Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 564 The Joint Action of the Emperor, the World and the Hanged Man

Audrey knew from the look on Hobert's face that the Backlund Morning News might be writing a report again.

As for the reason, she probably just thought of it. She wanted to use Hobert's "heroic deeds" to cover up the fact that this diplomatic activity failed.

Hobert quickly asked Dophis to get him a copy of the "Backlund Morning News" and took a look at what he had done.

At the same time, he said in his heart: These people are too unprofessional. They didn't say hello or ask for my opinion when editing. Maybe I can help them with ideas or something! Bragging, we are professionals!

"The content is basically true." Hobert said after reading the report about himself: "But those spies are actually Extraordinaries from the enemy country, and the so-called gun battle is actually a battle between Extraordinaries."

He smiled at Gray Linte and said, "Ah, and this part that touches you is that it was actually Princess Alice who made the choice, not me."

Hobert was quite surprised at that time. He didn't expect that a person who was almost assassinated by the royal family and the Witch Church could still choose to take risks to safeguard national interests in such a situation.

So at that time, Hobert didn't even try to persuade her, nor did he use his power as a demigod to do whatever he wanted, and ignored Alice's choice, but chose to help her.

Gray Linte was slightly startled when he heard Hobert's words, and finally smiled helplessly.

Then Hobert talked to Gray Lint about hiring a group of noble children again.

Hobert had already seen a batch of briefings sent by Fors last night on Longtail Island and the South Colson area during this period, including Corwin's report.

He mentioned in the report that the aristocratic children who accepted the "transformation" could get into work more quickly, were highly motivated to work, and could draw inferences from one example. With a little experience, they could flexibly handle the problems they encountered at work. affairs.

Of course Hobert understands that these people have received a very good education and have a strong ability to accept new things.

Moreover, they have been influenced by their ears and eyes since they were young, and this is almost an inevitable result. In the future, there will definitely be many such aristocratic children in Hobert's power structure.

Therefore, Hobert has an important requirement for their screening: fully accepting the core idea of ​​"people-oriented".

In the previous assessment, Hobert dismissed the aristocratic children who refused to accept this idea with a salary of 1 pound a day, no matter how capable they were.

For him, lack of ability can be cultivated, but if the path goes astray, it means "different paths do not work together."

Gray Lint immediately promised Hobert that he was willing to help him contact a group of noble children, and said that more people would apply for the job this time.

Because before Hobert went on a business trip, he had given three days' leave to the noble children who had passed the examination and been assigned positions.

Not many people care about their experiences, and everyone focuses on the positions they eventually get.

So far, it looks pretty good, either as a low-level official in the territory or as a management team at Backlund. This is already a very good way out for many noble children.

If this group of people will have a good future in the future, then there will be no need for Hobert to take the initiative to recruit people. Those who want to find a way out for themselves will definitely find a way to recommend themselves.

After a good night's rest, Hobert arrived at Longtail Island and began to implement the second step of his plan.

Another two weeks passed, and Hobert once again paid the manor owners exactly one penny for the second batch of rubber. According to the previous agreement, this time he paid 1.5 times the market price.

This has aroused the enthusiasm of all the manor owners, and they have begun to plant the new varieties provided by Bishop Jyoti on a small scale.

At this time, most of them made up their minds to spend all their savings to plant rubber trees!

Although these saplings and medicines are very expensive, it only takes four or five months to pay back the money.

And even if Earl Hobart doesn't have such a big demand for rubber, and the purchase price returns to the market price, it will take at most two or three months to recover the cost.

For the manor owners, this perennial cash crop can pay back its investment so quickly, which is already a very profitable crop.

The most important thing is that after paying back the investment, they can get more than ten times the income of ordinary rubber trees. For them, this is simply a huge profit investment.

But Hobert gave everyone another dose of stimulant at the third banquet.

Hobert said very seriously: "The rubber provided by everyone is still too little! I will need a lot of rubber for a long time to come. If you can't meet my needs, I will have to send people to other islands to purchase!"

At the same time, he also said: "Before meeting the huge demand for rubber, the price I purchased was 1.5 times the market price!"

Just as Hobert had predicted, the estate owners began to complain, saying that they only had so many rubber trees, that new rubber tree varieties were too expensive, and so on.

At this time, Bishop Jyoti explained that those medicines and new varieties used a lot of expensive materials. They gave everyone this price because of their good cooperation with Earl Hobert. There are no such saplings in other places. The Church of the Mother Earth is almost Not profitable.

Because the manor owners didn't know the mystical logic behind this, they didn't know how to refute Bishop Jyoti's explanation.

