Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 447: Doing politics means making peace with each other

After this period of accumulation, Hobert's gold pounds now exceed 10,000 pounds.

He plans to use the money to purchase a locomotive and carriages. Since some modifications may be required, the carriages must be ordered in advance.

As usual, Hobert did not immediately put the cash into the "State of Disorder". He once again sketched the blueprint of the territory in his mind, thinking about it, and the time came to dusk.

Hobert came to the yard and stared at the Full Moon Lake under the sunset for a while.

The golden aftermath echoed on the Full Moon Lake, adding a sense of tranquility to the lake. People on the construction site began to go home, and at this time they showed long-lost smiles.

Hobert felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction: This is my territory!

Tuesday morning, Loen Kingdom, Tingen City Railway Station.

On the platform, Selina wiped her tears and said, "Melissa, remember to write to me."

Melissa felt inexplicably sad when she saw her friend crying. She wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "We are only separated temporarily. Maybe you will come to Backlund to work or study in the future."

No, I'll probably go to Ferneport. I'm already learning Ferneport on my own now, Selina thought to herself.


When the departure time came, they said their final goodbyes. Selina watched the train gradually move away from the station, began to accelerate, and finally disappeared from sight.

Chris Wood, who had red hair and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, came over to comfort his sister: "Parting is just to reunite again. Tingen City is not far from Backlund. If you miss each other, you can take a bus. Visit each other.”

Selena said with tears in her eyes: "But, but, I am the only one left in Tingen City."

Chris patted his sister on the shoulder: "People will always go through stages of loneliness."

Selena wiped away the last of her tears and smiled: "Chris, you are like a philosopher today."

Chris also laughed: "Everyone says that I have the temperament of a philosopher. Well, it's time for us to get ready to go."

Over there, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, as well as Chris's fiancée Vina, all waved to Selena.

Selena took a deep breath and tried to change her mood to a New Year's holiday state.

The train bound for Boklon Villa departed half an hour later. Selena, who had always been lively, kept looking out the window at the scenery passing behind her in a daze, as if it was her 18 years old that she would never return to.

The sociable Mr. Wood and Chris had already mingled with the passengers around them. They were chatting about the world structure, the newly built steel giant ship of the Loen Kingdom, and the sworn enemy Feysac Empire across the sea.

Selina discovered that the train had entered the mountains and would pass through a tunnel in a few minutes. She asked her father: "Dad, are we almost there?"

Mr. Wood looked at his pocket watch: "Dear, there are still ten minutes."

A passenger on the front left asked: "If you get off at the station in front, are you planning to go to Boklon Mountain Villa for vacation?"

Mr. Wood smiled and said: "Yes, I heard that the hot springs there are very good."

"That's right, and you can also go hunting!" The passenger laughed: "I heard that there are wild boars and sika deer there, but you can only hunt one or two hares at a time."

Wood laughed and said: "Hunting is a matter for young people..."

Suddenly, a passenger behind him with a low-brimmed hat said: "Don't go to Boklon Villa. Bad things have appeared there recently. If you go there, you will all turn into monsters!"

The Wood family looked at the passenger with some surprise, and Selena also turned to look at him. The passenger's coat collar stood up high, and the brim of his hat covered his entire face.

Although she couldn't see the other person's appearance, Selena could feel the madness and distortion emanating from the other person. This feeling made Selena uncomfortable all over.

Selina also noticed that he seemed to have only his left hand and no right hand.

Chris Wood smiled and asked: "Sir, what happened there? Why did we become monsters!"

The passenger said: "Anyway, don't go."


The sound of the train whistle woke Selina up from her sleep. She saw her parents, brother, and sister-in-law all looking confused, as if they had just woken up from their sleep.

Selena immediately looked behind her, and other family members looked there as well.

That seat is empty.

Chris Wood smiled and said: "You guys, you didn't have a dream where a passenger advised us not to go to Boklon Villa, right?"

Other family members looked at Chris with some surprise in their eyes.

Chris's smile faded, and the family was silent for a few seconds.

Selena swallowed: "Otherwise, why don't we go? It's hard to have a vacation, and it's nice to be at home."

Mr. Wood took out the ticket for Boklon Villa and smiled helplessly: "I have already bought the tickets."

This was a discounted ticket purchased through the relationship of a bank customer. Even the discounted ticket cost a lot of money.

Mrs. Wood said: "We can't change our schedule just because of a strange dream. Let's go to the villa to take a look first. If there's anything wrong, we'll go home immediately!"

