In the first round of competition, Hobert forced the "Black Knight" out of the darkness, quickly seized the opportunity, and gained a certain advantage, causing the "Black Knight" to fall into a state of "chaos."

Hobert rushed over and knocked the opponent to the ground with one punch: "Zoom in!"

He "zoomed in" the next kick and stepped on the "Black Knight"'s head into the ground. Just as Hobert was about to kick him again, the "Black Knight" under his feet came out of the "chaos" state. After recovering, it turned into a pool of liquid and quickly flowed away.

"Twisted!" Hobert "twisted" the other party's thoughts of escaping into staying put.

Then Hobert "distorted" the distance between himself and the opponent, stepped on the opponent, bent down and punched hard: "Weaken!"

After weakening the opponent in all directions, he punched the "Black Knight" in the flesh and liquid state until he vomited blood.


Hobert was about to continue his attack when he was suddenly blown away by the blood on the ground.

But this explosion couldn't hurt him anymore, it just stopped his attack.

When Hobert fell to the ground, two sharp blade-like arms slashed at him. Hobert felt as if these blades could cut his soul, and his spirit body even seemed to shrink!

"Chaos!" Hobert caused the space between himself and the "Black Knight" to fall into a state of "chaos", and the "Black Knight"'s attack immediately deflected in other directions.

Just as Hobert was about to launch a new round of offensive, he suddenly found that the "Black Knight" was shaking all over, as if he was enduring great pain!

Before Hobert could understand what was going on, a crazy and twisted force spread from Hobert's feet to his whole body. His whole body suddenly swelled, and black sarcomas grew out. The sarcomas quickly disappeared. But then a new sarcoma appeared!

Hobert felt as if his brain was being stirred by an iron rod. The severe pain made him burst into tears and nose, and he fell to his knees unable to move.

The "Black Knight" also seemed to be experiencing severe pain, but he could still walk slowly towards Hobert. Obviously, the pain he experienced was not as intense as Hobert.

Hobert, who was in extreme pain, drooling and running nose, had dulled his brain and realized that if he continued like this, he would definitely die under the opponent's knife!

Hobert tried hard to concentrate, and finally felt the spirit pulling upwards.

Then everything in his sight finally turned black and he came to the "Land of Disorder".

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert felt that his entire brain was numb, but his condition was gradually recovering.

With no time to make other arrangements, Hobert threw a surging "power of order" into his star, and then immediately returned to the real world.

At this time, the "Black Knight" had already raised his sword. If Hobert came back half a second later, his head would be missing.

Hobert's whole body was covered by the surging "Power of Order", and his condition recovered slightly. He rolled away to avoid the attack of the "Black Knight".

Hobert, who was half-kneeling on the ground again, noticed that the out-of-control shadow that had smashed the bedroom into rubble had not known when it was attached to the ground again. At this time, the out-of-control shadow was hugging his own shadow tightly. .

Only then did he realize that the feeling of losing control and madness just now was because the "Black Knight" mixed his shadow with his own. This caused Hobert's shadow to be violently affected by the "Black Knight". "The influence of the shadow, those influences were transmitted from the shadow to Hobert!

No wonder the "Black Knight" was in such pain, because he could only control it to complete such an attack by reestablishing a certain connection with his own shadow.

And to establish a certain connection, you have to be affected by the shadow that is out of control.

After understanding the crux of the problem, Hobert stretched out his hand towards the "Black Knight": "Twisted!"

He "distorted" the concepts of "Black Knight" and Shadow, and the two equally divided the Shadow's out-of-control state!


The flesh and blood all over the "Black Knight" seemed to have lost all restraints, swelling and accumulating, turning the "Black Knight" into a squirming monster.

Jeffrey City's special operations department, the battle in the yard is extremely fierce!

Angus and Helen were also a Sequence 6, each holding a level 2 sealed artifact, fighting against the opponent's three Sequence 5s.

"Death!" Angus swung his fatal punch, and the "shepherd" in front of him suddenly wore a coat of light like the morning sun. These lights quickly condensed and finally turned into a golden armor!

When Angus hit the enemy, he only knocked the enemy away and knocked down a wall. The enemy was not harmed by this.

The "Shepherd" got up from the collapsed masonry and rushed towards Angus. The morning light around him dissipated, and a "Blazing Spear" appeared in his hand, and his body burned from the inside out. Violent flames.