Hobert pondered for a while and then said: "I will grant you a loan and let you plant rubber trees. You will pay it back after the rubber starts to produce."

Because the earl had advanced the payment once before, no one was surprised by this proposal.

Moreover, the manor owner with connections has already inquired. The earl is producing large quantities of wires in Backlund and has purchased almost all the rubber in Backlund. This has given a certain premium to Backlund's rubber. .

So we discussed it before we came here to see if we could ask the earl to advance some money to buy saplings? Even if they pay some interest.

Unexpectedly, the earl offered to provide a loan without mentioning interest at all.

Hobert continued: "The upper limit of the loan per person is 3,000 pounds. You can come to the Governor's Mansion to receive this loan tomorrow!"

He said: "I have a request that the money must be spent on planting rubber trees. This must be written into the loan contract. Once a default occurs, I will recover the loan in advance!"

3,000 pounds!

They didn't expect that the count would lend them such a huge sum of money. Surprised, everyone promised that they would abide by the agreement.

The next day, Hobert made the loan as promised, and loaned out more than 70,000 pounds on that day!

For a time, Changwei Island was filled with enthusiasm for planting rubber trees. In order to snatch rubber saplings and land for planting, the estate owners had conflicts more than once.

Under the stimulus of Hobert's previous steps, not only the loan given by Hobert, everyone used all their savings and the money they could borrow to plant rubber trees!

In addition, some people, because they have such a huge sum of money, think that they can go to other islands to buy a large amount of rubber, and then return to Longtail Island to sell it to the Governor's Palace.

Someone has calculated that if you buy it for several thousand pounds, you will make a profit.

Regarding the matters on Longwei Island, Hobo had no intention of intervening for the time being and just allowed the situation to develop.

At this time, he was more concerned about the construction of cement plants and other factories. The relatively simple brick factories, gravel plants, lime plants, etc. had been built and mass production had begun. The cement plants also began to cap out.

Only smelters, steel mills and other factories with higher technological requirements are still under construction in full swing.

Hobert is still very satisfied with this progress. After the first step of his plan is completed, Longtail Island will be capable of large-scale construction!

Returning to the Governor's Mansion, Hobert took another look at the bustling rubber plantation. He smiled slightly and returned to Backlund.

Before you know it, the harvest season has arrived.

For farmers in South Colson, this year's harvest season is particularly exciting. More than a dozen villages around Jeffrey City have long known that all the harvest in their fields belongs to them.

They would look at the golden ears of wheat under the scorching sun, then smile "hehe" and continue to harvest.

People in areas on the West Bank that were once ruled by the Blood Worship Cult were told when the harvest was about to begin that if they did not continue to believe in demons, carve statues for them, or perform any sacrificial acts, all the wheat in the fields would belong to the owners of the wheat fields. all.

But if you still want to believe in the devil, you can continue to believe in it, but all the harvest from the fields must be collected by the town government.

In the past few months, the people have not been exposed to anything related to demons. Most people's spirits have returned to normal. Even those who still have some mental problems have calmed down and regained their enthusiasm and hope for life.

So they basically chose to leave the wheat behind and chose a future that seemed pretty good.

Therefore, the town government on the west bank of Man Yue Lake struck while the iron was hot, and the policy of redistribution of land was not so difficult to implement.

The East Bank also took advantage of the harvest season to tell everyone that it would not charge any agricultural taxes. However, because the city government has a large food shortage, it will purchase the excess food from the people at market prices.

In most areas, the process of land distribution was completed amidst great joy.

This made Hobert feel that his magic potion had been digested a lot, which proved that everyone felt the great changes in this area, and also proved that his rule over the South Colson area had become stronger.

During this harvest season, on the west bank of Full Moon Lake, when everyone was resting at noon, an old man found a body in the wheat field. However, when the old man went to ask the village chief Mike, the body was gone.

If it weren't for the traces of corpses in the wheat field, everyone would have thought that the old man had seen it wrong.

In the end, everyone thought that maybe a passerby was tired and lay down in the wheat field to take a rest. However, he was woken up by the old man, so the passerby left.

This Mike was sent directly from the town government. He has undergone many trainings and is a relatively knowledgeable person in the local area.

He found that the place where the wheat was crushed was under the scorching sun. If someone wanted to rest, he should be under the shade of a tree. Who would rest under the scorching sun?

The key is that while Mike was still in the crushed wheat field, he found a ball of smelly mucus that looked like blood, but didn't seem to be blood.

Mike found a leaf, collected the mucus, and then told everyone that someone was tired and lay down in the ground.

And let everyone continue to harvest wheat to avoid rainy weather.

