Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 527 Hobert in Audrey’s eyes

Returning to the study again, Hobert took out the "Psychological Spoon" from the "Land of Disorder" and took the pirate who was still in a coma to a small, unnamed island in the sea.

First, he splashed sea water to wake up the pirates, and then used a "psychological spoon" to hypnotize the pirates.

After Hobart left this uninhabited island, the pirates began to decorate the altar and perform the gift ceremony to the "creator".

Hobert did not return to Jeffrey's Territory. Instead, he found a piece of wilderness in the northern continent. After making sure that there was no danger around him, he entered the "Country of Disorder."

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert saw a strange star flashing in the pool, and his spirituality spread over it. It turned out to be the pirate.

So Hobert dragged out the phantom of Trunsoest from the puddle in the distance. The other person seemed to know what Hobert was going to do, and smiled contemptuously at Hobert.

Hobert snorted coldly and threw the other person into the somewhat shaky "Gate of Gifts".

However, the other party only reached the "Gate of Gifts" and did not go out, as if he was stuck there.

Hobert mobilized the power of the "State of Disorder" and pushed the opponent hard, crushing the opponent. However, it was of no use and he was still stuck there and could not get out.

After working hard for a long time, Hobert had no choice but to give up and send the already deformed phantom of Trunsoest back into the pool to seal it again.

This method won’t work! He had to think of some other way, but for the moment Hobert didn't have any ideas.

After checking again that the seal was secure, he decided to maintain the status quo and wait until he found a good idea.

Returning to the real world, he first killed the pirates on the unknown island and erased all traces of the altar.

Only then did Hobert contact Alger the "Hanged Man" through Mr. Fool, and took the two corpses to meet Alger in the forest of Simim Island in the southern part of the Raging Sea.

Alger knew that the "Emperor" was looking for him again, most likely to deal with the pirate's bounty. After seeing the face of the corpse, he was surprised and said: "The first mate and boatswain of 'Vice Admiral Dusk'?"

The scene of helping deal with the important members of "Admiral Blood" is still vivid in my mind, but now the "Emperor" is targeting "Lieutenant General Twilight" again?

Hobert, who was wearing a mask, smiled and said, "Yes, he died not long ago. You'd better dispose of the body quickly and don't show yourself, otherwise it will easily cause you some trouble."

Alger nodded repeatedly: "I know."

Of course he won't show up on his own. This is the "Vice Admiral Twilight", and it will be troublesome if he is targeted by this "Pirate General".

Hobert was about to use "Travel" to leave, but suddenly thought: "By the way, what is their reward?"

"First Mate 'Radical' Olilov's bounty is as high as 8,200, and Boatswain 'Water Cannon' Monkodo's bounty is 4,500 pounds." Alger knew this very well.

Hobert nodded: "It's a small profit."

Saying this, he left with "travel".

Alger thought to himself: Not only did they make a small profit, the bounty alone was more than 10,000 pounds, but they also had extraordinary characteristics in their bodies.

He looked at his watch and saw that there was still time. He would deliver these two corpses to the Governor's Mansion today!

By the time Lieutenant General Twilight's men came over to investigate, the bounty was all in hand.

Hobert used "travel" to return to his study, took a sip of tea, took a rest, and began to review today's battle.

First of all, Hobert must say that it is so cool to torture Sequence 5 with a demigod!

The gap between the two sides is larger than that between Sequence 5 and Sequence 6. Hobert even thinks that it is approximately equal to the gap between Sequence 5 and Sequence 7.

Secondly, Hobert lamented the cunningness of the "Hunter" path. You can fall into the opponent's trap if you are not careful. Extraordinaries who encounter this path in the future should be careful.

Otherwise, even if a Sequence 5 trap cannot kill a demigod, it would still be embarrassing to be deceived.

Finally, Hobert realized a skill that he had ignored before but was very useful in actual combat: correlation!

Its usefulness lies in its unexpectedness, such as the connection between Bulatov's "Storm of Light" and the light emitted by the giant ship. At that time, not only Bulatov was stunned, but the effect also surprised Hobert. !

While drinking tea, Hobert followed this train of thought and thought about how to play the role of "The Fallen Earl".

One thing that Hobert has now made very clear is that the "Black Emperor" path is very closely related to "Domination".

Hobert had always had a misunderstanding before, thinking that the "Judge" path should focus on governance.

But when he led the people back to the Lord's Mansion, Hobert suddenly realized that apart from the vampires, only the potions of the "Black Emperor" path had the titles of baron, earl, duke, and emperor.

