Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 486 The talent of being an evil god

This was the first time Cattleya heard such a detailed description of Amon. She recalled some of the information she had seen before, but there were only weird and surprising descriptions.

This not only made her sigh: hearing the "Emperor's" information made Amon's image immediately concrete, as if the "Emperor" had seen Amon steal the fate of other people.

Forsi sighed again: It's unimaginable, it's really unimaginable, what is it like to have a person's destiny stolen, or to say that Amon replaced someone else's destiny? I wonder if Amon would be embarrassed when facing other people's wives and children. Oh, by the way, the "Emperor" just said that Amon doesn't have big mood swings like ordinary people. He may not know what it means to be embarrassed at all.

Audrey asked again: "Mr. Emperor, what should we do if we meet Amon?"

"Little Sun" was also staring closely at the "Emperor". This was also the question he wanted to ask, but just now, his opportunity to ask the question had been used up.

In other words, "Justice" Audrey saw that "The Sun" wanted to ask a similar question, so she asked it. Of course, she herself was also very curious about the answer to this question.

"Of course, pray to the Fool immediately!" Hobert said: "Other than that, I really can't think of any other way!"

Klein behind the gray fog: Don’t talk nonsense! Why not pray to the Creator? What are you praying to me for? Would you like me to watch the live broadcast of Amon seizing the fate of the Tarot Club members?

But in order to maintain the image of the "fool", when facing the eyes of "Justice" and others, he just responded silently, without admitting or objecting.

This reminded Audrey and other members of what happened before when Mr. Fool dealt with Amon's clone, and they all thought that that should be the best way.

"Of course, it is also possible that you will 'forget' to pray, or that Amon will pray on your behalf." Hobert spread his hands and said: "In fact, it is quite disappointing to encounter enemies at the 'King of Angels' level. Sequence 2 There is almost no ability to resist below.

“The only thing we can do is probably pray for the mercy of the other party, or pray that we are lucky enough that the other party will not discover our abnormality.

"After all, even the 'King of Angels' cannot use his own abilities to deal with everyone he meets.

"It's just that Amon is indeed a special case. Perhaps the more you pray for His mercy and the more you pray for good luck, the more He will deal with you. After all, He is the 'God of Mischief'."

Hobert thought for a while and then said: "If you are unfortunate enough to encounter Amon's true form, then prepare for the funeral.

"But if you just encounter his clone, you can try to ask angel-level power to deal with it. Theoretically, his clone should be from Sequence 4 to Sequence 2 levels.

"If you want to kill his sequence 2 clone, you will need at least two or more angels!

"Because the speed must be fast, otherwise it will definitely attract other clones."

He paused and then said: "As far as I know, his high-level avatar is only at the level of Sequence 2 and does not have the status of Sequence 2.

“Because after reaching Sequence 2, it will have more divinity, and its clone may have the idea of ​​​​detaching from the original body.

"So this is an opportunity for us, an opportunity to deal with his alter ego."

Klein immediately realized: The clone of Amon that he encountered before in Silver City should only be at the level of Sequence 3 or 4, most likely Sequence 4. Otherwise, the angel I manifested would not be able to kill that clone so easily. This can be considered a "little sun" and my good luck. If I encounter a Sequence 2 level clone, I will be in trouble! Mr. Fool may lose his chain.

Cattleya smiled bitterly: "This reminds me of a fable: In ancient times, after a man discovered that the sun turned out to be a big fireball, he naively thought that he could put out the sun with water."

Audrey smiled and said: "Yes, even if we know how to deal with Amon's clone, we must first become angels and have an angel as a helper! They are not enemies on the same level at all, and they are not the ones we should care about. thing."

As she spoke, she glanced at the top leader intentionally or unintentionally. That was something Mr. Fool should be concerned about.

"Little Sun" fell into deep thought: What if he encounters Amon's clone again? There are no angels in Silver City, only god-level sealed objects. Hey, I'm so stupid, I can ask Mr. Fool for help!

"I have said before that according to the information I have, Amon's true form is in the 'Land Abandoned by the Gods'." Hobert said: "Except for the 'Sun', for the rest of us, the probability of encountering his true form is Extremely tiny.”

Klein secretly breathed a sigh of relief: That's good, that's good.

