Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 555 Lilith, the Original Moon and the Mother Tree of Desire

"Hermit" Cattleya frowned slightly: "Insect of Time"? I remember that there was a series of potions called "Insect of Time", but from the meaning of "Emperor", what does "Insect of Time" seem to be?

"Magician" Forsi is a little strange: Why is Hobert looking for ways to get good luck? Also, where did he get so many "worms of time"?

"Emperor" Hobert saw the confusion on Forsi's face and probably understood what she was thinking.

He sighed: every reaction in the Tarot Club from now on, especially things that Forsi didn't know about, he had to think about how to explain to him afterwards.

But then, Hobert thought of a solution once and for all.

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, was stunned for a second or two before thinking: Is the "worm of time" you are talking about the same thing as the "worm of time" I know? That's something only Amon's clone has... That's not right, other demigods in the "Stealer" path should also be able to get the "Insect of Time".

Of course "Justice" Audrey thought of her previous experience with the "Sun" and was deeply impressed by the "Insect of Time". She also never expected that the reward given by Hobert would be the "Insect of Time".

Derrick "The Sun" coughed a few times before asking: "Mr. Emperor, where did your 'Insect of Time' come from?"

Hobert smiled slightly: "Of course from Amon's clone!"

The most surprised person was Forsi: "You, have you met Amon's clone?"

She remembered that the "Insect of Time" has the ability to "parasitize". Wouldn't Hobert have been "parasitized"?

Thinking that a pair of eyes might have been watching her the last few times she was intimate with Hobert, she felt a little shy at first and a little scared at the same time.

But then she thought that if Hobert was parasitized, Mr. Fool would definitely notice it. In addition, he is the favored one of the "Creator". If he is in any danger, the "Creator" should be able to detect it in time.

Fortunately, everyone else was surprised at the origin of the "Insect of Time" and did not notice the urgency in Miss Magician's tone, and the fact that she simply called the "Emperor" "you" instead of Mr. Emperor.

Cattleya asked in disbelief: "Is it the King of Angels, Amon, whom we mentioned when we were trading information before?"

Hobert emphasized: "It's Amon's clone."

Audrey lamented: "The emperor said before that there are clones of Amon in the northern and southern continents, but I didn't take it too seriously.

"I didn't expect those clones to really exist, and members of the Tarot Society had fought against them."

"Little Sun" is more concerned: "Mr. Emperor, how did you kill Amon's clone? If you think the value of this information is too high, I can trade with you for extraordinary materials."

Hobert smiled and said: "My role in this battle is just to draw out the opponent's clone."

Then he said to Derrick: "If someone below a demigod encounters Amon's clone, there is only one solution, run and pray to Mr. Fool at the same time.

"Well, if you can still remember praying to Mr. Fool."

Forsi was completely relieved: it sounded like the "creator" was leading the action, so there was no danger. In this way, it seems that Hobert did say this a few days ago. During a mission, he clearly didn't need to kill people to silence him, but he suddenly had murderous thoughts. Since he didn't explain it clearly at the time, maybe he needed to keep it a secret, so forget it, he won't ask after the party.

Klein behind the gray mist smiled helplessly: Why do you need to pray to “The Fool”? If the "Fool" encounters Amon's clone, he will always pray to the "Creator".

Derrick nodded slowly: "I understand."

Klein: It’s best that you don’t encounter Amon’s clone before The Fool has a way to deal with it.

Audrey was more concerned: "Mr. Emperor, where did you encounter Amon's clone?"

Hobert smiled and replied: "For a long time, there will be no clone of Amon in the Rhosid Islands.

"Oh, that's not necessarily true. There may be some clones of Amon who will investigate why the clones from the Rhoside Islands disappeared."

Alger frowned: Rhoside Islands again? A lot of things have happened in the Rhoside Islands recently! In other words, as long as the loved ones of "The Fool" or "The Creator" are in the Rhoside Islands, something will definitely happen.

Audrey was slightly relieved when she heard that it was not Backlund.

Then she asked: "Amon's true body is in the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'. Why did he send his clones to the northern and southern continents?"

"I heard that Amon has the habit of collecting the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Stealer' path. This may be because he is looking for other Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics." Hobert said: "Of course, it may also be just because it is fun."

