Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 493 Seizing power in the name of disaster relief

As far as the eye can see, the ground is covered with blood-red grass.

The breeze blew slowly, and the grass swayed with the wind, which made people feel a bit coquettish.

And Hobert wiped the red moss on his clothes. After wiping the moss off, the clothes returned to their original color.

This made Hobert sigh: "This is the power of angels!"

At this time, the huge blood pool on the battlefield between the two angels was still boiling, and around the blood pool, there was a thick black liquid full of "corruption" and "dirt".

In a low-lying place, there is also a small blood lake.

Suddenly, black, gray and red grass began to grow in these places. Not only did the grass grow extremely fast, but it also quickly became dense.

This process is almost as fast as pouring a layer of water on the ground. When this layer of "water" is poured on the ground, fountains seem to appear on the ground immediately!

The growth rate is so rapid!

Soon this kind of grass covered the entire land at a speed visible to the naked eye. The blood pools and blood-colored lakes were quickly sucked up by these grasses, exposing the hard rock at the bottom.

However, on the rocks, the grass still grew effortlessly and densely, and the blood pool was quickly replaced by "red grass".

These grasses are still like liquid, rippling in the wind, but their essence has changed.

The plants that were originally on this land were quickly sucked up by these knee-high colorful grasses, and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, there was only one kind of grass left on the land. The only difference was their color.

After a few minutes, as these grasses quickly withered, the entire land became very desolate, and no plants would grow here for ten years.

Outside the Teutonic town, Hobert also devoutly thanked the Mother Earth and the Pope. He was still worried just now, how to deal with the blood pool? As a result, it was solved by the Pope.

After sensing the Pope's departure, Bishop Simpson and other members of the Mother Earth Church raised their heads with excitement.

The pope's arrival just now means that the pope knows everything they have just done. There is no better reward than this!

Bishop Simpson got up from the ground and immediately ordered everyone to mobilize everyone to pull out the grass and hand it over to the Mother Earth Church.

Because these grasses contain a large amount of toxins, ordinary people who are exposed to them for a long time can become sick at best, or become crazy at worst.

After the church collects it, it can be processed into materials for brewing poison.

Hobert asked Forsi to go back and deliver the order: "Ask Schier to bring people over immediately, and recruit 300 young adults from the other side to come over for disaster relief together with the civil servants who have been prepared for a long time."

Of course, Hobert would not just beat away the "devil". More than half a month ago, he asked Kerwin to start recruiting a group of people from the government and train a group of grassroots civil servants and skilled cadres. .

After driving away the demon, Hobert stopped by to accept the governance here.

It's just that in the previous plan, I didn't expect that there would be an angel-level battle, but this also provided a good reason for taking over the governance: disaster relief!

Yes, the Angel Battle just now was a natural disaster for the South Colson area on the west side of Full Moon Lake.

Hobert was on the edge of the battlefield at the time. In his opinion, the moment the "Blood Archduke" turned a small volcano into a neutral volcano, there was definitely an earthquake of nearly magnitude 7.

However, the earthquake's spread was limited and there were no aftershocks.

But for ordinary people, this is still a huge disaster.

Hobert asked Fors to convey the order while also taking the wounded and the bodies of the sacrificed members back first. The aftermath would be notified tomorrow at the latest.

He then told Angus and others: "The members of the first and second teams who are in good condition will also participate in the subsequent disaster relief operations."

After watching Forsi and others leave, and while waiting for Shear and the others, Archibald said to Hobert: "Sir, I suggest hanging the bodies of these demons to every village and town to let everyone know that demons We have already driven him away."

Hobert was slightly startled and glanced at Archibald.

Angus, who was resting on the side, said: "'Devils' also like to hang corpses on trees. If we do the same, wouldn't we be just like them?"

When Hobert was thinking about this problem, he glanced at the numb faces of the people in the Teutonic town who were being driven to pull weeds by the "Druid Squad". He adopted Archibald's opinion: "The most important thing at the moment is The problem is to establish effective rule!"

He suddenly realized that the people here had been enslaved by demons for decades, and it was meaningless to reason with them for the time being.

Before Schier and the others arrived, Grove came first with a team of people. He first greeted Hobert, Simpson and others warmly, and brought them food and wine.

Then, Grove read out the king's decree long ago that sealed the nearby area to the Teutonic Viscount, clarifying the Teutonic Viscount's legal right to rule this area.

