Fusac Empire, Twilight Temple.

Patriarch Larion looked at the "Brass Book of Trunsoest" in front of him and fell into deep thought. Just now, the God of War re-sealed the "Brass Book" to make it look older.

It can now be used as a level 0 sealed object again, but the negative effect is a bit large.

At the same time, during the sealing process just now, the God of War told Larion that the pollution of the "Brass Book" came from the source material "The Kingdom of Disorder", and this source material seemed to have a certain wisdom.

What Larion is meditating on is: I have only heard that uniqueness will have certain wisdom under certain conditions. I never thought that "sefirot" also has such characteristics! But fortunately, the other party is not entirely an opponent, because in addition to being interested in the "Brass Book", it should also be very interested in the extraordinary characteristics of Philip I and William I.

Putting away the "brass book", Larion stepped towards the entrance of the temple. The angel Ahomatos of the Einhorn family was still waiting there, hoping to know who his opponent was this time.

The violent sea, the abyss of storms.

Gad II received a reminder from the Storm Lord: Not an enemy!

The being who dropped the corpse of the ancient god of death on the battlefield is not the enemy!

For Gad II, since he is not an enemy, he can just do regular investigations!

Friday morning, the royal manor outside Backlund.

Selt, who had fought with Hobert and his son, came to the manor and brought the king's condolences.

Christine has already met with the king in secret. This time, she actually used the excuse of condolences to talk about the canonization ceremony tomorrow.

While dining at the table, Selt briefly talked about the general process of tomorrow's ceremony, and then asked Hobert casually: "I've always been curious, how did you summon that giant bird?"

Christine had explained it before after meeting with King George III.

However, Hobert knew that the royal family would ask him directly sooner or later, but he did not expect the royal family to be so calm and did not ask until now.

"That giant bird actually comes from a ruins on the outskirts of Backlund." Hobert had already thought of the words to respond: "During the process of exploring that ruins, I met a half-witness of the 'God of Death' pathway. god.

"Of course, I didn't know that the giant bird was so powerful at the time. It was the demigod who explained the origin of the giant bird, and later I thought of a way to summon the giant bird.

"When I was at Alhambra Palace, I also had the idea of ​​giving it a try, but I didn't expect the power of the giant bird to be so powerful!"

Hobert's words are actually his own real experiences, expressed in a different way.

So Selt finally came to the conclusion: there seemed to be some cover-up, but most of it was the truth.

Extraordinaries of the "arbitrator" path have the ability to distinguish whether the person they are talking to is lying, and the ability to coerce the other person to tell the truth. However, the latter is more aggressive and is not suitable for use on Hobert. .

The royal demigod smiled and said, "What an amazing experience."

Christine smiled and said: "In the extraordinary world, the most indispensable thing is wonderful experiences."

"Hahaha, that's right!" Selt smiled approvingly, making the atmosphere of the banquet more harmonious.

The banquet ended in such a seemingly harmonious atmosphere. Hobert and Christine chatted for a few words and then went to rest early.

Early the next morning, Hobert was reminded by the waiter to go to the dressing room and put on Loen-style traditional clothing.

As Christine said before, fortunately, the traditional Loen-style clothing has been simplified a lot. Otherwise, Hobert would have to put on more than ten layers of clothes, which would make it difficult to walk.

But the simplified version of traditional attire also made Hobert frown, as he had to wear a skirt and leggings.

Of course, in the concept of aristocrats, these are not called tight pants, they are just "thin and narrow pants" to highlight the figure. It is said that the pants that have become popular in the Northern Continent are all evolved from these tight pants.

As for dresses, Hobert can understand it. After all, the concept of trousers did not exist until the Fifth Age. Before trousers, both men and women wore dresses. However, men's dresses were more close-fitting and did not have any exaggerated designs.

After putting on the tights and skirt, Hobert looked in the mirror. These clothes looked awkward, but they looked good.

The dress looks very neat and does not hinder Hobert's masculinity at all.

Outside is a red coat and a long cloak.

Hobert had been living in Backlund before, but he had never worn a cloak, because the Rune-style cloak was purely for viewing.

The cape has a thick shoulder and collar, with a ribbon composed of gold patterns. The cape is very long, reaching to the back feet.

Walk faster and let the cloak float naturally to look better.