Angus raised his hand, and the Southern Continent-style bracelet on his wrist had a silvery white luster. He opened his mouth and uttered syllables that no one could understand and that were very scary.

"Shepherd"'s attack slowed down, and his whole body became stiff. He felt as if his spirit body was trying to break away from his body, and the two became very uncoordinated.

Angus was about to launch a new attack when the "Shepherd"'s body suddenly swelled up, a goat horn appeared on his head, and he exuded an evil aura.

The "demonized" state improved both the physical and spiritual bodies of the "Shepherd" and eased the control of the "Language of the Dead" on the spiritual body. He raised his hand and uttered the "dirty words": "Slow down! "

Angus was already cursing in his mind: Donkey, how can I beat him like this?

"Imprisonment!" Angus, who was punched away by the "demonized" enemy, tried hard to use this ability, preventing the "Shepherd" from chasing him immediately.

Angus hit a wall and it became loose.

His whole body seemed to be falling apart. It took him two efforts to stand up again. From the corner of his eye, he saw that his two companions were just like him. With the help of sealed objects, they could barely hold on. Just an enemy!

At this time, the "Shepherd" held the "Great Sword of Dawn" and rushed over very quickly.

"Exile!" Angus concentrated his energy and continued to fight the enemy.

Because the opponent is surrounded by the light of morning light, other abilities are of little use. Only "Exile" can curb the enemy's attack.

Suddenly, Angus noticed something was wrong with the enemy's state. After he was pushed out by "Exile", his movements of waving the "Great Sword of Dawn" slowed down.

Almost at the same time, a man covered in flames rushed in from the outside. He actually pierced the "Shepherd's" "Morning Armor" with a sword and pierced his chest.

Archibald, wearing military uniform, appeared at the gate of the courtyard: "I heard that this place was attacked by the enemy?"

In the Lord's Mansion, the "Black Knight" usually has a backlog of factors that lead to loss of control, so theoretically, the loss of control at this time will become irreversible.

In such an emergency situation, the pupils of the "Black Knight" suddenly turned into golden vertical pupils, and the flesh and blood on his body stopped squirming, and the out-of-control process was interrupted.

Hobert, who was also working hard to recover, was waiting for this opportunity. He instantly released the seal on the two level 1 sealed objects, reached out to grab the "Black Knight", and stole the opponent's "grazing" ability!

The "Black Knight" immediately showed a surprised expression, but he and the shadow's loss of control had been temporarily appeased, hidden deep in their hearts, and would not explode for a while.

Hobert took the opportunity to rush over and kick the enemy away, causing a section of the courtyard wall to be knocked down.

At this time, Hobert had time to pick up the knife not far away. Suddenly, he looked in the direction of the "Black Knight", and a strange black majestic figure appeared there: "No living thing is allowed to live here!"

"Twisted!" Hobert twisted the other party's prohibition into: All living creatures that have ever lived are prohibited here!

The smoke and dust on the other side of the courtyard wall dispersed, and under the faint moonlight, Hobert saw a majestic and majestic translucent figure. His judgment was correct, it was an evil spirit!

After realizing that it was temporarily difficult to use the ability of "herding", the "Black Knight" decisively ended herding this evil spirit.

This evil spirit is a semi-god-level evil spirit that he "grazed" and has the strength of a "law mage".

Because it was originally in the state of an evil spirit, after being released, the soul did not enter the spirit world, but quickly regarded the Lord's Mansion as its territory.

Hobert's "twist" makes the evil spirit's prohibition become disadvantageous to it!

"Deprive!" It immediately deprives it of what it just "forbidden".

The "Black Knight" took advantage of the confrontation between Hobert and the evil spirit of the "Law Mage" to merge into the shadows again. At this time, his condition was already very bad and he had to find a place to lick his wounds quickly.

"Gift!" How could Hobert let the other person leave!

Although his out-of-control state ended, the loss of control just now still made him very weak. He "gifted" his "weak" state to the "Black Knight"!

The shadow of the "Black Knight" paused slightly. The balance he had managed to maintain was in danger of collapsing!

The evil spirit of "Law Mage" sketched an evil smile and stretched out his hand towards Hobert: "Imprisonment!"

This stopped Hobert's pursuit!

The evil spirit is not covering the escape of the "Black Knight", it simply does not want others to succeed in their intentions.

