Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 559 Hobert’s biological mother

Forsi saw the increasingly prosperous streets. People in this city seemed to have witnessed Hobert's growth. They regarded her as a countess. In the future, she would still be the lord's wife on Longtail Island. As long as Without Hobert, she was just like the head of state.

From these things, Forsi could completely feel the respect that Hobert had for her.

This made Forsi feel better and better: This is enough!

As soon as she adjusted her mentality, she met a man in his fifties with good facial features and dark eyes who called himself Spike.

Forsi smiled and asked, "Did you encounter any problems in the scenic spot?"

Spike looked at Forsi: "I just think you look familiar."

Forsi originally thought the other party was joking, but suddenly she remembered that the tainted angel of the Antigonus family was named Spike Antigonus!

It couldn't be that he met me by chance!

Although Miss Justice helped everyone "forget" the memory of "Beyond the Gods" at that time, other memories were preserved. Forsi still remembered the contaminated "door" through the angel, but she didn't remember who it was. Just polluted.

At that moment, Forsi smiled calmly and said, "Sorry, I don't remember seeing you before!"

Spike frowned: "Your mood has changed drastically. You know me, right? I, my memory of the past is... a little blurry."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense!

"Spike!" A female voice interrupted the increasingly tense atmosphere.

Forsi looked over and suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. It was Ms. April.

Seeing April, Spike's frown deepened: "Aren't you going to see your son?"

Aipuli sneered: "You don't have to worry about it!"

After saying this, she pulled Forsi away.

Spike stood motionless, watching them leave.

After walking a little further, Forsi asked: "Madam, is that..."

"Don't ask." April said, "That person is very dangerous."

The two of them quickly returned to the Lord's Mansion without saying a word the whole way.

When they arrived at the living room of the Lord's Mansion, Forsi realized that April seemed to be worried: "Madam?"

Aprile glanced at Forsi half-heartedly, and then tried her best to remain calm and smile: "Child, go and ask Hobert to come. I have something to ask him for."

"Okay!" Forsi realized at this time that Ms. Apple should talk to Hobert about something very important.

After Forsi left, April's whole body began to tremble, especially her left hand, which was shaking so violently that it seemed as if it was about to break free from her body.

"...Great Mother Goddess, please give me a little more time...Give me a little more time..." April prayed: "Let me see him again...Mother's love will bring me closer to you...

"The great mother goddess..."

I wonder if April's prayer had an effect, and her trembling gradually became less severe.

It wasn't until she recovered and took a breath that Hobert and Forsi came in from the outside.

Hobert came in from outside and said with a smile: "Ms. April, long time no see."

Apple looked at Hobert and said weakly: "My child, you are more energetic than before."

Hobert smiled, guessing that she might have realized that he had been promoted to a demigod.

"I've been wanting to come and see you all this time, but there are always various things that hinder my schedule." April said with a smile: "Human life is so short, and I always feel that there is not enough time."

As she spoke, she took off a ring from her hand, handed it to Forsi, and sternly warned: "Never go to the starry sky in the future."

Forsi declined: "Madam, you have given me a precious gift."

"No, the meaning of this gift is different." Apple smiled and said, "Can I talk to Hobert alone?"

Hobert looked at April for a while and then said to Forsi: "Take it."

Forsi nodded, accepted the ring and said, "You guys chat."

She was somewhat worried about April, but she quickly left the living room.

After Forsi left, April said: "This is a good girl, don't let her down."

"Of course." Hobert smiled and said, "Please sit down."

April sighed: "I won't sit down anymore. I have been sitting for a long, long time."

She suddenly looked at Hobert: "Child, you already know who I am, right?"

Hobert was obviously stunned. He had indeed guessed that April was his biological mother, but what surprised him was: Are you here to recognize your relative today?

April followed: "I am about to face a huge test, and I am not completely sure of this test."

She stretched out her slightly trembling left hand: "My condition has not been very good recently, and I may have lost control during that test."

Hobert considered it for a moment before saying, "Yes, I know who you are."

"Awesome, as smart as your father." Apple smiled and said, "No, smarter than your father."

She stretched out her normal right hand and raised her head to hold Hobert's cheek: "In a blink of an eye, you have grown so big, and it is my biggest regret not to be by your side.

"But it was because of you that I made it through so many difficult choices.