But you can only go forward. If you go backward, you will easily trip yourself.

Then he put on a black wide-brimmed jazz hat with a white feather on the hat, and a pair of high leather shoes on his feet.

Hobert went to look in front of the full-length mirror again. It was pretty good. He looked very classical at this time.

Coming out of the dressing room, Hobert had something to eat with Christine, who was also wearing traditional clothes, and prepared to get on the carriage.

They will enjoy the honor of riding the King's frame today.

Monlisa sent the father and son to the carriage, helped her husband straighten his collar, and straightened Hobert's armband: "Today is your big day, so be careful."

Hobert smiled and said: "Mother, from today on, you are the duchess and the mother of the earl."

"This reminds me," Monlisa smiled: "I can hire a few palace chefs to cook for our family in the future."

Generally, only dukes and earls are eligible to hire palace chefs.

Hobert smiled. Of course he could hear that his mother meant that she didn't care what title they held.

Kristine held Monlisa's hand and looked at each other lovingly with her wife for a few seconds before boarding the carriage first.

For him, this was a long-awaited moment of honor, a moment to get back what he should have received twenty years ago.

The father and son took a carriage and entered Backlund around eight o'clock.

As expected, there were many people on the street to watch the fun. At first, Hobert just kept smiling. As more and more people came to watch the fun, there were gradually cheers and applause.

Hobert raised his hand and began to greet them. Gradually he saw many familiar people among the crowd, including Harvey Hayden who was smiling, Auston and others applauding, and Jessica who cheered loudly. and others, as well as Barron and others (Hobert’s clients when he was a lawyer) who threw their hats in celebration.

When he arrived at Thordrak Palace, Hobert's whole face was frozen with laughter.

After the father and son got off the carriage, the guards began to report that the father and son had arrived at the palace. Under the guidance of the waiter and the salute of the guard, Hobert and Christine walked slowly and solemnly to the main hall of the palace.

The hall where the ceremony was held was already filled with nobles, bishops and lords.

George III, wearing a crown, holding a scepter, and wearing the attire of a king, sits on a high throne.

Hobert didn't dare to bring any "Wood of Order" or "Crystal of Order" today because he was afraid that George III would spot the clues.

He raised his head and glanced at George III. He looked like a middle-aged man with an expressionless face and dressed in king's attire. There was nothing unusual about him.

After just one glance, Hobert lowered his head so as not to look abnormal.

The Kingdom of Loen has not canonized a duke for more than a hundred years, so today's ceremony seemed particularly grand. Except for a few who couldn't come, all the other nobles gathered together to witness the canonization ceremony.

Hobert was invited to one side by the waiter, and Christine stepped forward first to accept the canonization.

Christine came to the throne with a solemn expression, knelt on one knee in front of George III, and kissed the back of the king's hand and scepter.

This means that he loves the king and submits to his authority.

Then came the oath-taking process. After this set of procedures was completed, the king began to canonize people.

George III not only gave him a title, but also a residence in Queen's Road, two ducal-sized estates, a hunting ground, and a seat in the House of Lords.

According to Loen's Constitution, after both the king and the parliament agree to add a seat, the king can grant someone a seat as a member of the House of Lords.

This is a small probability event. From the establishment of Parliament to the present, only three seats have been added to the House of Lords.

Everyone knows that the most valuable reward here is a seat in the House of Lords, which is equivalent to giving Christine the highest decision-making power all of a sudden. This is the power that Christine dreams of.

After the Duke's canonization was completed, Hobert stepped forward with solemn steps. Because the waiters and guards of Loen Palace had prayed to the "founder", Hobert paid attention to George III without leaving any trace!

George III sat there like a wooden sculpture, waiting for Hobert to approach. At the signal of the waiter, Hobert also went through the process of kissing the back of the king's hand and swearing an oath.

"The gods and ancestors sent you to me," George III said seriously: "Because you have made extraordinary contributions, I have the following reward for you!

"First of all, the title of earl. Respecting the nobility and title means respecting me; you must have noble moral character, a warm smile and a sharp sword that can fight for me at any time!

"As your king, I want you to live a high-quality life, so I will give you an Earl's Mansion and hope that you will be filial to your parents and treat your servants well.