Cattleya looked at "The Sun" in surprise: He came from the "Land Abandoned by Gods"? It turned out to be the legendary "Land Abandoned by God"! The members of the Tarot Club are not only mysterious, they are completely surprising! There are those favored by the "Creator", there are people from the "Forsaken Land", there are also people from the Church of Storms, and vampire servants of the Earth Mother Goddess Church. Currently, only "Justice" and "Magician" don't know their details, but their backgrounds should not be simple. Miss Justice's emotional self-control is very strong, and it is difficult to get many useful clues. As for Miss Magician, it is precisely because she rarely speaks or expresses her opinions that it is easy for people to ignore her. You must pay more attention to her in the future!

Audrey once again asked for "Little Sun": "Mr. Emperor, what is Amon doing in the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'? Or why is he in the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?"

"Some people say that He is looking for something there," Hobert said vaguely: "I suggest not to guess His purpose or care about His purpose, because it is probably His trap.

"There is another reason, because he has supported the Solomon Empire and the Tudor Empire, and also supported the True Creator... Well, this may not be the main reason. The main reason may be that the Seven Gods dislike him.

"So as long as Amon's true form appears in the North and South Continents, it will trigger the descent of God and drive him back to the 'Land Abandoned by God'."

Audrey, Cattleya, and Forsi all felt inexplicably relieved.

"The Fool" Klein breathed a sigh of relief again and said silently in his heart: Praise the goddess!

Derrick sighed: "It's good to have the protection of gods."

Then Derrick asked: "Mr. Emperor, how did Amon contact his clone? Well, I can pay more for this question."

Hobert thought for a while: "Let's pay for another extraordinary material. This answer does involve some other information."

"No problem!" Derrick believed that Amon's method of entering and exiting the "Forsaken Land" would be an important reference.

"As far as I know, Amon built himself a mausoleum near Backlund. His clone seems to be able to use some of the arrangements in that mausoleum to travel to and from the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'."

Klein immediately thought of the Amon Tomb he learned about through Miss Sharon.

Later, Arrodes Magic Mirror "reported" the exploration process to him. At that time, he guessed that Amon's tomb seemed to be connected to the "abyss". In short, there were many secrets.

And at that time, Klein had speculated whether Amon would travel to and from the "Land Abandoned by God" through the "Abyss"?

Derrick secretly said it was a pity, because Silver City obviously couldn't replicate this method.

Hobert added: "As far as I know, there is another way to enter the 'Forsaken Land' through the projection of the 'Giant King's Court' in the dream deep in the eastern part of the Suniya Sea.

"But this method has a lot of risks, and I don't know the specific method."

Derrick chewed the phrase "The Court of Giants" over and over. The little boy Jack and the others also entered the "Land Abandoned by Gods" from the "Court of Giants", but Jack was too ignorant to explain how they came in.

The "Emperor"'s answer once again confirmed the key information they had obtained. The exit to the outside world must be hidden there.

"Little Sun" became happier the more he thought about it: "Mr. Emperor, thank you for your answer."

Hobert smiled: "Okay, that's it for the deal about the 'King of Angels'."

Audrey and others fell into a brief state of recollection, and then Audrey came back to her senses and gave everyone psychological hints.

After the sensory blockade of Alger and Emlyn was lifted, the free communication session continued.

There was silence in the hall for a few seconds before Emlyn cleared his throat and said: "Thanks to Mr. Emperor for your help, I am already a baron.

"I have a question. As a vampire, after being promoted to baron, do you need to use acting to promote so-called digestion and better master extraordinary characteristics like you humans?"

As he spoke, he raised his chin slightly and straightened his back.

When Cattleya saw that the "Emperor" had no intention of answering, she replied: "You need to act, because that path only has Sequence 7 called 'Vampire', and you are born with it, so you don't need to act, everything else is needed."

The reason why "Emperor" Hobert didn't mean to answer was because he was too lazy to answer. He estimated that Emlyn had already found the answer to this question. The key point of his words was "I am already a baron."

Audrey blinked her beautiful eyes and asked with a curious tone: "Ms. Hermit, I remember Mr. Emperor said that vampires are Sequence 7 of the 'Medicine Master' pathway. I'm curious what the Sequence 8 of this pathway is called? "

"The Vampire Clan, it's the Vampire Clan!" Emlyn corrected.

Cattleya and Audrey responded with smiles, and Audrey pursed her lips: Mr. Moon is already at Sequence 6, why does he feel that he is not as mature as the "Sun" yet?

"The Hermit" simply ignored "Moon"'s correction and began to answer "Justice"'s question: "Anyone who is familiar with the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth can understand the situation in this regard.

"'Vampire' belongs to the 'Moon' pathway, and the corresponding Sequence 9 is 'Medicine Master', Sequence 8 is 'Animal Tamer'... Sequence 4 is 'Witch King', and I don't know what goes up."