Being in a state of being "grazed" for a long time has worn away a lot of the evil spirit's wisdom. Now he almost only fights with instinct.

"Relationship!" Hobert strengthened the connection between the "Black Knight" and the "Evil Spirit", which made the Evil Spirit seem to recall something. It stretched out its hand towards Hobert and then towards the "Black Knight". "Knight": "No escaping here!"

The "Black Knight's" escape seemed to immediately encounter huge resistance.

Hobert took advantage of this opportunity and used his range ability: "Fallen!"

The evil suddenly fell into a "fallen" state, and some of the emotions it suddenly possessed had nowhere to put it.

The black shadow formed by the "Black Knight" was obviously stunned. He usually had too many "fallen" emotions and memories. At this time, his own state was completely affected by the "fall" and became very unstable.

After leaving the "imprisonment" state, Hobert chased after him while using another range ability: "Corrosion!"

The two consecutive abilities are very targeted, further deteriorating the condition of the "Black Knight".

Hobert also used "distortion" and finally caught up with the "Black Knight": "Zoom in!"

He kicked it hard again, directly kicking the "Black Knight" who was struggling to resist the negative state from the shadow state into a human form.

Hobert "distorted" the distance again and stabbed the opponent's chest with a knife.

Blood spurted out for a moment!


The blood blew Hobert away again.

But the "Black Knight" has begun to lose control again. This time he cannot herd the souls in the "audience" path. Once the process of losing control begins, it will be difficult to stop it!

Hobert, who was blown away, stretched out his hand toward the "Black Knight": "Twisted!"

He "twisted" the opponent's efforts to resist the out-of-control intention into allowing the situation to develop out of control.

Although the "Black Knight" was "distorted" for a short time, it was enough for him to completely lose control and no longer be able to form an effective confrontation.

At this time, the evil spirit was attracted by the blood, opened his illusory mouth, and swallowed a mouthful of blood, and then it covered the body of the "Black Knight" like a layer of black veil.

Hobert held the knife in his hand, looking at the pained expression of the "Black Knight" and watching the evil spirit preparing to take over this body that was starting to lose control.

He did not step forward immediately, but looked for opportunities on the side, preparing to kill one of them, while also guarding against the "Black Knight" escaping.

The "Black Knight" finally made a choice. He began to let himself lose control, and even accelerated the process of losing control.

Then his shadow stood up again, completely expelling the shadow's loss of control into his body, and then the shadow separated from his body and strode away.

"Arrogant!" Hobert knew that the other party must have a way to escape.

The fleeing shadow seemed to be suddenly stimulated by something, stamping its feet and wandering in place.

Hobert immediately chased after him: "Psychic puncture!"

This is the ability of "1-107". The spiritual piercing at the demigod level makes the shadow cover its head as if it is about to explode.

"Whip of Pain!" Hobert launched a new offensive, and tentacles, sheep's hooves and other shapes began to appear on the shadow's body again, and it began to lose control again!


Just as Hobert was staring closely at the shadow, the body of the "Black Knight" suddenly split open, and a monster with only two legs, no arms on its shoulders, and a bird's head fell out.

This monster was covered in mucus. It was only as big as a seven or eight-year-old child. After it fell out, it ran away without saying a word!

The evil spirit looked at the escaping monster and hesitated for a moment, but in the end it continued to choose to possess the out-of-control mass of flesh.

Hobert over there hurriedly caught up with him, and only then did he realize that the escaping shadow was just a cover. The "Black Knight" was not only a "hermit", he was also a "Bishop of the Rose."

When he realized that his loss of control was irreversible, he simply peeled off the flesh and blood that had not yet lost control of himself, gave the out-of-control flesh and blood to the evil spirits, and used his shadow to confuse Hobert.

After Hobert caught up with him, two thin wings suddenly sprouted from his back and he flew into the sky.

Hobert "distorted" gravity and followed him to the sky.

But once it reaches the sky, it cannot catch up with the winged monster even if it "distorts" the distance.

So Hobert chanted the incantation: "Skinny horse!"

Maximil appeared immediately, and after receiving Hobert's order, he chased after Hobert with his back on his back.

The monster's somewhat grotesque face immediately revealed an expression of surprise. Being able to fly was his last resort to escape. He didn't expect Hobert to be able to catch up!