Selena was also convinced because she also wanted to go to the hot springs and see the snow scene.

Ten minutes later, the train arrived at the station, and the Wood family got on the carriage that went directly to Boklon Villa.

There are gurgling springs everywhere here. The temperature of the fresh spring water can reach more than ten degrees. In winter, they make the entire valley foggy, adding a bit of fantasy.

The ice waterfalls and rime along the way made the family couldn't help but point out and admire them, and the episode on the train was forgotten by everyone.

After riding in a carriage for more than half an hour, the family arrived at Boklon Villa.

There are many hot springs here, and the mist produced seems to wrap around the villa.

Entering the reception hall of the villa, everything seemed normal. There were many guests smoking and talking and laughing in the hall. The manager greeted him warmly: "Hello, welcome to Boklon Villa!"

Selina felt that this manager was a little strange. To be precise, his expression was a little strange and stiff? Still a bit artificial?


After thinking about it for a long time, Selina realized that it was like the expressions of the puppets in a puppet show, a little exaggerated and a little unnatural.

The manager seemed to notice Selena and gave her a puppet-like smile.

Selina was just about to pull off her father's clothes when a bearded man came in from the outside. He was holding a hunting fork and wearing clothes made of simply processed animal skins. His whole body looked furry: "Yes. Which gentleman is going hunting? If you are lucky, you may catch a sika deer or wild boar."

Chris said enthusiastically: "Father, I want to go and see it."

"Go ahead, kid." Mr. Wood smiled and said, "Enjoy the New Year holiday while I settle down the three beautiful ladies."

Watching Chris leave, Selena found that she had forgotten what she was worried about just now.

She opened her mouth, as if she had forgotten something very important, but she racked her brains and couldn't remember anything.

"Come on, Selena." Mrs. Wood smiled and said, "I can't wait to enjoy the hot springs."

Kingdom of Feneport, Jeffrey Territory.

Baron Hobert finally received Bishop Dick, but what made Bishop Dick dissatisfied again was that Hobert was sitting at the top, while the clergy could only stand, as if they were here to report on their work.

Of course, Hobert saw the dissatisfaction of Dick and others, he smiled and said: "Everyone, I am a baron conferred by the king, not by the Church of the Earth Mother, so we do not have a superior-subordinate relationship.

"Because I am a devout believer in the Mother Goddess and a friend of Bishop Simpson, I went to greet you out of courtesy.

"But that's all. What are you still expecting? Do I have to humble myself and report to you the situation in Jeffrey's territory?"

These words left Dick and others dumbfounded.

Hobert added: "I can send a boat to the center of Full Moon Lake to see if there is indeed no pollution. I believe you have the means to monitor it.

"Okay, Allen, help me see these distinguished guests off."

Only when Dick and others came out of the main hall did they realize that they had almost been kicked out just now. Is this the custom of Lord Jeffrey in treating distinguished guests?

Several people came to Full Moon Lake angrily and boarded the wooden boat provided by Hobert. Indeed, no pollution was detected in the middle of Full Moon Lake.

After getting this result, they got on the boat and left immediately, showing that they were not willing to stay here for a minute longer.

Hobert watched their ship leave from the Lord's Mansion. Even Philip on the side asked worriedly: "Sir, will we offend these bishops and priests because of this?"

Hobert smiled and said: "I just want the people of the Church of the Mother Earth to see my attitude: Although I hope the church will send people, I didn't invite you. It was after I solved the problem that you messed up. It’s from the fart.”

The Mother Earth Church will never stop sending people because of its attitude towards the delegation. On the contrary, they will re-examine how to deal with the relationship with the local nobles.

Hobert did not dwell too much on this issue. Today he was busy taking the soldiers to Dockyard Island for "training" to see if there were any pirates there.

At the same time, let the lumberjacks and craftsmen take a look at the wood there. Hobert is going to build a lumberyard on the island, because the construction of the territory requires a lot of wood. If he can build his own lumberyard, he can save a lot of money. money.

On Jeffrey's side, all that is needed is to build a drying house for wood drying.

Because Hobert and "Jeffrey's Army" appeared so strangely last time, those small pirate groups did not dare to come again. The 'Black Whale' and 'Skeleton' pirate groups knew that their strength was too different from that of Hobert. Duo chose to leave cautiously.

So now there are only some small pirate groups on the dock island that are not well informed or are willing to take risks. Hobert led a group of people to kill them. Unfortunately, he did not catch any pirates with a reward, and the seizures were far less than last time, but better than last time. Some more fish were caught last time.