“I will give you another manor so that you can have a place to escape the heat in the summer and have your own hunting ground in the winter.

"Finally, I will give you the fiefdom. Changwei Island will be yours from today on. Help me protect the territory of the kingdom, and I will give you the supreme honor!"


The final reward caused a burst of exclamations in the hall, because the last time the fiefdoms were given to nobles was more than a hundred years ago, during the colonial war.

At that time, only three nobles received fiefdoms, and they were all islands in the sea.

Before the colonial war, nobility fiefdoms were granted in the "Battle of Oaths" more than 600 years ago. Hobert was the fourth nobleman to obtain a fiefdom in hundreds of years.

The three nobles before were all people who had made great military exploits, so everyone was surprised. What kind of achievements did Hobert make in Feneport City?

Another point that surprises everyone is that in the past three hundred years or so, the governance of aristocratic fiefdoms has gradually been returned to the central government and later handed over to the government led by the prime minister.

Therefore, the nobles only had a large amount of land and manors, and had long lost the power to recruit troops, legislation, taxation, etc.

The canonization of Hobert is obviously a "real seal". If he is an earl, he has the right to conscript troops and tax in his own territory!

This surprised everyone. This award is the highest honor, just like being a member of the House of Representatives.

Audrey stood behind the nobles and witnessed Hobert's canonization process from a distance.

At this moment, she still felt a little unrealistic. She didn't expect that Hobert would become an earl and actually own an island. This was something that many people dreamed of.

Unfortunately, according to etiquette, Audrey couldn't go to the front row, otherwise she would have to be the first to congratulate Hobert.

At the king's instruction, the waiter came forward and gave Hobert a map of Longtail Island, as well as the earl's medal and ribbon.

As the music played again, the canonization ceremony officially ended.

After saluting the king again, Hobert returned to the hall, and father and son accepted everyone's congratulations.

During this period, Hobert received congratulations from Gray Lint, but the two just smiled at each other and did not reminisce about the past on such an occasion.

"Congratulations, Hobert." Audrey always remained reserved enough and only opened her mouth to congratulate Hobert after he came over.

Hobert looked at this aristocratic lady with extraordinary beauty, pure and elegant temperament, and showed a more sincere smile: "Thank you, Miss Audrey."

He sighed in his heart: When I often saw Audrey in Backlund, I was short-sighted. After what I saw and heard in the past six months, I realized that the witch is nothing!

But there was no time to reminisce about old times now. Hobert wanted to say hello to everyone present. On such an occasion, saying too much or too little could easily offend people.

Then came the palace banquet and dance. This kind of ceremonial banquet and dance were separate. The banquet was held first and then the dance.

Ordinary palace dances do not have a banquet process, or the banquet scene will be directly decorated according to the dance.

Before attending the banquet, the Hoberts were finally able to change into tuxedos that would allow them to move more easily.

The banquet was seated according to rank, with the king sitting at the top, followed by the dukes.

The earls had a separate long dining table, which was located closest to the dukes and the king.

The viscounts had two tables, and then the barons and the lords sat at several tables.

Barons in the nobility's mouth are generally titles inherited from their elders. Many of them fell from counts and viscounts to barons after they ran out of enough land, which is the so-called hereditary baron.

The title of lord is awarded by the king based on the "donation" to the royal family, but this title cannot be hereditary, which is the so-called baronet.

Hobert has probably heard that a general "donation" of 300,000 pounds can get the title of baronet. If you want to get the title of hereditary baron, you have to "donate" another 1 million pounds.

At present, there are only a few dukes in the Kingdom of Loen. It is not that there are few dukes conferred by Loen, but the dukes from the royal family rarely show up now, and there are fewer active dukes.

Those who are still relatively active now, such as old Duke Negan, have huge appeal in the political circles and are the leaders of the old party, that is, the conservatives.

The core figures in Loen's political arena are mainly composed of earls who have legal seats in the House of Lords, such as Earl Hall and Earl Wolfe.

Generally speaking, the influence and financial resources of viscounts are much different from those of earls, and they usually rely on the earls.

Nowadays, the composition of the Loen royal family's barons is the most complicated. Some of them rely on the inherited manors and industries to survive, and some are already on the verge of bankruptcy.

After a baron goes bankrupt, he will fall to a baron, which means that his descendants will no longer be nobles and can only be regarded as "descendants of nobles."