The "Black Knight" is not like the demigods of the "Rose School" and the Blood Worship Cult, who can summon angels to help. If he summons the angels of the True Creator Church, he will probably be surrounded and suppressed by the angels of the True God Church.

And it is almost impossible to do it in a hurry. After all, the "Land Abandoned by Gods" is a place that is similar to a seal. Even the true creator cannot directly send power to the north and south continents, let alone angels.

Hobert waved the knife in his hand and was about to chop the monster, but Maximil rushed up and bit the monster's head.

Chew it hard and your brain will flow!

Hobert was slightly startled, this is too cruel!

The monster's wings flapped vigorously, as if struggling.

Hobert lay forward on his horse and stabbed the monster in the chest. The headless monster hung on the knife.

This monster really wanted to grow another head, but he was originally small and didn't have enough flesh and blood. After growing for a long time, he only grew some pink flesh and blood. Instead, his thin legs were "borrowed" from other places. .

Finally, the tumor that Hobert picked on the knife stopped moving and completely lost all signs of life.

Hobert smiled: "The first sequence 4."

Returning to the Lord's Mansion, before landing, Hobert saw the "Black Knight"'s out-of-control flesh and blood and evil spirits, forming a toad-like creature with short limbs, a huge body, a flat head, and a body surface. There is a layer of pimple-like skin.

After seeing Hobert, the monster opened its mouth: "Flying is prohibited here!"

Maximil fell quickly, Hobert twisted the distance, and they landed almost safely.

Jumping off the horse, Hobert first threw the monster's corpse, which was like a meat ball, off the knife.

The monster's long mouth opened again: "Weapons are prohibited here."

The knife in Hobert's hand immediately became very heavy, but he did not drop the knife, but smiled and said: "Is it necessary to use weapons to deal with you?"

If the evil spirit hadn't possessed those flesh and blood, it might have lived a little longer.

Too bad it doesn't have much sense.

Hobert stretched out his hand: "Chaos!"

The monster's surroundings immediately fell into a state of chaos. Just when it was about to open its mouth and continue "forbidden", it suddenly realized that its power seemed to have been taken away.

"Tampering!" Hobert's two consecutive abilities caused the "toad" in front of him to quickly collapse.

Hobert guessed that the extraordinary characteristics of the "Black Knight" were on the escaped monster. The reason why the remaining flesh and blood continued to collapse was probably because the extraordinary characteristics of the souls that were herded by the "Black Knight" were still there. Those relationships in the flesh that are out of control.

Although the process of "herding" is a way of combining body and spirit to control other souls and non-partial characteristics, once the "shepherd" begins to lose control, the extraordinary characteristics of the being "herded" will intensify the process of losing control.

Therefore, the "Black Knight" should simply abandon them as well.

Hobert's "chaos + tampering" was to temporarily extract those extraordinary characteristics from the flesh and blood, and as expected, the flesh and blood collapsed.

The flesh and blood were spread out, leaving only the evil spirit standing there hesitantly.

"Twisted!" Hobert tried to "twist" the evil spirit's state to make it a real soul, so that the underworld could begin to absorb it again.

Only then did the evil spirit seem to come back to its senses and confront Hobert's "distortion".

Hobert took advantage of this opportunity to go to the ruins over there and found the "Wine Cup of the Undead".

At this time, the evil spirit also got rid of its "distorted" state. Hobert held the wine glass: "Gate to the Underworld!"

The bronze door with heavy mystical patterns appeared. It just opened a tiny gap and seemed to suck in all the surrounding temperature. Even Hobert couldn't help but shiver.

Arms stretched out one by one, looking out with malicious eyes, and frightening roars came. The evil spirit stood there motionless for a while. The underworld has a natural sense of oppression against evil spirits.

Hobert stretched out his hand toward the evil spirit: "Chaos!"

The evil spirit immediately fell into a state of "chaos" and walked step by step towards the gate of the underworld.

Just when it was about to enter the "Gate of the Underworld", it got rid of its "chaotic" state: "Exiled!"


The "Gate of the Underworld" was "exiled" outside the Lord's Mansion, and the influence of the underworld on this place has weakened a lot.

"Weaken!" Hobert weakened the evil spirit's state, making it look more transparent: "Tampering! Distortion!"

Hobert used "distortion + tampering" to try to distort the connection between the evil spirit and the source of its power. Logically speaking, the existence of the evil spirit must be something that provides it with power.

