Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 515 Complaints of the Earth Mother Goddess


The corpse of the ancient god of death made another strange cry. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of black flames.

These flames spread out on the ground like splashed water, and the surrounding fire that had not yet been extinguished was immediately dyed with the color of ink.

Before Larion could run far away, the dusk color on his body was immediately covered by black flames.

Larion's body is aging rapidly, and the surface of his skin is quickly covered with wrinkles, age spots appear, and rotten liquid leaks out. In just the blink of an eye, he has aged to the point where he seems to be about to evaporate from the world.

Then, He truly turned into a putrid liquid and completely evaporated.

At the same time, Larion's blurry figure dressed in dusk colors appeared outside the palace, which was no longer covered by the sealed object.

Immediately afterwards, the blurry figure disappeared completely and appeared in the spiritual world in an instant. The blurry figure quickly solidified and finally returned to normal.

Holding the "Brass Book" in his hand, He took long strides, quickly shuttled through the spiritual world, and soon escaped from the Kingdom of Feneport.

Larion ran away. Around the place where he escaped just now, several saints and some extraordinary people who were unfortunately affected by the black flames suffered. In their painful screams, they may have lost control directly and became Become a monster.

Or they were "ordered", and the extraordinary characteristics in their bodies were forcibly separated from them. They first became ordinary people, and then were seriously contaminated and died in pain and struggle.

Or directly become an undead creature.

Even the saints were not spared.

At the edge of the battlefield, Hobert came out of the "Land of Disorder", and Hunter had already caught up and was waiting beside Hobert.

Hobert said: "There should be some extraordinary properties outside. You can just pick up one or two as rewards for this summoning."

"No," Hunter said suddenly, "I still don't want any reward this time. I just want you to promise me one thing."

"What's up?"

"Help me find the extraordinary characteristics!" Hunter suddenly looked outside and said in a confused manner: "I just saw Larion, and he is an angel now!"

It was too late to ask in detail now, so Hobert immediately agreed: "No problem, we will discuss it in detail when we have time."

Hunter nodded and ended the summons.

Hobert wiped the altar off the ground with his kick and immediately ran outside the palace.

When he was about to go out, his spirituality warned him to walk with his head down and only look at his feet, never raise his eyes.

After walking a few steps, Hobert saw Christine who was also looking at the ground. He asked excitedly: "Where did He come from?"

Hobert told the truth: "This is the sealed item that was previously in the ruins on the outskirts of Backlund!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Christine was so happy that she spat out another mouthful of blood.

Hobert quickly supported him: "Let's go quickly!"

Even on the edge of the battlefield, even if he was not attacked by the corpse of the ancient god of death, Hobert felt that his spirit body was about to be crushed and crushed by the huge pressure.

The two people supported each other and ran out with difficulty.

At this time, the group of grumpy old guys in mid-air also reacted: Get scared, get scared, run away!

William I hesitated, rationally gave up his plan to attack the weak Philip I, and continued running with his family members.

He could feel that there was a strong "power of order" in the giant bird's body, and it seemed like an insurmountable mountain standing in front of him.

Other angels also began to retreat, and angel-level helpers like Ajomatova also began to withdraw.

Especially Ahomatova, although he knew that Alexie would be fine, he still had to quickly find a way to guide Alexie in the direction of return.

The corpse of the ancient god of death began to chase these angels. At this time, a layer of dense vines suddenly grew around him. This layer of vines clung to his corpse and quickly covered him, forming a small green mountain peak.

Pope Roland of the Church of the Mother Goddess of the Earth took action. Unlike Larion, the people of the Kingdom of Feneport were basically believers of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. Of course, he could not allow the corpses of the ancient gods of death to wreak havoc on this land. .

However, the green vines were quickly dyed with a layer of black, and then a layer of yellow liquid quickly covered the vines that had turned black. Some of the vines sprouted eyes and feathers with yellow viscous liquid. .

An aura of extreme fear spread rapidly, and even the angels were frightened by this aura.

At this time, the ancient god of death is the underworld!

The mark of the underworld quickly covered the land, and the bricks and stones in the ruins turned into stones that glowed pale white. All the surrounding creatures began to grow feathers with mysterious patterns similar to those on the ancient gods of death.

Big trees rose from the ground to block the spread of pale white, but these big trees that looked like dense forests were crumbling and were about to be knocked down.

