Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 460 The Journey to Conant with Forsi

Punisher Bolton led the team to the conference room of "Balan Fishery Company". There were two rows of corpses neatly lined up on the ground, as if someone had lined them up after they died.

The floor was covered with sawdust, and not a single piece of furniture was intact.

The glass on the window had long been broken, and it was very likely that the glass was shattered by the shock wave generated by the violent explosion, because visually there were many glass fragments on the bodies on the ground.

But strangely, no one witnessed or heard the violent explosion.

The strangest thing is that the branches of a big tree outside extend into the room. From the outside, it seems as if the big tree has bent down and stretched its branches in.

Some people witnessed that the big tree seemed to suddenly come to life, and some even heard the big tree talking.

In addition, one of the walls in the conference room seemed to have become elastic and became wavy. Two of the walls were filled with holes the size of a fist.

People who have participated in war are familiar with this scene. This is a room that has been strafed by the enemy's heavy machine guns or machine guns.

The only problem is that no one has witnessed the presence of heavy machine guns here, nor heard the sound of heavy machine guns, nor left any traces of their erection.

So the police thought this was an extraordinary case and handed it over to the Punisher. Gale was ostensibly a follower of the "Storm Lord".

Bolton glanced at the words Hobert left: "This is probably a vendetta, but it should be a grudge that was made a long time ago.

"The murderer killed so many people in a row and even wrote 'hehe'. This shows that he is a rational and perverted extraordinary person!"

At this time, a police officer came quickly from the stairs: "Everyone, do you have any clues?"

Burton gave the officer an angry look: "We just arrived."

The police officer said with a smile on his face: "It's the reporters below who have been asking questions. I thought if I had any clues, I would go and fiddle with them."

Bolton said impatiently: "Tell those reporters that it's a vendetta or gang fight."

The police officer said with some embarrassment: "The person who called the police saw this line of writing on the wall. Now reporters also know this line of writing. Everyone already knows that it is not a simple vendetta or gang fight."

The two members of the Punisher looked at their captain, who just now said with certainty that this was a vendetta.

Bolton's old face turned red, and he reached out and punched a wall: "Why isn't it a vendetta?"

The police officer didn't know the inside story, so he quickly explained: "Because if there is a vendetta, you will definitely write something like 'I took revenge', but the other person wrote 'I found you'. This is obviously the beginning of a serial murder case!"

Bolton was stunned, then glanced at the writing on the wall, and muttered to himself: "Isn't it because 'I found you' that I took revenge?"

This reminded him of those lunatics of the Aurora Society. He still firmly believed that this was a vendetta because he had taken on too many similar cases.

An ordinary man was targeted by a bully, resulting in the destruction of his family.

At this time, that ordinary person encounters the opportunity to become an extraordinary person. After a few years or more than ten years, the Avengers, whose minds have been distorted by hatred and magic potions, will definitely come back to kill.

However, the scene was sometimes too bloody, and no bodies of Gale’s family members were seen. According to the investigation, Gale’s family members were still fine.

At this point, it seems a bit counterintuitive.

This is the difference in how the official Beyonders and the police think about the case. Bolton was too lazy to explain to the police officer: "Then you explain it to the reporters according to the gang fight. If not, I will tell the reporters."

The two punishment substitutes quickly asked the police officer to explain to the reporter according to the captain's statement, because last month, the captain had just been punished by the headquarters for hitting a reporter.

When Hobert and Fors appeared on the streets of Connacht City again, the two men immediately blended into the cheerful atmosphere of the tourists.

For Loen people, Connacht City is the first choice for vacation.

In Hobert's impression, Disi Bay is just at the northern edge of the subtropical zone. The warm wind from the sea blows just right to Connacht City. When the entire northern continent enters a cold and dry winter, it is still warm as spring.

In the summer, the Cruz Mountains in South Wales can block most of the hot air coming from the southeast, so the summer in Connacht City is not as hot as other coastal cities.

There are also beaches here and small islands not far from the coastline, making it a perfect tourist destination.

It is still the New Year holiday, and there are many tourists from northern counties.

Upton's company, as well as "Baran Fishing Company" are in another area, where there are fewer tourists and the atmosphere of a resort is not yet felt.

In the shopping streets and coastal streets, there are crowds of people, and artists are performing performances everywhere on the streets. Most of these performances are musical instrument performances that can be completed by one person independently, such as violin, saxophone, etc.

Hobert and Forsi chatted quietly, occasionally stopping to enjoy the street performances. When encountering wonderful places, Hobert would reward them with a few copper pennies.

