Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 523 Qualitative changes and abilities of demigods

The ability of the demigod level surprised Hobert very much. He couldn't help but sigh: The level of Sequence Four is indeed a qualitative change!

Another signature skill of "The Fallen Earl" is "exploitation". In addition to taking advantage of the conveniences and loopholes of some rules, this ability can extend or end some abilities or negative effects early.

It can also "take advantage" of the opponent's attacks. To put it bluntly, it means gaining short-term control over the opponent's abilities.

Just like when hunting six-legged monsters, it can gain part of Hobert's control over the "Gate to the Underworld".

"Tampering" means creating a combat environment in a certain area that is favorable to oneself and tampering with some basic rules of that area.

Other abilities are basically qualitative changes from previous abilities, such as "gift", which is like a qualitative change from the previous "bribery".

It's just that "gift" has become so powerful that it has become an offensive skill, which can "gift" some of your negative status to the opponent, whether the opponent wants it or not.

As long as the opponent is in the "Gift" state, and as long as the opponent is below the angel level, using "Charm", "Relationship", and "Arrogance" will be 100% successful, and the opponent cannot dodge and will definitely hit!

In addition, the three abilities of "Charm", "Association" and "Arrogance" have also been greatly improved. The most important thing is that these three abilities have become abilities that can be effective within a certain range and can also attack the target. choose.

There is also another signature ability of "The Fallen Earl": "Fall"!

This ability does not need to be brewed, and can immediately make enemies within a certain range lose their desire to attack, and become less willing to fight, or become irrational.

At this time, these people's hearts have become depraved. They will hate all positive emotions and actions for a certain period of time, and take pride in dirty and despicable thoughts and practices. For example, he will watch his teammates being killed and be proud of it; he will sneak attack on his teammates despicably and be proud of it; he will immediately betray his superiors and be proud of it; he will unconsciously want to lower the fighting spirit of his teammates. .

This is equivalent to an upgraded version of "Corrosion", but the ability of "Corrosion" is still there, so there is no need to brew it, and it can be used directly. It can make your opponent greedy or irrational.

Other abilities with qualitative changes include "distortion", "chaos", and "weakening".

Sequence 4 level "distortion" can not only distort concepts, but also distort the opponent's intentions, goals and attack effects. For example, it can directly "distort" the target's attack intention, making the target become an enemy of its companions in a short period of time, and it can also "distort" the fatal injuries caused by the target into minor injuries.

In addition, by "distorting" the distance, you can step out several meters in one step, achieving an effect similar to "flash", and you can also suspend in mid-air for a certain period of time by distorting gravity.

The "chaos" at the demigod level can cause some "constants" to fall into chaos, such as causing a huge seemingly solid building to collapse instantly.

It can also confuse the distance, direction, natural laws and other common laws in an area within a certain period of time. As long as the target sets foot in that area, the direction of his attack will change unconsciously.

Bullets, cannonballs, and ranged attacks such as the Arsonist's fireballs are also effective.

If you attack a single target, it will still put the opponent into a state of "chaos", but this state has been greatly enhanced, and it can also deal with demigod-level opponents.

After a target at the Sequence 5 level falls into a state of "chaos", it may not recover for seven or eight seconds.

"Weakening" has also begun to be conceptualized. In addition to weakening the power of the target, it can also weaken some of the negative effects on itself, weaken the environment and rules that are beneficial to the enemy, etc.

Hobert showed a long-lost smile and sighed again: The demigods have indeed undergone a qualitative change!

Since no one came to disturb him, Hobert simply entered the "Land of Disorder" to see the vague figure sealed in the pool, and at the same time briefly took a look at the new abilities that could be used in the "Land of Disorder".

Different from the previous promotions, as soon as Hobert sat on the "Iron Throne", a whirlpool of power seemed to form around the throne, indicating the further surrender of the "State of Disorder" to Hobert.

Hobert first went to feel the pool where the vague figure was sealed before. To his surprise, the figure did not break free this time and was still in the pool.

He was a little worried and simply went to take a look at the pool.

The blurry figure in the water was very clear. He looked in his twenties, had brassy hair, and was handsome but with a bit of a nerdy temperament.

Hobert raised his hand, and the other person's head emerged from the pool, but the water in the pool was still imprisoned below the shoulders.

Hobert asked condescendingly: "Are you Trunsoest?"

The other party pursed his lips and smiled, but did not speak.

Hobert asked again: "Why are you in the 'State of Disorder'?"

The other person's eyes looked elsewhere.

"It's so tragic. Being besieged by the six gods who once supported you, the huge empire quickly collapsed, and you are only one step away from the past!" Hobert continued to smile.

