Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 566: Sharing the Mural of the Ancient Sun God

Klein looked at Hobert, who was studying the slates on the ground. He remembered that Hobert said in the Tarot meeting that the first "blasphemous slate" occasionally appeared in the Second Age, and often in the Third Age. It appeared in front of the world, but since the catastrophe, there seems to be no record of "desecrating the stone tablet".

Based on this mural, he guessed that the "blasphemous slate" is closely related to the ancient sun god! The ancient sun god appeared in the second half of the second era. Although the process of his becoming a god is not known, according to the limited information obtained so far, he seems to have taken back the authority of the ancient gods step by step. Maybe in the Second Age, He would occasionally be in a dormant state? Is that why "blasphemous slate" appears occasionally?

Klein continued to conjecture: The Third Age was the age of the ancient Sun God, so the "blasphemous slate" has always been in front of people in the world. After the Cataclysm, the ancient sun god fell, so the "blasphemous tablet" disappeared?

Then he had a new question: Where did the "blasphemous tablet" go? Where did it come from?

Alger hadn't noticed this yet, and just asked tentatively: "Ancient Sun God?"

Klein was about to nod and say "Yes", but then he remembered that he was playing Gehrman Sparrow at this time, so he said: "It's not difficult to see."

Alger asked again: "In the Fourth Age, are there still people building churches for the ancient Sun God? Are there still people who believe in the Ancient Sun God?"

Could this be the reason why this place is deserted? After all, no matter how much they pray, they will not get a response from the gods, but if they believe in other gods, they can easily get a response.

If things go on like this, believers in the ancient sun god will inevitably convert in large numbers.

Klein did not answer this question because he did not know the answer.

"I suspect that this island was not originally where it is now." Hobert, who was squatting on the ground, suddenly said: "Look at the small grooves formed by the cracks on the stone slabs. They are all the size of a human forehead, and they go all the way to Front extension?

"What did you think of this?"

Before Klein and Alger could answer, Hobert asked and answered himself: "What I thought of was that devout believers crawled on the ground and crawled forward. Every time they walked a certain distance, they hit the ground hard with their foreheads. The blood was flowing, which was why the marks were dark red.

"There may be Extraordinaries among them, but most of them should be ordinary people, because if Extraordinaries casually cracked the stone slabs here, it would be a very rude act. And even if they cracked the stone slabs, It’s also unlikely to bleed.”

Hobert stood up and looked at the end of the trace: "There should have been a large number of believers here, passing by here again and again, and finally leaving such traces.

“But this small island obviously can’t support that many people, so I concluded that this island may not have been in this location before, or this church may not have been on this island.

"It may be in a more prosperous place than here, or even somewhere in the northern and southern continents."

Klein nodded. It was not impossible, but a new question came again: "Who moved this church to this island? Why did He do this?"

The one who can do this is at least an extraordinary person at the angel level, so Klein directly used "him".

Hobert smiled: "Maybe some people don't want to see the existence of the church of the ancient Sun God."

He paused and then said: "I can imagine that the believers here pray devoutly for responses from their gods, but what they receive are disappointments again and again.

"At the same time, they will also face some other blows, such as believers and extraordinary people in hostile churches."

Klein wanted to continue asking, but when he saw Hobert taking a step forward, he obviously had no intention of continuing to talk about this topic.

Continuing to walk forward and reaching the end of the hall, the three people saw the steps going down.

Alger had never been to the underground area, so when exploring the underground, Hobert walked at the front, Alger in the middle, and Klein at the end.

They first saw some stone statues and murals in the corridor. Those stone statues were obviously some petrified explorers who had been transported here by who or what.

The remaining murals are about the ancient sun god defeating the ancient gods and saving the world.

In the dim environment, the broken murals and the stone statues with frightened faces made the surrounding environment very strange.

All three of them could feel that there seemed to be some danger here, so they were even cautious when walking, for fear of waking someone up.

Suddenly, there was a "dong dong dong" sound in front of me, as if there was some monster wandering in the underground corridor.

Hobert, who was at the front, said: "To save time, I'll kill it."

Just after saying this, a tall figure of nearly four meters came out from the corner in front. It was gray-white in color, with patterns carved on its body that looked like armor plates, and its head had goat's horns.

And its most attractive thing is its pair of burning red eyes and six pairs of gray-white wings.

Although Klein had never seen the real thing, he still recognized what it was at a glance: a six-winged gargoyle!

Its core crystal is one of the main materials of "Secret Puppet Master".

While Klein was contemplating the combat prowess and extraordinary abilities of the man in front of him, he saw Hobert "distorting" the distance between himself and the six-winged gargoyle as if strolling in a leisurely manner, and almost instantly appeared in front of the six-winged gargoyle. In front of him, he jumped up and grabbed the horns on its head, and pulled the six-winged gargoyle's head completely off its neck.