Of course, the earliest potion names may not have such descriptions as baron, earl, etc., but in any case, such descriptions were added later, which is very illustrative.

The title of the vampire clan is only to distinguish the levels, not the name of the potion.

The only others are "Death Archon", "Pale Emperor" or "Knowledge Emperor", etc. There are only one or two such potion names in the entire path.

From this point of view alone, it seems to remind the Beyonders of this path that after becoming a "baron", they must pay attention to the rule of the territory!

As for how to rule, after experiencing the digestion of the "Chaos Mentor" magic potion, Hobert believed: Extraordinaries of this path should establish a ruling system that is different from the norm, preferably a system that goes against common sense.

This is not difficult for Hobert, and he also wants to thank Russell, who established the colonial system, and the essence of this system is plunder and killing.

Today, this system has been accepted by everyone in the Northern Continent. So the system that Hobert established is as meticulous as the village, people-oriented, and making his own cake bigger instead of always thinking about grabbing other people's cakes. What is the impact of this system? It is contrary to common sense for the times.

As for how to play the "fallen Earl", Hobert thinks the focus should still be on the "fallen" aspect.

The essence of potions is ultimately a kind of distortion and madness, and it is completely normal to have a depraved side.

However, Hobert drew a bottom line for himself: he could not degenerate, and he could not let those around him degenerate.

Thinking that the entertainment center in Jeffrey City was about to be built, Hobert thought that he could corrupt the nobles and wealthy people of the Kingdom of Feneport, corrupt the nobles and wealthy people of Backlund, and at the same time, bring them down. Money was earned.

After thinking about it, it was already evening. Hobert took a look at Bulatov's head, which was wrapped in a cloak. He decided to take a rest this afternoon and send it to the people of the Goddess Church tomorrow.

So Hobert sacrificed today's capture to the "State of Disorder" and sat on the "Iron Throne". Hobert looked at today's capture.

Two magical items were seized today, one from the "Hunter" pathway and one from the "Sun" pathway.

The magical item in the hunter's path is the dagger in Bulatov's hand, which can be transformed into a flame spear and can issue a "fatal attack" that can cause considerable damage to demigods.

It just needs to "charge up" and resist two demigod attacks before using a "fatal attack" that can hurt the demigod.

Calculated, it is not worth it. After all, each of the two attacks of the demigod may kill a Sequence 5, and the Sequence 5 can only injure the demigod.

There are no such requirements for enemies below demigods, and they can launch "fatal attacks" continuously, and even the "Guardian"'s "Morning Barrier" can be broken through.

The other trophies all have extraordinary characteristics. At the fifth level of sequence, there is a "Guardian" and a "Reaper" extraordinary characteristic.

There is an extraordinary characteristic of "Wind Blessed One" at the Sequence 6 level.

At Sequence 7 level, there is one "Weapon Master" and one "Navigator" extraordinary characteristic.

Although Hobert has been promoted to demigod, he still picked up the enemy's "low-sequence" extraordinary characteristics.

At the 8th level of the sequence, there are 3 pieces of "Rageful People" and 2 pieces of "Provocateur" extraordinary characteristics.

There are 2 "Warrior" and 1 "Singer" extraordinary characteristics at Sequence 9 level.

Except for the two Sequence 5-level extraordinary properties that Hobert obtained through battle, the others were basically sailors who died or were seriously injured in Bulatov's "Storm of Light".

Split them up and put them into storage. Hobert took a look at the extraordinary characteristics of the "Hunter" path that are already huge in number.

Hobert plans to use the extraordinary characteristics of the three paths of "Hunter", "Warrior" and "Sailor" to cultivate Extraordinaries in his own military.

Of course, if you meet a good seller, you can also sell part of it.

After leaving the "Land of Disorder", Hobert had a pleasant dinner with Forsi and Donna, and then the count and his wife sat on the easy chairs in the yard, watching the stars and chatting comfortably.

Now that the weather is getting warmer, you won’t feel too cold even if you sit in the yard at night.

Sunday morning, Backlund North District, Quiet Church Back Street.

Hobert got out of the car carrying a wooden box and looked at the Blackthorn Security Company sign in front of him, feeling a bit like revisiting his old place.

He knocked on the door of the security company and said to the receptionist: "I'm looking for Captain Thomas and Loretta."

After drinking a few sips of black tea in the reception area, Hobert saw Loretta, who was wearing unisex clothing and black hair. He joked: "You look so bad, is your salary deducted?"