Hobert only had an idea of ​​it and didn't know what it was, so he just tried to twist and tamper with it.

The effect of this attempt was very good. The already very weak evil spirit seemed to have been hit in its weakness and became ethereal, like a flame that was about to be extinguished.

Hobert saw the opportunity and stepped forward with a knife to cut the evil spirit in two.

His black sword also has considerable restraint on evil spirits.

The evil spirit remained motionless, shrunk into a black shadow, and the extraordinary characteristics began to separate.

Hobert just ended his call to the "Gate of the Dead" and was about to find a pair of pajamas when he suddenly discovered that the meatball he had just thrown to the ground was missing!

The "Black Knight" is not dead yet!

"Relation!" Fortunately, the other party's condition was now extremely poor, and Hobert easily found the other party's traces.

The "Black Knight" was rolling for his life just now and was about to escape from the lord's mansion, but at this moment, he started to lose control for the third time!

This is the loss of control that was previously hidden in the subconscious by the souls in the "audience" path! At this time, because he had too little flesh and blood, he could not maintain his own state at all, and the out-of-control finally broke out!

This time out of control, the "Black Knight" still has no way to "herd" the souls in the "audience" path, nor can it peel off its own flesh and blood. The "Black Knight" is completely unable to suppress the process of losing control.

Hobert stabbed the expanding flesh ball with a knife, and the expansion process immediately stopped. The "Black Knight" could no longer sustain his own life and died.

Soon Hobert discovered that the extraordinary characteristics of the "Black Knight" were actually converging on the outer skin of the meat ball!

Hobert was slightly startled: Is this, is this going to form a sealed object? But he obviously just lost control for a short while!

Then Hobert thought again: It can't be said that. In the battle just now, this "Black Knight" has accumulated too many out-of-control factors. Although he used various methods to expel a lot of out-of-control and madness, but In essence, his loss of control has been very serious.

Hobert kicked the ball back to the ruins of the backyard, went to the ruins of the bedroom to find a pajamas and put it on.

Looking again at the out-of-control flesh and blood of the "Black Knight", there are indeed three extraordinary characteristics that are being released. They are the characteristics of the Extraordinaries who were "grazed" by the "Black Knight" before.

Only after the death of the "Black Knight" or the release of the soul can these souls end the painful "grazing" process and return to the underworld to become normal souls. At this time, extraordinary characteristics can also begin to precipitate.

Hobert picked up three extraordinary characteristics, and at the same time discovered that there was still a piece of flesh crawling in the seemingly lifeless flesh and blood!

After thinking for a moment, Hobert realized that when the "Black Knight" peeled off his collapsed flesh and blood during the emergency situation, the flesh and blood must still contain some of his extraordinary characteristics.

This is very similar to digging out a piece of flesh and blood from an Extraordinary person after his death, before the Extraordinary characteristics are released. This piece of flesh and blood must contain some Extraordinary characteristics.

If it were a "high-sequence" Beyonder, such a piece of flesh would most likely form a sealed object.

Hobert pushed three extraordinary characteristics towards "Skinny Horse": "You choose one!"

Maximil turned his head and raised his chin towards the squirming piece of flesh. Hobert was stunned: "You want this piece of 'mutated flesh'?"

Maximil nodded immediately.

Hobert picked up the knife and dug out the piece of flesh, and Maximir returned to the underworld with the piece of flesh in his mouth.

At this time, the extraordinary characteristics of the evil spirit have been extracted. Hobert holds it in his hand. Without going to the "Land of Disorder", he can confirm that this is the extraordinary characteristics of the "Law Master"!

At this time, Archibald, Angus and others came with support.

When they saw that the backyard was almost in ruins, they were a little worried at first, but when they saw the lord squatting on the ground skinning a meat ball-like thing, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Lord!" "Sir!"

In fact, the peeling process is not difficult. It is like peeling off a piece of cloth with black starlight from the strange-shaped meat ball.

Only then did Archibald and the others realize that this was actually a sealed object.

Hobert shook the piece of skin and asked Angus and others: "Were you also attacked?"

"Yes." Angus said first: "Fortunately, there was an early warning from the 'astrologer', so we made some preparations.

"The enemies include three 'shepherds' and a total of more than a dozen Sequence 6 and Sequence 7.

"Thanks to Chief of Staff Archibald who arrived in time and helped us deal with the three 'shepherds'."

