Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 441 The struggle between Fabuti and the Mother Tree of Desire

(Additional updates for everyone’s monthly tickets!)

Hobert was stunned for a second or two: "You, you are not the Demon King Farbuti?"

The middle-aged man on the throne said: "For a long time, I was called this name!"

Hobert was even more confused: "Aren't you a Sequence 0 of the 'Abyss' pathway? The god of the demons?"

"I am."

Hobert smiled: "Then why did you kill those demons?"

"Because these fools have been trying to wake me up!" Fabuti's sculpture-like face finally showed an expression of impatience: "I told them more than two thousand years ago that I entered a deep sleep state on my own initiative. Hide from my enemies.

"But they were honest for a few hundred years, and then they started sacrificing to me non-stop!

“As a result, my enemies found me again, and I had to make some sacrifices to get rid of them again.

"I simply don't need the 'Demon King' to respond to their prayers. These fools actually started to offer sacrifices directly to the 'abyss'!

"In a fit of anger, I took back the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Blood Archduke' of the Anderanrad family and the Beria family, but why don't they have a long memory? It didn't take long before they started sacrificing to the 'abyss' again."

Hobert thought back to Elder Bowen, who spoke swornly in front of the altar, but he didn't expect that the devil also had great wisdom!

Then he thought again: The case has been solved. No wonder the Anrad family and the Belia family gradually declined more than a thousand years ago and became vassals of the North family. It turned out that Fabuti directly killed their leader!

Fabuti added: "Kill the demons on the other side and stop them from continuing to sacrifice, and the ring will be yours!

"That ring has been with me for a long time, and finally one day, it has the ability of a demigod, and I can help you seal it again, so that its negative effects become almost negligible.

“In addition, I can also help you strengthen your oil painting skills!

"How about it? Descendants of Trunsoest? That's a good deal, isn't it?"

It was indeed a good deal, but Hobert did not agree immediately. Instead, he asked: "Who is your enemy?"

"I told you I was harming you!"

"The Mother Tree of Desire, right?" Hobert discovered that in this dream, he had some memories of foreign gods sealed in his subconscious.

Farbuti said: "Sure enough, the person who was divined by Fregra knew about the 'Mother Tree of Desire', but was not contaminated by it.

“Yeah, that’s always been my worst enemy.

"He has been trying to contaminate me, so I had to hide myself by sealing myself.

"Waiting for the person Fregra divined to appear and drive him to the depths of the starry sky."

Hobert asked again: "What is your relationship with 'Destruction Wolf' Fregra?"

"Not an enemy."

Hobert nodded: "What is the 'dark side of the universe' that has appeared since more than a thousand years ago?"

Farbuti smiled slightly: "That was the battlefield between me and the 'Mother Tree of Desire'.

"More than a thousand years ago, because too many demons sacrificed themselves to me, the 'Mother Tree of Desire' found me again.

"This time He succeeded in contaminating me..."

Hobert's eyes were focused, ready to escape from the dream at any time.

Fortunately, Farbuti continued: “So I corrupted the contaminated part of myself and made him a separate individual.

"This individual possesses all of my characteristics, and even possesses some of my authority and divinity, both in a practical sense and in a mystical sense. This individual is me!

"But he is not the complete me. As long as I still exist in front of you, even if he is completely contaminated, the 'Demon King' will still be the 'Demon King'!"

"The 'Mother Tree of Desire' was indeed fooled and began to compete with me for control of that individual.

“I really have no hope of winning this fight so far, but I haven’t lost yet.

"Then that individual called himself the 'Dark Side of the Universe' and began to respond to the demons' sacrifices on his own. That was another story."

Hobert twitched his lips: Hey, hey, your clone has a will of its own! You don’t have any sense of crisis at all? Or are you giving all your emotions to the "dark side of the universe"?

This made Hobert think of the concept of "firewall". The "dark side of the universe" is Fabuti's firewall!

Then he thought: once you reach the level of a true god, it is really difficult to kill him. Even if the "Mother Tree of Desire" is one level higher than the "Devil King", as long as Fabuti handles it carefully, does not engage in head-on confrontation, and has a barrier For protection, they still fought with each other for a thousand or two thousand years.

Thinking of this, Hobert asked again: "Is the scene in the oil painting your dream? Your 'real body' isn't hiding in your dream, right?"