The six-winged gargoyle's body really turned into a stone statue this time, falling forward stiffly. As if taking care of a drunken man, Hobert dragged its chest with one hand and slowly pulled it away. lay down.

The six-winged gargoyle didn't seem to react the whole time, and it didn't make much noise until the opponent's body fell to the ground.

The "chaos" at the demigod level is completely powerless for extraordinary creatures at the sequence 5 level to resist.

Because there was really no room for anything in the bag, Hobert just dug out the eyes of the six-winged gargoyle while speeding up the precipitation of its core crystal.

It only took more than ten seconds from hunting to harvesting the trophies, which made Klein and Alger sigh: It is really necessary to invite a demigod to participate in this exploration.

Even if the two of them work together, they must make a lot of noise to deal with such an extraordinary creature, and in such a small space, it is definitely impossible to deal with the enemy so easily.

After stepping over the six-winged gargoyle that fell to the ground, the three of them continued forward and finally reached the end of the corridor.

There is a stone door seven or eight meters high, with occult symbols of death and sleep carved on it.

As Alger explained before, this is the structure of the upper church and lower tomb.

Hobert in front casually pushed open the tall stone door. Inside was a row of gray-white sarcophagi. This was an underground tomb hall.

After confirming that there was no obvious danger inside, Hobert went in immediately. The tomb hall near the door was divided into two parts, the left and right, with twelve sarcophagi placed in each. There was an empty circular area in the center, and it seemed that There is a beautifully complex picture.

There are many sarcophagi and a large space further away, and you can't even see the edge. This underground structure seems to be very huge.

Hobert, who was walking at the front, came to the central area and took a look. The main body of the picture on the ground was a long table. On the table lay a figure carrying a shining cross, surrounded by three shadowed people. .

One of them is handsome and vigorous, one is majestic and heroic, and the other has a long white beard and looks very wise, but their eyes are all unspeakably evil, and their behavior is also the same:

One of them tore off the arm of the figure on the long table, another held up the head, and the other dug out the still beating heart.

A long and wide opening was opened between the figure's chest and abdomen, and a gloomy, dark baby sat cross-legged inside!

These four people seemed to have noticed that someone was spying on them, and they looked upward at the same time, as if they were watching every living being who saw this scroll!

After seeing this picture, some information about the previous transaction with Hobert appeared in Klein's head as if it exploded: "Pure White Angel" later became "Eternal Blazing Sun", and "Wind Angel" later became " "Lord of Storms" and "cherubim" later became "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", so the figure on the long table is the ancient sun god? They shared the ancient sun god, so they completed the process of becoming gods?

Then he thought about the information about the "Redemption Rose" described by Hobert: Could it be that the "Redemption Rose" was formed to kill the ancient sun god and make these three gods?

Klein shook his head and felt that this conjecture was not quite right: the gods were not so harmonious, or was the action of killing the ancient sun god actually planned by these three?

Finally he calmed down: this mural may not be true, maybe it is a slander. In the "Land Abandoned by the Gods", there are images of the Six Gods that have been obviously darkened.

At this time, Alger, who also saw this picture, his hands were shaking uncontrollably, like an epileptic patient. He also thought about the information he had traded from the "Emperor" and made many blasphemous guesses.

The two of them looked at the "Emperor" (Hobert) together, and saw that Hobert's expression was as usual, with a slight smile, as if he was appreciating the artistry of the painting.

Then the two men realized: He knew about it!

Klein even thought further: This might be another part of the information worth 20,000 pounds!

At this time, Hobert had a sense of déjà vu as if he had visited a well-known tourist attraction: the characters here were vivid, as if they had a certain spirituality injected into them, which reminded me of the oil paintings in Hogwarts.

Just when Klein was about to ask a question, he suddenly heard a sharp "stab" sound.

Before Klein and Alger could react, Hobert, who was well prepared, had already kicked away a sarcophagus next to him.


At the same time as there was a muffled sound, the sarcophagus was smashed against the wall. The corpse inside fell out, its head fell off, and it rolled out far away.

But the headless corpse immediately stood up, as if awakened from a deep sleep, and groped for its head.

The lids of the other two sarcophagi beside them were also opened, and a corpse stood inside each.

One of the corpses was dressed in a simple white robe, and his forehead and the back of his hands were covered with deep eyes.

The other corpse was wearing a three-cornered hat, and smooth and thick tentacles emerged from under the clothes. It exuded a majestic, arrogant, and violent aura. Hobert even had the illusion of facing a high-sequence extraordinary person.

He said: "I will deal with this 'octopus', and you will deal with the other two."

Before the other two people could reply, Hobert had already thrown "Arrogant" over. It turned out to be a corpse, and the "Sailor" path was famous for being angry. Coupled with the "Arrogant" state, the other party was directly stunned. What little intelligence there is is nowhere to be found!

