Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 497 Riots in the New Territory

Hobert named "Fabouti's Ring" "1-106" and placed it on the stone platform containing level 1 sealed items.

Compared with the ring given by Fabuti, Hobert now prefers to carry "1-102" with him.

As for the Level 2 Sealed Artifacts, except for a few that are frequently used, they are basically placed in the "Country of Disorder".

Then Hobert recalled the conversation with Fabuti. In the "Fall of Lilith Incident", the "Fallen Mother Goddess" and the "Mother Tree of Desire" each received a share of the benefits of the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics!

It's just that they didn't get the extraordinary characteristics they wanted. Instead, they finally let their opponents get the extraordinary characteristics they wanted.

This made Hobert not only sigh: Fabuti is indeed the "Demon King", and the main character is a fucker!

Hobert thought again: In that case, "Lilith's fall incident" was not a collaboration between two external gods, but rather the "Mother Tree of Desire" discovered an opportunity when it was tracking its enemies, and then used the "Fallen Mother Goddess" to "The conspiracy has gained some benefits.

The entire "Lilith's Fall Incident" is a major event in the Second Age. If we continue to dig, more inside stories may be unearthed.

The result of the "Bound God" Torzner is not unfair at all. It turns out that he surrendered to the enemy early because he failed to withstand the test.

After sealing the relevant memories, Hobert returned to the real world and continued to rest.

The next day, Hobert invited Apple again and gave April some of Captain Dunn's hair and blood that he had collected while in Tingen City, asking her to help him refine the puppet.

There were only five or six hairs, because Captain Dunn didn't have a lot of hair at that time.

Apple put away the blood and hair, told Hobert that it would take about half a month to refine the puppet, and talked to Forsi for a while before leaving.

In the next two or three days, Hobert discovered that ships gradually began to use the Taidij River channel. Because only Jeffrey Territory in the entire South Colson area could supply and dock, it almost became a must-stop for cargo ships. stand.

Hobert asked Allen to inquire about it, and it turned out that the reports of previous marriages had played a role. Princess Ethel had visited Jeffrey Land via the Taidij River and spoke highly of it. This was enough to prove some previous slander. The Taidig River reports are rumors.

In addition, it is said that Forsi's new book has been sold out in major bookstores. After reading the book, many people are curious enough about this place and are ready to take time to come to Jeffrey for a vacation.

Unfortunately, the transportation here is not very convenient. There are only a few passenger boats every week.

When Hobert was wondering whether to take the initiative to contact the shipping company, the passenger company took the initiative to send someone to the door, hoping to set up a station at Port Jeffrey.

Hobert made two demands. The first was to give Jeffrey the relevant port entry permit for the ship he led. The second issue is the sharing of passenger and freight revenue.

The railways and shipping companies in the Fenebaud Kingdom are not directly affiliated with the Kingdom, but are some large passenger transport companies or shipping companies.

According to convention, if a station is to be set up in Jeffrey Territory, Hobert, as the ruler of this territory, has the right to divide it with the other party.

After making the request, Hobert handed over the negotiation to Philip. As a lord, he did not need to spend too much energy on such a trivial matter.

What concerned "Lord Hobert" was a report submitted by Conrad. During the post-disaster reconstruction and land reform, Conrad found that in addition to being excessively thin, the people in the new territory also seemed to be in a somewhat mental state. question.

They still believe in those ugly demons. Conrad once tried to destroy those stone statues, but was blocked and resisted by the locals.

After Bishop Simpson learned of this incident, he organized people to destroy the stone statues and some symbols, and then read out the glory of the Mother Goddess.

However, Conrad found that this did not seem to work very well. The villagers would still worship the broken stone statues or the original positions of the stone statues.

On the contrary, it deepened the conflict between the town government and the villagers, causing the two sides to confront each other.

After reading the report, Hobert frowned. This was a bit strange. The villagers should be more willing to believe in the Mother Earth than those demons.

Then Hobert thought that it was the Jeffrey Territory, or the situation on the east bank of the Taidig River.

This area is basically the territory of the Gnostic Society. Although the Gnostic Society is also very powerful in exploiting the people, at least they don't like to kill at will.

Hobert thought, maybe the people in the West Bank have been under bloody rule for a long time and have become accustomed to that kind of bloody and brutal environment? Suddenly they were in a normal environment and they couldn't adapt?

He said to himself: No wonder he digested so many magic potions at once. It turned out that the people on the West Bank fell into unprecedented panic and confusion after being rescued. Such a reaction caused the people of the West Bank to become extremely confused, which is why they so obviously digested the magic potion.

