Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 508 The Origin of the Gnosis Society

While walking and stopping along the way, Hobert felt the tremendous changes in the territory. The people's enthusiasm for working in the fields and construction sites was rising, and they were creating higher wealth than before.

The key is that they themselves can get a considerable part of the wealth created.

Many new houses appeared in the village, tall and beautiful, with red bricks and red tiles.

It’s not that people here also find red festive, it’s just that the brick kilns in the territory can only produce red bricks and red tiles.

Most of the houses are half-finished or under construction with the help of neighbors, relatives and friends.

That is hope, that is the future.

But after arriving in the new territory, the situation suddenly changed.

The people here are indifferent and indifferent, there are not many people in the fields, and the growth rate of crops is far less than what we saw in the morning.

So the inspection speed was much faster, and in the evening, we arrived at Viscount Wright's former manor.

This place has long been abandoned, with only tall courtyard walls and huge grassland proving its former glory.

On the way here, Hobert heard from the former servant of the Lord's Mansion that the scenery here is quite good, but it was almost evening when he got here, and the surrounding area looked like ordinary grass.

The hares have already made their nest here. When Hobert and Forsi were walking, they randomly shot a few. He gave one of them to the servant: "Bake it. I will entertain guests later. The other hares are for the guests." You guys."

While waiting for the roasted rabbit, Forsi was already a little hungry, so he put on the jam and started eating the bread first. He was still feeling emotional about what he saw and heard today.

This was the first time she felt such a strong sense of relief. Hobert had brought about earth-shaking changes in people's lives, so they welcomed Hobert with their greatest enthusiasm and supported Hobert's rule.

"This world has become accustomed to using violence to establish rule," Hobert suddenly sighed: "Maybe this has something to do with the fact that the nature of this world is crazy.

"Have the Extraordinaries of the 'Lawyer' and 'Arbitrator' paths never thought that by making the world a better place, more people would support their rule?"

Suddenly there was a voice in the darkness: "Someone among them should have thought of it too."

A middle-aged man with a beard and meticulously groomed hair came into the camp from the darkness, and the guards immediately pointed their guns at him.

Hobert smiled and said, "That's my guest."

Everyone did not relax their vigilance because of this, but the guns were no longer pointed at each other.

The person coming was exactly the person Hobert was planning to meet during this inspection: Jonathan.

Jonathan suddenly had a few bullets in his hand. He played with the bullets in his hand and sat opposite Hobert: "But the problem is, they immediately realized another problem: What is the use of the support of ordinary people?"

Only then did the surrounding guards realize that the bullets in their guns were missing.

Jonathan threw the bullet in his hand at the feet of the guards. He originally thought that the guards would immediately lean over to pick it up, but he didn't know that they loaded another bullet into the gun and stared at Jonathan closely.

Seeing Jonathan's slightly surprised expression, Hobert smiled and said: "Have you never thought that ordinary people can look at you so hard?

"As long as someone supports them, they are not as groveling as you think."

Jonathan glanced at Hobert: "But they still have to rely on you, and ultimately they have to rely on Extraordinary."

Hobert took a deep breath: “Yeah, that’s a problem.

"In fact, if ordinary people are allowed to develop, they can also create weapons that can destroy the world and have the same power as gods. They can also use their methods to land on the moon and travel in the sky."

Jonathan smiled and shook his head: "Young people still have imagination."

Hobert also smiled and did not continue to discuss this topic: "Have you been in better condition recently?"

Jonathan nodded: "The negative effects have disappeared."

Hobert said "hmm" and said simply: "I have been quite impressed during these two weeks in the West Bank. You have no idea what domination is.

"Give me the governance of the East Coast. I will make this place more prosperous and attract more people. I still don't care about religious matters. If you have a conflict with the Church of the Mother Earth, I need to step in. Mediate and I will come forward.”

To this, Jonathan agreed happily: "Yes."

But he continued: "But I have a condition."

"you say."

"Tell me about your faith."