The thin sword in Hobert's hand turned into a two-handed sword, splitting the opponent in half with one strike.

Because of the characteristics of this sword, this corpse with many tentacles just struggled for a moment, and those tentacles shrank instantly, turning into a real corpse that was cut in half.

Hobert stepped forward and found the "Tyrant" sign on the body!

Before he could take a closer look, Hobert went to speed up the extraction of the corpse's extraordinary characteristics.

After Klein over there solved the corpse with eyes, Alger finally put his head back on the corpse with dark green pus flowing from his body.

They saw that the "Emperor" was already using his two-handed sword to pry other sarcophagi. The lids of the coffins were pried open, and the corpses inside fled in a panic in the opposite direction of the "Emperor".

The "Emperor" casually slashed the corpse into two halves with a sword: "It's just a Sequence 6, what the hell are you doing!"

Then the "Emperor" held the sword to pry open another coffin: "I hope there is a Sequence 5 inside."

Klein twitched the corner of his mouth. Why did such a weird adventure suddenly change its style, giving it a sense of déjà vu like opening a blind box?

Before the coffin could be pried open, a long sigh sounded in the ears of the three people at the same time: "Hey..."

This sigh came from the deepest part of the tomb hall, carrying indescribable vicissitudes of life.

The muscles on the backs of the three people tightened at the same time. Without hesitation, Hobert "twisted" the distance and appeared beside Klein and Alger, holding their shoulders.

The space in front of them suddenly became illusory, but none of the three people entered the spirit world because they saw a spirit world creature with skin like a grouper and a lantern-like structure on its head happened to appear in front of them. of spiritual space.

The three people's spirits almost simultaneously had a premonition that this spiritual creature would be difficult to deal with.

Hobert simply withdrew his spirit from the "Traveler's Knife" and bowed politely in the direction of the sigh: "I'm very sorry to disturb you. Thank you for your gift!"

Alger, who had experience exploring with the "Emperor", also quickly bowed in that direction.

Klein was slightly startled. Are they all so polite? Who was prying the coffin here with a two-handed sword just now?

Deep in the tomb hall, a very pleasant and magnetic voice said: "I know very well that the two of them will come here sooner or later, but why did you come here?"

The three people's spirits did not feel any abnormality in the tomb hall, nor could they feel the presence of anyone, as if they were just a mass of air speaking.

Hobert smiled helplessly: Didn't you follow your script? This only means that your script is not good!

He seemed to know who he was communicating with, but he didn't seem to know, but in the afternoon he had made corresponding preparations, many memories had been sealed accordingly, and he had also made corresponding plans for the current situation.

So Hobert said calmly: "Let me confirm one thing."

At the same time, he injected his spirituality into the mask to form a layer of protection, otherwise he would have no secrets in front of the other party.

"whats the matter?"

Hobert pointed to the picture on the ground over there.

"After confirming this matter, what does the 'creator' plan to do?"

Klein and Alger originally thought that it might be a special extraordinary creature, but now they knew that this guess was outrageous. The other party actually knew the "creator"! So this is an extraordinary person?

Klein also noticed that Hobert rarely used the honorific "you", which proved that the other person should be a big shot.

Neither of them spoke. They thought it was most appropriate to leave the matter to the "Emperor" at this time.

Hobert said: "At least on this matter, the 'creator' will be on your side."

The other party was quiet for a few seconds, and then said: "Answer my two questions, and I will let you go."

Hobert breathed a sigh of relief and made a gesture to please speak.

The other party asked: "Is the 'Creator' the incarnation of the 'Mist of Uncertainty'?"

Hobert smiled and said, "How could I possibly know such a thing?"

"Based on my observation of your expression, you know this very well."

I'm wearing a mask, you can see my shit! But then, Hobert sighed helplessly: "No."

"Very good." The other party said, "So, is He the activated source?"


The other party paused for a few seconds.

Hobert was very nervous. He knew that the other party was weighing whether it was worth breaking through the barrier created by the "Order Crystal" and digging out all the secrets in his mind?

He didn't expect that things would develop to this point. He remembered that this expedition should be very safe.

But soon, Hobert was ready to fight again. At this point, he used meditation to stop all inner activities to avoid exposing more secrets.

Only seven or eight seconds passed, but Hobert felt that a long, long time had passed.

Finally, the other party sighed again and said, "Let's go."

Without saying a word, Hobert held onto the shoulders of Klein and Alger. The space in front of them became illusory again, and the spirit world creature that looked difficult to deal with before happened to leave.

The three people entered the spiritual world together, but soon they came out of the spiritual world again.

They were in mid-air now, with the island at their feet in front of them.

The fog that had previously enveloped the primitive island was quickly dissipating, and they saw that the island was gone!

The original island where many semi-god-level extraordinary creatures live has disappeared!