In the evening, Hobert held another banquet in the yard, eating grilled fish and stewed fish with everyone, and rewarded them like last time.

After subtracting the trophies distributed to everyone and the bounty distributed to everyone, there are only about two hundred pounds left in this seizure, as well as some daily necessities.

Things that could only be used at sea, such as water, vegetables, sextants, etc., were not shipped back at all.

The biggest gain this time may be that several lumberjacks found a more suitable lumberyard. The craftsmen also believe that the wood for building the territory can be provided by the dock island.

After deducting the cost of drying and processing the wood and the salary from logging, Hobert calculated that he could save more than 30,000 gold liso.

Using a large amount of wood for later decoration and furniture can save more money. This money does not belong to "construction expenses", so it is not easy to calculate at the moment.

For Hobert, money saved is money earned.

While the atmosphere in the courtyard was harmonious, a guest came to the door of the Lord's Mansion.

He was a middle-aged man, wearing a bishop's uniform and looking very easy-going.

Hobert saw him at a glance: "Bishop Simpson, I didn't expect you to come so quickly. Come on, come on, have a taste of these sea fish. It's hard to eat such fresh sea fish in Feneport."

Bishop Simpson sat next to Hobert with a smile, and took the grilled fish and wine glass handed to him in a polite manner: "I asked Dick to 'report' to me as soon as he had accurate information.

"Then with the help of His Excellency the Archbishop, I reached your territory as quickly as possible.

"I have already visited Full Moon Lake and confirmed what you said in your letter."

Because there were many ordinary people there, Bishop Simpson did not make it too clear.

Sure enough, Simpson said nothing about the cold reception Dick and the others received.

Hobert took a sip of wine and smiled: "I welcome the bishop of Mother Earth Church to preach in this territory again.

"But as you can see, I want to build this place into a resort, and I also want to try to implement some new policies. I'm afraid it will delay your sermons."

The implication is: I still have a lot of things to do, don't let it affect me.

Bishop Simpson smiled and said: "Your Majesty the Archbishop has given instructions to maintain a good cooperative relationship with you after I come to Jeffrey's Territory."

The implication is: We are sincere enough to cooperate.

Hobert smiled slightly and said to Allen and Dennis: "Prepare a small stove in the side hall and bring a separate pot of fish. Prepare a small oven and bring a few skewers of grilled fish."

The two people immediately got to work.

Hobert said to Schier again: "Let everyone have a good drink tonight. If there is no wine, go to the warehouse to move. I have something to discuss with Bishop Simpson."

Seeing that the lord was leaving, everyone stood up almost at the same time to watch the lord leave.

Hobert waved his hands to everyone, and after entering the side hall, the courtyard became lively again.

Simpson saw all this and said to himself: In less than two months, Hobert has completely established himself in an unfamiliar territory and has cultivated a group of soldiers who are very loyal to him.

He took his own glass of wine and skewers, and followed Hobert: Utravsky was right about him, he was a man of deep thought, a man with abilities far greater than his present status. Even if Hobert is given a country, he can quickly establish his rule. Before that, he just lacked a platform and an opportunity.

When we arrived at the side hall, the fish stew pot was already churning again.

There is also a small dining table, with chopsticks, dishes, etc. on one side, the tableware that Hobert is used to, and knives, forks and dinner plates on the other side.

The fish grilling stove will have to wait a while.

After Hobert and Simpson took their seats, Simpson smiled and said: "I heard Utravsky said that you were baptized at his place?"

"Yes." Hobert also smiled and said, "Utravsky and I are good friends."

He could feel that Bishop Simpson was trying to use the power of the Mother Earth Church to regain the initiative in the conversation.

But Hobert did not give Simpson this chance. He said: "I raided the demonic forces in the Teutonic Viscount territory last night and got accurate information. The Blood Worship Cult has a demigod and five serials in South Colson. 5!

"I plan to give you the extraordinary characteristics of that demigod and the credit for annihilating those demons. I think that with one of the Sequence 4 main materials, you should be able to get promoted to demigod from the church. Is there a chance?"

Simpson was stunned for two or three seconds: "You, are you sure you can kill the opponent's demigod? As far as I know, demons have the ability to predict danger, and it is difficult to kill them!"

"Of course I'm sure." Hobert took a sip of wine: "But the premise is that you must agree to my plan to build the extraordinary power of Jeffrey Territory."

"you say."