Everyone recalled that the "Emperor" said that this king of angels had the title of "God of Mischief".

Klein thought for a moment, then manipulated "The World" and said in a hoarse tone: "I want to ask the person first if he is satisfied with the reward, and then I will give you an answer."

Hobert nodded: "Okay, no problem."

After this special transaction ends, the brief trading session of this Tarot Club ends here.

At the beginning of the exchange session, "Little Sun" said: "I have become a 'notary public' and now have an opportunity to choose a sealed object. What type of sealed object should I choose?"

Alger, who knows the "Sun" path best, said: "Although the 'Notary' will receive a great physical enhancement, it will still be more supportive.

"The ability of valid notarization can be temporarily improved, while the ability of invalid notarization will be weakened or forcibly dispelled. At the same time, the 'notary' is also good at making contracts. Once he signs and approves, Sequence 5 cannot violate it.

"Based on these characteristics, I suggest you choose a sealed object that is good at controlling the target. If not, choose one with strong attack power."

Derrick thanked him sincerely: "Thank you, Mr. Hanged Man."

In his mind, in the entire Tarot Society, the greatest and most respected person is Mr. Fool, the most knowledgeable and admirable person is Mr. Emperor, and the most reliable, kind-hearted, and kind-hearted person is undoubtedly Mr. Hanged. Mr. People.

At this time, Emlyn thought in his heart: This guy has actually reached my level. No, I can't be surpassed by him!

He obtained Mr. Fool's consent and manifested a slender puppet: "Ladies and gentlemen, do any of you know what it is?"

He got that puppet from a primitive moon believer he had just hunted, and he thought it should be an important clue to find other hunting targets!

"This is the 'Moon Messenger'." Cattleya took a few glances and said, "This is very dangerous. It's best to leave it to the higher-ups of your vampire clan."

Then she continued to explain: "It is an extraordinary item made by believers of the 'Primordial Moon' using bloody rituals that lasted for hundreds of years. It is said to be infused with divine power and has weird and terrifying abilities and effects."

Emlyn changed his sitting position and said "Hey": "I met that 'Primordial Moon' believer when I was hunting.

"She's dead and I'm still alive."

Hobert smiled slightly: "I didn't ask you where you got it from, I just told you that it is dangerous!"

Sure enough, Cattleya was slightly stunned and didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

At this time Audrey asked: "Mr. Emperor, how many believers are there in the 'Original Moon'?"

Emlyn glanced at Justice: Why don't you ask me this question?

"I don't remember much." Hobert thought for a while and then said: "And these believers don't seem to have a very strict organization, and most of the members have joined the 'Rose School' and the 'Life School'.

"But I heard that the 'Primordial Moon' believers of the 'School of Life' seemed to have rebelled some time ago."

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, nodded slightly. He also received such news, and also helped the Life School's Destiny Path Councilor to "escort" the "Dice of Probability".

Emlyn added: “There are still some who have not joined any organization.”

Audrey then asked: "Why does this happen?"

She smiled and said: "I think the extraordinary people of this path seem to be scattered. The vampires are the extraordinary people of this path. The followers of the 'Primordial Moon' in the 'Rose School' and the 'Life School' are also extraordinary people of this path."

Emlyn was a little unhappy: "Don't confuse us vampires with the followers of the 'Primordial Moon'. They are all dirty thieves who have stolen the extraordinary characteristics of our vampires!"

"Yes, yes, you are different." Audrey said calmly: "But the Extraordinaries on this path are still very strange. Like Mr. Moon, they believe in the ancient god Lilith. I remember that the 'Rose School' and the 'Life School' adhere to The concepts are also very different.

"They, they don't even sound like they are extraordinary beings of the same path."

Cattleya replied: "It's because they have different beliefs, so they adhere to different concepts."

Audrey smiled and said: "This is exactly what I want to ask next, are there two existences similar to gods appearing in this pathway?"

"Only our ancestor!" Emlyn said with some excitement: "From the beginning to the end, only our ancestor is the 'moon'!"

Derrick almost asked: Mr. Moon, what is your code name? In Tarot Society, aren't you the "moon"?

But because he sensed that something was not right about the atmosphere, he did not ask.

Forsi advised: "Mr. Moon, please don't get excited. We are just having some discussions, nothing else."