At this time, only the power of religion can give people some comfort.

Hobert asked Allen to ask Bishop Simpson. He was going to renovate several churches on the West Coast and asked Bishop Simpson to send pastors there.

Hobert met Simpson in the side hall. This was the first meeting between the two after the battle with the "devil".

After each of them talked about their current situation, Hobert smiled and said, "I suddenly remembered that our deal on the 'Ancient Canglong Beast Liver Crystal' has not been concluded yet."

The smile on Simpson's face grew wider: "I was just about to talk to you about this matter. The previous battle was highly praised by the Pope, and Bowen's extraordinary characteristics are also a trophy that is very popular with the Holy See.

"If I get the 'Ancient Azure Dragon Beast's Liver Crystal' again, I will definitely get the chance to become an 'Ancient Alchemist'."

Hobert held the tea cup: "That's great. There should be a demigod sitting in the South Colson area."

If Bishop Simpson can become a demigod, it means that the interests of the two people will become very strong.

After taking a sip of tea, Hobert was a little confused: "Logically speaking, I should give you the main material directly, but you also know that Jeffrey's expenses are so high now!"

"Of course I know!" Bishop Simpson said cooperatively: "Don't worry, just give me a price."

"30,000 gold riso."

Bishop Simpson agreed: "No problem."

Anyway, he didn’t have to spend any money himself, and Hobert didn’t ask for excessive prices, which had already given him a lot of face.

Then Hobert talked about the mental state of the people in the West Bank. Before he even mentioned the need to renovate churches, Simpson shook his head and said: "They are hopeless."

Hobert was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"I went to the scene to see it." Bishop Simpson said with regret: "Their spiritual bodies have been affected by the 'demons' for a long time and have been polluted to a certain extent.

"According to the church's experience, there is no way to eliminate this kind of pollution!"

Hobert was somewhat surprised: "Is there any solution?"

Bishop Simpson shook his head again: "Pollution of the mental body is the most difficult to treat. The most you can do is use some sedative drugs to make them have no energy to harm others.

“I suggest that the administrators you send out should do nothing, because according to my observation, most of them will recover as long as they don’t come into contact with the stone statues and symbols of the ‘devil’ for a few months.

“During this period, their emotions are very easily aroused, and no matter what they do, it will easily anger them!

"And about 30% of people have no chance of recovery. They will believe in devils for their whole lives and will affect the people around them.

"I suggest that after a period of time, we should conduct an investigation and move all these incurable people to live together to prevent them from affecting other people."

Hobert frowned, not satisfied with this solution: "The 'devil' does a lot of harm to people!"

"Yes." Simpson agreed: "I have read some classics. It is said that a long time ago, there was a kingdom of demons.

"It's unimaginable how miserable people's lives are in that country."

Hobert asked again: "Is there no other plan?"

"All I can give you is this plan." Bishop Simpson's words seemed to have some profound meaning.

As for other plans, Hobert also thought of them, and they were nothing more than: kill!

But Hobert was even less satisfied with the plan.

When Bishop Simpson stood up to leave, he seemed to say casually: "Archbishop Gabriel is very interested in your faith."

"I am a believer of the Mother Goddess of the Earth." Hobert smiled and said: "I was baptized in front of the Holy Emblem of Life, and I was baptized by the favored ones of the Mother Goddess."

Bishop Simpson nodded meaningfully. Just as he had guessed, Hobert's baptism was successfully completed, which meant that the Mother Goddess approved of having two faiths at the same time.

If Hobert had malicious intentions at the time, the baptism would not have been completed smoothly. As a favored one, Utravsky would definitely have sensed the Mother Goddess's intention and terminated the baptism.

Perhaps there is also cooperation between gods, but that is not what a bishop should consider.

Simpson believes that as long as he maintains a good relationship with Hobert and provides sufficient support, he will definitely receive some benefits in the future.

After sending Simpson away, Hobert asked Allen to recall Freya and the other three people. He wanted to hear the three people's detailed description of the mental state of the people on the West Bank.

Hobert's orders came and went, and it was not until the next day, Monday morning, that Hobert saw his two students and a manservant.

After they had breakfast, Hobert immediately called them to the study and asked: "I heard that the mental state of the people in the West Bank is not very good."

"It's not bad, it's very strange." Selena, who had red hair, was the first to reply: "Sometimes they would sit there for a whole day without eating or drinking.