"Cough" Emlyn coughed again: "Ms. Hermit, I must emphasize one more point, this is a vampire, not a vampire."

Cattleya smiled and said, "The use of 'vampire' is just for convenience of description."

At the same time, she carefully observed everyone's reactions: the "Emperor" indeed looked indifferent, he had known this for a long time. "The Hanged Man" seems to only know part of it. Well, probably from the "Crimson Scholar" in Sequence 5, he has obviously started to pretend to be uninterested. He does not know the above information about the "Crimson Scholar". It can be inferred. He is still in the middle and lower levels of the Church of Storms. "Justice" and "Magician" listened with great interest. They were also at the bottom of their respective organizations, but they should have someone to rely on, so they had no worries and listened to it completely as a story. Is "The Sun" really not interested? There is no such way in "The Land Abandoned by God"?

The reason why Cattleya announced some sequence names about the "Medicine Master" path so generously was, firstly, to strengthen her favorability in everyone's mind, and secondly, it was a test for her to test other members.

And the effect of this trial made her very satisfied.

Audrey thought about it seriously, then raised her hand slightly as if taking a tutoring class: "Ms. Hermit, why are there no necessary connections between the sequences of the 'Moon' pathway?"

According to her observation, there is a certain connection between the sequences of many pathways, such as the "audience" pathway, sequence 8 is "mind reader", sequence 7 is "psychiatrist", and sequence 6 is "hypnotist". .

She also knew that Sequence 9 of Xio's path was "Arbitrator" and Sequence 8 was "Sheriff".

However, the names of the potions in each sequence of the "Moon" pathway seem to have no connection.

Cattleya glanced at Miss Justice and noticed that her dress and jewelry were completely different from last time, and there was no repetition at all.

In a daze, she seemed to see a portrait of the queen when she was young. The clothes on each picture were different, and a piece of clothing would never be worn twice on formal occasions.

Cattleya was silent for a second or two before saying: "Different sequences within a path do not necessarily have to be related, or have a superficial relationship. Their common feature is that they are all within the realm of the gods that this path corresponds to.

"For example, the 'moon' represents spirituality, plants, beauty, part life and part darkness, so this path has medicine men in the plant realm, vampires in the life realm, and animal tamers at the intersection of life and spirituality!"

"The Vampire!" Emlyn emphasized, and then raised his chin slightly: "This should be the reason why our Vampire is so handsome and beautiful."

Derrick retorted quietly in his heart: That's not the case. The vampires I saw were all disgusting and ferocious.

The one who felt the most emotional was Klein, because the various sequences of the “divineer” path didn’t seem to have any obvious connection.

The exchange continued, and then Audrey said: "I recently went to a place where there is a custom of worshiping dragons."

That place was of course Earl Hall's territory. After attending Hobert's wedding, Audrey followed her family back to Earl Hall's territory. This was the tradition of the nobles of the Loen Kingdom.

Audrey began to mention the ancient poem about the dragon, and explained that she was inspired by it and used "psychological suggestion" to maintain awake mental activities in the dream.

She reached the edge of her own consciousness through the messy dream, and then followed the "embodiment method" learned here from Mr. Fool to create a downward ladder, gradually penetrating into her subconscious realm.

Of course, she did not describe the subconscious light spots she saw, because each light spot represented some secret that she was unwilling or ashamed to tell others.

Such as the subconscious idea of ​​holding Hobert’s arm and taking an intimate walk in the territory. For example, in the wedding she just attended, the bride had her own ideas.

She focused on the extremely depressing feeling of being lonely, long, unable to find a target, and all kinds of monsters seemed to be hidden in the gray surroundings.

She mentioned that her emotions were on the verge of collapse several times, but she managed to survive with her extraordinary abilities, and finally reached the illusory ocean formed by the collective consciousness of living beings.

There are memory imprints from human ancestors, and various consciousnesses of surrounding creatures are reflected and spread here. Then she mentioned the giant dragon with gray rock-like scales that flew through the sea of ​​collective consciousness.

A book title suddenly appeared in Forsi's mind: "Miss Justice's Dreamland Travels".

Then she sighed: There is actually a giant dragon living in the ocean of collective consciousness? Although Miss Justice did not encounter enemies or danger, her experience still gave me a psychedelic feeling.

After recounting her own experience, Audrey asked: "Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any suggestions? Do you think the legendary dragon's 'miracle sincerity' Levished is also hidden in the sea of ​​collective consciousness?"

"If I want to continue exploring, what should I pay attention to? What should I prepare in advance?"