The other party looked at Hobert suddenly, and showed a slightly surprised expression. He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but Hobert saw that his mouth was still empty, and no sound came out at all.

Hobert made a judgment: Once again, this was Trensoest, who looked a bit like a spiritual brand.

But what Hobert couldn't figure out was why after he became stronger, this brand also became stronger?

In addition, Hobert judged that the other party's consciousness seemed to have basically awakened, but he did not seem to have the ability to communicate.

Hobert waved his hand again, letting the other person sink into the pool.

He stood in front of the pool, wondering how to bring this spiritual imprint to the real world. It is also very uneasy to be sealed in the "Land of Disorder".

Hobert quickly thought of two plans. The first plan was to take the spiritual imprint out of the "Land of Disorder" just like he did with Captain Dunn's spirit body last time.

But it’s not certain whether this method will work. After all, this is a spiritual imprint, not a spiritual body. How should it be carried outside?

The second option is to directly "give" the other party into the real world by giving.

But the question is, who should be allowed to perform the "gifting" ceremony?

Because this is likely to cause certain dangers, it cannot be given to oneself, and it is best for believers not to use it. After all, it is not easy for a "founder" to develop several followers.

In the end, Hobert came up with a way to subdue a low-sequence enemy, and then use the "Spoon of the Heart" to hypnotize the enemy so that they could complete the "Giving" ritual.

A plan was drawn up, and Hobert was ready to try it out if he got the chance.

Sitting back on the "Iron Throne", Hobert felt that the area of ​​the "State of Disorder" he could control was much larger, including the dilapidated small town and the largest lake in the "State of Disorder" .

Hobert sensed something unusual about the huge lake.

He stood up again and appeared at the edge of the huge lake the next second.

Looking towards the clear lake water, Hobert immediately saw the scene of someone praying devoutly. After a little distinguishing, Hobert recognized that they were residents of the west bank of Full Moon Lake, and they were the group of people who were guarded in the wilderness. People in forced labor.

Hobert roughly understood: In other words, people who just pray towards the pattern pointing to me can also see it in this lake. It's just that the picture is very blurry and I can't hear what the other party is saying, but if necessary, this huge lake will transport the power of the other party's belief to me, and those people can also act as an anchor.

He glanced back at the dilapidated town on the edge of the lake: Can I regard this as the "creator's" kingdom of God?

As for the role of this Kingdom of God, Hobert remembered that after Klein became a Sequence 4, he could split the "Spirit Worm" from his body and leave the "Spirit Worm" in "Origin Castle" to respond to the believers' simple request. pray.

However, Hobert found that he could not do this. Then when there were more believers and subordinates, it would not be possible for every believer's prayer to be answered by the gods.

The plan given by the "State of Disorder" is to hire "workers" or find the corresponding sealed objects.

Hobert realized that hiring ordinary people or believers to work for him was the easiest way. He only needed to give them the authority to reply to believers and give them some simple abilities. Most prayers would be answered by them.

Hobert only needs to use the water pool in the hall to pay attention to a few important believers.

The more he thought about it, the more Hobert felt that this method was feasible, and it only needed to recruit two people at the beginning. After all, the business of the "creator" was not very large.

As for the reward...what else is needed? Entering the work of the "Creator" in the Kingdom of God, isn't this the best reward?

Hobert smiled and shook his head. It was a joke, and it didn't seem appropriate to give him no reward.

But it is even more inappropriate to give money, as it will devalue the job. Instead, you can give benefits or preferential treatment to the family members of the staff, and then highlight the glorious nature of the job. I believe it should be easy to recruit people.

However, Hobert decided to wait for a while. Otherwise, if the staff saw that the followers of the "Creator" were basically members of the Balk family, it would be easy to expose the fact that the "Creator" was still in the entrepreneurial stage.

Returning to the "Iron Throne", Hobert used his spirituality to continue to feel the new permissions gained in the "Land of Disorder". First, he found that he could use the power of the "Land of Disorder" to help supplicants make spells.

Currently, the spells that can be made include "Chaos", "Distortion" and other spells from the "Black Emperor" path. After wearing the black glove "1-107" seized from the Tamara family, you can also Make spells for the "Judge" path such as "Exile" and "Forbidden".

But limited to these two paths, Hobert also tried the most powerful "1-105" in his hand. This sealed artifact came from a "Whisperer" of the "Abyss" path, but it was There is no way to make a spell about this path.