“At first I thought they were so sad because they had lost a loved one!

"Later I found out that it was not the case at all! It seemed to be a habit or custom of theirs, to do nothing and eat nothing.

“I brought food and water to them and asked them to go to work with me after they were full, but after they finished eating and drinking, they didn’t listen to me at all.

"Two soldiers forced them to work with guns. They seemed to suddenly change to another person. They knelt down and smiled flatteringly, and then followed them."

Hobert was stunned. Although he was not a psychiatrist, he could still judge that this was a serious mental illness.

Dennis, who has become much more stable, but occasionally shows a dull attitude, added: “They believe in evil gods, and Bishop Simpson’s preaching was obviously so wonderful, which made all the believers present deepen their belief in the Mother Goddess.

"But they couldn't listen. After smashing their stone statues, they showed angry expressions. Some even sat on the ground and cried, looking very desperate."

Hobert nodded invisibly and looked at Freya.

Freya, who looked a little rosy and had her lustrous hair tied into a ponytail, was the last to say: "There are 59 households in the village I went to. None of them are complete families. Each household has at least two people who were killed by the previous ones." Rulers killed.

"There are many reasons for being killed, because of breathing, because of walking with feet, because of passing by the river, because of being forced... If you don't resist when you are forced to do that kind of thing, you look like a dead person, because..."

Freya's eyes turned red and she couldn't speak any more.

Selena and Dennis were stunned. Only then did they realize that they seemed to have missed the point.

Hobert patted her shoulder and consoled her: "We are here, and they will not have such an encounter again."

Freya nodded, took a deep breath and continued: "I learned that their ancestors once lived a prosperous life, and that village once had more than a hundred families.

"Since those demons came, they gradually realized that they must worship those demons devoutly. Only in this way, when they meet those demons, they can be laughed at by the demons like a wild dog kicked away. Kick it away to avoid the fate of being killed.

“But after worshiping the devil more times, their emotions become more and more easily agitated, or they simply lose any emotion.

"As for the angry or desperate reaction after smashing the stone statues, it is because they are afraid that if the demons come back again, they will be angry with them.

“The bishop can leave, and our people can leave, but they can’t leave.

"I think the smashing of stone statues is too extreme, and we should adopt softer methods to change their habits bit by bit."

Hobert nodded seriously: "If this is an assessment, of the three of you, only Freya is outstanding.

"Because she got to the root of the problem and you only saw the symptoms."

Selina looked a little ashamed, while Dennis looked thoughtful.

Hobert said: "In order to reward Freya, I plan to let her become an Extraordinary in advance."

Selina looked a little annoyed again, feeling like she had lost an opportunity.

Dennis didn't expect that he would also have this opportunity.

After spending this time with Sir Alex's two students, he already knew some information about extraordinary people, and he also knew how rare such an opportunity was.

"Don't be discouraged, you two." Hobert said to the event and Dennis: "This is a lesson. When this matter is over, I will make you extraordinary.

"Okay, let me talk about some of the extraordinary paths I have. Freya can choose from them, and you two can also listen to them first.

"The first is my own path. After taking the potion, I will become eloquent, able to distort other people's thoughts, and my body will become very strong. Later, I will have the ability to distort thoughts, corrode the soul, and plunge others into chaos.

"There is also the ability of my wife Forsi. In the early stage, she can open an illusory door. No place can close her. She can also use many magic-like abilities. Later, she can do divination, record other people's extraordinary abilities, and can Appeared in other countries in a very short period of time.”

The three people were slightly stunned. Only then did they realize that the lord's wife was also an extraordinary person.

Hobert continued, first talking about the "Gravedigger" and "Hunter" pathways who have the complete potion formula: "Siel is the Extraordinary of the 'Hunter' pathway, but Selena and Freya This path cannot be chosen..."

Then there are ways to master some potions, including "arbitrator", "warrior", "secret peeper", "sailor", etc., and I mentioned several ways in one go.

Freya felt dizzy for a moment.

"You can think about it first and give me an answer in the afternoon." Hobert said.

"I want to be an 'arbiter'!" Freya suddenly said: "So that I can judge and punish some people and things in the future."

Hobert nodded: "I respect your choice. Come pick up the potion in the afternoon."

After dealing with the student's matter, Hobert was even more worried. The real situation was more serious than what Conrad's report and Simpson's statement stated.

Hobert decided to ask Audrey if she had any good ideas at a tarot meeting later.

Then go back to the West Bank with the students and do some research on your own to see if there are any solutions to the problem.