Audrey also took great care of "Moon"'s emotions and said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Moon, I'm just curious about why there is such an existence as the original moon in this path besides the ancestor of the blood race?"

"That's because, that's because..." Emlyn suddenly found that he couldn't explain the problem clearly.

Finally, he sighed and said: "The 'Original Moon' must have used some method, just like those artificial vampires stole our extraordinary characteristics and stole the authority of the ancestors."

Cattleya said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Moon, what I say next may make you unhappy, but according to some rumors I heard: the 'original moon' is Lilith pretending to be!"

Emlyn was so angry that he blushed, but because the "Hermit" apologized first, he also knew that this was a discussion, so he took a deep breath to prevent his anger from coming out. He clenched his fists and said:

"Absolutely impossible! How could the ancestor become the faith of those thieves! He, he is the ancestor of the vampire clan!"

The vampires have always regarded the believers of the "Primordial Moon" as their mortal enemies and will never accept that the "Primordial Moon" is the ancestor Lilith.

The other members didn't speak. They didn't think so. After all, it was a god, and it sounded like a god who was not in a good condition.

Who knows if it was because he was in a bad state that he fell in love with bloody sacrifices and eventually became the "Original Moon"?

But Mr. Moon was very sensitive to this issue, and no one continued the discussion in this direction.

Klein, who emerged from the gray mist, even wondered whether the "Primordial Moon" was the goddess of the night in disguise? But in his heart, he didn't want to admit that the goddess of the night actually liked blood sacrifices.

"Little Sun" felt that "Moon" at this time was very much like his former self, and he could not bear to hear others say bad things about the "Omniscient and Almighty Lord".

At this time, Hobert, who had not participated in this topic and had been thinking about it, suddenly said: "Everyone, I just thought that based on some intelligence I have heard and information I accidentally obtained in some operations, I can roughly Let me help you sort out the issues regarding the 'Moon' pathway."

The other members looked at the "Emperor" together, and Audrey almost immediately raised her hand and said: "I want to initiate a transaction."

Emlyn followed closely: "I also want to initiate a transaction."

"Don't be anxious." Hobert smiled: "This transaction involves a lot of scattered but high-level information. Let me think about it and price it at 4,000 pounds!

"But one thing I want to explain in advance is that I will not have any description about the uniqueness of the 'Moon' pathway, nor will I answer any related questions!"

Audrey said: "I will pay 1,000 pounds!"

"I'll also pay 1,000 pounds!" Emlyn followed closely.

Klein secretly said it was a pity. Originally, he wanted to know more about the relationship between the goddess and the uniqueness of the "moon" path.

But he was still willing to pay 400 pounds to listen to the "Emperor" sort out this seemingly confusing path.

Fors was also willing to pay 400 pounds to listen to the answer, but then she thought: I don't have to go to so much trouble later, can I just give the 400 pounds to Hobert? No, do I still need to give it to him?

Cattleya also paid 400 pounds. She realized that according to the "Emperor's" pricing habits, if he had very complete information, he would usually price it at 5,000 pounds. This time he asked for 4,000 pounds, which only meant that the information was not very complete. What's missing is the uniqueness of the "Moon" path?

Crowdfunding was quickly achieved, Alger also contributed 400 pounds, and the little sun was two extraordinary materials of sequence 8 levels.

"Let's start with the 'Ancestor Lilith' that Mr. Moon is most concerned about." Hobert said: "We talked about it before when we were conducting transactions related to the ancient gods. According to some clues, the ancient god Lilith was once there. He fell in a divine battle of the Second Age."

Emlyn immediately said: "But our vampires can still receive the inspiration from our ancestors!"

"I know, please listen to me first." Hobert smiled and said: "According to the existing intelligence, the ancient god Lilith did survive in a strange way. The specific reason is unknown."

I can't say exactly now.

In order to cover up the truth and divert everyone's attention, Hobert came up with a good idea: "The ancient god Lilith may have retained a Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic, and she has been using this extraordinary characteristic to give some instructions to the vampires.

"But because He may be sleeping most of the time, for the vampires, they only know that the ancestor is still alive, but they don't know the current state of the ancestor, and can only occasionally get revelations from the ancestor.

"Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it is a Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic that has the spirit of the ancient god Lilith, which can automatically respond to the prayers and sacrifices of the vampires.