At this time, Chelsea's whole body was exuding silvery white light, and he appeared between the woods and the corpse of the ancient god of death. The pale white light on the ground was neutralized by the silvery white light, and many white stones turned into bricks in the ruins. stone.

The circle of woods finally barely blocked the spread of the pale white light.

Roland saw the opportunity and grabbed the corpse of the ancient god of death. Both the mutated and non-mutated vines quickly withered.

The spirituality, power, vitality, and nutrients in that area quickly disappeared, and soon, that area was filled with a sense of desolation.

Roland could feel that this god-like existence was supported by a force. As long as that force was absorbed, he might return to the spirit world on his own.


But the power of the corpse of the ancient god of death showed no sign of weakening. He broke through Roland's seal. He was about to look at Roland and send this troublesome guy away, but Chelsea stood in front of him: "Exile!"

Chelsea didn't expect that his "Exile" seemed to hit an iron wall. Not only did the angelic "Exile" fail to push the ancient Death God's body away, Chelsea actually took several steps back.

The corpse of the ancient god of death that broke through the seal suddenly opened its wings, and the mysterious patterns on his wings suddenly flowed, forming an abstract giant bird pattern. This pattern is not very beautiful, but it is something that people can't take their eyes away from.

Chelsea stared blankly at the pattern for a few seconds, and an unprecedented cold feeling swept through his body. He had long forgotten that he hadn't felt cold in many years.

Suddenly, he realized that something was wrong. His and Roland's astral bodies had separated from their bodies and were walking uncontrollably towards the pattern under the wings of the ancient god of death's corpse.

Chelsea began to struggle, but he desperately found that he had no control over his spirit body.

How could He Himself prevent His own spirit body from advancing towards the destination of the souls of all living beings? How is it possible to stop the death process?

Fortunately, a film-like structure suddenly appeared in front of the two angels, isolating the space between them and the corpse of the ancient god of death.

The two angels seemed to be alive again, but they still felt stiff and trembling, unable to exert any strength.

They looked aside and saw that it was Philip I who was not in a very good condition. He was covering his chest with one hand and using the silver-white sword in his other hand to separate them from the enemy.

At this moment, the corpse of the ancient God of Death suddenly rushed forward and directly broke through the divisions of Philip I. He waved his wings, and the three angels in front of him were knocked away by him one after another.

One of the three angels was not in very good condition, and the other two were still as if they were in an ice cave, their whole bodies stiff, so they were unable to avoid the blows of their wings.

Even the angel-level body was torn apart by this blow.

Drops of blood fell to the ground, causing the surrounding ground to react differently.

Roland's blood caused clumps of plants to grow rapidly on the surrounding ground. These plants included flowers and grass, as if a flower bed suddenly grew.

Then the plant quickly withered, rotted into soil, and then began the growth process again.

Before the spiritual energy of this drop of blood is exhausted, this process of growth, blooming, and withering will be repeated endlessly.

The blood of Philip I made the bricks, plants, limbs, etc. on a small area of ​​the ground seem to come alive, and they spontaneously gathered together and piled up into several piles. Each pile spontaneously began to be classified in more detail.

This is order visible to the naked eye. The temperature, humidity, oxygen content, etc. in that small area are all changing.

The effect of Chelsea's blood is similar to that of Philip I's blood, but the range is smaller than that of Philip I's blood.

They struggled to get up and prepared to continue blocking the corpse of the ancient god of death.

However, he suddenly discovered that the corpse of the ancient God of Death was flapping its wings. He was about to fly out of the palace and out of the range of the sealed object!

The three angels are a little desperate. The city of Feneport will disappear from the map today!

Hobert feels that this is the most difficult trek in his life.

The huge pressure from behind made every step he took very difficult, and the saints of the Church of Storm in mid-air were also forced to fall to the ground.

Gad II waved his hand and a strong wind blew up, blowing several saints and Hobert and his son outside the palace.

This hurricane knocked Hobert as if his whole body was falling apart. He struggled several times before he sat up from the ground. He held Christine, who was about to faint, with his hands and was about to leave with "Travel".

Suddenly, Hobert felt something. He looked at the sky where the dark clouds had completely dispersed, as if infinite vitality was coming from the sky.

But Hobert had no time to think about it at this time and took Christine into the spirit world.

In the palace, just when the three angels were in despair, the earth suddenly shook slightly.