Usually, places with performances are very crowded, and Hobert would gently hold Forsi's shoulders to block other people.

At first, Forsi was attracted by the street performer's guitar performance. When she came to her senses, she suddenly blushed.

She didn't know when she stopped resisting being intimate with Hobert.

At this time, she heard Hobert saying in her ear: "I can also play the guitar! Buy one for me from Backlund in a few days, and I will tell you about it."

When Hobert was in college, he was still an artistic young man. Not only could he play the guitar, he could also sing very well. He was once a school idol.

But after graduation, everyone was asking "Do you know who his father is?" Gradually, I rarely played the guitar.

Forsi felt her chest beating "dong dong dong": "Okay, okay."

Guitar playing is rarely heard in Backlund. It is a special instrument of the Kingdom of Feneport. The gentlemen of Backlund consider this instrument too frivolous.

In Loon, only this kind of tourist city has guitar performances.

The more Hobert listened, the more he became more and more interested, so he simply took out a 5 suler note: "Hello, can I borrow your guitar?"

This is a scene that often happens in Connacht City. A gentleman on vacation suddenly feels itchy and borrows the artist's instrument to play a song.

But most of them were violins, accordions, etc., and few people borrowed guitars, but the surrounding people still immediately remembered the applause of encouragement.

"Of course." The street performer, a young man with a beard, stood up and handed the guitar to Hobert.

Hobert thanked the young man, took the guitar with one hand, and took Forsi's hand around the street performer's "money box" with the other.

Hobert focused on playing with the strings to find the feel, but Forsi was inexplicably nervous because there were at least dozens of people watching around him, and there were even more tourists outside.

The key is that she has never seen Hobert touch an instrument and is very worried about Hobert.

Classical guitars are somewhat different from modern guitars, but they are similar. After Hobert tuned the tune, his mind suddenly fell into a state of confusion, because his mind was filled with "Blue Lotus", "Travel", "Chengdu" and so on. Song.

But these songs are all in Chinese. Are they translated into Runen on the spot? That would give people a completely different feeling!

Fortunately, he was a pretentious young man. Fortunately, he had the experience of being a literary and artistic youth, which prevented him from making a fool of himself. He plucked the strings and sang one of the English songs that impressed him most, "Sound of Silence", which is translated as "Sound of Silence". "Sound of Silence".

Rune is also an alphabetic language, so it is similar to the European and American languages ​​​​in Hobert's concept. There is no sense of inconsistency in translation, and the lyrics do not even need to be changed.

After the light and somewhat ethereal intro was played, the onlookers stopped talking and were completely attracted by the rhythm.

When Hobert's crisp and clear singing voice sounded, many tourists passing by began to come and watch.

Forsi on the side finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to appreciate Hobert's performance.

The street artist who contributed the guitar first noticed that this was a new song that he had never heard before, but the lyrics were very meaningful, the rhythm was brisk and clear, and it was very attractive. It sounded like a song that had been polished repeatedly.

More and more people were attracted by Hobert's singing, and by the end of the song, there were already one or two hundred people surrounding him!

Hobert stood up and bowed slightly to everyone.

Everyone then applauded Hobert, and Forsi said excitedly while applauding: "That's great, Hobert, I mean you sang really well!"

Looking at her, it was as if she had just received everyone's applause and affirmation.

"Okay, okay." Hobert returned the guitar to the street performer.

The artist quickly asked: "Sir, can I sing the song you just said?"

"Of course." Hobert doesn't rely on this to make a living, so naturally he won't be so stingy.

Amid everyone's continued applause, Hobert pulled Forsi and squeezed out of the crowd.

Suddenly someone shouted: "Forsi, it's really you!"

It was a woman in her thirties who seemed to have a good temperament.

"Lin!" Forsi smiled and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

Then she introduced: "This is Lin, a best-selling author."

When she introduced Hobert, she suddenly didn't know how to introduce it: "This... this is..."

friend? still……?

Hobert smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. Miss Fors and I are purely boyfriend and girlfriend."

Lin nodded with an "I understand" look on her face. She smiled and said to Fors: "It's fast enough. Last time we talked about marriage in the salon, you said you were single and now you have a boyfriend. !”

Hobert corrected: "It's the fiancé."

He just corrected him smoothly, but after saying that, he felt that Forsi's feelings were not considered, so he glanced at Forsi and saw that Forsi had no intention of stopping him, so he was relieved.

Lin covered her mouth: "Oh my God, you... you are progressing too fast!"

Only then did Forsi realize what "fiancé" meant, which often meant living together.

She was a little embarrassed: "It's not what you think!"