"Every time I think of you, I feel like I have infinite power."

As she spoke, her eyes gradually dimmed, and she slowly retracted her hand: "The reason why I try to stay away from you is because I was bewitched by an evil god.

"When I found out, it was already too late. I couldn't bring those evil things to you."

Hobert sighed. At this time, he could feel the strong motherly love for him from the lady in front of him.

"It's great to see you grow up safely." Apple took two steps back and took off her bracelet: "If I die, this bracelet will provide you with coordinates.

"There is all my research on resurrecting your father. It is just one step away. I have entered the underworld many times, but I have never found your father's soul.

"I have tried a lot of ritual magic but it has no effect. You can continue the research there, or you can abandon it completely."

Hobert opened his mouth, but accepted it.

Apple looked at Hobert again: "Your father and I have experienced some hardships, and we have also had very happy times.

"But his death hit me so hard that I didn't realize immediately that you were the best gift the gods gave us."

With regret in her eyes, Apple suddenly turned her head and left quickly and resolutely.

"Wait a minute." Hobert took a deep breath: "You have given us so many gifts, I should have a gift in return."

After saying this, he took off the tip of his cane and turned it into a palm-sized black ring-shaped jade pendant. There were two simple patterns on it, one was a vase and the other was a quail.

Hobert handed the jade pendant made of "Order Crystal" to April: "This is a magical item that can keep people in good condition. I hope you can always keep it with you.

"The two patterns on it have the meaning of 'peace'."

It's just that only Hobert can understand this meaning.

This was not a decision he made on a whim. First of all, Hobert felt the taste of family affection in her body.

This can be seen from the magical items she prepared for Hobert, which definitely took a lot of thought.

This reminded Hobert of his mother in the AD era, and thoughts and sentiments almost came to his heart at the same time.

At the same time, Hobert felt that she seemed to be fighting hard against something. No matter what she was fighting against, he felt that he could not ignore it.

Of course, such a decision is also risky, as it may make Apple's enemies realize where the "creator"'s power comes from.

But because of the anti-divination properties of the "Order Crystal", there is no need to worry about using it to divine Hobert's own location or anything about the "Land of Disorder".

You only need to take back the power in this "order crystal" after realizing that something happened to April, and you can eliminate the risk.

Hobert almost weighed it a little and decided to take the risk to help Apple.

Apple obviously didn't expect to receive a return gift from Hobert. She smiled and said, "Then I'll accept it."

She decided to use the ritual to completely cut off the connection between Hobert and the jade pendant after she returned, so as not to bring danger to Hobert.

But she may not have imagined that unless Hobert had a clear intention, ritual magic would not be able to cut off the connection between them.

Hobert looked at April's happy look and thought again of the scene when he bought a gift for his mother when he received his first month's salary.

So he smiled and said: "Mother."

April seemed to be greatly shocked: "You, you scream again."


"Hahaha!" Aprili said with tears in her eyes, "I..."

For a moment, she seemed unable to express her feelings at this moment in words.

At the same time, Hobert felt that Apple's whole temperament had changed, as if she suddenly turned into a majestic lioness!

April wiped away her tears, gradually recovered from her excitement, and looked at Hobert with a kind face: "My child, keep the magical item of the 'Tiller' path that I gave you!"

Just as Hobert was about to ask what was so special about that magical item, April added: "Don't worry about Spike, he is watching me. As long as I leave, he will leave with him."

After saying that, she also disappeared.

Hobert stood there stunned for more than ten seconds. He called "Mother" and her state changed drastically?

After a while, Hobert went out to find Forsi.

Forsi asked: "Ms. April has left?"

Hobert nodded.

"The ring she gave me has the ability to regenerate." Forsi said: "As long as you don't die immediately, no matter how serious the injury is, you can recover quickly.

"This, this is too expensive."

Hobert smiled slightly, and when he saw no one was around, he whispered in Forsi's ear: "That's my biological mother."

Forsi didn't seem surprised by this: "That's too expensive."

In the next few days, Hobert was still a little worried about April's safety.

However, he had not received a signal from the "Order Crystal", and he was also very busy. Gradually, these worries were temporarily put aside.

The order on Long Tail Island is very stable, and Backlund's life has returned to its original dullness and tastelessness. Even the new Tarot Club has no new transactions or gains.