"The Hanged Man" Alger said solemnly: "I don't think you should continue to explore, this is a very dangerous behavior.

"According to records, most dragons are flesh and blood creatures, including spiritual dragons. Since it can exist in and swim in the sea of ​​collective consciousness of living things, it means that the dragon you saw has a high enough sequence. , even reaching the demigod level.

"Don't think about this issue until you reach Sequence 5."

Cattleya nodded and followed: "In the ocean of collective subconscious, there are still many dangerous things, such as evil thoughts accumulated by human beings, various desires that can corrode the mental body, horrific memories from ancient times, etc., just like the ocean Strong storms and waves can cause serious psychological trauma to you, and may even prevent you from waking up.

"And that is the ocean of collective consciousness of all living things, not just humans. Maybe the consciousness of some evil spirits, some evil gods, and some terrible existences are also lurking there. Don't rush to explore in depth."

Audrey, who was originally full of expectations, was disappointed, but she had to admit that "The Hanged Man" and "The Hermit" made sense.

At this moment, Mr. Fool suddenly said: "In dreams, you can recite my name!"

This is something Klein discovered accidentally. When he recited the name of "The Fool" in his dream, he could "receive" it and respond to it above the gray mist.

Audrey was surprised at first, and then overjoyed: "Thank you, Mr. Fool!"

Of course she understood what Mr. Fool meant: "The Hanged Man" and "The Hermit" are both right, but if you are in danger in a dream, or the spiritual dragon comes looking for you, just recite "The Fool" name.

Alger was also a little surprised. He then thought: Mr. Fool's power has further recovered, and he can actually project his power into dreams!

Cattleya was surprised: Mr. Fool actually has the authority over dreams?

Hobert was sighing: If I wasn't careful, you got me again! It turns out that being an evil god also requires talent, but I don’t have such talent, and I still can’t pretend to be so free-willing.

Hobert did not make any suggestions on this matter, because he found that "The Hanged Man" Alger seemed to be comparing his life experience and knowledge reserve with "The Hermit" Cattleya, and Cattleya He seemed to show no signs of weakness.

It would be inappropriate to show off your knowledge reserves at this time.

As Audrey's discussion on this issue ended, "The World" rented a "Psychological Spoon" from Hobert at the right time, and then Klein announced the end of this Tarot session.

Above the gray fog, after cutting off contact with the members, Klein first completed the process of offering sacrifices and gifts to the members, and then responded to the prayers and petitions of the believers with the "Poseidon Scepter".

Back in the real world, Klein took a short break and went to the Sweet Leaf Bar with the captain of the White Agate, Notarized Ireland, who had an appointment in advance.

Today Ireland is going to introduce Bayam’s local military contact to Klein.

Ireland walked ahead and found a man in a coffee-colored jacket in the corner of the bar: "Why don't you drink Rench?"

The man in his thirties glanced at Ireland and Klein with cloudy eyes: "I've already drank. Let's have a glass of Zarha to relieve the hangover."

Zarha is a local specialty ale beer that is cheap and has a low alcohol content.

Ireland smiled and pointed at Klein: "Gehrman Sparrow."

Then, he introduced Klein: "Us Kent, just call him Kent.

"You guys talk, I have to go back and prepare. I have to leave the port tomorrow morning."

He waved his hand and turned away without hesitation.

Klein pulled up a chair and sat down. He didn't want any wine, and just looked at Us Kent expressionlessly.

Kent felt extremely uncomfortable and told Zarha: "If you have any problems in the future, you can come to me directly, as long as you can provide valuable information or help us do something."

"Okay." In fact, Klein really wanted to ask, can the cost of clothing for pretending to be Elaine to assassinate "Lieutenant General Disease" be reimbursed? Although it was Daniz's money.

But in order to maintain the character of Gehrman Sparrow, he just thought about it.

Kent looked a little drunk and smiled: "I heard Ireland mention some things about you, but I still have to remind you not to be so crazy when doing things on the sea!

"Pirates will not tell you about chivalry, nor will they abide by the laws and rules of the kingdom. If you settle in a port city or island colony, they will definitely attack your family."

Family... Klein was silent for a second or two and said calmly: "I have no family."

Us Kent almost didn't know how to answer the question, so he could only say instead: "They will also attack your friends."

Then he heard Gehrman Sparrow say in a steady tone: "I have no friends."

Kent coughed twice before he regained his composure: "They will still sneak up on you!"

Klein said quite calmly: "I will not refuse others to give me money. This is polite."

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