They looked at the ground, and there seemed to be some huge force coming out of there.


A huge sprout sprouted from the ground. The sprout was light green at first, with two bean-like leaves on the top.

The three angels present were stunned: Is this a...bean plant?

But it is too big, several times thicker and several times taller than a towering tree.

The "bean sprouts" grew rapidly, growing layers of leaves upwards, and the branches that grew out were like ropes, entangled in one of the legs of the ancient death god's corpse.

The three angels finally recognized it, it was a bean!

It grew rapidly and soon bound the entire corpse of the ancient Death God.

Then the earth seemed to give the "bean" a huge force. It pulled down, and the corpse of the ancient god of death was dragged back to the ground.


The corpse of the ancient god of death spit out a mouthful of black flames towards the "beans". The "beans" were burned and quickly withered.

But then, three more "bean trees" grew out of the earth, tightly entangling the corpse of the ancient god of death.

At this time, the three angels on the side noticed that the size of the giant bird in front of them was shrinking, which made them immediately realize that the power to support this existence was about to be used up, or that power was used by the Mother Earth. It’s almost consumed.

Yes, they can clearly feel that just now, the Earth Mother Goddess completed the process of divine descent.

No matter what the reason was, the corpse of the ancient god of death was still shrinking, and was finally pinned to the ground by three huge "beans".


A gap opened in the ground, and the still struggling corpse of the ancient Death God was dragged into the ground.


The earth merged, and the huge figure that wreaked havoc in Alhambra Palace just now completely disappeared.

The three angels looked at each other, and then looked at the palace that had almost completely turned into ruins. Only Athel and some other survivors were fighting against the undead creatures.

Philip I sat on the ruins and suddenly smiled: "Failed."

Not only did he fail, but although his chest had healed, there was a lingering black spot.

Theoretically, angels can block the pollution of the "Country of Disorder", but if they actively "open their arms to welcome pollution", they will still be polluted by the "Country of Disorder".

At the same time, in an uninhabited valley in the western suburbs of Feneport City, three huge "bean trees" suddenly grew out of the ground.

These three "beans" were tightly tied with something like a giant bird. The greater the power in the corpse of the ancient god of death, the faster it dispersed.

Although he was still struggling at this time, he was only two-thirds of his original size.

The three "beans" are growing bigger and bigger, as if they are about to reach the sky!

No matter how hard the "giant bird" struggled, the leaves that looked a bit like palms completely covered the corpse of the ancient god of death. Then layers of soybeans grew outside, and then layers of golden wheat grew outside.

Finally, there is a layer of vines with beautiful flowers, and all the plants fill the entire valley.

Except for the lush vegetation, there is nothing different here from other places.

In the wilderness on the outskirts of Backlund, the figures of Hobert and his son rolled out of the spirit world.

Hobert was lying on the weeds, looking at the sky and suddenly laughed. The louder he laughed, the louder he laughed, and finally turned into a laugh!

Just now, he successfully prevented Philip I's intention. The uniqueness of the "Judge" path was completely contaminated by the "State of Disorder". Apart from him, no one can think of accommodating those people unless they have the support of the past. Piece uniqueness!

After laughing a few times, Hobert felt that there was no comfortable place between his spiritual body and his physical body.

Originally, only his spirit body was injured, but the last blow from "Grumpy Old Man" nearly caused Hobert to bleed internally.

But Hobert was still very grateful for that, because at that time his legs already felt cramped and he couldn't take a step.

Even if it was just the corpse of the ancient Death God, the pressure it exuded was incomparable to that of a real god, but it was still pressure at the level of a god. As a Sequence 5, it was pretty good not to kneel directly on the ground.

Hobert took a rest before sitting up and looking at Christine.

Kristen's spirit was much better than before, but his wounds were still so hideous and bleeding.

Just as Hobert was about to use the "healing technique", Christine reached out to stop him: "This is a wound caused by an angel. The order at the wound has collapsed. Ordinary 'healing techniques' are useless."

Although he was resurrected, some of the injuries caused by Chelsea were still there.

Only then did Hobert realize that Christine was seriously injured this time: "What should we do?"

Christine didn't answer, as if the question stumped him.

In fact, this question is not that difficult, but he doesn't want to tell the answer for the time being: the Church of the Mother Earth must have a way.