Hobert also went to the Southern Continent and brought the Beyonder team formed by the Balk family to Jeffrey City. Captain Dunn gave them official Beyonder-related training.

After arranging these things, Hobert had time to call Helen, who had been promoted to the "Pain Witch": "Tell Jonathan that I have something to talk to him about."

It is time to discuss the splitting up of the Gnosis Society.

Helen asked Hobert with dazzling eyes: "Don't you see any difference between me and before?"

Hobert smiled: "I know, you are now the 'Pain Witch'."

The smile on Helen's face disappeared: "I will tell President Jonathan right now."

In fact, her dressing style has changed tremendously. Her dressing style before was mainly sexy, but now she doesn't need to dress like that at all. Even though she dresses very conservatively, every move she makes is charming.

Dressing conservatively only makes people think more.

But Hobert, who also had a certain degree of "charm" ability, seemed to have cut off all her attractions.

On the contrary, Hobert is still wondering: He has been promoted to Sequence 5, so forget it if he is unhappy, why should he be angry?

Hobert was waiting for Jonathan in the study room of the newly rebuilt Lord's Mansion. More than an hour passed. The space in the study room suddenly became illusory, and Jonathan seemed to have walked out of another world: "I heard you were looking for me."

Hobert stretched out his hand: "Please sit down."

He paused and then said: "Please use the ability of 'Keeping Secrets'!"

Jonathan seemed to realize something and nodded: "No problem."

The entire study suddenly became illusory, as if it had opened up an independent space.

After Jonathan sat down, Hobert poured him a cup of tea himself: "The 'Creator' has promised to accept you."

Jonathan smiled and said: "That's great!"

"But before that, there are some things that need to be explained in advance."

"you say."

Hobert looked at Jonathan: "The 'Creator' promised to provide you with shelter during the full moon and blood moon to prevent the curse from invading you.

"The 'Founder' will also protect you and stop the attack from the Witch Church, but it will not protect other troubles you cause.

"Of course, there are conditions for this kind of asylum. If necessary, you have to fight for the 'founder'. What I can assure you is that we will not be given combat missions that exceed your capabilities.

"And there must be a 20-person Beyonder team, composed of at least 1 Sequence 5, 4 Sequence 6, and 6 Sequence 7, to obey my orders.

"If someone dies in the line of duty, you have to make supplements. The compensation standards will be the current compensation standards, but you will have no right to interfere in any affairs related to this team in the future.

"Unless others are assigned combat missions by the 'creator', you are usually completely free."

Jonathan couldn't believe it, this condition was very generous!

At least it's better than now, when the entire Gnosis Society has to take orders from the Witch Church!

"There is another request." Hobert said: "You must nominate a young man to help me manage the Kingdom of God of the 'Creator'.

"There are no requirements for sequence or gender, only loyalty to the 'creator'."

Jonathan was slightly startled: I wonder if the "creator" likes the witch?

He cleared his throat before saying: "These conditions are all acceptable."

Hobert smiled and said: "The following are my personal requirements, because in the battle to stop the Witch Church Angels and below, I am basically the one who organizes the relevant personnel to participate in the battle.

"I need your promise that in all battles against the Witch Church, you have no right to join in dividing the spoils.

"But you can exchange for corresponding trophies by completing some tasks or making corresponding contributions."

Jonathan asked: "If some of our personnel die in the line of duty, can we get their extraordinary characteristics back?"

"Yes, I will also ask angels to help you crush their extraordinary characteristics."

Jonathan nodded: "That's no problem."

Hobert smiled and said: "Then let's agree on the next blood moon operation. Then you will pray to the 'creator' together, and the 'creator' will help you stop the blood moon's nonsense.

"The 'Original Witch' will definitely notice something is wrong at this time, but before the Witch Church can react, you must take action immediately."

"I need some time to prepare." Jonathan said, "I will contact you when I am ready."

"no problem."

After talking about the business, the two of them had no time to chat, so Jonathan left immediately.

After Hobert reconsidered the matter, he returned to Backlund and went to the dance honestly.

It was now the end of April, and the dance parties were no longer so frequent, but they still maintained two events every three days.

This dance was still the same. When the dance was about to end, Hobert blinked at Audrey several times. This was the code they had agreed on before, indicating that the two of them had made an appointment to go out for barbecue together at night last week. Planned to do so tonight.