However, Mike found the town government with the mucus and handed it over to the town government security officer.

To Mike's surprise, one of the security guards told him that it was corpse fluid. Similar things had happened in several surrounding villages, and some people saw people digging graves at night.

The security guard took Mike to a small office, where sat one woman, two men, and three young men wearing uniforms that were somewhat similar to the security guard, but different.

Two months ago, the Lord's Mansion had standardized the uniforms in the territory, and even Mike received two uniforms of village-level cadres.

This made Mike feel that he was much more impressive than before, but the uniform manual did not contain the uniform styles of the three people sitting across from him.

The leading man smiled and said: "I can see that you are a careful grassroots worker, and you discovered that the styles of our uniforms are somewhat different.

"We are a special department in the Lord's Mansion, dedicated to solving the kind of strange things you encounter."

Then he introduced himself: "My name is Monret. Now let me ask you a few questions. Was it noon when the incident occurred? Are there any other traces found around it? Is that body a dead person from your village? Are there others? Any witnesses?"

Mike found these questions a bit strange, but he still answered them one by one. Afterwards, Monret thanked Mike and asked him to pay attention to the trends in the village when he returned, and to report in time if he encounters a similar situation.

The captain of the security team praised Mike a few more times and told him that his voluntary report would be reported to the town government and recorded in his month-end assessment.

Mike left very happily. On the way back, he looked at the scene of wheat harvesting on both sides of the road, and a heartfelt sense of pride grew in his heart again.

Turning around the mountain pass in front, he reached the village where he worked. He saw that some villages had already finished harvesting wheat. He felt that his own village should also work harder to finish harvesting tomorrow and start drying it the day after tomorrow!

Mother Goddess is above! It must be sunny these two days!

After crossing the mountain pass, Mike's facial expression gradually became stiff. He saw that his village was lifeless, and someone fell at home! Someone fell in the field!

Mike seemed to realize something and raised his feet to rush over.

"It's too late!" Monret's voice suddenly appeared behind Mike: "When we discovered something was wrong, it was already too late."

Mike pointed at the people in the wheat field in the distance: "They..."

"They're all dead!"

Mike burst into tears: "They are all dead? Why? The young man at the entrance of the village, Klee, just got married, and Kangla's wife just got pregnant. I also promised Old Werther that after I pay my salary, I will invite him to the town for a drink...

"Those demons have just left a few months ago! Everything has just gained new hope!"

As he spoke, Mike slowly squatted down, hugged his head and cried.

Monret sighed with emotion: "Some things are so hateful, they always hit people in the head just when there is hope!"

He took out a bottle of wine: "I heard you like drinking, drink it, I'll treat you!"

Mike uncorked the bottle and took two sips.

Raymond advised: "Take another two sips."

Mike was stunned for a moment, feeling that the wine was pretty good, so he took a few more sips.

Raymond knelt down, patted Mike on the shoulder and said, "One thing, I have to tell you, in fact, you are also dead!"

Mike opened his eyes wide and finally remembered everything that happened last night: "One, a black fog enveloped the entire village!"

After saying that, Mike fell to the ground, motionless.

Raymond sighed and then said to the female team member: "Go and ask Teacher Dunn quickly. This case is too weird and we can't handle it."

Hobert rested for a long time in Backlund and made some preparations. On the night agreed with "The World" and "The Hanged Man", he put on a mask and used "travel" to arrive at a building on the outskirts of Bayam. At the entrance to the cemetery, this is their meeting point.

Alger, the "Hanged Man" with rough blue hair, has arrived. He smiled and said, "Long time no see!"

Hobert also smiled and said, "Long time no see."

At this time, the space on the side was cut open again, and the cold-faced Gehrman Sparrow, the last one to arrive, was Klein.

Hobert smiled and said: "Look, our great adventurer is here!"

"I am no longer an adventurer." Klein's face did not change at all: "Are you all ready?"

Alger on the side was slightly startled: Didn't you say that the "Emperor" is a demigod? Wouldn't it be very rude for you to have no smile at all?

Hobert was not angry, but said: "You should smile more, my friend, it's not because the burden of life is about to crush you!

"How about I invite you to travel to Feneport in a few days to relax?"

Klein glanced at Hobert, and this time there was some warmth in his eyes: "I will go if I have time."

Alger immediately realized: they had known each other before, and they seemed quite familiar. That's right, they each represent two gods with an alliance, and they should be in constant communication.

Then, Hobert and Klein looked at Alger together.

Alger immediately understood: "I know, I will lead the way."

Klein put his hand on Alger's shoulder, which was obvious, and asked Hobert to put his hand on his shoulder.