Another part is the new capital force. For them, the title is their "passport" to enter the political arena. They spontaneously move closer to the big nobles, and then form the new party and the old party, or the reformers and conservatives.

Hobert suddenly became an earl, but he had not shown his political opinions yet, so he just said hello to Earl Hall and Earl Wolfe who he knew before taking his seat.

Unlike other counts, they talked for a long time before taking their seats.

The other earls were waiting and watching, and did not immediately try to win over Hobert. They just had a polite conversation with him.

And Hobert also showed enough determination, patiently eating the entire meal, and dealing with the other count's unhelpful conversations.

After the meal, there was a relatively free dance. At this time, the ladies and ladies who had finished lunch in another restaurant also joined their husbands and fathers.

After George III made a brief speech, he left with the Queen, and the ball was hosted by the Crown Prince, Prince Winton.

At the ball, people's positions are no longer divided according to their titles. The music starts with the prince and princess. After the first dance, in theory, everyone can invite the ladies and ladies to dance at will, and can also talk casually outside the dance floor.

But since everyone came to attend Christine’s canonization celebration today, Christine and Monlisa danced the second dance.

If Hobert brought his wife, they could have a third dance, but Forsi was still sitting in Jeffrey's Land, and Hobert knew that she didn't like such an occasion, so he simply didn't call her. Prom.

So after the second dance, everyone was really free to find a dance partner.

Hobert was still drinking champagne in the corner. In fact, he didn't really like occasions like balls, and he had been thinking about returning to Backlund in recent days.

Of course he wanted to start a career after he came back. Before his career started, he didn't want to get involved in the struggle between political factions.

It's just that it's not up to Hobert whether he wants to get involved in political struggles. If he is a viscount, such as Gray Lint, he doesn't have to choose a specific political camp.

But as an earl, even an earl without a position or property, will be the target of attraction from both sides.

A middle-aged man with neatly combed hair, a broad forehead and a slightly high hairline came over holding a champagne glass: "Every time I hold champagne in my hand, I want to thank Emperor Russell."

Hobert understood what the other party meant and smiled politely: "I heard that champagne is Emperor Russell's favorite drink."

More than a hundred years ago, champagne was rarely drunk at palace banquets because the emperor liked to "open champagne" at celebration banquets. Champagne became popular at palace banquets in the Northern Continent.

Hobert sighed in his heart: Russell is everywhere!

"You are a learned gentleman." The other party complimented: "Yes, it would be too boring if you could only drink wine at the dance."

Then he held out his hand: "Syndras."

Out of politeness, Hobert had no choice but to shake hands with the other party: "I believe I don't need to introduce myself."

Sindras complimented again: "You are a humorous earl!

"Please allow me to once again thank you for your service to our country and express my profound respect for you."

Hobert smiled and said: "This is what a Loen person should do."

He said in his heart: If you have any damn farts, hurry up!

"I heard that you were a well-known lawyer in Backlund before?" The other party finally got to the point.

Hobert took a sip of champagne: "Just an ordinary lawyer."

"So what do you think after returning to Backlund this time?" Sindras said more specifically: "I heard that the annual income of the Governor's Mansion on Long Tail Island is about 50,000 pounds. It’s quite a fortune, do you have any investment ideas?”

Although Hobert already had some preliminary ideas, he still asked: "What suggestions do you have?"

"If it were a few years ago, I would definitely recommend you invest in a bank." Sindelas said: "But in the past one or two years, the banking industry has passed its emerging stage and requires a large amount of investment to buy a small number of shares.

"We can try to invest in industry. In recent years, the demand for ships and machinery has been relatively large.

"You are a count. As long as you are willing to maintain the existing institutional system, support the laws of free transactions, and respect the choices of the market, you will soon get a lot of wealth."

Hobert nodded slightly and said, "Thank you for your advice, it helped me figure out a lot of issues."

He said in his heart: This is a conservative attempt to win over.

Syndras's last sentence is equivalent to his political leanings. The so-called conservative does not mean that he advocates living only on his own land.

What they advocate is respect for systems and laws, and they advocate stability in everything. There are also big bankers and business owners among them, and their investment in emerging industries is no less than that of the reformers.