He also claimed that the Teutonic Territory had begun organizing manpower for disaster relief and did not need any help.

Hobert sneered in response, fell out with Grove in front of everyone, and quarreled a few words.

But he obviously didn't dare to disobey the king's will now. After cursing a few words, he asked Schier and others who had just arrived to bring all the enemy corpses to the dock.

After getting on the boat led by Jeffrey, Angus whispered: "Sir, I can come over again after night and kill the guy named Grove..."

Just as Hobert was about to interrupt Argus, Archibald smiled and said: "Captain Angus, with your magnanimity, how could you be angry with such a person?"

Angus thought to himself: Is this manservant blind? Sir Alex was clearly so angry just now!

He had been staring at Hobert just now. As long as the Lord gave him a wink, he would immediately rush forward and kill the mighty knight!

But Hobert took a deep look at Archibald again: This "dog" is quite smart. Could it be that I helped him turn an "apostle of desire" into a marionette, and he immediately became active? ?

Archibald responded to Hobert's gaze with a smile. Of course, the Secret Puppet did not have such a big effect. Archibald felt the angel-level battle that had just happened and realized that the "Creator" could provide the Beloved at any time. Angel level combat support.

For Archibald, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to transform from a beast into this powerful evil god.

Now for it, Hobert is the key to this opportunity, so it's suddenly so positive.

Leaving the dock of the Teutonic town, Jeffrey's fleet landed from the port of Felix Barony upstream.

Baron Felix's reaction was obviously not as quick as that of the Teutonic Viscount. When he learned that Hobert was bringing manpower and supplies for disaster relief, he did not think of rejecting it immediately.

So Hobert unceremoniously turned his baronial palace into a "disaster relief headquarters." Only then did Baron Felix realize that when the "devils" had just left, he had finally become the actual ruler of this territory. And now he is not.

When the first batch of supplies arrived, 300 young and middle-aged people gathered directly from the construction site, as well as more than 50 public servants, the mayor Conrad and the human resources knight Kerwin came to direct the rescue work.

Hobert asked Schil and Corwin to lead people to take over the governance of the two surrounding territories.

The "Devil" previously ruled a total of five noble territories. Now that the richest Teutonic Viscount territory can no longer be taken over, of course the other territories must be taken over immediately.

One of the baron's territories was not affected by the disaster, and Hobert's reasons for disaster relief did not apply to that territory. Fortunately, the baron had never been to his territory, and there was no pressure to receive it.

Hobert took Angus, Helen and other extraordinary people to the territory of Baron Eugene, which was the most "disaster-stricken".

Along the way, they saw many refugees. They were skinny, their clothes were in tatters, and some of them were injured.

Hobert gained a deeper understanding of the previous demonic rule. Those demons had no effective rule at all.

Under their bloodthirsty and violence, ordinary people have no way to resist, so the people here have no hope. They only know how to kneel down and pray to the devil. No one is actively engaged in agricultural production or active labor.

The harvest is always bad, so of course you have to eat less. Over time, you become thin like this.

The manpower of the Conrad organization will arrive later and will first resettle these refugees and then send them back to rebuild their homes.

As Hobert and others rode forward, they asked about the situation in Baron Eugene's territory along the way. After repeated inquiries, Hobert got a general information: Baron Eugene was dead, and almost no one there had escaped. .

When we first entered the Eugene Territory, we could still see some refugees, but further on, there were only traces of fires, huge cracks on the ground, and traces of lava that had once spewed out.

Angus and Helen gradually realized that something was wrong. A battle between demigods should not be so powerful!

After walking a little further, everyone saw the colorful, endless wilderness.

Even though the ground was covered with thick withered grass, it still couldn't hide the feeling of desolation here.

Hobert and others have never farmed, but their spirituality makes them very clear that this wilderness is not suitable for farming in a short time, nor is it suitable for any human habitation.

Hobert jumped off the horse, and everyone dismounted and followed Hobert's footsteps.

I saw Hobert using his cane to push away the grass, and inside were two black figures, one big and one small, worshiping devoutly. When they were burned to death, they were still worshiping in the direction of the blood pool.

The surrounding grass absorbed the remaining nutrients from the two men, and eventually the two men turned into fragile mummies, as if they could break apart at a touch.

Hobert noticed that the small figure was only seven or eight years old.

For some reason, Hobert didn't feel any remorse at all this time.