Then Archibald Hui reported: "A 'shepherd' led a team to attack the military camp and was seriously injured by me. I have dealt with all the other attackers and the loot will be delivered to the Lord's Mansion later."

As he spoke, Archibald's two marionettes escorted the "shepherd" over.

Hobert nodded: "Very good, you can turn him into your marionette! This is your reward!"

Since Archibald insisted on such rules, Hobert certainly had no objection to him having one more marionette.

"Yes! Thank you Lord!" Archibald connected the spiritual thread of the "Shepherd" who had already fallen into a coma, and quickly turned him into a Marionette!

Hobert said to Angus again: "When you faced the enemy's surprise attack, you did not rush to the Lord's Mansion for support rashly, but stuck to your posts. This is a good thing. I will give you all credit for this."

Angus was about to say that it was Captain Dunn's suggestion, but the lord's reward had been announced, so it was a bit inappropriate to say it at this time.

So Angus decided to report to the lord when he had the opportunity to meet Hobert alone.

Hobert, who was wearing pajamas, ordered: "Now you all go back and prepare, send the injured to the hospital, set off in twenty minutes, follow me across the river, and completely regain the west bank of Full Moon Lake!"

He ordered Archibald: "You and Schier will lead the other Beyonders in the defense army, and follow closely to completely occupy the West Bank!"

Hobert then said to the butler Allen and others: "Look to see if there are any injured people in the ruins, and come back tomorrow to repair the Lord's Mansion!"

After everyone left, Hobert sacrificed the capture to the "Land of Disorder", then pulled up the "Traveler's Gate" that had fallen to the ground and leaned it against the wall.

After opening the "travel door" and arriving at Backlund's Earl's Mansion, Forsi, who was waiting anxiously, immediately rushed over and hugged Hobert.

Then she looked Hobert up and down, and then felt relieved when she saw that he had no injuries.

"The problem is solved." Hobert smiled and said: "That group of Aurora Society lunatics actually took the initiative to attack the actual leader of the South Colson area."

Forsi asked: "Has Jeffrey City been attacked?"

"We were also attacked, but fortunately Angus' response, no, I think it was the experienced Captain Dunn's response." Hobert smiled: "They protected the city and the people."

Then he said: "You take a rest here first. I will lead the team to the other side of the river. You can go back tomorrow morning!"

Forsi immediately said: "I also want to join the battle!"

Hobert thought for a while and concluded that the main force of the Aurora Society on the west coast should have raided and died in Jeffrey City. He looked at Forsi's earnest eyes and nodded and said, "Okay, don't leave my side."

Hobert nodded to Dophis outside, indicating that the crisis was over, and then the two of them closed the door and quickly changed into Fenebaud-style combat clothes.

When they returned to Jeffrey City, the teams of Angus and Helen were ready to go.

Hobert led more than 30 Beyonders to the outside of the city and met Archibald and others who were already waiting here.

In addition to Archibald and Sill, there are now 5 "hunters", 3 "soldiers", and 1 "sailor" in the guard army.

They were all Extraordinaries who had made contributions in the process of suppressing bandits and were given magic potions by Hobert.

Hobert led the members of the Special Operations Department to cross the river first. When they reached the other side of the river, it was already dawn.

There were Extraordinaries from the Aurora Society on the dock. They were waiting here to meet tonight's raiders, but instead they were forced to cross by the enemy!

Seeing that the leader of this group was only a Sequence 6, Hobert allowed Angus and others to rush up and fight with them.

After quickly resolving the battle, Hobert gave Angus the "Psychic Wine Glass" and asked him to conduct a channeling, and learned about the important stronghold of the Aurora Society.

According to Angus's description, it was a church built on the mountainside.

Hobert also didn’t expect that the Aurora Society would actually build a church on the West Coast!

As Hobert had guessed, there was no decent resistance during the entire raid.

But on the way to the church, there were many corpses hung on javelins. If you look closely, you can see that they have all been skinned.

But on their skinless faces, there was a strange smile, which made everyone shudder.

Hobert believed that the rule of the madmen in the Aurora Society was no better than the devil.

The Extraordinaries in the church at this time seemed to have known that the sneak attack had failed, but they had no intention of escaping. Instead, they prayed devoutly and fanatically in front of the statue, and then rushed towards Angus and the others crazily.

Hobert looked around and saw that there was only one Sequence 5 in the opponent, and he was being besieged by Angus, Helen, and two other Sequence 6s wearing sealed objects.