Hobert was stunned and looked at Jonathan: "This is my first time to preach to a demigod."

Forsi was stunned for a moment. She remembered that Hobert was a believer of the Night Goddess when he was in Backlund. After coming to the Kingdom of Feneport, he became a devout believer of the Mother Earth Goddess.

She couldn't help but wonder: Does this demigod from the Gnosis Society want to believe in the Mother Earth?

In previous battles, Forsi had met Jonathan from a distance, and later Hobert introduced her to him as a demigod from the Gnosis Society.

"The Lord woke up from chaos and saw that the order in the world was so bad that morality was no longer the standard to measure whether a person was good or not, money was; violence filled every corner of the world, and was whitewashed with gods and dominion; Vicious gangsters live a good life, but people who truly love life and are kind work hard all day long and have no time to enjoy life.”

As far as Hobert's current eloquence is concerned, this kind of thing almost comes out of his mouth, and like the "Bible" of each church, he expounds the core ideas from a human nature and a large scale.

He continued: "Then the Lord sighed: 'Human beings in the Fifth Age are even more miserable than in the Second Age. At least in the Second Age, humans rarely killed each other or deceived each other.' So, the Lord planned to overthrow the existing order and give Establish a new order in the world!"

As he talked, Hobert suddenly discovered that in this way, he was connected with the honorable name that he had racked his brains to come up with before, but it was very cheap.

I don’t know if my honorable name determines what I will do in the future, or whether the career I will do in the future will in turn determine my honorable name?

Jonathan was slightly startled after hearing these words: "Your beliefs can easily become enemies of all gods!"

Forsi also realized: This is not the teaching of the Mother Earth Church, right?

Hobert smiled and said: "The god I believe in has found an ally."

But that ally is only at Sequence 6, no, he is about to be promoted to Sequence 5.

Jonathan guessed: "Mother Earth?"

"No." Hobert said: "My relationship with Bishop Simpson is purely my personal behavior to develop the territory."

Fors wondered: What is Hobert's true belief? Why have I never heard him mention it? Well, maybe it’s because I don’t care much about faith issues. "Mr. Fool" may be my most devout belief, but now think about it, unless I have trouble with Mr. Fool, I have never prayed daily! No, this seems too ungodly. I will have to pray to Mr. Fool every day from now on, but it seems very troublesome. Forget it, I will pray once a week in three days...

Jonathan was very curious: "You develop the territory in such a unique way. Isn't it an instruction from the gods?"

"No, as long as we develop according to His outline, He seldom cares about the affairs of the beloved." Hobert is telling the truth.

Jonathan fell into silence, and after a while he suddenly asked: "Do you know the origin of the Gnosis Society?"

"I've probably heard of it." Hobert replied: "The Gnosis seems to be a branch of the Witch Church."

Forsi was stunned again. This was the first time she heard such advanced information in the real world.

Jonathan asked again: "Aren't you surprised why the main members of the Gnosis Society are Extraordinaries on the 'apprentice' path?"

"According to the information I received, after the death of Mr. Door in the Fourth Age, without the protection of angels, the Witch Church took the opportunity to harvest some of the extraordinary characteristics of the Abraham family." This is actually Hobert's conjecture.

Forsi sighed: Hobert knows a lot, he even knows about Mr. "Gate", but he doesn't know that Mr. "Gate" didn't die, he was just sealed.

Thinking of this, she felt somewhat emotional: As expected, the information obtained at the Tarot meeting was very high-end, and it was also a secret that most extraordinary people did not know! Mr. Emperor knows so much!

"Mr. Door did not die, he was just sealed." Jonathan corrected.

Forsi, who cut off a rabbit leg and ate it by himself, smiled slightly: It is indeed so.

Jonathan continued: "I don't know how much you know about the history of the Fourth Age. What I can tell you is that when Mr. Door was first sealed, the forces of the Witch Church were basically in the Southern Continent. Time and space deal with the extraordinary ones of the Abraham family.”

