Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 505 The madness of Emperor Russell in his later years

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, suddenly felt like he had been slapped in the face: Isn't Russell an Extraordinary of the "General Knowledge" path? How did he later become the "Black Emperor"? This is too outrageous... But if you think about it carefully, with the way of thinking shown by Russell, it is not impossible.

At this time, Klein had not read the diary related to Russell's determination to become the "Black Emperor".

Cattleya stared at the "Emperor": Very few people know these hidden secrets, how could he know this? Why is the tone so determined?

Forsi covered her mouth in surprise: "The Great Emperor became the 'Black Emperor'?"

She has read so many celebrity autobiographies about Russell, why has no one ever mentioned this? Could it be that the Great Emperor suddenly proclaimed himself Emperor and changed the Republic to the Empire because he became the "Black Emperor"?

Finally, she sighed: I never expected that in the Fifth Epoch, just over a hundred years ago, so many secret events would still happen.

Audrey also temporarily lost control of her emotions, but as an audience member, she quickly controlled her emotions: "Mr. Emperor, when did Emperor Russell become the 'Black Emperor'? Some biographies I have seen It shows that he seems to be a member of the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery. He, his way..."

Hobert smiled and said: "As you can imagine, Emperor Russell jumped to a non-adjacent path.

"The reason why he did this is because the path he was on and the adjacent paths already had true gods, or were occupied by beings suspected of being true gods.

"If you want to become a god, you can only do this."

Klein immediately thought: So that’s it! No wonder the historical data said that Russell went crazy in his later years. I thought this was just like the powerful emperors in my impressions who would go crazy in their later years. "Crazy" is just an adjective. Now it seems that that may be the case in his later years. Statement of fact.

Foers thought of the "Blood Emperor" mentioned at the previous party: "So is it true that Emperor Russell fell into madness in his later years? In that case, wouldn't he be in a similar state to the 'Blood Emperor'?"

Hobert nodded: "Maybe he got inspiration from the 'Blood Emperor'..."

Klein was slightly startled: I have some impression of this. Russell seemed to have talked about the "Blood Emperor" with Mr. "Gate", and Russell also claimed to be inspired by it. But that diary entry had no beginning or end, and it didn’t explain what inspired him. Now it seems that it was how he was inspired to become a god!

Then he thought: No wonder Russell complained in his diary that for an extraordinary person, it would be a huge disaster for the true god to exist on his path. This means that no matter how hard you try, you can't become a true god. I suddenly understand Russell's despair.

"...You don't think that the 'Blood Emperor' doesn't care about his madness after becoming a god, right?" Hobert smiled and said: "In fact, after jumping to a non-adjacent path to become a god, you have a chance to regain your sanity."

Cattleya immediately asked: "How to recover?"

"Having a baby."

If someone else had said that, Cattleya would have thought that the other person was joking, or that he was a villain who liked to tell dirty jokes.

But the "Emperor" said this, and his expression looked very serious. Cattleya nodded slightly and said, "I understand."

Seeing that Audrey and Forsi had not yet understood, Hobert explained to them: "Let's use the 'Blood Emperor' as an example. Theoretically speaking, the reason why the 'Blood Emperor' is in a semi-crazy state is that he The characteristics of the original 'Black Emperor' path conflicted with the characteristics of the 'Hunter' path that he had just taken, so he showed a half-mad state.

"Theoretically, if the 'Blood Emperor' successfully eliminates all the characteristics of the 'Black Emperor' pathway from the body, then the conflict of extraordinary characteristics will disappear, and the 'Blood Emperor' will become normal.

"But this process is uncontrollable. We can only rely on probability to expel excess Extraordinary characteristics from the body, and there is a high probability that some Extraordinary characteristics of the 'Hunter' path will also be excreted. However, there is still a chance that this will become normal in the future. "

Audrey understood: "So, Emperor Russell took advantage of this opportunity to become a god, just to become a normal god one day? Unfortunately, he, no, he failed."

This was completely different from the image of the mysterious and heroic Emperor Russell in his impression.

Hobert smiled and said, "Not necessarily."

He asked: "Do you still remember the specialness of becoming the 'Black Emperor'?"

Before anyone else could answer, he asked himself: "We have said before that the 'Black Emperor' has the ability to be resurrected.