If it had been in the past, he would have felt guilty because his plan was not thorough and he accidentally triggered an angel-level battle in which so many people died.

The reason for this idea is that he has received a "people-oriented" education since he was a child. No matter what time, life is the most precious!

But it was different now. He figured out a problem in the Great Smog of Backlund: In this world full of madness and extraordinary things, the lives of ordinary people are so fragile, and he, Hobert, is also very fragile.

A fragile Beyonder has no right to blame himself. Only after he becomes strong enough will his self-blame not seem so ridiculous and humble.

After more than ten seconds of silence, Hobert suddenly said: "I am partly responsible for the destruction of Eugene Territory."

When he said this, of course he didn't really blame himself, it was just a means.

He continued: "Because of my lack of thinking, the enemy actually summoned an angel!"

Angus, Helen and others behind them all showed surprised expressions. They had felt tremendous pressure from this direction before, but at the time they were completely unaware that an angel-level battle had actually occurred here.

The two people had similar thoughts at this time: Let me just tell you, how could a battle at the saint level cause such a big disaster?

Then the Extraordinaries present realized another problem: How were the enemy angels repelled?

Just when everyone had this question, Archibald had already asked cooperatively: "Sir, how did you solve this disaster in the South Colson area?"

Hobert nodded with satisfaction. Is this "dog" good at talking? "Of course, I also summoned an angel."

Angus and Helen in the back immediately felt that their brains were running out.

Angus first thought: Extraordinaries who have never heard of the "lawyer" path are good at summoning!

He also immediately realized that his thinking was wrong: could it be said that Hobert has a close connection with an angel? I heard that an angel survived in the family. Did the Hoberts and his son get in touch with other Tudor families?

Then he realized again that this idea was wrong, because if this was the case, Hobert could have said it openly, but Hobert had said it very vaguely.

Moreover, having a close connection with an angel and being able to summon that person to fight for oneself when following him are two different things.

Finally Angus realized: Maybe that angel was sent by some mysterious existence?

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, Angus was even more shocked. Looking at Hobert's back, he seemed much taller and more mysterious!

Helen realized: "I underestimated Hobert before and always thought that he could become a baron at such a young age just because he had a good father.

“The more I get in touch with him, the more I realize that his strength and methods far exceed my image, and he is not as useless as the nobles in Feneport City.

"Ms. Monica's guess is right. There is an organization behind Hobert, and there is at least one angel in this organization!

"Those ten masked reinforcements should come from the organization behind Hobert."

As Hobert expected, no one cared about their own self-blame. They would only focus all their attention on angel-level combat power.

Hobert added: "Everyone, take a look around to see if there are any survivors!"

This sentence woke everyone up, and they followed Hobert's order to search around.

But everyone knew that there could be no survivors, it was an angel-level battle.

But they felt that they really needed to do something now to ease the shock.

The reason why Hobert brought this group of extraordinary people here was to shock them and let them feel the power of Baron Hobert, thus paving the way for some feasible operations in the future.

"Angus!" Hobert called to the captain of the first team.

Angus, who had just taken two steps, came back immediately, waiting for Hobert's instructions.

However, Hobert walked through the thick withered grass and came to a small hill as if he was taking a leisurely stroll.

Angus followed closely behind, and he realized that Sir Alex had something to say to him.

"What do you think?" After reaching the top of the hill, Hobert asked looking at the wilderness in front of him.

Angus also looked at the wilderness in front of him and said, "This is like a miracle."

Hobert smiled: "In ancient times, angels were also called slaves of gods."

Then he changed the topic: "I'm asking you what you thought when you saw the two corpses in the grass.

Before Angus could answer, Hobert asked himself again and answered: "Just now I suddenly realized that life is so fragile and humble."

"Yes." Angus followed Hobert's words and said, "Under the majesty of the gods, all life is fragile."

Hobert glanced at Angus, then continued to look at the wilderness: "There are some things where you should make a decision.

"I believe that if I don't repeat why my father left the Tudor family, through this battle, I have seen your talent. That family, whose ethos has long been rotten to the core, will bury you for the rest of your life!"

In fact, Angus's performance can only be said to be pretty good, far from reaching an excellent level.

But this is a good breakthrough point to pry open the Tudor family, so he can easily be highly praised by Hobert.

Hobert's words made Angus feel happy at first, and then worried. He also knew that with his background, he had no hope of becoming a demigod in this life.

So when faced with the task of monitoring Christine, which no direct family member was interested in, he behaved very actively.

