Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 478 We are getting married

Azik took Hobert and Klein back to the hotel's luxurious suite.

Azik asked Hobert: "You seem to know a lot about the history of the Fourth Age?"

"Because of the corpse of the ancient god of death, I got the permission to read some secret knowledge." Hobert lied sincerely: "This is also thanks to Mr. Azik's help."

Azik smiled and shook his head: "I should thank you for reminding me of many things."

He pinched his temples: "I'm sorry, your question just reminded me of something. I'm not in a good state and I may not be able to attend your wedding."

Hobert said with some concern: "Can we help you?"

"Just sleep for a while." Azik said to Hobert again: "Stretch out your hand."

Hobert stretched out his hand, Azik patted his palm, and a black skull wearing an illusory crown appeared in Hobert's palm.

Before Hobert could take a closer look, the pattern disappeared, seemingly seeping into his skin.

Azik explained: "I just gave you the ability to enter the underworld and mobilize part of the power of the underworld. In the Southern Continent of the Fourth Age, this is a supreme honor."

He smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, shook his head and said, "It's a pity that you are not an Extraordinary of the 'Death' pathway, so this mark will not be of much help to you.

“But at some point, you can also use it to make some enemies of the undead creatures surrender, or make the undead creatures have enough favorable impressions of you that they won’t take the initiative to attack you.

"Well, this is my wedding gift to you.

"I will go find you after I wake up from my deep sleep."

Hobert looked at the palm of his hand and smiled happily: "Mr. Azik, thank you for your gift! This gift is so precious, I like it very much."

Azik also smiled and said a few more words to Klein before entering the spirit world again and disappearing into the room.

Hobert took a deep breath and looked at Klein: "Okay, it's getting late, let's go."

The two of them arrived at Hobert's study in Jeffrey's Land. Selina and Freya were already waiting so hard that they almost fell asleep.

Klein looked at the two girls and was slightly startled, but then returned to normal and thanked Freya who poured him tea.

After chatting for a while, Hobert asked the two girls to help the guests clean up a guest room, and then went to rest.

There were only two of them left in the study, and Hobert explained: "Flea was one of the two people I rescued from the Great Smog Incident. I heard that she knew Detective Sherlock."

Klein took a sip of tea: "Her mother and sister...?"

"I was a step too late when I rescued her. Her mother's body was almost exhausted. It was only a few seconds late and I couldn't save her." Hobert said, "Her sister is still in Beckland. Study virtue.”

"Then Selena..."

"At the beginning of the year, Selina encountered an extraordinary incident." Hobert briefly described the experience of Boklon Villa, and finally said: "The name of the magic potion I took at the end of last year is 'Chaos Tutor'. It takes a few days." A student."

Klein nodded. Selina's passion for the extraordinary world and mysticism made her very suitable to be Hobert's student, and it was also reassuring for Hobert.

Skipping this topic, Hobert added: "Get up early tomorrow and help me entertain the guests."

Klein was stunned for a moment: "Am I not a guest?"

Hobert picked up the teapot and poured a glass of water for Klein: "Am I not entertaining you? Besides, who stipulates that guests cannot entertain other guests?

"Give me help, there will be a surprise tomorrow."

Klein smiled: "Lawyer!"

January 28, Backlund, No. 1920 Buanli Street, Factory District.

This is an abandoned factory, but today it suddenly became lively. First, a group of people in strange clothes came out of the factory to clean up the weeds in the yard.

Then the door of the factory opened, and two busy girls appeared at the door of the office building. One of them was Selena, who had eye-catching red hair, and Freya, who didn't talk much but was very capable.

At around nine o'clock, the first carriage drove into the factory. A few men got off the carriage and were dressed in gorgeous clothes, but their temperament obviously didn't match their clothes. They looked at the empty abandoned factory with some confusion: Did they go to the wrong place?

Selena stepped forward and said, "Are you here to attend the wedding?"

The leading man nodded: "Yes, yes."

"Please show me the invitation." Selina glanced at the invitation: "Hello, Mr. Alston, please come this way. This is my companion Freya. He will take you to the wedding venue."

The visitors were Auston and others who had robbed tombs with Hobert. If they had only had this experience, Hobert would not have sent them invitations.

Later, the mercenary club sent three elite teams to assassinate Hobert, and Auston took a huge risk to warn Hobert through Jessica.

So Hobert also invited them to his wedding.

Freya took a few deep breaths and tried to be generous when facing strangers: "Please follow me."

She took Auston and others to the office building. There was a closed door on one side of the empty hall.

This door is not as dilapidated as the other doors, and it is also very clean.

Freya followed the teacher's previous instructions, focusing all her attention on the door handle, and said in ancient Hermes somewhat awkwardly: "Geoffrey leads!"

As soon as the door opened, there was an illusory space in the door frame: "Please come inside."