The other party said sincerely: "If you have needs in this regard, I can come to your door as your consultant at any time."

"Baron Sindras, right?" Hobert put away his smile and said with a serious expression: "If I encounter this kind of problem, I will ask you for advice."

After politely ending the conversation with Baron Sindras, Hobert welcomed another Baron Quint. The conversation between the two was similar, except that Baron Quint's political tendency was to promote development through reform and make cakes. The bigger it is, the more benefits everyone can share. At the same time, they sympathize with workers and believe that the current society has huge shortcomings, so reform is needed.

Hobert also responded with ambiguous answers, but Baron Quint did not leave immediately. Instead, he talked to Hobert about his family, and mentioned his beautiful and generous daughter intentionally or unintentionally.

Seeing that there were people over there ready to talk to him, Hobert smiled and said to Quint: "The conversation with you has given me a deeper understanding of this city, but I think I should go dance." , this is a dance after all.”

"Of course." Baron Quint, who was not tall, smiled and said, "I have long wanted to appreciate your dancing."

Hobert went straight to invite Audrey, who had already rejected two men.

Audrey readily agreed. She stretched out a hand towards Hobert and said with a smile: "I thought you didn't plan to dance anymore!"

Hobert took this white and soft hand: "When the music started, I planned to come over and invite you, but that would be extremely disrespectful to the prince and princess."

He said without blushing or out of breath.

Audrey smiled slightly: Although I knew he was lying, it still made me feel happy.

Hobert put a hand on Audrey's waist, and Audrey put her hand on Hobert's shoulder. The music started and the two danced on the dance floor.

Hobert was right in front of her, looking at her with a smile. After dancing so many times, Audrey was slightly nervous for the first time.

She took a deep breath: Audrey, what's wrong with you? It’s just a dance! What's there to be intoxicated about?

In order to ease her emotions, Audrey whispered: "I just saw that Sindras and Quint went to talk to you one after another."

"Yes, but I don't know them at all, and I don't know what to talk to them about." Hobert showed a helpless smile.

This expression was not fake, he really didn't know what to talk to them about.

"Baron Sindras has the trust of Duke Negan." Audrey said: "He is a big banker. I heard from my father that he is the largest shareholder of Southwell Bank and the largest shareholder of Backlund Bank. The third largest shareholder.

"Baron Quint's main business is shipping and railways. As we all know, the domestic railway network is operated by three railway companies, and Baron Quint's company is one of them."

Hobert nodded: One is in finance and the other is in transportation. These two industries are quite profitable no matter what era.

Audrey finally concluded: "According to my observation, even if the earls and viscounts hold different political views, their relationship is still very harmonious.

"So they need the barons, the members of the House of Commons, and the lobbyists to adhere to their own political opinions to solve practical problems. There will be some conflicts between these people, which will lead to some contradictions."

Hobert nodded slightly: "Thank you for reminding me, I don't plan to choose my political leanings at the moment."

At this time, the music ended, Hobert bowed, and Audrey gently lifted the hem of her skirt and performed the standard court etiquette.

The two people naturally walked off the stage together, each took a glass of champagne from the waiter, and went to their seats to continue talking about the topic.

"I thought you would support the reformists." Audrey said: "After all, it was because of your previous efforts that the reform-minded Labor Law was promulgated."

Hobert smiled and said: "Actually, I have no prejudice against reformists or conservatives."

Audrey didn't understand. "Do you support both factions? Believe me, this is not a good idea."

"I mean, I'm not opposed to either faction."

Audrey was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand what Hobert meant: "But you don't support it either, right?"

"No, you haven't understood what I mean." Hobert smiled: "In my opinion, some problems need to be solved more conservatively, while some problems need to be solved more radically.

"The reason why I don't plan to make a choice right away is because I'm afraid of encountering something 'politically correct'."

Audrey repeated: "Political correctness?"

This was the first time she had heard this phrase.

Hobert further explained: "Why is anything other than conservative the most radical, and all the less radical is conservative? Aren't these two methods a politician needs to have? Why can they only use the same one?

"If I choose to be a reformist, then my future political views will have to be radical? Is not being radical a betrayal?"

Audrey suddenly felt enlightened. She had been aware of this problem before, but had not thought about it in detail. Now that Hobert said it, this was indeed a problem full of contradictions.