It’s just that we just had a fight with the Mother Earth Church. Of course, we have to wait and see the situation before trying to contact the Mother Earth Church.

Fortunately, Christian is already a demigod. Although the wound is difficult to heal, he will not die for a while.

Kristen took off her tattered coat and took out some bandages from the "pocket".

When Hobert helped bandage it, Kristen smiled helplessly: "In the morning, I pretended to be injured, but I didn't expect to be really injured so soon!"

After covering the hideous wound, Christian put on a new piece of clothing. From the outside, except that his face was a little pale and one of his fingers was missing, he didn't seem to be injured.

Hobert took out the fruit that could create a hidden space, as well as the extraordinary characteristics of the "Mystic Mage".

"They are all yours." Kristen smiled: "It's a reward for you in this battle!

"Well, if someone asks about this 'Mystic Mage' extraordinary characteristic, just say you lost it in the battle. I think with your contribution today, no one will continue to ask.

"Besides, you will definitely get the title of earl. I will discuss it with the royal family to see if I can get you a fief.

"But even if there is a fiefdom, don't expect it to be in the Northern Continent."

A smile appeared on Hobert's face, so the harvest this time was really quite big.

"Next, I will lead the way." Christine said, "Let's go meet Dopheus and the others!"

The father and son entered the spirit world again and soon appeared in a manor owned by the Loen royal family.

Monlisa, who had already arrived first, saw that although the father and son were very tired and not in good spirits, they did not seem to be seriously injured, so she was relieved.

The Kingdom of Feneport, the source of life.

Pope Roland personally held a ceremony to pray to the Mother Earth for strength and heal the demigods in front of the altar from the pollution they had suffered in the previous battle.

As the Pope, Roland can directly communicate with the Mother Goddess during relevant ceremonies. The oracles obtained in this way do not need to be confirmed by the God's Favorite.

Unfortunately, this method can only be used by the three angels in the church.

After the kind-faced pope finished reciting his name and praying incantation, a strong breath of life suddenly appeared on the altar. The area around the altar was immediately covered with golden wheat, full-fruited soybeans, and trailing Sweet potato with long green seedlings.

In the center of the altar, an illusory ball of light appeared. This ball of light exuded sacred light, and there seemed to be a holy figure in the rich light.

Several demigods were completely prostrate on the ground, and Roland had already knelt on the ground, lowering his head and saying: "Loving Mother Goddess, you saved the entire city of Feneport today, and the believers will always remember your kindness.

"But I still can't figure it out. What kind of enemy are we facing today?"

A sacred female voice appeared on the altar: "That is the corpse of the ancient Death God, but it was used by someone with ulterior motives, and now it has been sealed by me."

Luo Lanxin said: It is indeed a god-level opponent.

He said again respectfully: “Praise you for your great power!

"During this battle, the five bishops participating in the church were polluted to varying degrees. Please pray to the Mother Goddess to show your power again and help them survive this crisis."

But the sacred voice said: "Go to Hobert!"

Everyone was stunned. Except for Gabriel among them, everyone was thinking about who Hobert was?

Roland thought for a while and found that among the Beyonders and in the entire Northern Continent, there really was no big shot with this name: "Great Mother, who is Hobert?"

"Let him solve the trouble he caused." Immediately, the light ball in the center of the altar disappeared, and the surrounding wheat, soybeans and other crops also disappeared.

Roland immediately understood that the Mother Goddess' oracle must have a clear direction. He stood up and said to the demigods behind him: "Go and inquire about the information about Hobert."

"Your Highness," Archbishop Gabriel said, "I know this Hobert."

Then he briefly described Hobert's friendship with Utravsky, the Favored One, as well as Hobert and Simpson's recent actions against the demonic forces, and of course the extraordinary characteristics of the "Demon Hunter" that Hobert sent the day before yesterday. thing.

In other churches, the pope and the pope refer to the same person, but the Church of the Mother Earth is different. The pope is the pope, and basically sits at the "source of life".

The Pope is more like the "Pope of Foreign Affairs", and Roland usually takes the initiative in any external actions.

Roland knew two of the three things Gabriel told. After all, the battle in the South Colson area alarmed the Pope, and the Pope rarely stepped in to help clean up the mess.

Afterwards, Roland, who had other things to deal with at the time, heard a brief report from his subordinates.

The church has obtained a useful demigod-level extraordinary characteristic and will report it to Roland on a routine basis.