Auston and the others looked at each other, concealed their surprise, and followed closely behind.

After traveling in the spirit world for a while, a door suddenly appeared in front of them. When the door opened, there was a completely different scene outside. The architectural style and people's clothing were all exotic.

People were coming and going outside, and it looked lively. This was the front yard of the Lord's Mansion.

In the front yard, Klein, wearing the face of Gehrman Sparrow, was sternly directing the servants to conduct the next step of reception.

Auston and others were still reminiscing about the trip just now, and followed the servants in a daze to the wedding venue.

Over at Backlund, the abandoned factory became more and more lively, and carriages arrived one after another. Selina entertained them seriously: "Ms. Dai Li and Mr. Leonard, we meet again, please come this way.

"Sir, are you here to attend the wedding too? Mr. coachman, please stop the carriage over there."

At this time, Selina saw an acquaintance getting off the taxi: "Melissa, this way, this way! Hello, Mr. Benson."

Melissa didn't expect to see her good friend here: "Selena, did you receive the invitation too?"

"No, I was arranged by Tutor Hobert to receive the guests." Selina smiled: "We will talk later. This is my companion Freya, please follow her to the wedding venue.

"Oh, by the way, I saw the guest list. Elizabeth will be here soon."

Sure enough, after a while, Elizabeth and her family arrived.

Elizabeth was a little surprised: "Selena, your family is worried. Why are you here?"

After Mr. Wood and Mrs. Wood saw the letter left by Selina, they finally became a little worried and went around asking about Selina's whereabouts.

As Selena's good friends, the Woods must go to Elizabeth to ask.

Selina smiled and said: "I am currently studying mysticism with Mr. Hobert. If I have time, I will send a letter to my parents."

After a brief chat, Selena was busy greeting the guests: "Mr. Harvey Hayden, please come here.

"Sir, please show your invitation, Mr. Dorian, right? Please go to the wedding venue with this Mr. Harvey Hayden."

Over at the Lord's Mansion, Klein's eyes narrowed after seeing Melissa and Benson.

Taking a deep breath, Klein was immediately relieved: This is the surprise Hobert was talking about last night!

He was about to step forward, but in the end he still did not take that step and continued to direct the servants to entertain.

Over at Backlund's abandoned factory, around eleven o'clock, as two gorgeous aristocratic carriages arrived, Audrey and Gray Lint got off one after another.

Selena's eyes lit up, and she sighed in her heart that this lady was so beautiful, and her clothes and jewelry were so luxurious: "Beautiful lady, you are here to attend the wedding, right? Please come this way."

With the arrival of two members of the "Justice League", Backlund's welcoming mission is coming to an end.

The last few guests were Captain Thomas and three others. They received an urgent case this morning and went to the scene before rushing over in a panic.

Selena looked at the invitation and smiled and said, "You three, please come here."

Freya had already gone to the lord's mansion to help, and Selena came to the door with the last three guests.

Borgia said: "Let me tell you, the wedding will not be held in an abandoned factory."

Thomas also smiled and said: "I didn't expect that you have to go through the 'Traveller's Gate' to attend the wedding. This reminded me of my experience of going to the headquarters to study."

Selina heard their conversation and noticed the dark holy symbols on the carriages of the three of them, knowing that they were all extraordinary people.

She recalled her experience at Boklon Villa and lamented that her mentor knew so many extraordinary people.

After passing the "Traveller's Gate" and arriving at the Lord's Mansion, Klein stepped forward to take over: "Please three of you follow the servants to the wedding venue."

Selina took a few sips of the water handed over by Freya: "All the guests at Backlund are here."

Klein nodded: "In a moment, let the servants carry a table of food to Backlund's factory to entertain the coachmen waiting there. Don't send the wine."

Selena agreed: "I understand."

"Take a short rest, and you can go to the wedding too!" After saying that, Klein went to the wedding venue.

He also didn't expect that he, who had never been married, would be the receptionist at the wedding.

However, he was only in charge of Backlund's side, and a butler named Dophes was responsible for the reception work on Feneport's side.

The wedding was held on a grassy field not far from the Lord's Mansion. The weather today was good, neither too cold nor too hot, so it was just right to hold the ceremony outdoors.

The place was already full of people, and the area where they sat was divided into different levels. There were guests from Backlund and nobles from Feneport.

Klein also saw a few witches at the banquet. He knew witches too well, so he knew they were witches just by looking at them.

This made Klein believe what Hobert said last night. Maybe he was really afraid of meeting an acquaintance.

Then Klein thought of the sentence in Russell's diary, "The taste of a witch is really good." He seriously doubted whether the Extraordinaries of the "Black Emperor" pathway all had this habit?

Of course, even if the witch is present, the focus of the audience is basically on Audrey. This gem of Backlund is the most dazzling presence at any banquet.