Hobert was slightly startled: Yes, I didn't think of this before.

Jonathan continued: "After Mr. Gate was sealed, the Abraham family split with the Tamara family... Do you know the Tamara family?"

"I know." Hobert nodded: "I have killed many people in this family."

Jonathan was slightly startled, what is this?

Hobert smiled and said, "Go on."

Jonathan cleared his throat: "At that time, the Abraham family and the Tamara family often had marriages. Some relatives of the Tamara family in the Abraham family advocated taking refuge in Tamara, while many others planned to maintain the independence of the family and were ready to welcome the enemy at any time. The return of Mr. Door, this is the first division of the Abraham family.

"But the members who had taken refuge in the Tamara family soon ushered in the second split. The reason for the split was very strange. It is said that there was something wrong with the god that the Tamara family had found to save the people from the curse, and Tamara The Ra family doesn't know why they desperately want to cultivate a 'planeswalker'.

"I need to explain to you the curse of the Abraham family..."

"I've heard of that curse." Hobert said, "During the blood moon, you hear some crazy murmurs, right?"

Forsi also nodded: I am the victim of this curse.

Jonathan sighed: "You know a lot of secrets."

He thought again and felt that this seemed reasonable. After all, there was an organization and a god behind Hobert.

Jonathan showed a puzzled expression: "Logically speaking, the Tamara family helped find a god who could help the people avoid the curse, and trained a 'planeswalker', which is a good thing.

“But I don’t know why, but the tribe was still divided at that time.

"Well, only a few people know the inside story about this matter, and those few people don't include me.

"After the split, the elders of our group contacted the Witch Church and received the protection of the 'Original Witch'.

"But because our philosophy is so different from that of the Witch Church, the Witch Church established the Gnosis Society as a last resort."

Hobert tore off a piece of rabbit meat and handed it to Jonathan: "I didn't expect there were so many hidden secrets."

Jonas took the rabbit meat and shook his head and said: "Didn't you hear the problem? The 'Original Witch' is...well, well, you know, she is not a true god.

"What I'm curious about is, why did those elders who have passed away turn to the Witch Church? How is this different from the previous problematic gods?"

Forsi was slightly startled. He didn't expect that there were other branches of the Abraham family.

Hobert lamented: It’s the lesser of two powers that harm each other.

He said: "Have you ever thought that maybe the gods brought by the Tamara family can cause you more harm than the 'original witch'?"

"I have thought about this question, but I really can't figure it out. What harm can cause greater harm than a god who is in a bad state?" Jonathan asked with some confusion.

Hobert knew clearly that there was! But he forgot what it was. He still remembered that some memories that could not be carried outside were sealed by him in the "State of Disorder", so he did not delve into it.

Jonathan did not continue to dwell on this issue, but added: "Some of the top leaders of the Gnosis are from the Witch Church, and some are saints from the Abraham family.

"Currently, I know that three saints from the Abraham family have been completely influenced by the 'Primordial Witch' and have begun to fanatically believe in the 'Primal Witch'.

"And the two other demigods from the Abraham family and I still remember the agreement we made with the Witch Church a long time ago. The 'Original Witch' helped us avoid the curse, and we helped the Witch Church do things that were inconvenient for them to come forward.

"But there are still too many members of the Abraham family who have been contaminated. They have been completely brainwashed by the Witch Church and think that killing a person is helping him liberate his gnosis."

He sighed: "I have also been affected by it. For example, at certain times, my subconscious will think that I am a woman, or I will feel the irresistible charm of the 'original witch'.

"If there is a chance, I don't want to continue to be affected like this, and I don't want my tribe to fall into the charm of the Witch Church and become completely a vassal of the Witch Church."

Hobert probably understood Jonathan's appeal: there is a group of Gnostic Society members with Jonathan as the main leader who want to break away from the Gnostic Society! Hiss~ The rift between the Gnosis Society and the Witch Church, or the rift within the Gnosis Society, is deeper than I imagined!

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