The dance is over, on Count Hall's carriage.

In the spacious carriage, the Earl was a little surprised and said: "Did he really say that?"

Audrey nodded: "Father, is Hobert's opinion right?"

Earl Hall suddenly smiled: "Do you remember the old Duke Negan who just passed away last year? Although he is the leader of the conservatives, in many cases, he will also seek cooperation from the reformists. His influence is certain. Sometimes he even surpasses the Prime Minister in some fields.

"But now his son, the current Duke Negan, is obviously hostile to the reformists. Even if there are some problems that conservatives cannot solve effectively, he will not seek cooperation from the reformists.

"As a result, Duke Negan's influence is less than before, and now the leader of the conservatives has been replaced by Duke Riester."

He rarely talks about this in front of his daughter, but today he came out because he was quite emotional, and secondly because he talked about this topic, so he said a few more words: "Actually, politics is a process of mutual compromise. Although we have Each insists on it, but often has to compromise.

"Senior politicians all understand this. Although they have clear political leanings, they will never refuse to cooperate with political opponents."

This time it was Audrey's turn to be somewhat surprised: "So, Hobert's insights are very wise?"

"You can say that," Earl Hall smiled slightly: "And the word 'political correctness' is very appropriate."

He paused and then smiled: "I'm a little curious about your conversation after that."

Audrey felt a little proud in her heart, but as an "audience", she controlled her emotions very well: "I asked Hobert, is there a way to solve this problem?

"Hobert said it took one person to stand above both factions and mediate between them."

Earl Hall then asked: "Who can take on this important task?"

"I also have such a question." Audrey said: "Hobert replied, head of state!"

"King? No." Hall was a little disappointed with the answer: "Kings are naturally conservative..."

At this point, he suddenly realized something: "Hobert said he is the head of state, but not necessarily the king?"

"Yes." Audrey glanced out the window, as if reminiscing for a moment, then looked back and said: "I have never heard of what Hobert said later, and I don't know if it is feasible.

“He said that a healthy government must have a head of state and a prime minister. The head of state is the symbol of the country and nation. He must reconcile the interests and conflicts of all parties and be responsible for making decisions at the national level.

"The prime minister is responsible for handling specific matters and implementing the head of state's decisions."

Earl Hall leaned back in his chair and fell into deep thought. He quickly constructed a central government structure consisting of a head of state and a prime minister in his mind.

It is indeed more reasonable than the structure of the Prime Minister and the King. As he just said, the King is a conservative by nature and has no way to mediate between the two factions.

Therefore, the prime minister is either a conservative or a radical. During his tenure, the prime minister will fully implement conservative or radical policies.

If there is a head of state above the prime minister who can neutralize the opinions of both parties and form a resolution, the efficiency will be higher and the conflicts between the two factions will be easier to resolve.

But a new question came, Earl Hall asked: "How to decide who will be the head of state?"

It is obviously inappropriate for the parliament to hold a vote like choosing a prime minister. It will only elect another prime minister, and the contradiction between the two factions may be completely intensified in the upper structure of power.

Audrey showed a clearly confused expression: "I asked a similar question at that time, and Hobert's answer was: Leave it to the people?"

"The people?" Earl Hall noticed, not citizens or people, but "the people"!

"I also expressed doubts about this," Audrey smiled: "But Hobert did not continue this topic."

Earl Hall held his chin and sank for more than ten seconds, and suddenly asked Audrey: "When Hobert was in Backlund, you always maintained good contact?"

"Yes." Audrey said bluntly: "Father, you should know that Hobert is an extraordinary person. He occasionally organizes related tea parties, and I have always been interested in this."

In fact, it is a gathering of the "Justice League". The two of them have just agreed to hold a new round of gatherings at the Earl's Mansion in Hobart next week.

"That's why he will answer your questions without reservation," Earl Hall said with a smile: "Hobert is a very thoughtful young man. I think cherishing this friendship will be of great help to you. "

At the same time, he realized that Hobert's remarks had shown a reformist political tendency. Although his influence was not great now, Earl Hall believed that such an insightful young man should win over him as soon as possible.

Audrey nodded: "I will, father. I will go visit him with Gray Lint next week."

This will serve as a good disguise for attending the party.