At one point, Klein almost mistook Miss Justice for an Extraordinary person who had taken a "high-sequence" witch's potion.

Through information such as Backlund's nobles and Hobert's friends, Klein easily contacted Audrey as Miss Justice.

It wasn't until the princess named Ethel arrived that she shared a lot of the focus of the scene. Although her appearance was far inferior to that of Miss Justice, she was more powerful than Miss Justice. Many of the nobles in Feneport were stunned after the princess arrived. Don't dare to lift it.

In addition, there were many guests wearing robes from the Church of the Mother Earth. Klein lamented that Hobert’s social circle was so wide that he actually knew the “Giant Bishop” of Backlund’s Harvest Church and the vampire Em holding a parasol. Forest.

Finally, there are seats reserved for local officials and people. Because the number of people who can sit is limited, more people watch the excitement from the distance of the venue.

After briefly reporting to Dophis about the reception situation at Backlund, Klein also found a corner to sit down.

At 12 o'clock, the wedding officially started, and the music on the scene became solemn.

Forsi appeared in the middle aisle of the venue holding Hobert's arm. Today, Forsi was wearing a white dress that symbolized "purity" in the local area.

The veil, shawl, lace and auspicious patterns on the skirt give Forsi a sense of sanctity.

The bloated skirt gave people a sense of grace, and it was followed by a long skirt, and two seven or eight-year-old children followed behind and pulled the skirt.

Hobert was dressed in Fenebaud style, a somewhat cumbersome traditional aristocratic dress with a cape. The reason why he likes the Fenebaud style cloak so much is because it makes him heroic and majestic.

When the bridesmaid Hugh appeared to help hold the bouquet, everyone thought it was the bride's sister who was still in school, or a junior in the bride's family.

According to local custom, Hobert and Forsi worked together to carry a wooden box.

There is a new piece of clothing in the wooden box, which symbolizes a new beginning.

There is also a pocket watch that does not look very new, symbolizing the past of the two people.

A blue flower symbolizes the sincerity of two people.

A somewhat crude bowl, borrowed from a resident's home in the town, symbolizes the harmony between neighbors.

There is also a pair of gemstone earrings presented by Monlisa, which symbolizes the care of relatives.

As soon as Forsi entered the venue, she saw her friends from the medical school, many writer friends, and her mother's family. They were all waving to Forsi and sending their blessings in advance.

After Forsi was briefly surprised, he glanced at his fiancé standing aside.

Hobert looked forward and smiled and said: "I have hypnotized them, and they will ignore the process of coming here and going back. But I listened to you and did not pick up your father.

"Well, I contacted your uncle through your classmates. After learning that they all wanted to attend your wedding, I invited them all."

After Forsi saw her grandmother's kind smile, she smiled happily: "It's enough that they can come."

She has long been reluctant to associate with her father's side of the family.

Especially for a wedding in a foreign country, she would of course prefer to have her relatives and friends present, and also hope to receive their blessings.

Forsi held Hobert's arm and couldn't help but tighten a little tighter.

The two people slowly came to the front of the scene, attracting everyone's attention.

Christine looked at the new couple with relief, feeling that they had lived up to the trust of their old friends.

Monlisa also shed tears of joy, and Donna cried even harder, as if her brother was getting married today.

Audrey looked at all this with a sweet smile, and others such as Daley, Leonard, Melissa, Elizabeth, Philip, Conrad, etc. all looked at the bride and groom with blessings.

As for Ethel and the group of nobles, although they seemed to be very focused, but seeing their somewhat numb smiles, one knew that although they were here, their hearts had long gone.

Bishop Simpson had already taken his place. After Hobert and Fors came to him, the music stopped, everyone's cheers and boos gradually stopped, and Bishop Simpson began to bless the two newcomers.

The first part of the blessing was for the bishop to talk about the description of marriage in the "Life Bible" and the exhortation for men and women to take responsibility for each other after they become husband and wife.

The Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth is similar to the Church of the Goddess of the Night. They both respect the rights of women. Correspondingly, women have more responsibilities than the Church of Storms or the Church of the Eternal Sun.

This part is a bit boring. The two children holding skirts may be too bored. One dropped the skirt and gave up, and the other wanted to find his mother.

It made the guests burst into laughter.

The second part of the blessing is the bishop’s blessing: “May the Lord of the Earth, the loving Mother Goddess, bless you two. From now on, under the witness of the Mother Goddess, we will agree to walk together with the Mother Goddess. "I wish you peace and happiness, love each other, share joys and sorrows, and never be separated."

Forsi burst into tears after hearing this. She felt that just for this blessing, she had to convert to the Mother Earth Goddess and go to church to pray regularly.

This is the end of the blessing ceremony. There is no "you do it, he does it" part and you have to get everyone's consent.

