Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 513 Hobert betrayed the country again

The bright brilliance on the array condensed into starlight floating in the air, mixed with the black light emitted by the black flowers, as bright as the night sky.

Seeing that the magic circle was operating normally, Christine knelt on one knee in front of the magic circle and recited devoutly:

“The Sword of Order;

“The embodiment of rules;

“Lord of all laws;

“The protector of the Loen Kingdom.

"Your loyal followers pray for your gaze and your presence!"

After reciting the incantation, dots of starlight exploded in the magic circle. In the overflowing light, the colorful light actually had a mist-like feel.

Then a vortex appeared in the color, which quickly expanded until it formed an illusory door.

Suddenly, a somewhat illusory-looking figure appeared in the door. The figure quickly solidified. A middle-aged man wearing a large cloak, with black hair and blue eyes, a square face, and a majestic temperament walked out of it.

The whole process is like a person coming from the distant void to the real world.

Then four more people came out from the illusory door. The second person was a slightly arrogant old man. His black hair was mixed with a lot of silver threads and there was no beard on his face. This was the Duke of Southwell, Declin. .

The third man, Hobert, is familiar. He has a rectangular face and wears a white hair cap. The most important thing is that he is wearing a formal dress, a large cloak, and extremely long toe shoes. His attire is out of touch with the current era.

Hobert was certain that this was the person who hosted the Beyonder gathering in the mercenary club, and should be at the Sequence 3 level.

The remaining two people were a lady in a black dress, and the other was a handsome, mature and elegant man with black hair, golden eyes, and a straight dress.

The Sequence 3 "Chaos Hunter" who hosted the extraordinary gathering and whose attire was out of touch with contemporary times was Grove Augustus. The other two were Georgina and Selt, both of whom were outstanding among the royal saints.

The first one to come out was of course the "Protector" William Augustus. He looked at Christine and his son who were kneeling on one knee in front of the magic circle: "Christine!"

Christine lowered her head: "My subordinate is here."

"You did a good job." William said in a majestic tone: "According to your agreement with George, Backlund has a dukedom and the extraordinary characteristic of 'Chaos Hunter' waiting for you."

Then he said to Hobert: "Son, you should be Hobert. There is also a viscount title waiting for you in Backlund."

This was to reiterate the benefits they could get before the war. These people behind William were all members of the Augustus family. They certainly did not want a king of angels to appear in the royal family of Feneport, so of course they fought with all their strength.

So before the next battle comes, William will make the final win over Christine and his son.

Christine and Hobert respectfully said together: "Thank you 'Protector'!"

"Get up!" William said.

Christine stood up and said: "I will lead the way for you. My son will stay here and wait for an opportunity to control the sealed artifact in Alhambra Palace."

"You don't need to lead the way." William looked out the door: "I can feel where Castilla is, you try to follow me!"

After saying that, He walked at the front and left this hidden space.

For a moment, the nobles and high-ranking officials who came to participate in the celebration trembled unconsciously. This was fear and trembling coming from the depths of their souls.

But they looked around and found nothing wrong.

William took an angel and four demigods with him, and walked through the front hall, which was the most crowded place at this time.

It’s not that no one noticed them, but that no one dared to look at William, or even look in his direction.

When William and the others passed by, everyone realized something was wrong and started discussing what kind of big shot had just passed by?

William and others also discovered that there was no demigod-level figure in the front hall, which showed that Castilla was also prepared.

Of course they will be prepared. It is strange that the Castilla family is not prepared for such a big event.

Christine, who was following William and others, found that although her pace was normal, she seemed to be able to walk more than 20 meters with each step!

This is because William stipulated that for members of his own team, the distance in front of them is shortened by one-twentieth, so one step equals the previous twenty steps.

They only took ten or twenty steps before they arrived at a remote area of ​​the palace. In front of an ordinary-looking hall, William stopped, his majestic aura rising sharply: "Philip!"

Philip of Castile was Philip I, the "founder" of the Kingdom of Feneport.

A middle-aged man in his forties slowly walked out of the hall. He had black hair and a beard, and wore a black felt hat. He looked very easy-going.

It was Philip I whom Christine and Hobert had met before.

He still held the "Brass Book of Trunsoest" in his hand, and standing in front of the temple also exuded a majesty that made people dare not look directly at him: "William, you are indeed here, but your It’s faster than I thought.”

William sneered: "Philip, your tricks are still so childish! So easy for others to see through!"

The two of them are not only old rivals, but also former colleagues, so they call each other by their first names.

Philip I glanced at Christine: "It turns out that a little mouse came into the Alhambra Palace."