"I just think the first option is a little bit more likely."

No one should be allowed to associate Lilith with the Earth Mother, not even members of the Tarot Society.

Regarding the future divine war, Hobert is still on the side of the Goddess and the Mother Goddess, so he must not reveal any relevant information about their secret plans at this time.

However, in line with the principle of honest trading in the Tarot Club, the information given by Hobert is not all groundless. When Lilith gives some instructions to the vampires, she always needs a certain way.

Could this path be the extraordinary characteristic of the "Moon" path?

It's just that Hobert only told part of what he knew on this issue, not all the information.

"Moon" Emlyn immediately nodded and said: "I think it must be the first guess. Now that the ancestor has discovered the opportunity to restore his strength and fully awaken, he has issued a revelation and let me enter the Tarot Club, allowing me to obtain more powerful powers. Strength, so as to help the vampires survive the crisis in the future and completely awaken the ancestor."

Cattleya was slightly startled: I didn’t expect Mr. Moon to join the Tarot Club after receiving the inspiration from the ancestor of the blood race. But the problem is that "Moon" is a divine servant of the Church of the Mother Earth. Why would Lilith feel comfortable taking on this mission? Leave it to him?

Alger only found out the inside story today: Could this involve another transaction between gods? Just like the "Emperor", the "Moon" is the link between Mr. Fool and Lilith?

He glanced at the "moon" on one side: Is there no one left in the vampire clan? This guy doesn't seem to be very reliable!

Audrey, who also only learned this today, nodded slightly: No wonder Mr. Moon is so proud. It turns out that he was the person chosen by the ancestor of the blood clan.

Klein shook his head helplessly: As long as the Fool knows about this kind of thing, why are you announcing it to other members?

Then he thought again: I prefer the second guess. Lilith has already died in the previous battle between gods, but I don’t know who picked up the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics that have the remnants of Lilith’s spirit, and has been using that extraordinary thing. Characteristics or sealed objects affect vampires and achieve some of their own ulterior secrets. It is not even ruled out that this person is the goddess of the night, directly using the uniqueness of the "moon" path to influence the vampires.

Hobert continued: "The Vampires are a special group in the 'Moon' path. Apart from drinking blood, they are pretty normal. At least I rarely hear of cruel and murderous Vampires.

"Some of them use the convenience of doctors to obtain blood, and some use institutions that donate blood to obtain blood. Extreme cases of killing humans rarely occur."

"Mr. Emperor knows the Vampires very well!" Emlyn liked to hear this: "The noble Vampires don't bother to fight with the strong and bully the weak. Only those artificial vampires will hunt and kill humans in order to play the role of 'vampires'. "

The "Emperor"'s answer made all the depression that had accumulated in his heart disappear. He couldn't help but grab the "Emperor"'s hand beside him: "Mr. Emperor, you are definitely a friend of the vampire clan. If you have If you need help with anything, just ask us.”

Hobert smiled and pointedly said: "We actually help each other."

He said: “Because now many believers of the ‘Primordial Moon’ have gathered in the ‘Rose School’.

"And combating the 'Rose School' is our important task in the future."

Hobert withdrew his hand: "Let's talk about the 'primordial moon' again. I don't know if you still remember. I said before that the 'moon' path is very special. This path is not only unique, but also unique. entity.

"The Crimson Moon is equivalent to a concrete manifestation of this path. When talking about uniqueness, I also put forward such a theory.

“Although uniqueness can control the natural forces in a certain category and is, to a certain extent, an abstract expression of the natural forces in that category, uniqueness cannot be equated with that part of the natural forces.

"Just like the 'Lord of Storms' can call for wind and rain, and can even transform into thunder and lightning, but he is not the thunder and lightning itself. Thunder and lightning are just a tool that he uses his uniqueness to control.

"Similarly, the same is true for the 'Moon' pathway. If someone occupies the Crimson Moon, can the entity of this pathway also affect the Beyonders of the 'Moon' pathway?

"Just like if someone can create thunder and lightning in the clouds, has he obtained part of the power of the 'Sailor' path to another extent? And will it have a certain impact on the Extraordinary who happens to use thunder and lightning?"

Emlyn sat up straight: "You, you mean there is someone now, no, I mean, there is an evil god occupying the Crimson Moon!