So after the dance, Audrey followed her parents home and rested as usual, acting normal.

When the servants left, Audrey sat up suddenly again.

Susie on the carpet yawned: "Audrey, are you going out again?"

"Yes!" Audrey smiled, went to her dressing room, and found the long skirt and hat she had prepared in advance.

This was something she bought through her personal maid, Anne, by hinting in her heart.

Anne didn't notice anything wrong. In her opinion, she just got a reward from Miss Audrey, so she took the time to go out and buy a skirt, hat, and shoes.

It's just that she bought two of each item, and she didn't remember much about it later.

After putting on a long dress, Audrey learned from Anne and combed her hair into a very ordinary-looking bun. As soon as she finished combing her hair, she heard a knock on the door. Audrey smiled and said: "Audience!"

"What audience?"

Audrey opened her mouth, it was her mother.

She was so focused on combing her hair that she didn't have time to distinguish the footsteps.

Audrey quickly ran to the bed, threw her hat on the carpet, and scattered her hair as she ran.

Caitlin outside asked: "Audrey?"

"Come in, Mom!" Audrey sighed in her heart. She was not very ladylike when she ran just now. Fortunately, the etiquette teacher was not present.

Caitlin opened the door: "Honey, are you asleep?"

"I was just about to fall asleep." Audrey smiled.

"Did you just say 'audience'?"

"Did I?" Audrey used psychological hints to ask her mother not to pay attention to her skirt, and smiled: "Maybe I'm talking in my sleep.

"I was half asleep and watching a show just now."

Caitlin didn't think much about it: "I suddenly remembered something very important..."

Audrey was very nervous after listening to the very important things her mother said. She was afraid that she would think of the knock on the door again!

Finally, after her mother finished speaking, Audrey expressed that she was very sleepy. Caitlin kissed Audrey on the forehead and said good night before leaving.

Audrey's palms were already sweating nervously. It was hard to imagine what the consequences would be if Hobert knocked on the door and gave the secret code during the conversation with his mother just now.

"I suddenly realized that taking you out to play is a very dangerous thing!" The door of the cloakroom was pushed open, and Hobert came out and said, "Sorry, I came in without knocking. It was indeed not a knock just now." It’s a good time to open the door, and it’s easy to spot if you keep standing in the hallway.”

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief: "Hobert, fortunately you didn't knock on the door just now."

"Don't underestimate the insight of an intelligence officer," Hobert joked.

In fact, don't underestimate the insight of a demigod.

Audrey realized that she was lying on the bed, and her posture in front of men was a bit unladylike. She quickly got up, straightened her skirt, and went to comb her hair again.

Hopper went too far, trying hard to pretend he didn't notice Audrey's alluring look with disheveled hair and messy clothes: "This dress suits you very well."

"Thank you." Audrey smiled and said, "Should we go out after midnight in the future?"

Hobert smiled: "After midnight, the night market will be closed.

“Well, how about finding an opportunity to go out during the day, let me think about it, and just say go visit the research I invested in?

"After the carriage left the city, our appearance changed, and we used 'travel' to return to Backlund. We can take the taxi to visit more places."

Audrey's eyes lit up: "What a great idea!"

If it comes to visiting Hobert's research project, my father and mother will definitely not stop it.

"Okay, that's for the future." Hobert extended a hand very gentlemanly: "Can we set off?"

Audrey changed her appearance, picked up the hat and put it on: "Of course!"

When she held Hobert's hand, she seemed to suddenly remember something: "Susie, I will bring you supper."

As they spoke, the two people disappeared.

Susie looked at the place where the two people disappeared: "Actually, you can take me with you."

When they came to the night market again, they first visited the jewelry area that Audrey was obsessed with. Audrey found that this time visiting the night market was far less novel than the last time.

After wandering around for a while, the two of them found a corner, and Hobert used "travel" again to take her to a villa in the suburbs.

After leaving Backlund, Audrey discovered that the moonlight was very good today.

Under the bright moonlight, she saw the surrounding countryside: "Where is this?"

"This is a villa that I rented. I won't tell you where it is." Hobert smiled and said, "Go and take out the meat and vegetables that are skewered in the house. I will light the fire."

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