Fabuti took a deep look at Hobert: "That is indeed part of my dream. The 'Mother Tree of Desire' does not have the authority in this regard, so it can't find me at all."

He added: "You know too much, and that's not a good thing."

"I just don't want to die in someone else's conspiracy." Hobert smiled harmlessly: "I'm sorry, I didn't tell you, I can feel your sincerity."

Haha, sincerity from the devil.

Holbert paused and asked, "Are you in good condition now?"

"It can last for quite some time."

"Then I'm relieved." Hobert smiled and said: "Do you believe in Fregra's divination so much? To be honest, I don't want to drive away the 'Mother Tree of Desire' for you yet.

"And sometimes, the divination results interpreted by fortune-tellers may not be accurate, not to mention that they were divination thousands of years ago."

Farbuti said expressionlessly: "First of all, you didn't drive away the 'Mother Tree of Desire' for me, but for yourself.

“Secondly, the reason why Fregra’s divination is credible is that you have an unimaginably close relationship with the true god known as ‘The Fool’ in later generations, or the ‘Lord of Mysteries’.

"Even if the divination was performed thousands of years ago, it would be sufficiently accurate if it involves the uniqueness of the same path."

Hobert was slightly startled. He didn't expect that the "divineer's" ability was so abnormal. Other methods basically involve uniqueness and will always be affected or hindered by various influences.

The "divineer" path has also been affected when it comes to uniqueness, but this effect makes the divination of uniqueness holders more and more accurate.

"The last question." Hobert said: "If I drive away the 'Mother Tree of Desire', what will you bring to the world after you regain your freedom?"

"Depravity, dirt and corrosion, of course."

Hobert shook his head: "If that's the case, I don't want you to be free."

Farbuti’s face still showed no emotion: “You say that just because you are not of a sufficient level and don’t know enough.

"This world needs balance, and extraordinary characteristics also need balance. One day you will expect me to regain my freedom."

Hobert thought: The Black Emperor will also have certain powers of corruption and corruption. After reaching a certain level, do I really need the "Abyss" to help me balance these powers?

Hobert shook his head. This theory seemed to make sense, but when he thought about it carefully, it felt full of fraud.

"Okay." Farbuti said: "Having said that, we can continue the transaction just now.

"I have given that ring some of the abilities of a high-level demon. As long as you wear it, the demon will not be able to sense your malice towards him, and they will not be able to manipulate your emotions and desires.

"After you kill all the demons on the other side, these abilities will disappear automatically, and this ring will reveal its original abilities that belong to the Sequence 4 'Devil'!"

Hobert said: "I want to kill those demons just because I want to kill them, not as a deal with you."

He never dared to make a deal with Farbuti. This was a deal with the devil... no, it was a deal with the "devil leader". Who knew what the consequences would be once a deal was reached?

"Whatever you say," Farb said.

Hobert asked again: "You use oil paintings to open up your dreams. Aren't you afraid that the 'Mother Tree of Desire' will invade from here?"

Fabuti smiled slightly: "You should have explored it. This dream can only come to me on my own initiative. No one can find me through this dream."

"This is really the last question this time." Hobert smiled: "It's hard to imagine that as the 'Demon King', your dream is not a barbaric land full of volcanoes and magma.

"Can I understand it this way? In the devil's mind, there are also beautiful scenery and a sea of ​​flowers?"

This question stunned Fabuti for three or four seconds before he shook his head slightly: "You don't understand, you don't understand, this used to be my home!"


The dream suddenly exploded, and Hobert, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes: "I just talked about the beautiful scenery and the sea of ​​flowers, is that all?"

This used to be my home!

This sentence echoed in Hobert's mind: Could it be that what I just said made the "Demon King" homesick?

Smiling silently, Hobert, who was completely awake, suddenly felt as if he was wearing a ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

He raised his hand and saw that it was the ring given to him by Farbuti!

Hobert immediately sat up and pulled it down hard, but he couldn't take it off.

He was about to enter the "State of Disorder" when he suddenly thought of something and glanced at the oil painting on the wall.

After taking a few deep breaths, Hobert calmed down completely. He stood up and went to the study. He left the sensing range of the oil painting, prayed a few words to the "creator", and then entered the "State of Disorder".