"My family is very supportive of my development in the Jeffrey Territory, so they sent me a Sequence 6 and several helpers." Hobert said: "And I have already made arrangements with the Gnosis Society before this. After making contact, they basically agreed to my plan to attack the demons, and will send a Sequence 6 and several helpers..."

Simpson frowned and said, "If you cooperate with the Gnosis Society, you will be killed by them!"

"Listen to me." Hobert smiled and said: "South Colson is full of extraordinary evil forces. If we only rely on you and me, we will have to pay a huge price to clear it out.

"We can completely use the Gnosis Society to consume the power of the Blood Worship Cult and the Aurora Society!"

Simpson also took a sip of wine: "Can they be so stupid? Are they used by you like this?"

"Of course they are not stupid." Hobert smiled: "I promised them that as long as this battle is over, I can keep them a legal and official Beyonder team.

"Of course, the price they need to pay is: they have to dispatch demigods to help kill the demigods of the Blood Worship Cult, and the extraordinary characteristics of the Sequence 4 'Devil' will be given to you as your credit."

Of course, the Gnosis Society has not made such a promise, but Hobert is confident that they will fulfill such a promise. If it fails, he will let the "Bull Demon King" take action.

But Hobert is not too keen on the appearance of the "Bull Demon" in South Colson, which may easily remind some people of the "Maker."

Bishop Simpson is moved, of course he will be moved, that is the opportunity to become a demigod!

Taking this step means a qualitative change in oneself, becoming the legendary demigod.

Originally, Bishop Simpson thought that he would never have a chance in this life. Who would have thought that a turning point would just come! When Bishop Gabriel talked to him about this issue before, he felt that he was trying to make a big deal out of it. Unexpectedly, after this in-depth discussion with Hobert, he actually had a specific plan!

Hobert continued on the sidelines: "Without the help of the Gnosis Society, our two Sequence 5 demigods wouldn't be able to kill each other, and we wouldn't have much chance of winning against this group of demons.

"I don't know the church's promotion standards, but according to my assumption, killing ten Sequence 5s may not necessarily equal the merit of killing one demigod, right?"

Hobert's conjecture was very consistent with the actual situation. Bishop Simpson thought about it for a while and then said: "I have to report this to the archbishop, but he may not agree."

This is basically agreed, but there are still some concerns.

Hobert smiled and said: "Anyway, the church is temporarily unable to send out enough power to destroy the evil extraordinary forces here. You can say that you cooperate with some 'private extraordinary organizations' to deal with the Blood Worship Cult and the Aurora Society.

"It doesn't require the Archbishop's consent, just his acquiescence."

Hobert would not say something like, "Since the Archbishop asked you to cooperate with me, this is my plan." This would be an excuse for Bishop Simpson to blame himself in the future.

Simpson didn't hear the promise he hoped for, so he said with some concern: "What if after we cooperate, the gnosis will cause a tragedy in South Colson without restraint?"

"If such a tragedy happens in my territory." Hobert sneered: "I will make the Gnosis pay the price."

Regarding this point, Hobert dared to make a promise. Not only did he make a promise, he would actually do it if something like this happened.

After Bishop Simpson thought for a long time, he smiled and said, "I will report to the Archbishop."

But it does not include transactions with the Blood Cult demigods.

Hobert picked up the wine glass and the two of them clinked their glasses: "Happy cooperation!"

Hobert's plan is that as long as Bishop Simpson becomes a demigod with his help, the two people will be an inseparable community of interests. When the time comes to talk about the Gnostic Society, the positions of both parties will be different.

Although Dennis on the side didn't quite understand what the two men were planning, he already gave Hobert's evaluation in his heart: the sinister Baron.

After sending Simpson away, Hobert asked Dennis to wash his feet.

After the foot washing water was delivered, Hobert asked: "Do you know why I asked you to do this?"

To humiliate me of course! But when the words came to his lips, Dennis still didn't dare to say them.

Hobert looked at the angry expression on Dennis's face: "When you figure this out, you don't have to bring me foot-washing water."

Dennis was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I can figure this out tomorrow!"

Hobert smiled, guessing that this kid wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

Loen Kingdom, East Chester County, Boklon Mountain Villa.

Selina looked at the guests in the hall who were smoking cigarettes or cigars and chatting, as well as the fog billowing in the wind outside.

Something seems wrong!

"Beautiful lady, welcome to Boklon Villa."

Selina saw the lobby manager with an exaggerated and unnatural smile: ""


There was a sinister laughter all around.

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