"Oh my god, our vampire viscounts must study the moon seriously in order to gain power! Then they, they..."

Aren't they all contaminated?

Hobert replied: "He does not have the uniqueness of this path. Although he occupies the crimson moon, it cannot fully represent the abstract, or it cannot fully represent the moon in mysticism.

"So if you just study the moon, there is only a certain probability that it will be contaminated."

Emlyn breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good."

But others raised their voices. First, Klein manipulated the "world" to ask: "The 'god above' who occupies the crimson moon is the 'primordial moon'?"

"It can be understood this way." Hobert concealed something more: "For some unknown reasons, he has a very strong affinity with the 'moon' path, so he can occupy the crimson moon and stare maliciously at the north and south continents. Extraordinary ones.”

The value of information supporting the relevant channels in the past was too high, so Hobert could only write it off as "unknown reasons."

Before this, Klein had only communicated this matter with Hobert alone, so the other members were not aware of what happened on the Crimson Moon.

After hearing Mr. World's question, Cattleya was the first to react: "Did the 'Original Moon' pollute 'Mr. Door'? Is the 'Original Moon' a 'god above'?"

Hobert affirmed again: "Yes."

But he gave no further explanation.

A picture suddenly appeared in Audrey's mind. An ugly monster was lying on the moon. Its tentacles penetrated deep into the moon, constantly absorbing nutrients from the moon. And keep a close eye on the northern and southern continents, contaminating some unlucky Beyonders whenever there is an opportunity.

Forsi also had a similar conjecture, and at the same time she thought: Did Hobert get all this information from the "creator"? Does the "creator" also have a communication gathering similar to the Tarot Club?

"Little Sun" is more concerned: "Mr. Emperor, 'Beyond the Gods' occupies the Crimson Moon. Does it have any impact on the 'Land Abandoned by Gods'?"

"Silver City seems to have not been affected, right?" Hobert said: "But the population of the 'Land Abandoned by God' is too scattered. Silver City has not been affected, and it is not necessarily that other surviving cities have not been affected."

Derrick nodded. For now, it will be fine as long as Silver City is not affected accordingly.

Hobert continued: “Let’s talk about why it is difficult for the believers of the ‘Primordial Moon’ to form a unified organization.

"This is because someone has been interfering with the 'Original Moon'!"

Emlyn sat forward and asked, "Is he our ancestor?"

"No, it's the 'Mother Tree of Desire'!" Hobert is also reminding everyone: pay attention to the "Mother Tree of Desire".

Cattleya was slightly startled: "The Mother Tree of Desire?"

Of course she had heard of the "Mother Tree of Desire" and knew that it was an evil god, but in her opinion, the power of this evil god did not seem to be very powerful, just slightly stronger than the wild gods of the Rhoside Islands.

Alger also knew that this was an evil god, but he did not know the specific information. Therefore, in his mind, this evil god had always been classified into the same category as the original witch and the true creator. In terms of power, it seemed to be stronger than These two relatively active evil gods are one level lower.

Only Klein knows that the "Mother Tree of Desire" is an old person, and he is the only one who has encountered the Celestial Sect that believes in the "Mother Tree of Desire".

Emlyn had only heard of the "Godly Sin" Si'a, and did not know that there was a "Mother Tree of Desire" behind Si'a.

This was the first time for other members to hear the name "Mother Tree of Desire".

Audrey asked curiously: "Mr. Emperor, is the 'Mother Tree of Desire' also an evil god?"

Hobert replied: "To be precise, this is a 'god above'."

Audrey was a little surprised: "There is more than one 'above the gods'?"

"Yes." Hobert answered in the affirmative.

Alger asked a question that had been in his mind for a long time: "Why don't these 'gods above' seem very strong? In other words, why do they have very limited influence on the real world?"

Hobert simply replied: "That issue is not part of this transaction."

Klein, who had the same question, was a little disappointed. At the same time, he also realized: There must be a huge secret in this! Maybe a higher level of gaming?

Cattleya asked: "Is the power of the 'Mother Tree of Desire' displayed in the real world very limited?"

This question can be answered, Hobert said: "For now, yes."

Klein, Cattleya and others, excluding the members of Little Sun and Emlyn, all clearly understood the key point, which was "for now", and it was not certain what would happen in the future.