"That's not true." Luo Luota said: "It's not even the day of pay, but my money has already been spent."

Hobert smiled: "This is a problem for most people in Backlund!"

"Ah, Earl Hobert!" Captain Thomas walked down the stairs with a smile: "Are you going to report again? But I don't dare to command an Earl's team."

Hobert smiled and said: "It suddenly occurred to me that the Nighthawks team has not paid me a salary for more than half a year. Let me see if I can repay it."

Before Thomas could say anything, Loretta immediately said: "It's very necessary!"

Then Thomas said: "I think Red Gloves should be responsible for paying your salary from now on."

As Hobert's captain, he had learned that Hobert was already a non-staff member of the Red Gloves.

Hobert did not continue the topic and pushed the wooden box on the coffee table towards the two of them: "This is a gift for you."

Loretta seemed to be feeling something, and opened the wooden box solemnly. She was surprised at first, then in disbelief, and finally took off the ring on her hand with tears in her eyes and said: "Did you see it? This is the one from Bulatov The bastard’s head! He’s dead! Today, more than ten years later, he finally got the punishment he deserved.”

It was obvious that this lady was a little out of control.

Thomas called a female team member and comforted Loretta with a few words.

After all, she had been a Nighthawk for so many years. Loretta's mood quickly stabilized, and Hobert noticed that she felt much more relaxed.

Loretta said: "Captain, let me collect Bulatov's bounty."

Thomas nodded: "No problem."

After Loretta left, Thomas said, "I just bought a can of coffee. Come and try it in my office?"


While grinding and making coffee, Thomas briefly told the story of Loretta and the ring on her hand.

When she first joined the professional team, the sunny and handsome team member Steve was responsible for teaching her mystical knowledge and the precautions of official extraordinary people.

The story is very old-fashioned. The two people quickly fell in love. During a mission after their engagement, Steve, whose strength was only Sequence 8, encountered Bulatov, who was already a "Mid-Sequence" at the time.

As you can imagine, Steve was killed.

However, Steve's extraordinary characteristics were concentrated on their engagement ring, forming a sealed object with not too strong negative effects.

In order to take care of Loretta's emotions, the Nighthawks gave her this ring.

Loretta's preference for salary increases is actually the negative impact of this sealed artifact.

For a while, Loretta worked hard to improve her strength, and almost lost control because of it. After she realized that she had no hope of revenge, she began to ask team members who she felt had hope for revenge to help her kill "Vice Admiral Dusk". In the end, Hobert helped her Revenge completed.

Hobert took a sip of coffee: "It's very touching."

More than ten years have passed now, and it is clear that Loretta still cannot forget her lover.

Moreover, Loretta has actually made psychological adjustments to herself and has not allowed hatred to occupy her entire life. Otherwise, she would have lost control due to emotional pressure.

"What I say next may spoil this beautiful story a bit." Captain Thomas said: "We have been paying close attention to Loretta's condition. For now, we need to observe it again to completely reassure people."

Hobert thought of Old Neil and nodded with great understanding.

As the conversation came to an end, Hobert asked Thomas where Leonard lived.

"How can I possibly have the address of a Red Glove member here?" Thomas smiled: "According to the regulations, we are not allowed to ask, but if I meet Leonard, there should be no problem if I ask him face to face."

After agreeing to write to Hobert after getting the address, Hobert stood up and left.

As soon as he came out of the security company's door, Hobert noticed Earl Hall's carriage coming from the other side of the street. He guessed that today was Sunday, and Earl Hall's family should have come to the Serenity Church to pray.

Hobert stood on the steps, ready to say hello to Earl Hall, but unexpectedly, the impressive Audrey opened the car window and said in a clear and moving voice: "Hobert! You can do it too. Pray?”

"So be it!" Hobert noticed that Earl and Mrs. Hall were not in the carriage.

Audrey stepped out of the carriage while talking. Today she wore a long lace dress, which was luxurious and pure.

Hobert asked, "Only you?"

"My father and brother had something to do and left first." Audrey smiled and looked at Hobert: "Hobert, if your clothes are seen by other nobles, they will think that you are on the verge of bankruptcy. ”

Hobert wore his favorite Loen-style windbreaker today. It is easy to move, and as long as the collar is raised, there is no need to hold an umbrella in Backlund's recent drizzle. It can also provide protection in winter. Cold air.

He smiled and said: "My butler told me so."

"You have a competent butler."

"But I told him I liked trench coats, and he didn't insist."