But there was the part of wearing the ring. The ring that Hobert prepared for Forsi didn't have any gems or diamonds. It looked ordinary, but it also looked very extraordinary.

Many people have noticed that this is an extraordinary ring.

Yes, this was the "fighting ring" that Hobert had worn before. He had re-sealed it, and the negative effects were already very small.

This ring will make up for Forsi's shortcomings in fighting.

Forsi immediately felt the effect of this ring the moment she put it on, which somewhat surprised her, because this ring was much higher than a diamond ring in terms of value and practicality.

This was already the second surprise that Hobert had given her today. Originally, she thought that the wedding, which had been rehearsed twice, was just a formality.

After Hobert put on the ring, he gently kissed the back of Forsi's hand. Only then did Forsi seem to come back to his senses, and smiled and gently touched Hobert's face.

Hobert came over and started a passionate kiss amidst everyone's cheers.

Although this session was short, it was enjoyable for everyone to watch. Afterwards, everyone could come forward to bless the two newlyweds.

But with Princess Ethel here, of course she was the first to come forward and give her blessings.

The short-haired princess Ethel, who was wearing a palace dress today but was still very heroic, stood up, took out a roll of parchment that she had prepared long ago from the open wooden box handed over by her adjutant, and raised it high above her head: "I brought it The king’s blessing!”

The nobles immediately stood up and stood in silence. Backlund's guests thought this was a local custom and also stood up.

Princess Ethel stepped forward, came to the two newlyweds, and read Fernando II's blessing in a powerful voice that was so long that it almost made Hobert yawn.

After reading for a few minutes, he finally got something useful: "...Hobert is a role model among the barons. He single-handedly re-drugged the channel of the Taidij River and greatly improved the quality of life in the South Colson area. Security level.

“The king and the Feneport government are very aware of these achievements, so all the territory of the former Viscount Wright was granted to Baron Hobert. I hope that Hobert will continue to let more citizens live a safe and happy life.

"Bless the newlyweds... (1000 words here)"

After the king finished reciting the blessing, there was still warm applause, and many nobles even shouted "Long live the king"!

After Hobert asked Ethel to take a seat and rest, he loudly said to everyone: "My wife is a best-selling author. She has written a book about my experiences and efforts at South Colson, which will be given away later. Give each guest a copy as a small gift from us!

"His Majesty the King just said in his letter that I am a role model among barons and a model among nobles. You can tell the stories here to your friends who have not come here after you go back.

"Execute His Majesty the King's wish to set an example. Long live the King. The King's will is our will!"

Everyone shouted along: "Long live the King, the King's will is our will!"

Forsi smiled and shook her head, listening to her husband misinterpret the king's blessing.

Ethel, who had been in the army for several years, couldn't help but cursed in his heart: Damn it! When did I say that you were "the paragon of nobility," the model that the king wished to set?

But it is obviously inappropriate to stop it now. We can only let Hobert lead everyone to the "wrong direction".

After shouting a few slogans, the wedding returned to normal procedures, and everyone stepped forward to send blessings.

After Selina and Freya's explanation, the guests from Backlund also understood the meaning of this link, and after the nobles, they also came forward to send blessings.

"Congratulations." Audrey smiled and said, "Hobert, you can't bully Forsi. We are all her strong backers."

Hobert laughed so hard that his face almost went numb: "Forsi is so virtuous, how could I bully her?"


Audrey's eyes dimmed slightly, but she still kept her smile and completed the blessing process.

Xio on the side was wondering, what about Forsi can be related to virtuousness?

At this time, citizens who could not enter the venue shouted: "Bless the lord and lady!"

At first, there were only a few people shouting, but then everyone's voices gradually gathered together and became somewhat grand.

Hobert and Forsi also waved to everyone.

Ethel looked at the interaction between Hobert and his subjects, with some worry in his eyes.

The blessings from the people around the scene became louder, and some people said happily: "Look, Sir Alex is waving to me!"

"Fart! Sir Alex is clearly waving at me!"

After the blessing session ended, it was time for the cake-cutting session, which is more unique in Fenebote.

A huge eight-layer cake was pushed up, and according to custom, the bridegroom and the bride had to compete for the right to cut the cake. Whoever cuts the cake with a knife will be the master of the family.

Of course, this is a custom that makes weddings lively. This result has no legal or moral character.

The way to compete for the right to cut the cake is that whoever takes off one of the other's shoes first will be able to hold the knife, and the bride and groom can take off each other's shoes, and the best man and bridesmaid can also join in the "battle". Even young people present can join in and help the groom or bride grab shoes.

In the next chapter, because some of the author's descriptions were too detailed, it was blocked once and even the chapter title was erased.

I didn’t dare to change it after it was released because I was afraid it would be sent for review again. I hope it wouldn’t affect everyone’s reading.

In addition, thank you [Lanxiong] for the reward.

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