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert spread his spirituality to his own stars, and used his "real vision" to see that his left hand was covered by a layer of black mist. The source of these mist was the ring.

If you look closely, there seems to be some sharp tooth-like structures on the inside of the ring, piercing into your spirit body.

In a practical sense, this ring can be taken off, but from a mystical or extraordinary perspective, this ring "bites" Hobert's spirit body and becomes inseparable from him. a part of.

So it wasn’t that Hobert had no strength in his hands just now, but also that he subconsciously believed that he and the ring were one!

Hobert thought about it for a while, and boldly used the power of "distortion" to twist the objects that the "teeth" were biting with. When those "teeth" became loose, Hobert immediately used the "power of order" to wrap the ring. live.

Immediately afterwards, Hobert returned to the real world, picked it gently, and sure enough, it was taken off.

Hobert immediately sacrificed the ring to the "Land of Disorder" and sat on the "Iron Throne". Hobert placed the ring in his palm and could clearly see some sharp black "teeth" inside the ring.

They seemed to be alive, squirming for a while.

Using the identity of the "State of Anarchy", Hobert learned of the ring's abilities.

As Fabuti said, it does have the effect of blinding the devil's perception and blocking one's own desires and emotions.

But it also has a hidden ability that allows the holder to gradually turn into a demon! It's not the adjective "devil", but the final form is the tall devil with goat's horns that I saw tonight.

Even if Hobert is not an Extraordinary person of the "Abyss" path, he will still become a demon.

At the same time, Hobert discovered that the last ability may have been secretly given by Fabuti, and was somewhat incompatible with the ring.

To be more precise, this is a bit like the blessing of the "Mother Tree of Desire" on the sealed object that Elliot sacrificed to Hobert.

After being promoted to Sequence 5, Hobert's operations in the "State of Disorder" became more diverse.

He used his "distorted" power to try to pull away this ability, but he was able to pull it out easily.

Hobert stretched out his hand to summon a rock from the "Land of Disorder" and attached this ability to the rock. The lines on the rock twisted and formed a devil's face.

This stone is similar to the previous "cursed jade", but it belongs to the "blessing of the abyss". The blessed extraordinary person will always turn into the form of a demon and can use the demon's abilities, but will be unconsciously The abyss attracts, and finally falls into the embrace of the abyss.

The difference is that Hobert's power in the "Land of Disorder" is now more precise, and he can extract this "blessing" without damaging the ring.

Hobert held his chin and thought: So, there is indeed something wrong with the transaction initiated by Fabuti. Perhaps taking the opportunity to contaminate me is just one of his purposes. It’s just that Fabuti may not have imagined that “the devil is one foot high and the Tao is two feet high.” I would see through the pollution he had hidden in the ring and deal with it accordingly.

Hobert smiled, named this stone that could be used three times "Gift of the Abyss", and placed it on the stone platform holding the sealed artifact.

Then Hobert sat on the "Iron Throne" and thought about the 'Destruction Wolf' Fregra. Perhaps because this ancient god held the power related to "darkness", Hobert didn't have much impression of him.

If he really gave a divination like Farbuti's, then he should have also divulged his own death. Didn't he leave any backup plan for his resurrection?

No way, even "Servant of the Mystery" Zaratul has a back-up plan for resurrection. Fregra, who has mastered the uniqueness of "The Fool", should also have his own arrangements.

In addition, He has "secret" related authority, and few people can discover His arrangements. Hahaha, it's scary to think about it.

Then Hobert thought that this was something that Mr. Ke had to worry about, so he should worry about himself first.

Tonight, he almost had a fight with someone from the "Blood Worship Cult". Hobert didn't intend to hide his identity at that time. He was quite expecting the other party to take the initiative to fight and come to his home court to fight.

Although the residents of the territory can't help, Hobert can boldly use methods such as the "Wood of Order" and fight with all his strength without worrying about recycling.

Since one demon has been killed, he has to kill all these demons so that Hobert can rest assured.

But now is not the time to start a full-scale war with the devil. It will not be too late to start a full-scale war after the people from the Earth Mother Church, the Gnostic Society, and the Tudor family have all arrived.

Extra updates for everyone’s monthly tickets.

Thanks for everyone’s votes, I’ll add another chapter and express my thoughts ( ̄︶ ̄)

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