At around four o'clock in the afternoon, Hobert returned to the Earl's Mansion that had just become his own.

This was once the residence of a hereditary earl. Because the earl's financial situation was not very good, he had to sell off many of his properties, leaving his land below the minimum requirement for an earl. Therefore, the title was reduced to a viscount, and later to a viscount. baron.

He was unable to maintain the expenses of the Earl's mansion, so he had to sell it, and it eventually fell into the hands of the royal family.

The king acquired such a place for the purpose of giving rewards.

This Earl's Mansion is not abandoned. There are more than a dozen servants sent by the palace to take care of it. However, there is no valuable artwork on the walls or furnishings of the Earl's Mansion, and the furniture is also a bit old.

In addition, the lawns, trees, and flowers in the yard also need to be replanted, and the pond and attic need to be renovated.

Hobert sighed in his heart: We have to spend money again!

However, compared to the rewarded mansion in Feneport City, this mansion is many times larger. The main building is a three-story villa. In Hobert's concept, the area is about the same as a university teaching building.

There are other houses in the backyard and front yard, such as servant rooms, stables, kennels, tool rooms, etc.

The front yard and back yard combined are about the size of a park, with flower beds, woods, ponds, and lawns.

Hobert sighed in his heart: Daily expenses are a huge amount!

Entering the main hall of the Earl's Mansion, what surprised Hobert was that Mr. Dophis was waiting here.

He walked forward a few steps: "Earl, I recommend myself to be your butler."

Hobert was quite surprised: "My father's place..."

"I have already negotiated with the Duke." Dophis said: "He will continue to employ the original butler, Mr. Valk, as the butler of the Duke's Palace."

Valk was Christine's former butler in Backlund and won the trust of Christine and Monlisa.

Before Christine's "treason", Valck went into hiding. He heard that Christine found the Duke's Palace after she returned.

"You are very welcome, Mr. Dophis." Hobert smiled: "It would be great if you could be my butler!"

But he changed the topic: "But before that, I think we should completely trust each other, so that we can get along more harmoniously in the future."

Dophis nodded: "That's right."

Because there were still palace servants there, the two simply went to a reception room to have the next conversation.

"So, Mr. Dophis," Hobert asked straight to the point: "In my opinion, you and my father are more like friends than masters and servants. How did you meet?"

"We met in the Southern Continent." Dophis said calmly: "We were enemies at the beginning, but during a battle, I found Mr. Rex to be a very admirable person.

"After being in contact for a while, I learned that Mr. Rex was a Trunsoest, which reminded me of a prophecy in my family, so I mediated the conflict between the Loen people and the locals and began to follow Rex. Mr.

Dophis seldom said so many words at once, but he said this matter in great detail: "Later, when Mr. Rex challenged the family curse, I still thought he would succeed.

“But you also know that Mr. Rex failed, and I realized that my judgment was wrong.

"Just when I was about to return to the Southern Continent, Mr. Christine suddenly reminded me: Maybe the character in the prophecy is you!"

Hobert was stunned: "Me?"

A character from the prophecy? This is quite a bit like the halo of the protagonist.

"Yes, there is a clear description in the prophecy that he is a descendant of the Night Emperor." Dopheus said seriously.

Hobert smiled: "There are still many descendants of the Night Emperor."

Dophis didn't answer, showing that he was more certain about his judgment.

Hobert could only ask again: "Can you tell me about that prophecy?"

"A certain descendant in the family will follow a descendant of the Night Queen from the Northern Continent to regain the glory of the family." Dophis did not hide it.

Hobert asked again: "Can you tell me which family you belong to?"

"My last name is Eggers."

Hobert almost couldn't hold back: "You, too, think too highly of me. I still only have a small fiefdom. Do you think we can help you restore the rule of the Hades? That would unify the entire Southern Continent!"

"I only said it was about restoring glory, but I didn't say it was about restoring status and throne." Dophis had already considered this point: "As long as the glory of the family can be restored, the Eggers family will not be in constant internal strife like it is now. Only then will there be hope of getting back on track.

happy mid-Autumn Festival! !

In addition, thank you for everyone's votes. Yesterday alone, the author received nearly 700 monthly votes!

The double monthly pass time has begun. The author is asking for monthly passes on this day that symbolizes reunion~( ̄▽ ̄)~

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