But it was difficult for her to make a too specific rebuttal, because she and Hobert did "live together."

Lin didn't care about this: "You must write to me when you get married. I must attend your wedding!"

Of course, the lunch was hosted by Hobert, his “fiancé”. When you come to a seaside city, how can you not eat seafood?

Hobert was a gentleman and asked the two ladies to order. Lin was indeed rude and asked for the best shrimp, fish, and crab. But Forsi first looked at the prices behind the dishes.

Until Hobert reminded her: "You forgot, our expenses are charged to the Coast Gang's account."

Since Upton said that, if it is not recorded in the Coast Gang's account, it will not give Upton face.

Forsi then remembered and started ordering the dishes he liked, regardless of the price.

The three of them were eating happily when suddenly a middle-aged man with a beard and a fierce look sat down next to Hobert: "Long time no see, old friend!"

Hobert looked at the middle-aged man: "You have the wrong person."

"Introduce yourself," the other party said to himself: "I am a bounty hunter. I may misidentify my wife, but I will never misidentify the face on the bounty order, dear Mr. Hobert."

After all, he was going out to play, and of course Hobert didn't want to wear a "mask", so he just made his beard longer and changed his hairstyle, making him look about 70% similar to his original appearance.

Everyone is here to travel, who will pay attention to whether there are traitors published in newspapers around them?

Sure enough, even after a performance, no one recognized Hobert.

But in the restaurant, Hobert was unlucky enough to meet a bounty hunter.

Hobert smiled and said: "You have indeed admitted the wrong person. My name is Sherlock."

He suddenly thought that this name seemed to be unusable. People from the military and the church seemed to be looking for Detective Sherlock.

But the bounty hunter didn't notice this: "Don't worry, I'm here for vacation too, and I won't drag you to collect the bounty.

"I thought if I suddenly had an extra 50 pounds in my wallet, I should be able to pretend I didn't see you."

Of course, the bounty hunter would not be stupid enough to subdue the "10,000-pound bounty man." He felt that since Hobert brought a woman to Connacht, she must be here for fun, and of course he would not want others to discover his whereabouts.

This is a restaurant where people come and go. If the other party doesn't want everyone to discover his whereabouts, he won't do it easily, so he dares to take the opportunity to blackmail him.

Hobert really didn't want to be disappointed by this, and was about to use "correlation" to resolve the problem. At this time, seven or eight people came over, led by a middle-aged man who was a little stout but looked quite wealthy.

There was a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old, a little cute with baby fat, holding the arm of a lady behind her, and the remaining four or five people were all burly bodyguards.

The middle-aged man smiled and said to Hobert: "Mr. Matthew, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Hobert stood up: "Mr. and Mrs. Dominic, I'm glad we meet again. Elizabeth, are you coming for vacation too?"

This is the Elizabeth family who came to Connacht City for vacation.

Elizabeth showed a lovely smile: "Yes, Mr. Matthew."

Dominia seemed to have changed her face. She was still smiling one second, but when she saw the bounty hunter, she asked with a bored look on her face: "What do you want from Mr. Matthew?"

The bounty hunter looked at the bodyguards: "It's okay, I recognized the wrong person."

After saying that, he stood up and left.

Dominia winked at two of the bodyguards, who immediately followed. In order to prevent the bounty hunter from continuing to pester Hobert, of course they had to "talk" with the bounty hunter in private.

Dominia smiled and chatted with Hobert for a few words, and then shook hands with Hobert: "I won't disturb your vacation. Goodbye. I hope you have a good time."

He took advantage of the handshake to get closer to Hobert: "Mr. Ulysses once said that as long as you are willing to go to Tingen City, there will be a new identity and a decent new job waiting for you there."

Hobert said: "Take me to thank Mr. Ulysses. I will go see him if I have time."

Elizabeth also came to say goodbye: "Goodbye, Huo... I mean Mr. Matthew."

"Goodbye, and have a good time."

After sending Elizabeth and her family away, Hobert smiled and explained to Forsi: "I went to Tingen City to handle a case before, and I met Mr. Dominia at that time. I didn't expect to meet him here."

Forsi nodded. She remembered this incident. At that time, she and Xio were hiding from Qilingers. Hobert went to Tingen City for a business trip, and she and Xio stayed at Hobert's place.

Thinking about it now, it might have been the renting life together during that period that made her think it was no big deal to follow Hobert to Feneport.

At this time, Lin observed Hobert carefully: "Don't tell me, you really look a bit like 'Traitor' Hobert!"

She smiled and said, "If one day Forsi and I really can't sell our books, I'll ask you to pretend to be Hobert, and we'll send you to the police station to collect the 10,000-pound reward."