However, such reports were very brief, even omitting Hobert's name.

Roland nodded and said to Gabriel: "Then this matter will be left to you. You should contact Hobert and help your colleagues resolve the contamination."


Kingdom of Feneport, Jeffrey Territory.

For the sake of safety, Forsi simply hid in Baron Felix's mansion on the west bank.

Baron Felix wisely went to stay at his manor.

But Forsi found it difficult to sit still in the Baron's Mansion and went to the mountain several times to look at the town of Jeffrey on the other side.

This mountain is just behind the Baron's Palace. When you climb halfway up the mountain, you can see the Taidig River and most of Jeffrey Town.

Being able to see the town of Jeffrey at this time was a huge relief to Fors.

Fortunately, in the afternoon, a letter arrived from Hobert's courier.

Forsi quickly opened it and started reading. When she read "I have arrived at a safe place," she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In the following content, Hobert first reminded Forsi not to continue living in the Lord's Mansion and to immediately move to the church of the Mother Earth Church or to the West Bank.

Forsi smiled slightly: I have thought of this a long time ago.

Although she is now a lord's wife, the vigilance she developed in Backlund is still there.

Then Hobert briefly talked about his encounter in Feneport City in a few words. The focus was to tell Fors that their previous treason was to complete the mission of the Loen royal family. Now that the mission has been accomplished, he has Back to Backlund.

Forsi was a little worried: What about the Jeffrey Territory? What about the people who follow us here?

Fortunately, Hobert explained in the following letter that the three companies are now protected by the Church of the Mother Earth. The royal family will at most send people to try to take back the governance power, but there is no need to worry, because Hobert has already given Kang Ladd and the others have issued relevant orders, so Forsi doesn't have to worry about them.

Forsi knew about the three companies established by Hobert.

In fact, Forsi is still in the territory now, just to calm people's minds. As long as she is here, everyone can work with peace of mind.

At the end of the letter, Hobert said that it would take a few days for him to return to the territory, and asked Fors to find Bishop Simpson if he encountered any difficulties. The bishop was now a demigod.

The stone in Forsi's heart finally fell to the ground, but Hobert did not explain in detail what he experienced today in the letter, which made Forsi start to worry about whether Hobert was injured.

She wrote a reply, asked a courier to deliver it, and paid for the donuts, and it was time for the tarot session.

Arriving above the gray mist, in the giant-like hall.

When "Justice" Audrey started to say hello to everyone, everyone discovered that "The Emperor" was absent from the gathering again.

Audrey's greetings at the beginning were not as calm as last time: Hobert wouldn't be involved in the Feneport City incident, right?

She quickly looked at Forsi. Through her body language and vague expression, Audrey judged that Forsi was worried but not anxious.

In the end, Audrey came to the conclusion that Hobert was indeed involved in that incident, but he was out of danger.

She breathed a sigh of relief and continued to say hello.

"The Hanged Man" Alger pinched his chin and wondered: "The Emperor" has frequently been absent from Tarot meetings during this period. Could it be that he is busy with something important? Hey, when will Mr. Fool give me an important task? Haha, let’s work hard to improve ourselves first.

Forsi looked at the empty seats and fell into deep thought: "The Emperor" didn't attend the party, and he didn't...

Although others had some thoughts, they didn't pay much attention to it. After all, the "Emperor" had already been absent once last week, so this is nothing new.

After saying hello, Audrey tried to calm down her emotions and waited patiently for Mr. Fool's reading time to end. After two more rounds of transactions, she finally came to the free communication session.

She looked very calm on the surface: "I got a message at noon that a big event happened in the capital of the Kingdom of Feneport today!"

Cattleya thought about it for a moment: "Today seems to be the founding day of the Kingdom of Feneport. Was there a stampede?"

Forsi sat up straight and listened carefully to Miss Justice's story, because she realized that Hobert must have been involved in this matter!

"No!" Audrey said: "It is said that a fierce and extraordinary battle took place in the palace, and the entire Alhambra Palace was basically turned into ruins!"

Everyone was a little surprised, especially Forsi: Hobert spoke so lightly in the letter, I thought it was just an assassination attempt! Did they blow up the palace when they assassinated Fernando II?

Emlyn asked curiously: "Miss Justice, do you have more detailed information? It sounds like a very high-level Beyonder battle took place."