In addition, there are two modes to choose from in terms of the strength of making spells. One is to make a demigod-level spell, which requires Hobert to mobilize the power of the "State of Disorder" and consumes about one-third of Hobert himself. of spirituality.

In other words, it is best to make only one in a day, otherwise it will be very dangerous if a battle occurs in the real world.

The other mode is for talismans below demigods. You can make about 15 of them at one time. If the "Corrupted Earl" potion is digested, the number should reach about 20.

Making such a batch of talismans also requires a lot of spiritual energy. It is best to only do this once a day.

In terms of the spiritual energy consumed, making the spells related to the "Lawyer" path is not cost-effective for Hobert. After all, in battle, he continuously uses dozens of demigod-level abilities, and his spiritual energy will not be exhausted.

Rather, this can be regarded as a way to show divine power and strengthen believers' faith.

Leaning on the back of the chair of the "Iron Throne", Hobert sighed: After reaching Sequence 4, he really has divinity. These operations make the "creator" look more like a god.

Then Hobert sensed that he no longer needed to walk against the law to enter the "Land of Disorder" in the future. He could just recite a spell silently in his heart and enter.

In addition, the abilities of the "Wood of Order", "Stone of Loss of Control", and "Crystal of Order" have been qualitatively improved, especially the "Wood of Order". Hobert can summon a large tree covering two hundred meters.

The size of this big tree is quite terrifying!

The "Order Crystal" can mobilize more of the power of the "State of Disorder" to form a shield around the body that lasts for more than ten seconds.

Then Hobert thought that the shield of the "Order Crystal" could be used when summoning the "Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord" or the "Holy Infant King".

After summoning the opponent, more than ten seconds are enough for him to leave the angel-level battlefield.

Undoubtedly, this strengthens Hobert's use of high-end combat power.

However, it is best not to use these two abilities indiscriminately. No matter which one is used, it will show the surging power of the "State of Disorder". It is estimated that if it is used in a corner of Backlund, George III should be able to feel it.

Finally, Hobert set his sights on those sealed objects. After becoming a demigod, he could already use the power of the "State of Disorder" to initially seal these sealed objects.

First, he tried to seal "1-101", which easily encountered the negative effects of the "Stealer", a demigod or above extraordinary person. Finally, it was sealed. This demigod sealed artifact of the "Stealer" pathway could finally be obtained. The world went to use it.

For other sealed objects, Hobert also sealed them, making their negative effects much smaller. Even the "1-105" from the "Whisperer" can be taken into the real world and used for 3 minutes. It only requires the sacrifice of a person's entrails, blood and soul.

When the seal reached "1-107", Hobert noticed the special nature of this sealed object. The spiritual residue and incomplete spirit body in the sealed object were resisting Hobert's seal.

At this time, Hobert discovered that after becoming a demigod, he could feel the internal structure of this sealed object. Hobert had noticed before that this was an item that was composed of the extraordinary characteristics of part of the "Law Master" and a complete " A sealed object composed of the characteristics of "Chaos Tutor".

The two extraordinary characteristics and the remaining spiritual body and mental remnants form a delicate balance. If the power of the seal is uneven, this balance will be broken and the sealed object will be completely scrapped.

Then, Hobert realized that he could temporarily put this balance into a state of "chaos". Taking advantage of this opportunity, he could drag out the soul and spiritual residue. If he put it back before the "chaos" state ended, it would not be a problem. Affects the balance of this sealed object.

Hobert estimated that the "chaotic" state of the sealed object could last for about 6 minutes, so he used this method to drag out the soul and spiritual residue of the sealed object.

In front of the "Iron Throne", a somewhat vague and illusory male figure formed.

He looked to be in his fifties, with black hair and a slightly unnatural facial features, which made his face look a bit like a wax statue.

Hobert asked, "What's your name?"

The other party replied with a dull tone: "Curtis Tamara."

"Do you still remember how you died?"

Curtis "recalled" a little: "I died in a fight within the family."

Hobert quickly asked: "Has the Tamara family experienced a civil war?"


"How long was that...when exactly did it happen?"

Hobert originally wanted to ask "how long ago was that", but thinking that Curtis was in the glove after his death, it should be difficult to distinguish how long ago the Civil War occurred.

So he simply changed the question.

"Year 1022 of the Fourth Era."

Hobert was stunned: Did they also use the method of counting years in the Fourth Age? But, when is 1022?

So Hobert asked again: "What big events happened before you died?"

Curtis said: "Thirty years ago, the Night Emperor fell!"

Hobert nodded, that happened after the fall of the Night King and before the Pale Era.

Originally, Hobert thought that not long after the death of the Night King, the Pale Age would begin, but now it seems that there should be some time in between.