Hobert continued: "During an operation, I met an ancient god who is still alive today..."

Emlyn was about to ask: Is he our ancestor?

But then, he felt that it shouldn't be the case. The reason was very simple: I was the person chosen by the ancestor, and I had no chance to meet the ancestor. How could I meet the "Emperor", a favored person of the "Creator"?

"...After completing the affairs assigned by the ancient god, I received information from him. There is a Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristic of the 'Moon' pathway, which was obtained by the 'Mother Tree of Desire'." What Hobert said That ancient god is, of course, the "Demon King" Fabuti.

He paused and then added: "So the 'Mother Tree of Desire' can show some characteristics of the 'Moon' pathway, high-sequence extraordinary beings."

The other members fell into surprise and contemplation. They were surprised that the "Emperor" could have such an adventure. They had always thought that the information about the "Emperor" was obtained from the family, or from the "creator" .

Looking back now, in fact, the "Emperor" has said many times before that some information was obtained from some explorations or some of his actions.

In other words, some information is hard-won.

As for the differences in their reflections, Klein recalled that in addition to the strong desire shown, the "Mother Tree of Desire" does seem to have fertility characteristics.

"General, I want to have a child with you."

Klein took a deep breath, these words were still deeply imprinted in his mind.

Alger and Cattleya felt that the relevant information about the "Mother Tree of Desire" in their organization needed to be rewritten.

Emlyn was the first to react and asked: "Mr. Emperor, is there any way to regain the extraordinary properties of that Sequence 1 piece?"

Hobert opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know how to answer: Wasn't what I just said clear enough? Those were the old days, what a piece of shit you could get back!

"I have no choice." Hobert said simply, and then he pointed out: "This is a matter between gods."

Emlyn understood the "Emperor's" hint this time and looked up at the top of the long bronze table, but he just opened his mouth but didn't ask anything.

The reason was simple. He suddenly realized that he was too weak. Even if "The Fool" gave him a way, he would still be unable to do it.

If he asked the "Fool" for help, he realized that he was not strong enough at the moment, and might have to ask the First Ancestor himself to ask the Fool for help.

When everyone saw the "moon", they didn't ask anything and just continued the topic.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief after the gray mist. He was about to use the magic stick's usual method to cover it up again. It was best that "Moon" didn't ask.

Forsi then asked: "You...Mr. Emperor, which ancient god did you get this information from?"

Hobert took a deep breath and replied: "'Demon Lord' Farbuti."

The other members looked at each other and were not very impressed by this ancient god. Especially after the Second Age, there seemed to be no information about this ancient god.

Klein then controlled "The World" and said: "How did the 'Mother Tree of Desire' obtain the extraordinary characteristics of the 'Moon' Path Sequence 1?"

Hobert thought for a while, and this question can also be answered: "In the battle between the gods when the ancient god Lilith fell in the second era, the subordinate gods present all benefited a lot.

"Among them, the 'God of Spiritual Things', later known as the 'Bound God' Torzner, obtained the uniqueness of this pathway and the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1. At the same time, he also obtained a copy of the sequence of the 'Moon' pathway 1Extraordinary characteristics.

"After the war between gods, Torzner sacrificed the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics of the 'Moon' path to the 'Mother Tree of Desire'."

The other members did not have a deep impression of the "Bound God", but they remembered that when they traded information about the "Redemption Rose" with the "Emperor", the "Bound God" was also the "Redemption Rose" "The first members.

This should also be a god who has witnessed many historical events, but why haven’t we heard anything about him since?

Cattleya then asked: "Why did Torzner do this?"

"It is said that he was secretly contaminated." Hobert said: "Or for him, this is a transaction, from which he obtained the uniqueness of this path and the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 1.

"He only needs to pick it up during battle and sacrifice it in a special way."

Hobert guessed that what the "Mother Tree of Desire" wanted most at that time was the Sequence 1 extraordinary characteristics of the "Bound One" path, but as long as Torzner still had some sense, it was impossible to give him the extraordinary characteristics he needed. Sacrifice to the "Mother Tree of Desire".

This surprised everyone, and Audrey even sighed: "It seems that there are many people or gods who have been contaminated by the 'gods above'!"