Hobert did not do as he was told: "We look a bit like blind people traveling together."

Alger was stunned for a moment, and it was indeed like: "Then you can put your hand on my other shoulder."

"That would be like escorting a prisoner." Hobert said, "Well, I'll use 'travel' to push you into the spiritual world."

After discussing the formation, the three entered the spiritual world together and soon arrived at the target island.

Alger, who was walking at the front, turned on a lantern and introduced: "If you come here during the day, it will be very lively, and you can even see some bird creatures that only exist in myths and legends.

"At night, the 'power' that dominates this place seems to have changed, and many extraordinary creatures are hiding."

While listening to Alger's explanation, Klein also turned on the lantern and asked Hobert, "You didn't bring a lantern?"

"My night vision is very good." Hobert smiled: "When you become a demigod, you will understand this feeling."

If it were before, he would never have said the second half of the sentence because he didn't deserve a beating.

But when Hobert realized that he had to break the rules he had set, he consciously changed some of his habits.

After hearing what Hobert said, Klein and Alger smiled with strange expressions.

Alger cleared his throat and forcibly skipped the previous topic. He pointed ahead: "We follow this road into the forest and keep going forward until we reach the ancient ruins of unknown age.

"On the way, we hunted for extraordinary creatures that we had the ability to deal with. If we killed them alone, all the corresponding materials would belong to the killer. If we worked together, they would be kept by Mr. Emperor. When we leave here, we will take turns to select them. way to distribute.

"And adjust the order of selection based on the specific contributions made."

Among the members of this team is a demigod and a crazy adventurer.

Alger, who had just been promoted to Sequence 5, was the weakest among them, so he first explained how to distribute the spoils to avoid unnecessary trouble during the trip.

Hobert nodded and said, "No problem."

He patted the leather bag hanging on his waist: "With it, you can leave this harvest to me."

Klein nodded indifferently, indicating that he agreed with this way of distributing the spoils.

So the three people turned on the lantern and started exploring.

Klein walked in the front, Alger in the middle, and Hobert walked in the end.

The reason for this formation is that most of the dangers at night come from behind, so the only demigod in the team walks at the back.

After walking for a while, they saw that the trees in front of them had become a little sparse.

Alger was still surprised that he arrived at the ruins so quickly?

After walking a few steps further, they saw a series of hunched or prostrate figures.

These figures include humans, baboons, goats, and tigers. They are either holding stones or using their claws to continuously polish the piled trees and rocks, as if they are building a palace.

Suddenly, these figures seemed to sense something and stopped their movements at the same time. The next second, they turned around uniformly and looked at the three outsiders.

Under the illumination of lights and moonlight, their faces were pale, their furs were withered, or their bodies were ulcerated, and none of them seemed alive.

Klein immediately realized that there were supernatural beings driving the dead bodies to build palaces for themselves.

Then he looked beyond them and saw a dark cave diagonally deep into the ground. Weeds were lying around it, and several white feathers with light yellow oil stains were scattered around.

Hobert held the head of the stick with one hand and the body with the other: Did you meet this guy as soon as you came up?

Alger, who also observed carefully for a while, hesitated for two seconds before suggesting: "I have never seen a similar situation before. I don't know the level of this extraordinary creature, so why not go around it..."

Just as he said this, the ground suddenly trembled, as if something was turning over underneath.

If Klein and Alger didn't do what he wanted, they would turn around and run away.

However, Hobert slowly pulled out his rapier: "There seem to be some extraordinary people or extraordinary creatures in those corpses. I will leave them to you."

This made the two people who were about to escape slightly stunned: Yes, we also have demigods, what a bullshit!

Then Klein looked at the rapier in Hobert's hand. The material of the rapier felt familiar to him, and seemed to have some connection with Azik's copper whistle.

Before he could take a closer look, a giant snake that could not be hugged by a single person emerged from the dark hole. It had huge green and black scales and exaggerated eyes that were burning like flames.

Between the gaps between the scales, white feathers covered with single butter grew, and there was even a pair of thick wings that could be spread out on the back.

The giant snake raised its body and stared at the three figures who broke into its territory.

Hobert smiled and greeted: "Hello Quetzalcoatl, please hand over your extraordinary characteristics. I need a demigod butler!"

Thank you to the leader of [Why is Xiao Xue so handsome] for the reward? Although I try to update as much as possible now and rarely add updates, the reward from the leader must be a large chapter of 10,000 words!

But you have to wait a few days, and the author has to save the manuscript. During this time, I will write more in the evening, and under normal updates, I will save a 10,000-word chapter.

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