Christine noticed that about one-fifth of the brass book had been integrated into Philip I's chest.

William, or William I, suddenly pulled out a silver stabbing sword from the air. Without charging forward, the distance between him and Philip I quickly shortened.

The battle suddenly started after the two old rivals briefly "reminisced about the past."

The Duke of Southwell, Declin, stepped forward to attack Philip I. A young man wearing a set of Fenerport-style leather armor came in from the side door of the courtyard: "Declin, we meet again."

He is the angel Chester of the Castile family. He became an angel in the war when he was very young, so he still looks young at this time.

The last time the two of them fought was in the "Battle of Broken Oaths" more than 600 years ago, and they were also old rivals.

Chester read out his "law" loudly: "This is the royal palace of the Kingdom of Feneport, and the power of the Feneport people should be increased!"

Deklin also read out his "law": "For the sake of fairness, the strength of the smaller party should be increased!"

The reason why Deklin had such a "law" was because the saints of the Castilla family who had been waiting nearby came to the courtyard here one after another, and the battle at the saint level immediately broke out.

After Chester read out his "law", a silver-white sword appeared in his hand. This is the "Sword of Order", an ability that can only be obtained after becoming a "Balancer".

At the level of "balancers", they already represent order. The "Sword of Order" is a physical weapon composed of the power of "balancers" to control order.

In the blink of an eye, Chester appeared in front of Deklin: "Old guy, I guess you are too old to walk."

The "Sword of Order" in Deklin's hand also appeared instantly, blocking Chester's attack: "Little guy, you are still so rude!"

Then He shouted loudly: "Chester Castile disrespects the elderly and should be punished!"

A solid black leather whip appeared in the void, with sharp barbs, and whipped towards Chester's back.

Chester's body flashed with silvery white light, resisting the attack of the whip, and he retaliates in kind: "Decklin Augustus, you should be punished for invading Alhambra Palace!"

A thick stick appeared from the void, and on the top of the stick was a sharp axe.

This special-shaped beam stick hit Deklin, but was blocked by the silver-white light emanating from Deklin's body.

These two old rivals are too familiar with each other, and it is impossible for their battle to be decided in a short period of time.

The four demigods on Loen's side are only responsible for blocking the demigods from the Castilla family who hold powerful sealed objects.

Deklin's peripheral vision looked towards William I. The key to this battle still lies with the two "Is".

Fortunately, the process of Philip I's integration into the Oneness has begun. His current state is very unstable. With luck, not only can he stop the enemy's intentions, but he can also capture the "Brass Book of Trunsoest".

After William I and others left, Hobert couldn't help but smile. As expected, these adults did not take away the extraordinary characteristics of the "Mystic Mage".

It's not that they don't pay attention to the extraordinary characteristics of the demigod level, but they all have sealed objects with strong negative effects at this time, and it is not a wise move to bring another extraordinary characteristic of divinity.

Now they have more important things. This extraordinary characteristic is not that important compared to that thing.

Hobert deformed the fire-paint seal on his waist to cover the extraordinary characteristics of the "mystic mage", and then put it into his pocket.

After that, if no one asked him for it, he would of course pretend not to know.

It's public property, don't give it up for free.

After waiting for a minute or two, Hobert estimated that there was already a fight over there, so he came to the black flower and said in ancient Hermes: "Secret!"

The flower closed up and turned into a goose egg-sized fruit again. The black light disappeared, and the secret state no longer existed.

Hobert carefully changed the shape of the pocket watch key on his waist and wrapped it around the fruit.

In this case, from the perspective of the sealed object in Alhambra Palace, Hobert does not have any magical items on him, so there will be no "paying attention" to him.

Taking a deep breath, Hobert ran out of the side hall and shouted: "Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

At this time, there was already chaos outside. Although the battle between Chester and Deklin was at a high level, there didn't seem to be much movement.

But fighting at the saint level feels like you can't hold back your strength.

Just now, a door flew over from the other side of the battlefield, and it had already beaten several nobles into a pulp!

They knew there was an enemy attack without Hobert shouting.

The reason why Hobert dared to come out so openly and shout and dance was because he guessed that his and his father's identities could not be exposed so quickly. At least not everyone knew that they had committed treason for the second time.

The last time he committed treason, Hobert followed behind for a formality, but this time he had a substantive mission, which made Hobert somewhat excited.

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief after joining the chaotic crowd so that no guards would notice him.

The fighting there was getting louder and louder, and everyone basically felt the pressure from the Extraordinary side, so people began to run out the door.