After learning that Hobert could summon the help of an angel, Angus did have other thoughts.

Hobert continued: "Did you notice the ten reinforcements that showed up at the end?"

"Notice it!" Angus was also surprised. Where did Hobert find those reinforcements?

“Many of them were once marginalized figures in the family,” Hobert said pointedly: “In less than half a year, one of them has been promoted from Sequence 8 to Sequence 6.

“I think with his current speed, he should have a chance to be promoted to Rank 5 next year at the latest.

"He was far from getting such a good opportunity as you and being promoted so quickly, just because he made a very right choice."

This is true. Elliot's choice was simpler than Angus's at that time. Of course, that had a lot to do with the fact that Hobert faced Elliot as the "creator" at that time.

Hobert pointed forward and said: "Look at this wilderness. I have the opportunity to become a person with this level of power because I made the right choice at the most critical point in my life."

Angus no longer hesitated and knelt down behind Hobert: "Sir, please accept my allegiance!"

Hobert quickly turned around and helped Angus up: "It's a great help to me to get your sincere help!"

Archibald and his marionettes on the side watched the whole drama of Hobert winning over his subordinates, and they couldn't help but marvel at Hobert's skill and use of language.

After helping Angus up, Hobert added: "I already have some ideas about how to deal with the aftermath of the four members who died in the line of duty, and I will leave it to you.

“First of all, we need to give them a share of the loot in the first team, and secondly, of course, return their extraordinary characteristics.

“I can make a promise that in addition to returning their own Beyonder characteristics, I will also give them lower-sequence Beyonder characteristics!

"For example, if the person who dies in the line of duty is a 'sheriff', in addition to giving his family the extraordinary characteristics of the 'sheriff', he will also be given the extraordinary characteristics of the 'arbitrator'."

Angus was very surprised at first, and then said happily: "Their family will definitely be grateful."

In this way, Angus can have an explanation for the family members of those who died in the line of duty. When the family recruits people again, there will probably be more people who want to join the Special Operations Department than before!

"But two conditions must be met." Hobert said: "Give his extraordinary characteristics to their family, not the family. You have to verify this.

“The second condition is that the Extraordinary Characteristics be kept with me for safekeeping before being handed over to their families.

"This is to protect you from being targeted by the family. If they have any anger, they can blame it on me."

Angus said gratefully: "Thank you Sir for thinking about me so much."

Archibald on the side felt that there must be a problem here, but he didn't know what the specific problem was.

"The last point is the issue of compensation to them." Hobert said: "You have been in the territory for a while and know my difficulties now.

"In terms of compensation, I can't match the official Beyonders for the time being. Sequence 9 personnel who died in the line of duty can only be given 1,300 pounds, or 1,500 gold liso.

"Sequence 8 doubles, sequence 7 doubles again."

Angus smiled and said, "It would be nice to have compensation."

This is true. For wild extraordinary people, they have never thought about the issue of sacrifice in the line of duty and compensation.

That’s why Hobert proposed this compensation standard, which is less than half of the Orthodox Church, and will continue to use this standard for a period of time.

Hobert nodded and added: "I plan to expand the size of the first team. After the aftermath is dealt with, it will be expanded to at least eighteen members."

"You have given such good compensation conditions, I think there should be no problem." Angus smiled.

Hobert smiled with satisfaction: "This is the focus of your next work."


After this conversation, Hobert's main purpose of "personally providing disaster relief" was completed, and he could more happily poach the Tudor family in the future.

It was already dusk when the group returned to Baron Felix's lord's mansion.

The preliminary resettlement of the refugees has been completed, and Conrad, following Hobert's instructions, is preparing to rebuild their homes with work-for-relief.

Moreover, Conrad found that the spring planting on the entire west bank of Full Moon Lake was very messy. He planned to organize people to replant in spring to ensure this year's harvest, and then find time to redistribute the land.

It is foreseeable that Conrad will be very busy in the future and will not have time to stay in Baron Felix's Lord's Mansion to allocate resources from all parties.

Hobert had no choice but to stay and personally take charge of the "new territory" on the west bank of Full Moon Lake.

After having dinner and solving work problems, Hobert returned to his room and asked no one to disturb his rest. After that, he came to the "State of Disorder" to take another look at the trophies he got today.

Thanks to [\u0026amp;amp;amp;Devil Whisper\u0026amp;amp;amp;] for the reward.

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