Audrey smiled and said: "I don't know too detailed information. I only know that the Castilla family has been hit hard!"

Now the meeting in Loen is discussing whether to take advantage of the opportunity to send troops?

However, Earl Hall believes that the civil service examination is about to start, and some reforms in the past two years have also reached a critical stage, so it is not suitable to start a war at this time.

However, Audrey did not plan to release this information about the Loen Kingdom Council unless others asked.

Audrey added: "The details of this matter will be published in major newspapers tomorrow, and everyone will know what is going on."

Klein, who was behind the gray fog, said: When it comes to this kind of extraordinary event, especially this kind of high-end extraordinary event, you will definitely not be able to see the truth from the newspapers, but you will be able to see a story written by reporters.

Because there is no "Emperor" transaction information, this Tarot session will be very brief.

After Forsi returned to the real world, he paced back and forth anxiously. Fortunately, around 3:30, Hobert's letter arrived again.

She didn't have time to get the scissors, so she tore open the envelope herself and took out the letter with two fingers.

This time, Hobert was more detailed in the letter, but Hobert only said that his mission was to find the sealed object, but he failed in his mission and was able to escape after summoning a helper.

Hobert didn't mention what happened next. He only said that he ran all the way, met Christine, and the two escaped together.

Forsi thought about it while holding the letter. If a palace could be turned into ruins, then it must be a demigod-level battle. Hobert must have been able to successfully escape by wandering on the edge of the battlefield. This also proved that he did not participate in the final battle at all. Fierce battle!

At this time, Forsi suddenly felt something. She quickly walked up the mountain and looked in the direction of Jeffrey's leadership again.

As soon as he reached the halfway point of the mountain, Forsi saw someone suddenly appearing in the sky above Jeffrey Town.

Archibald and his marionettes, who were following far behind, immediately took two steps quickly: "Madam, please go back with me. If you continue to look out, you will be easily noticed by the other party."

Forsi picked up the telescope and saw Bishop Simpson appearing in time. She felt relieved and followed Archibald back to the Baron Mansion.

Many people saw Buck Castilla's sudden appearance above Jeffrey Town.

He shouted loudly in mid-air: "In the name of the king: Hobert is exempted from all titles and rewards. From today on, I am the administrator of the entire South Colson region!"

"Now I order you to arrest Hobert's family and cronies..."

Before he could finish speaking, Bishop Simpson, who came from the church, said from afar: "Congressman Buck, I didn't expect to see you here."

Buck felt the aura emanating from Simpson, and he suddenly realized that Simpson was also a demigod!

Buck fell from mid-air and said politely: "Bishop Simpson, it's great to have you here. This will bring a lot of convenience to my future work!"

As he talked, he thought: When did Simpson become a demigod? Why didn't I get any news at all? I hope he won't affect my next big purge.

The king was very angry when he learned that Christine and Hobert were traitors. Christine's family had run away. The king was so angry that he killed several of his colleagues who were close to Christine to vent his anger!

At the same time, in his busy schedule, he asked Buck to go to the South Colson area. It would be best if he could find Hobert's family. If he couldn't find it, he would kill all of Hobert's cronies and take over the South Colson area. Governing power.

"This place is different from other places." Simpson smiled.

Buck was stunned: "Why is it different?"

Simpson did not answer directly, but said: "I will take you to the Lord's Mansion first!"

To go to the Lord's Mansion, you have to pass through the busier street in Jeffrey Town. It's time to get off work, and there are many people on the street.

Buck's sudden appearance from mid-air just now gave everyone a great shock, so the people on the street couldn't help but pay attention to every move of the person coming.

This is exactly the result that Buck wants. Only by shocking these farmers and workers and keeping the people of South Colson in a state of fear will they obey his orders.

He had inquired about the information about this place before he came, and knew that a demigod here could scare all the extraordinary people in the territory. Therefore, before he had time to bring his staff and subordinates, he hurried over to see if there was any chance to catch him. Family living in Hobart.

Buck estimated that as soon as he shouted, the news would spread throughout Jeffrey's territory tonight.

Everyone knows that after Hobert's title is removed, many people will come to him to inform him, and Hobert's cronies will be spontaneously escorted to him.

Of course, this was Buck's misunderstanding of Jeffrey's territory. He didn't know that Hobert had included the east coast of South Colson and most of the west coast in his own territory.