Audrey smiled and said: "He should be powerless against such a naughty Earl like you."

Hobert was slightly startled. Isn't naughty used to describe children?

Audrey added: "I think, as a friend, I should take you to pick out some formal suits. After all, the social season is coming in about a week."

The so-called social season refers to the period from April to August. Nobles regardless of whether they have property in Backlund or not will gather in the capital to socialize among the nobles. In these four months, there is endless dancing and endless drinking. liquor.

Hobert thought about it and realized that he had nothing else to do today: "Okay, in return, I'll treat you to dinner at noon."

On the violent sea, the "Future" sailed smoothly through the undulating waves.

"Star Admiral" Cattleya stood by the window, looking at the ocean that was so wide that no boundaries could be seen. From the front deck, Nina's angry voice could be heard from time to time. She was angrily scolding Frank Lee for making a pile of Beef-flavored mushroom that reproduces very quickly and loves to eat fish.

Cattleya sighed silently. At this time, she was suddenly inspired. She turned her head to look at the desk and saw that there were a few yellowed papers there.

"The Emperor's Diary!" Cattleya turned around happily, but when she saw the question raised by the Queen, she was slightly startled: "This, I can answer this question, well, if the 'Emperor's' information is accurate enough. "

I saw a note on a few pages of the diary, with a line written on it: Why did he become crazy in his later years?


In the rainy weather, Hobert climbed into Lord Hall's carriage, and his carriage followed.

"I'll take you to the Laufud Tailor Shop to have a look." Audrey said: "This tailor shop has a history of more than 300 years and specializes in serving nobles. Their craftsmanship is better than that of many tailors in the count's family. .”

Hobert realized that Dophis might have hired a tailor for him too!

What a luxury. I am alone and have to have a tailor.

The young and beautiful Audrey opposite continued: "I think you should at least order formal attire, but since it is your first year to participate in the social season, it is best not to be too extravagant and to be restrained."

Hobert thought to himself: Isn’t it better to be restrained? Is wearing big pants and a tank top restrained enough?

But he said: "You are an expert, I will listen to you. But do you really need five sets of formal suits? I also have a tailor at home!"

"He must be too busy in the first year." Audrey said, "Because after each suit is worn once on a formal occasion, it cannot be worn on other occasions."

Hobert nodded, having forgotten all about it.

At this time, he didn't feel how elegant this was, but complained in his heart: What a group of people who don't know how to be frugal.

But among them, especially those who had just joined the aristocratic class of Backlund, Hobert would only complain. He would not let himself become a special case among the aristocrats when he first joined this circle.

He thought to himself that five sets of clothes would be just five sets of clothes.

The Lawford Tailoring Shop is located in Queens. It consists of a huge showroom and a production room. It is received by a well-dressed, elegant middle-aged man and several servants.

Audrey came to the exhibition hall with ease. Many samples were displayed here. These samples are for trying on. If you feel suitable after trying on, you can place an order.

But it is not a complete copy of the sample. When the tailor measures the body of the noble, he will give a modification suggestion based on the temperament of the noble.

So they claim that every piece of clothing here is unique.

Hobert chose two formal suits that looked pretty good. After refusing the maid's help in changing, he came to the fitting room alone.

The service here is quite attentive, and they won't criticize Hobert just because he is wearing a "cheap" windbreaker. Firstly, they have Audrey's endorsement, and secondly, they know that most people don't dare to enter such a tailor shop. .

After changing into one of them, Hobert came out of the fitting room.

Audrey felt that Hobert's whole temperament was different. Hobert's appearance was still good. After all, he had the "god of beauty" gene, especially when he smiled, he was very sunny and cheerful.

Audrey discovered today that Hobert's appearance can handle different styles of clothing. When he wore a windbreaker before, he looked like a young and energetic man who was working hard for his career and made people feel positive. .

After putting on the formal suit, Hobert's demeanor immediately changed. His movements that seemed casual at first became very elegant and confident. His smile was still cheerful, but also revealed a sense of nobility.

Hobert opened his arms and looked at himself in front of the mirror: "How is it?"

Audrey finally came back to her senses and said with an elegant smile: "Very good!"

"But I don't really like the color," Hobert said, "and the silk design here."

The well-dressed waiter on the side took out a notebook: "What color do you like? We can change it."

Hobert was slightly startled. His two complaints just now were purely based on his habit of buying clothes when he was not very wealthy. He only had to find some faults and show that he didn't like them so that he could bargain later.

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