"This path is somewhat special. In theory, it is equivalent to a filtering process. After the emperor is resurrected, only the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Black Emperor' path can return, and he will become a normal 'Black Emperor'."

Everyone thought of this after being reminded by the "Emperor".

Klein immediately recalled: I remember when Russell described the process of making the 'blasphemous cards' in his diary, Russell said that if his plan failed, these 'blasphemous cards' would be the biggest thing he would leave to his children. reliance. Maybe letting himself die once was Russell's plan?

Audrey was very surprised: Could it be that the emperor had not truly fallen? Yes, he must not have died!

Forsi was surprised: Is this how the power of the gods is used?

Then the two of them thought of the "creator" in unison: Could it be the resurrected Emperor Russell?

Cattleya simply asked: "All of this, including his death, was the emperor's plan. So now, is the emperor resurrected now?"

Hobert spread his hands: "I don't know about this, but I think Emperor Russell must have a certain plan for this."

He explained smoothly: "The reason why I know this is because I know the situation of the 'Black Emperor' path relatively well, but I have no way to understand the specific plan of Emperor Russell.

"So the above answers, except that I can confirm that Emperor Russell did indeed become the 'Black Emperor', the rest are basically my guesses."

This time Hobert lied because he guaranteed the accuracy of the above information.

Klein nodded secretly: It is already very impressive to be able to make so many logical-sounding guesses through these clues. I remember only seeing the mention of the "Creator" in one of Russell's diaries. I don't know if Russell later had closer contact with the "Creator"?

Before Klein could think about this issue in detail, he heard the "Emperor" continue: "In addition, I am also certain that the extraordinary characteristics and uniqueness of Emperor Russell becoming the 'Black Emperor' came from the Twilight Hermits. Adam provided it!”

Cattleya was a little surprised again: "That 'King of Angels' Adam?"

Others were also surprised to varying degrees, but they quickly vaguely guessed Adam's purpose.

Hobert directly explained Adam's purpose: "Yes! I guess that Adam invited Emperor Russell to join the Twilight Hermits just because he wanted to take advantage of the 'torrent of history' created by the emperor to be promoted.

"But Emperor Russell did not develop according to Adam's preset script, and because Adam still lacked a Sequence 1 characteristic at that time, Adam failed to become a god that time."

Cattleya didn't expect that the emperor was once a member of the Twilight Hermits!

But Audrey recalled: I remember the emperor once talked about this information, and Hermes! Hermes seems to be a member of this organization as well.

Klein thought of some of the intelligence released by the "Emperor" after the Backlund Great Smog Incident. He manipulated "The World" and asked: "So Adam found the Loen royal family again?"

"That's right," Hobert smiled: "George III seems to be more controllable than the Emperor."

He added: "There is another rule for the resurrection of the 'Black Emperor': when Russell becomes the 'Black Emperor', it means that Solomon has completely fallen."

Cattleya, who had not yet joined the Tarot Club at that time, half guessed and half asked with certainty: "Now Adam is planning to make George III the 'Black Emperor'? I remember that King Loen seems to be only a Sequence 5."

Hobert smiled: "Great Emperor Russell is not an Extraordinary of the 'Black Emperor' path yet! Didn't Adam also find him?

“Why did I say before that even if Trunsoest is not ready to become the ‘Black Emperor’, the Six Gods can use their authority to help him prepare?

“It’s because in the eyes of a god, the requirements and preparations for becoming a god are not that difficult.

"Even Adam, the 'King of Angels,' can use his authority to do many things."

Cattleya suddenly realized: "Oops! That emperor... that 'creator'..."

Although she didn't speak too clearly, everyone understood what she meant: if George III became the 'Black Emperor', Russell would have completely fallen. And the 'creator' is obviously not the resurrected Russell, because if the emperor is resurrected, then according to the information released by the previous "emperor", it is impossible for a second true god to exist in the "black emperor" path.

Audrey noticed: Ms. Hermit seems to be very concerned about the information about Emperor Russell! Although I am also full of curiosity about the emperor, I am not as excited as she is.

Forsi was lamenting another thing entirely: He didn't expect that there were so many secrets hidden behind such a familiar historical event. I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt that this matter was far away from me, and a little unreal... Hey, I am still only a Sequence 8. Although the potion is almost completely digested and I am only a Sequence 8, I know So many secrets, is this really a good thing?