In addition, he met Simpson as soon as he arrived in Jeffrey Town, which made Buck a little doubtful about the accuracy of his intelligence.

At this time, a young man on the street boldly asked: "Excuse me, why was the lord deposed from his title?"

"He is no longer a baron." Buck said with a majestic aura: "He intends to assassinate the king! He is a heinous criminal!"

The majesty on Buck made the young man who just asked the question lower his head and did not dare to say anything else.

Buck pursed his lips and smiled, and just as he was about to move forward, he clearly heard someone behind him say: "Damn king, he only intended to assassinate, but did not actually assassinate. Why should he remove the lord from his title?"

Bishop Simpson quickly laughed and said: "They are just joking, don't take it seriously!"

"Is this a joke?" Buck turned around and wanted to kill someone to establish his power.

But Bishop Simpson pulled him and said: "Let's go, let's go, look, that's the Lord's Mansion."

Buck pulled twice, but failed to break free, so he had to follow him, otherwise everyone would see him being dragged away by Simpson, which would seriously affect his prestige.

The two people quickly arrived at the door of the Lord's Mansion. Buck stepped forward and kicked the door open: "Everyone inside, come out with me!"

It was already dark at this time, and there were no lights in the entire Lord's Mansion, making it look inexplicably deserted.

Only two yellow dogs were so frightened that they let out a "Woo~" sound and ran away with their tails between their legs.

Buck was stunned: "Where are the people here?"

"They all ran away with Hobert!" Simpson said.

"Well, people can escape, but the industry here can't!" Buck sneered: "All of Hobert's assets have been confiscated!"

"Okay, this lord's mansion belongs to you."

Buck seemed to realize something was wrong: "What do you mean? Those under construction on the construction site..."

"Those are the assets of a real estate company!" Simpson said.

"That real estate company must be..."

Simpson interrupted the other party again: "It was run by the devout and friendly believers of the Church of the Mother Earth. Oh, coincidentally, I brought the relevant documents signed by the Pope."

As he spoke, he took out a document and waved it in front of Buck.

Buck sneered, "Do you know what that means?"

"This means that the king will not have any conflict with the Mother Earth Church because of such a trivial matter." Simpson said calmly.

Buck wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a little unsure. Because of today's failure at Alhambra Palace, the royal family had to rely on the Church of the Mother Earth for a long time to come.

He took a deep breath: "Then I have to symbolically confiscate some property and kill a few of Hobert's cronies to relieve the king. You have to let me give an explanation."

Simpson pointed at the Lord's Mansion: "Isn't this the explanation given to you! Indeed, the only name in the Lord's name is this Lord's Mansion.

"And Hobert only has those two yellow dogs as his subordinates. It's a pity that you scared them away just now!"

Buck clenched his fists: "Do you have a yellow dog as your subordinate?"

"Yes, I have."



"I..." Buck raised his fist, but then put it down.

Because he saw many people coming towards the Lord's Mansion with lamps.

Buck sneered: "The person who reported Hobert's cronies is here! I don't need Bishop Simpson's help, I can just find it myself."

Simpson smiled slightly and said nothing.

Buck stood at the door of the Lord's Mansion, waiting for the man with the lantern to come to the door.

But he soon discovered that something was wrong, because too many people came.

So Buck said: "I know how you feel now, don't worry, as long as you name some of Hobert's cronies, subordinates, or subjects who have received Hobert's favor, the king will forgive your crimes.

"Tell me one by one, don't worry, you all have a chance!"

But everyone just looked at Buck silently with their lights on, causing Buck to take a step back: "Speak one by one, who wants to speak first?"

A middle-aged man stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, where is Sir Alex now?"

Buck was stunned for a moment before he realized that the "Sir" he was referring to was Hobert: "He defected!"

Then Buck once again used his extraordinary power to make himself look majestic and brook no provocation: "Hobert is no longer a baron!"

Forced by Buck's majesty, everyone lowered their heads and took a few steps back. However, during the retreat, someone still asked: "Okay, why did the Lord want to assassinate the king?"

"Yes, it must be the king's problem!"

Buck already had murderous intentions: "I think you are all Hobert's cronies."

"Maybe," Simpson said with a smile, "but they are also believers of the Mother Earth!

"As long as I'm here, I won't allow any harm to them!"

He paused and said, "I told you a long time ago, this place is different from other places!"

Thanks [No! ]'s reward

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