At the same time, she also felt a little strange. Although the other party introduced her as Sherlock, why did the middle-aged man call him Mr. Matthew just now? Could his full name be Sherlock Matthew?

Then Lin couldn't help but think: He couldn't really be Hobert. The "traitor" who killed the prince fell in love with a best-selling author. Oh my God, I have the inspiration for the next book!

Forsi smiled unnaturally at the side and said, "It shouldn't happen one day."

Because even ten Fors and ten Lins couldn't bring Hobert to the police station.

"I don't care." Hobert smiled and said, "I can make ten thousand pounds in one day. Just thinking about it makes me feel like I'm rich!"

It suddenly occurred to him that he seemed to have earned more than ten thousand pounds today: Hahaha, indeed making extra money can make people feel happy.

The three of us ate about 6 pounds for this meal, and even Lin felt a little embarrassed. Normally, eight or nine people would come to the restaurant and open two bottles of good wine, which would not necessarily cost so much.

Lin noticed that Hobert put the accounts in the name of a person called the "Coast Gang".

Her curiosity aroused, and after saying goodbye to Hobert and Fors outside the restaurant, she returned to the restaurant and asked the waiter: "Hello, may I ask, what is the 'Coast Gang' that the gentleman just mentioned?"

The busy waiter didn't even raise his head: "Sorry, I don't know."

Until a 1 soli note was handed to him, the waiter immediately put on a smiling face. There were not many people in the restaurant at this time, and the waiter whispered: "Beautiful lady, the Coast Gang is the largest in Connacht City." of gangsters!”

Lin couldn't help but cover her mouth. It was unimaginable that Forsi actually got to know someone from the gang! No, it’s Forsi’s fiancé who seems to be so familiar with the gangsters!

The waiter may have felt that his answer was not worth 1 sole, so he continued: "But Mr. Upton is a very reasonable gentleman. He has dined here before, and he does not seem rude at all.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Upton recently obtained the general agent privilege of Ruiyi Machinery Firm!"

Lin was surprised again. She had heard science fiction writers talk about "Ruiyi Machinery Company", which should be one of the best steam engine companies in the country.

The value of the general agent of this company is self-evident. I didn’t expect that a gang leader could get the general agent of this company! There must be someone behind this who has used rich channels and connections to complete such an operation!

She suddenly thought of the gentleman who helped "Sherlock" rescue him: "Do you know that Mr. Dominia?"

"I know him." The waiter smiled and said: "I have a colleague from Tingen who knows him. He is a big arms dealer and also runs transportation, shipping and other businesses. It is said that he is a big businessman in Tingen. .”

Lin sighed: Forsi's fiancé has great friends! He can't really be Hobert! Although he betrayed his country and king, he never betrayed his lover. It is absolutely okay to write this in the next book, but you cannot use your real name, otherwise it will easily arouse the dissatisfaction of the royal family and "traitors".

Hobert felt that the wind on the coast was still a bit cool, since it was still winter after all.

But it is only relatively cool, and the wind is much warmer than that of Jeffrey. Visitors only need to wear autumn clothes.

After walking on the beach for a while, Forsi looked at the sea and stretched: "Finally, I took a walk on the beach here. Okay, let's go back."

Hobert took out his pocket watch: "It's only two o'clock in the afternoon."

"It will be troublesome if someone recognizes you again." When the bounty hunter threatened Hobert just now, Forsi was very worried.

Of course, she was worried about the bounty hunter, fearing that Hobert would punch him and cripple him, thus ruining her somewhat interesting vacation.

Hobert smiled and said, "I'll wait until someone recognizes me. Anyway, we can leave at any time."

Forsi smiled and said, "Okay then."

Continuing to move forward, the two of them played beach volleyball for a while, and then took a boat out to see the uninhabited island.

Unfortunately, the water was a bit cold and couldn't be used for swimming, which made Forsi feel a little regretful. Hobert looked at Forsi's figure and stopped at his chest, and felt that it was missing a lot of fun.

After getting off the boat, the two of them bought a coconut each and sat on a lounge chair on the beach while drinking, watching the sun gradually set on the horizon.

Forsi sighed: "Hobert, this is what life should be like.

"Sometimes I really want to give up everything and not worry about promotions or curses or anything like that, just go around and have fun and take a look.

"Let your life stop and take a break."

Hobert smiled and said, "As long as I'm here, you can do whatever you want."

But the book still needs to be written, and it needs to be finished as soon as possible.

Forsi held Hobert's hand and smiled sweetly.

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