Then she asked and answered herself: Well, this feeling seems pretty good.

After Cattleya was briefly surprised, she fell completely into panic. She had always had hope in this since she knew for sure that the Emperor could be resurrected in the Tarot Society.

But this hope was also extinguished in the Tarot Club.

Hobert saw Cattleya's worries, and he joked in his mind: Is this the so-called intergenerational relationship?

After smiling slightly, Hobert said to Cattleya: "Ms. Hermit, although I don't know why you are so worried, but what I want to tell you is that the 'creator' will not sit back and watch such a thing happen."

Yes, because the "creator" wanted to become the Black Emperor, George III would not succeed.

As for Emperor Russell, we will talk about this later. When he becomes the King of Angels and the Fool becomes half of his old self, Hobert believes that this problem may be solved.

Hobert couldn't let go of the opportunity to become the "Black Emperor", but he could find a way to save Russell's life.

Now Hobert doesn't know how far the Fool can go after becoming a god, and he doesn't know if there are any loopholes that can be exploited, so he can only take it one step at a time.

The "Emperor's" comfort did not lessen Cattleya's worries, but it made her realize the gaffe she had just made.

At that moment, she thanked the "Emperor" and restrained her emotions.

After this transaction ended, Audrey and Fors had the same shocking feeling as at the previous party. Now that they were trading the information behind the Trunsoest Empire, they no longer had any feelings. They just felt that their curiosity was satisfied. It was different from the previous feeling that I had to go back and reflect on it for a long time every time I attended a Tarot session.

It has to be said that some information about Russell once again subverted the two ladies' cognition, which was enough for them to reflect on it for a long time after the Tarot session.

Even Klein, who claims that no one knows Emperor Russell better than himself, has gained a lot.

Even Cattleya, who thought she knew many of Emperor Russell's secrets, sighed in her heart that the "Emperor's" logic and deductions were really wonderful.

In her opinion, the information about Emperor Russell was like speculation about the "Black Throne". The emperor knew some clues and used them to deduce the whole story!

"The Hanged Man" Alger saw that everyone was in a serious mood, and he wondered if he had missed some key information?

He shook his head slightly, put the matter behind him, and initiated a new transaction with the "Emperor": "I hope to rent your magical item with the ability to 'travel'. I want to go to the place where we have explored together." Hunting a few extraordinary creatures on the island.”

Alger recently had time and opportunity, so he planned to hunt for some extraordinary materials to make some extra money.

"No problem." Hobert smiled and said, "By the way, a friend of mine just got a magical item with the ability to 'travel'. Are you interested in buying it? Well, the negative effects are not big."

Hobert has no plans to auction this rare and highly sought-after magical item at the auction center, but it can be sold to members of the Tarot Club to improve the strength of his allies.

Alger was about to nod, but he finally smiled and said, "I'd better rent it."

Needless to say, it's definitely not cheap. He should wait until he has gathered the Sequence 5 potion formula and extraordinary properties before he considers this type of magical item.

Hobert nodded: "No problem, 100 pounds, no more than three days."

Alger: "Deal."

Cattleya asked, "Mr. Emperor, what are the abilities and negative effects of that magical item you mentioned? How much do you plan to sell it for?"

"The only abilities are 'travel' and 'open the door'." Hobert said: "The negative effect is: the holder easily gets lost when entering the spiritual world, but after trying at most three times, he will find his target; in addition, the holder Easily late."

After using the "State of Disorder" to seal it, the negative effects were much smaller.

Hobert added: "As for the price, it's 12,000 pounds!"

This is indeed a considerable discount. You must know that many times a copy of the Extraordinary Characteristics of a 'Traveler' will be sold for this price.

The previous transaction with Alger was because the sealed object formed by the "traveler"'s extraordinary characteristics could not be used at all, and the transaction price was less than 10,000 pounds.

Cattleya: "I'll think about it."

More than ten thousand pounds is not a small amount for a pirate general.

Updates have been added for three days in a row. I originally wanted to take a break today and update one chapter, but I felt that it would not be good to update only one chapter, so I added another chapter (* ̄︶ ̄)

Although this tarot session is still not over, there is only one ending left, so it should be harmless.

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