Hobert asked again: "Why is there a civil war within the Tamara family?"

"Beliefs and ideas are inconsistent."

Hobert thought about what he had seen from the "Uncertain Fog" before, the scene of three members of the Tamara family offering sacrifices: "Be specific!"

Curtis seemed to think carefully before saying: "In the era of the United Empire, our patriarch Tamara was loyal to Trunsoest..."

Hobert was stunned: Is this guy confused? Aren't you nobles of the Tudor Empire?

Just listen to the other party continue: "Inadvertently, the patriarch learned about the existence of the great 'Uncertain Mist' from Trunsoest and found clues to this great existence, so the patriarch surrendered to Tudor... "

Hobert probably understood: Trunsoest should have asked Tamara to look for clues to the "Uncertain Mist". As a result, Tamara found the clue and wanted to keep it for herself, so she betrayed Trunsoest. special.

He thought again: If you think about it carefully, it is indeed strange for Tamara, a "balancer", to appear in the camp of the Tudor Empire. In theory, the Night Emperor who became the "Judge" should be able to deal with him. Just exert some influence. In this case, what should we do if we encounter a war? The two groups finished their harsh words and were about to take action when Tamara suddenly knelt down and couldn't pull herself up.

Finally, Hobert thought: Even seeking death is not enough to describe Tamara's behavior! Taking the clues of the "Uncertain Fog" as a treasure, the whole family fell.

Curtis continued: "Not long after entering the era of the Four Emperors, the patriarch found the great 'Uncertain Mist' based on clues. That is the true god who belongs to the path of the 'Black Emperor' and the 'Judge' in the entire universe!

“But there are some fools in the family who just don’t want to believe in the great ‘Fog of Uncertainty’.

"Especially after the death of the Night Emperor, with the help of the clan leader, he killed a 'Duke of Entropy' who was seriously injured by the Six Gods. Pedi Tamara, who was appreciated by the clan leader, successfully jumped to the adjacent Path, became an angel.

“We took advantage of the situation to attack the Trunsoest family and gained a lot of benefits, including the magic potion formula of the ‘Black Emperor’ path and many extraordinary properties.

“Originally, we all thought that the family would become stronger, but no one thought that it would be the beginning of the family split.

“Pedi, who was appreciated by the patriarch, actually openly opposed belief in the ‘Uncertain Mist’ and ordered the members of the Abrahamic family who came to seek refuge with us not to believe in this great being.

"After several fruitless negotiations, civil war finally broke out."

Hobert nodded slowly: This is connected with Jonathan's description, but the second split of the Abraham family should have occurred before the civil war of the Tamara family. The rest are all members of the Abraham family who are willing to believe in the "Uncertain Mist", so they are ordered not to practice such belief.

He also thought: After the Tamara family surrendered to the Blood Emperor, the reason why they actively married the Abraham family was to use the power of Mr. "Gate" or the ability of the "Apprentice" path to get rid of the influence of the Night Emperor on them. ?

After thinking about it for a moment, Hobert felt that this was very possible.

It was almost 6 minutes, and finally Hobert asked: "Do you know the final outcome of the Tamara family civil war?"

"Peddy and the others can't win!"

Hobert nodded and "stuffed" the incomplete spirit body and spiritual brand into "1-107".

Then he thought about the conversation just now: Tamara herself has been affected by the "Fog of Uncertainty" from a very early age. Judging from the current composition of Tamara's members, the civil war may have caused divisions in the Tamara family. , but the main members of the Tamara family still master the magic potion formulas of "arbitrator", "lawyer" and "apprentice".

I just wonder if those members who are unwilling to believe in the "Uncertain Mist" are still alive? I wonder if they can still be found? I don’t know if there is anything we can use here?

Then Hobert thought again: I have always done the right thing by killing members of the Tamara family. I didn't expect that they had taken advantage of the situation and attacked members of the Trunsoest family before! And he even took the opportunity to obtain a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy"! So, there should be two angels in the Tamara family.

Hobert suddenly realized: If you think about it from another aspect, this is the clue to his promotion to Sequence 2! After all, there are only a few Sequence 2s, and now he knows at least a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the "Duke of Entropy", which belongs to the Tamara family!

Putting "1-107" back on the stone platform, Hobert thought that he had been in the "State of Disorder" for a while, so he returned to the real world.

After recovering the "Wood of Order" nailed to Teutonic body, Hobert walked out of this deserted courtyard. Grove was waiting at the entrance of the courtyard: "Sir, I have killed all the sons of Teutonic. What to do with the Teutonic women?”

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