So Hobert still didn't take action, but looked at the huge inverted cross in the church.

Since there are subordinates here and the subordinates can deal with the situation, there is certainly no need for Hobert to take action.

Forsi also seemed to have received Hobert's signal. He only took out "Lemanno's Magic Book" and did not participate in the battle.

The battle ended quickly, and more than a dozen enemies were killed. Angus channeled again and learned about some other strongholds of the Aurora Society.

Because there are too many strongholds and there are no extraordinary people who are too strong at this time, the special operations department is currently divided into four teams, each carrying out raids.

However, there is no surprise effect at this time. It is an action that can only kill a few people.

Hobert and Forsi stayed at the church, and one Sequence 7 and two Sequence 9 stayed here to protect the lord.

It's said to be protection, but actually it's just to stay here and run errands when the lord needs it.

While everyone was waiting for Archibald to take over, Hobert saw groups of ordinary people gathering at the foot of the mountain, and their eager eyes looking at the church could be felt from far up the mountainside.

Because he already had the experience of taking over territory from the devil, Hobert thought about it and came up with a way to deal with it.

He first stretched out his hand towards the church: "Tampering!"


Hobart "tampered" with the mechanics of the foundations of the tall cathedral, which collapsed immediately.

But the inverted cross in the church pierced the dome and still stood.

Under the rays of the morning light, the cross and the inverted statue on it had a somewhat sacred feel, especially the one-eye of the statue, which was made of precious stones and reflected scarlet light.

"Don't look directly into His eyes." Hobert reminded others: "The evil god is also a god."

Forsi's eyes immediately skipped the other person's eyes and looked at other parts of the statue: This is the image of the true Creator! I had only heard it described as “the sun” before, but this was the first time I had seen it in the real world!

The believers at the foot of the mountain became even more fanatical, almost running up the mountain.

The extraordinary people protecting Hobert were a little panicked. How should they deal with so many enemies, or ordinary people? Can we still kill them all?

"You don't have to worry about anything for a while!" Hobert stood in front of the statue and began to pray while the believers rushed forward.

Seeing that the believers were about to rush in front of Hobert, his three subordinates were even ready to use force to protect the lord. At this moment, a huge sense of oppression appeared in the sky.

Forsi and three members of the special operations department looked behind them, and a tall figure flashing with black light appeared in mid-air.

The figure was sitting on a throne made of sharp swords, wearing armor that emitted black sacred light, and a crown that also emitted sacred light. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the other person's face clearly, and could only see the other person's face flashing. Eyes of black mist!

A huge sense of oppression rushed over, and the complete majesty shocked everyone's hearts!

Several Beyonders around Hobert immediately knelt down. At this moment, they seemed to support this solid figure from the bottom of their hearts and were unwilling to disobey any of his orders.

The aura of majesty lingered around, and the cult believers with fanatical and crazy faces looked at the air in disbelief.

After becoming a demigod, ordinary people can see the image of the "creator" as long as they hold the Black Emperor Card.

The black light is so sacred, and the huge figure is so majestic.

This is the power of gods!

The inverted statue turned its eyes and looked into the air, as if it was casting an extremely evil gaze.

Hobert, who was sitting on the "Iron Throne", sneered slightly, stretched out his hand, and a surge of "power of chaos" came and wrapped around the statue.


The statue of unknown material had cracks and quickly collapsed. The scarlet eyes of the statue lost any light.

The believers seemed to sense something and began to worship the "creator" in mid-air.

At this time, the oppressive feeling like a huge wave in the sky disappeared, and was replaced by the demi-god-level oppressive feeling exuded by Hobert: "God said: You cannot believe in evil gods!

"Today you can see the face of the gods and believe in the true gods! Pray on time and offer sacrifices on time!

“You shall have no other gods but the Creator;

“You shall not make for yourself a graven image;


Hobert preached like a bishop, and even Forsi and the others listened very seriously.

Then, just like last time, Hobart displayed images pointing to the Creator, and these believers were largely converted.

But after Hobert took back his majesty, some believers still jumped out to fight against Hobert who destroyed their idol.

As a result, before they could even reach Hobert, they turned into irrational monsters!

Hobert realized that the people under the rule of the Aurora Society were more seriously polluted than those under the rule of demons, and many people were already monsters in human skin.

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