At this moment, Hobert suddenly shouted: "Idiots! Go and protect the king! Now is the time when the Kingdom of Feneport needs us the most!"

He judged that the sealed object was probably near the king's current location, because such an arrangement could form an effective echo. Both Fernando II and the sealed object needed to be protected now. If the two were not far apart, protecting their Human hands can support each other.

But Fernando II is definitely not in control. That would be too dangerous.

Many nobles were scared out of their wits and did not want to stay here for a moment. They ignored Hobert's call and still ran outside.

But some nobles and officials realized that this was indeed an opportunity to express themselves, but they would not remind those fools who could only run for their lives, but would spontaneously go to the king's palace.

Hobert shouted twice and then ran forward with the crowd. He didn't know where Fernando II's palace was and needed these opportunists to guide him.

The fighting over there became more and more intense. Occasionally, walls, wood, and corpses flew in, either knocking down several walls or killing and injuring several people.

Hobert lamented: This is as exciting as charging against artillery fire.

Some people clearly want to retreat, but most people still have firm eyes. For opportunists, such an opportunity is rare in a lifetime.

Suddenly the sky was covered with dark clouds, as if it was about to rain, and then thunder and lightning fell to the ground one after another. Hobert guessed that it should be the sealed objects used in the battle over there.

Arriving at the Alhambra Palace dormitory area, the place was already in chaos. Except for the guards who were still at their posts, the maids and eunuchs were following their masters to take refuge in safe places.

Hobert followed the crowd and arrived outside the Cassia Hall where Fernando II was, but was blocked by the guards who were waiting for him.

The nobles shouted to protect Fernando II, and soon a eunuch came out and shouted: "The king has an order: You protect the palace on the outside. After this battle, everyone will be rewarded!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Fernando II asked everyone to stay, so that their risk-taking actions to protect the king would not be buried.

Hobert had already retreated to the back of the crowd. He noticed that there were many guards guarding a palace not far from Fernando II's residence.

That should be his target. He reached into his clothes and prepared to take out the two level 1 sealed objects.

His next actions can no longer be concealed by the crowd. They will be exposed the moment he takes action, so the next attack must be fast, accurate and ruthless!


Just when Hobert was about to take action, a silver object collapsed half of the Cassia Hall.

The silver-white object did not slow down at all, passed through the crowd, and smashed into a palace behind everyone.

Everyone opened their eyes wide and were shocked by the scene in front of them.

It turned out that wherever the silver-white object passed, whether it was an extraordinary person or an ordinary person, it was smashed to pieces, and a passage was formed by blood, severed limbs, and internal organs.

The people on both sides of the passage were splashed with a lot of blood!


I don’t know who shouted first, and the nobles scurried away. Most of them had never been on the battlefield. Even if they went to the army, they only went to gild. They had never seen such a scene.

Even the palace guards were a little shaken. After the captain of the guard shouted loudly, they hurried to the Cassia Hall to check the situation.

Even Hobert, who had committed so many murders, felt a little nauseous when he saw this scene.

However, this created an opportunity for him. He also pretended to be frightened, "distorted" the escape direction of several nobles, and ran towards his target.

As he ran, he used the corner of his eye to look at the palace where a silver object had knocked down a wall. If he saw it correctly, the silver object was a person!

Sure enough, Hobert saw the pile of rubble formed by the knocked down wall being lifted up, and a figure radiating silvery white light appeared. It was none other than the mature and elegant Selt, but at this time he was originally The straight dress has appeared torn.

At this time, a ray of morning light appeared over the collapsed Cassia Hall, and a tall and powerful figure covered with a layer of golden illusory armor appeared there.

Just looking at the silver-white rapier in his hand gave people a painful feeling as if they had been stabbed.

After a short period of energy accumulation, the warrior holding a "silver rapier" rushed towards Selt, and behind the warrior was a demigod from the Castile family wearing Fenebaud-style clothing: "Confinement!"

This "confinement" was used against Selt. Selt stretched out his hand forward, and the ring on his hand shone brightly. At that moment, the "Morning Armor" and "Silver White Rapier" on the warrior's body were all appeared on him.

A high-level sealed item from the "Stealer" path! Hobert said in his heart.

He speculated that this sealed artifact might have come from the capture of the "War of the Four Emperors" because at that time both the Solomon Empire and the Tudor Empire had great nobles with the "stealers" path.

Hobert did not continue to watch the battle. If any of the three demigods became anxious and showed the state of a semi-mythical creature, it would be useless for him to button his eyes.

Finally arriving at the target palace, Hobert suddenly thought: Why are there demigods from the "Warrior" path participating in the battle?