At around one o'clock in the afternoon, under the care of Hobert and witnessed by Selina and Dennis, Freya took the magic potion and became an "arbitrator".

As soon as Hobert finished explaining the capabilities of the "Arbiter", Allen came in with Archie, a soldier from the security team: "Sir, there is a riot on the West Bank!"

"What?" Hobert stood up suddenly and asked the big and round Archie: "What's going on?"

"This morning, some people became very angry and began to attack us." Archie, Dennis's eldest brother, said: "Captain Schier saw that the momentum was not right, so he immediately covered the civil servants and the young adults who had helped in the past and retreated to the Lord's Mansion. .

"Now the people have surrounded the Lord's Mansion, and Mayor Conrad is waiting to confront them."

Hobert walked up to Archie in two steps and asked, "Are there any casualties among our people?"

"Because of the timely response, only a few people were injured, but they were all injuries such as fractures and bleeding, and there were no major problems."

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief and asked again: "Did Schier shoot?"

"Captain Scheer said that you can't shoot at the crowd without the Lord's order." Archie responded sternly: "But in order to cover everyone's retreat, we did shoot in the air as a warning!"

Hobert nodded with satisfaction: "Siel is the first contributor!"

If it were the soldiers brought out by Christine, they might have started a killing spree, but after all, Schier had been with Hobert for a while and knew the lord's style and temperament.

Hobert was pleased with Schier's response at this critical moment.

Hobert sat back on his chair, thought calmly for a few minutes, and then said to a few people: "Archie, Dennis, you go to Roy to ask for people, and then bring a batch of supplies to the West Bank. Don't take the initiative to talk to the locals. A conflict occurs.

“But if you are attacked, you must also fight back effectively.

"Freya, Selina, get ready and follow me to the West Bank in a few minutes."


After several people left, Hobert felt Archibald's gaze, and he said: "You stay, and when the lady comes back, let her sit in the Lord's Mansion. You don't want to go there, just help her here. "

Archibald nodded: "Okay."

Hobert suddenly realized that this "dog" had suddenly become more motivated, and Archibald could be included in the assignment of tasks in the future.

While thinking about it, Hobert returned to the bedroom and put on his cloak. He prayed to "The Fool" and said that he had encountered an emergency and was unable to participate in this week's Tarot meeting.

Without enough time to wait for "The Fool's" reply, Hobert returned to the study. Freya and Selina, who had simply tidied up, were also back.

Hobert used "Travel" to take them back to the West Bank quickly.

Three people suddenly appeared in the main hall of Baron Felix's lord's house, startling everyone here.

However, the people who could be in the main hall at this time were all the senior officials sent by Hobert before. Schier was already an Extraordinary. Kerwin, who had a bandage on his head, knew some knowledge about the Extraordinary world. Conrad was surprised, but He quickly hid his emotions.

Only Baron Felix was surprised for a few seconds. He smiled bitterly and said in his heart: I actually want to take advantage of the chaos to take back the power of governance. I am really naive. Hobert can even fight away those demons. How could I be his? opponent?

Hobert appeared in the hall and asked: "How is the situation now?"

Conrad stood up and gave up his position, and reported: "The people attacked the lord's palace twice, but we were beaten back with sticks."

Hobert sat down, and Freya and Selina stood behind Hobert consciously.

Only to hear Hobert ask: "Have you asked them about their requirements?"

"They asked." Conrad said: "They asked for restoration of faith, re-carving of the devil's stone statue, re-drawing of abstract symbols, and sacrifices on time."

Although Conrad and others have become experts in government affairs under Hobert's experience, they have never dealt with group incidents and are somewhat helpless at this time.

Hobert recalled some of the ways in which group incidents were handled in the Christian era.

Even if he hasn't dealt with it, he has read a lot of TV series and novels like this.

"Let them elect ten representatives to negotiate." Hobert said: "I will meet them outside the gate of the Lord's Mansion."

"Yes!" Everyone present immediately stood up and went outside to make the announcement.

They all knew what Hobert was capable of and were not worried that Hobert would be in danger.

After Baron Felix also stood up to leave, Selina asked curiously: "Teacher, do you really want to agree to let them restore their faith?"

Hobert shook his head slightly: "They cannot restore their so-called faith. This is the bottom line."

He smiled slightly and said: "Didn't I tell you at noon that my approach will make people have excellent eloquence.

"Okay, you guys help me guard the door, I have to make some preparations."

Let’s take a little rest today and will update more tomorrow (*^▽^*)

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