw two boats, one large and one small, sailing into Full Moon Lake from the upper reaches.

Before the boat docked, I heard Donna shouting loudly on the boat: "Hobert, is it fun to be a lord?"

Hobert smiled: "I'll let you be the lord for a day tomorrow. You can try it yourself to see if it's fun or not!"

The two people were talking in Loen language, and only Forsi smiled knowingly. No one around them knew what they were shouting, but everyone could also hear the joy in the conversation between the two people.

The boat finally docked and the ladder was lowered. Hobert and Donna had been shouting and chatting for more than ten minutes.

Donna was the first to rush down and pounce with open arms: "Hobert!"

After hugging her brother, Donna hugged Forsi: "Sister-in-law! From the first time I met you, I knew you must be my sister-in-law!"

Forsi blushed a little, and suddenly didn't know how to face Donna.

The last time we met, she was "my friend's sister", but this time she met, she was already "my fiancé's sister".

But even if she doesn't need to respond, Donna can still chatter to herself.

Hobert stretched out his hand to support Monlisa who got off the boat: "Mother."

"Yeah." Monlisa looked at Hobert with a smile: "He lost a little weight."

Hobert smiled and said, "Maybe I haven't gotten used to Fenebote's food yet."

Monlisa held Forsi's hand again: "Are you still used to living here?"

"It's pretty good here." Forsi said quickly.

The two held hands and talked for a while, and then the residents on the dock bowed and shouted: "Old Madam!"

Monlisa smiled and waved to them, and it was obvious that Hobert was very loved by the people here.

The group of people took a carriage back to the Lord's Mansion. Since it was already noon, they went to the restaurant to eat first.

As soon as everyone sat down in the restaurant, Monlisa asked Hobert: "Is your wedding date confirmed?"

Hobert was stunned. He really didn't think much about it.

Forsi was also stunned: Aren't they a contract couple? Do you want to get married seriously? If the wedding takes place, won’t I really marry Hobert?

Meng Lisa glanced at the two young people and said helplessly: "Now you young people!

"Since you have no plans, I will make the decision for you. The wedding date will be January 28th!"

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