Deklin looked at William I from the corner of his eye, and his eyes were fixed. It was completely different from what he imagined when William I was suppressing Philip I to fight.

A middle-aged man who looked a little thin was using a red sword in his hand to resist William I's attack.

"Alexey Einhorn!" Of course Deklin knew the middle-aged man in front of him. He was the first emperor of the Fusac Empire and a "conqueror"!

At the end of the Fourth Age, Deklin and others called him Little Einhorn. With the support of the gods, he became the emperor of the Fusac Empire and gave himself a name with a local style. Everyone has forgotten the original name.

Philip I on the edge of the battlefield smiled and said: "William, since I knew you were coming, didn't I make some arrangements?

"Wait a little longer, wait until I fuse the 'Trunsoest Brass Book', and you won't be able to leave today."

William I sneered: "Of course I guessed that you had some arrangements! Hehe! Little Einhorn, when did you become Philip's lackey?"

Alexie had a crimson fireball in his hand: "William, I still remember that you once expressed your love to the queen!"

William I, who had always been quite majestic, always had a calm expression, but at this time, the "Hand of Order" had a distorted expression: "Fart!"

In a fit of rage, he crushed the talisman he had long held in his hand, and a star lightning exploded in William I's hand. Then he shouted to Alexie: "Death!"

The silver light of the "Sword of Order" in His hand became more and more intense, as if it could kill Alexei with one blow.

Even Alexie, who was also a Sequence 1, had to be careful as he threw the fireball in his hand towards William I.

However, the silver light around William I caused the fireball to slice away.

This small fireball floated all the way to the saint's battlefield before exploding. The saints were unable to avoid it and were blown away one by one.

It looks like an ordinary fireball, but it has the power of a missile!

At this time, the angel Ahomatowa Einhorn from the Fusac Empire also walked out slowly, preparing to besiege Deklin with Chels.

Suddenly, he looked to the sky.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, but now it is covered with dark clouds.

Ahomatowa was a little strange, he didn't use his weather ability.


A thick bolt of lightning fell and landed in the center of the battlefield. The lightning dispersed, and a middle-aged man wearing the robes of the Church of Storms appeared there. This man was none other than Pope Gad II of the Church of Storms!

During that time just now, William I had quietly changed the rules here. The barrier formed by the level 0 sealed objects briefly had a loophole, and the helpers he invited could directly arrive at the battlefield in the next half minute.

But once half a minute has passed, the power of the level 0 sealed object will repair this loophole.

After Gad II came to the battlefield, he made a brief distinction and rushed towards Ajomatova.

The air around Him was stirred up, forming an extremely wide range of wind blades. The surrounding trees, walls, and several escaping guards were all chopped down by the wind blades, and they were blown into the sky by the strong wind and smashed into the distance. .

The saints fled quickly, looking for a new battlefield that would not be affected by the battle between angels.

Ahomatowa stepped hard with his left foot, and a raging fire suddenly ignited within a few hundred meters around him. The fire grew stronger and stronger with the wind, forming a solid wall that blocked the angel-level wind blade of Gad II. .


Thick thunder and lightning kept falling, and Clyde Wells, the dean of the Holy Wind Monastery, arrived on the battlefield. The following few lightning bolts were several saints from the Church of Storm Wind coming to support.

In the raging fire, a small tree that was not lit suddenly began to grow wildly, and in an instant it grew into a towering tree.


The big tree cracked, and Pope Roland of the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth, who had already planted seeds in the tree, came out of the big tree, followed by several saints who came to support him.

After they all came out, the towering tree quickly withered and was suddenly ignited by the raging fire.

Roland's target is very clear, that is Clyde Wells, the dean of Holy Wind Monastery.


There was a sudden violent roar in the sky, and at some point, a meteorite full of fire broke through the dark clouds and hit the Alhambra Palace.

Several coughs rang out from the fierce flames of the meteorite falling to the ground, and an old man walking on crutches came out. He was none other than Dempsey Solon from Intis.

On the other side, a dusk-like light covered up the fire in the courtyard, and the Patriarch Larion of the Church of the God of War joined the battle.

So many angels suddenly gathered in the Alhambra Palace. The reason why the people in the palace or in the city of Feneport did not turn into madmen and monsters is because none of them showed the characteristics of mythical creatures. state.

Most of the angels are just here to help. Whether William I and Declin can prevent Philip I from containing the "Brass Book of Trunsoest" is the key.

At this time, Philip I had accommodated one-third of the Uniqueness, and at present, He is still in good condition.

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