Hobert said "hmm", but also did not give any more explanation, but continued: "It is precisely because the 'Mother Tree of Desire' is interfering with the 'Primordial Moon' by using the extraordinary characteristics in its hands, so the 'Primordial Moon' 'The believer will appear to have little centripetalism.

“Because the gods they worship may be the ‘Primordial Moon’ for one moment, and the ‘Mother Tree of Desire’ for another.

"Some of the 'oracles' they received were also contradictory. The believers received different orders or were affected by different influences, so they were full of internal contradictions.

"The recent betrayal of the 'Primordial Moon' believers of the 'School of Life' is probably another wrestling match between the two of them, because the betrayed believers have all joined the 'Rose School of Thought'."

Everyone has reacted, why is the "Rose School" involved again?

But when they thought about some of the information previously announced by the "Emperor", they understood again. Audrey asked as if seeking confirmation: "The 'Rose School' is closely related to the 'Mother Tree of Desire'?"

Hobert nodded: "Yes."

It was only at this time that everyone realized that the "Emperor"'s transaction had not been explained in detail in many places.

But this is understandable. After all, this information has far exceeded the value of 4,000 pounds. If explained in detail, this transaction will be completely unfair.

Hobert finally concluded: "That's why the Extraordinaries of the 'Moon' path will have such an obvious sense of detachment, because the gods that influence them are: the ancient god Lilith, the 'Primordial Moon', and the 'Mother Tree of Desire'. "

As usual, after every transaction, the hall fell into silence. Even Emlyn did not expect that there were so many secrets hidden behind the conflicts between the vampires and the "Original Moon" believers.

After more than ten seconds, Alger cleared his throat and said, "Recently, I went to Bayam."

Everyone's attention was focused on him. Alger smiled and said: "On the outskirts of Bayam, there is a mountain peak that is cut off in the middle."

The other members were stunned for a moment, and then recalled that just half a month ago, Gehrman Sparrow escaped from Bayam and triggered a battle between the saint level and the angel level!

At that time, Cattleya had imagined what a battle at the angel level would be like. At that time, she found that she could not imagine it at all. Now she finally realized how intense the battle at the angel level could be.

Then the other members looked at the "Emperor" again.

Hobert smiled and said: "That is indeed the impact of the previous battle."

At this time, a concept appeared in everyone's mind almost at the same time: at the level of angels, the battle between them can already change the terrain of a small area.

Then Klein manipulated the "world" and asked the "Emperor": "In what aspects does 'Beyond God's influence on the real world mainly focus?"

Of course he also knows that the value of this question is actually quite high, but if the "Emperor" is willing to answer it for free during the free communication stage, that would be great and can save a lot of money.

That's why he asked this question during the free communication stage. Even if the "Emperor" charges a fee, it doesn't matter. The previous question was equivalent to a warm-up, which aroused everyone's strong interest in "Beyond the Gods".

Klein estimates that even if there is a fee, everyone will start crowdfunding immediately.

Hobert did not answer the question immediately, but thought about it for a moment before saying: "Looking back, I have indeed come into contact with some of the effects of 'above gods' on the real world. Speaking of which, the value of this information is quite high.

"But in order for you to take precautions, for 1,000 pounds, I will tell you all the effects that I know for sure, so as to prevent you from being contaminated invisibly."

Everyone expressed their gratitude to the emperor. During the crowdfunding, everyone found that if they wanted to share the cost equally, there was no way for six people to share it. If some pay more than others, it will take dozens of pounds to calculate.

So simply, each of the three ladies paid 300 pounds, and the "world" that asked the question only had to pay 100 pounds, and other members could listen to it for free.

While Klein was very satisfied with the result, he once again lamented that the ladies of the Tarot Club are rich!

After seeing the crowdfunding end, Hobert began to say: "First of all, please be careful not to look up at the stars casually in the future!

“Because the ‘gods above’ are all in the starry sky, you don’t know what you will see inadvertently when you look up.

"Although the probability of being affected is extremely small at present, it is not impossible."

Everyone was stunned. Unexpectedly, the first note mentioned by the "Emperor" made them feel a little unable to react for a while.

The starry sky at night has always been above everyone's head, and no one had felt any danger from it before.

Klein, who was behind the gray mist, smiled slightly: I don't have such trouble now, because I can't see the stars at all in Backlund.

Thanks to [Passing Swordsman Tower] for the reward.

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