In the area where it was originally located, the dark blue water swayed gently, with nothing unusual at all!

Hobert used the ability to "exploit" to end the "travel" use gap of the "Traveler's Knife" early. They entered the spiritual world again and soon appeared on an uninhabited beach on Blue Mountain Island where Bayam was located. superior.

The three of them first let out a sigh of relief and spent a few minutes recovering from the surprise. Then Hobert opened his bag and took out the black-haired baboon that Klein had killed and the mystery that Alger had picked off the fruit. Take out the Phantom Wind Chime Tree.

As for the bodies of the semi-god-level curly baboon and feathered serpent, Hobert simply did not take them out. After all, they were the prey he hunted himself.

The three people gathered together the trophies that they had temporarily kept. There were 3 pieces of sequence 5 level, 3 pieces of sequence 6 level, and 3 pieces of sequence 7 level extraordinary characteristics, the core crystal and eyes of the six-winged gargoyle, and the "tyrant". "Card.

Hobert first handed Klein the extraordinary characteristics formed by the black-haired baboon, which belonged to his prey. Then he said: "The body of the black-haired baboon and the psychedelic wind chime tree were brought back with my help. According to the extraordinary world, As usual, I have to charge a certain fee.

"If you sell it to me, I will buy it at a 20% discount on the market price, and the 20% will be my share.

"If you plan to sell it to others, I will get 30% of the proceeds."

Klein said: "Please make a price."

Hobert said: "After the 20% discount, the body of the black-haired baboon is 3,500 pounds, and the psychedelic wind chime tree is 3,000 pounds!"

The price of these spiritual materials is far more than this, but the general purchase price is this much, because the problem of loss must be taken into account. After a year and a half at most, the spirituality of these materials will weaken a lot, and even drop to the level that they can be used. Below, it will be of little use by then.

Hobert didn't have to worry about this, so he added a little to the market price.

Both Klein and Alger realized that the "Emperor" had purchased it at a price slightly higher than the market price. After expressing their gratitude, they sold the body of the black-haired baboon and the psychedelic wind chime tree to Hobert.

Then they divided up the other trophies. Both Klein and Alger said that the extraordinary characteristics of one of the Sequence 6 items and the harvest related to the six-winged gargoyle should go to the "Emperor".

In particular, the Sequence 6 Extraordinary Characteristics obtained from the tomb hall was obtained by the "Emperor" by prying the coffin himself.

Hobert had no intention of making such a small profit, so the extraordinary characteristics of Sequence 6 and the two extraordinary materials were also added to the shared sequence.

The order of selection is in order of contribution. The first one is of course Hobert, the second is Klein, and Alger comes last.

Of course, Hobert chose the "Tyrant" card, and Klein chose a Sequence 5 extraordinary characteristic. Alger said, "Can I use this opportunity in exchange for a Sequence 4 potion formula?"

Hobert thought for a while: "Maybe there is no need to waste this opportunity of choice. I can provide it to you when you need it, and you can help me complete two things.

"Both of these things will be within your ability, and the total value will not exceed the value of the Sequence 4 potion formula."

Alger thought for a while: "Okay."

He remembered that "Emperor" had a similar deal with "Moon", but now "Moon" seems to have not received the first mission, but it has been given the opportunity to be promoted to Sequence 5 first. This is obviously a benefit provided by "Emperor" .

So Alger also chose a piece of Sequence 5 level extraordinary properties.

In the second round of selection, Hobert chose the last Sequence 5 level extraordinary characteristic, Klein chose the six-winged gargoyle core crystal, and Alger chose the Sequence 6 extraordinary characteristic.

The next two carve-ups were to obtain two Sequence 6 Extraordinary Characteristics and one Sequence 7 Extraordinary Characteristics from the corpse controlled by the Feathered Serpent, as well as the eyes of the six-winged gargoyle.

After the partition, Hobert smiled and said: "If you don't find a suitable buyer for the spoils of this exploration, you can sell them to me at tomorrow's party."

Klein and Alger nodded together, and Klein said: "Then, happy cooperation!"

After that, he left first.

Hobert asked Alger: "Do you want to send you Baiyam?"

"Thank you." Alger smiled and said, "But I want to take a walk by myself."

Today's harvest is not small. After tomorrow's party, his savings will definitely exceed 10,000 pounds!

It was a joyful thing, and he wanted to be happy alone for a while.

Alger extended an invitation: "Want to go for a walk together?"

Hobert was slightly startled, but then smiled and said, "Of course."

The waves lapped leisurely on the beach, and under the reddish moonlight, small animals such as crabs quickly crawled across the beach from time to time.

"It's so fast." Alger said with emotion: "I am already an 'Ocean Singer' now."

When they first met, Alger was only a Sequence 8.

Hobert seemed to have guessed the other party's intention, so he sighed: "Time is like the two scenes of falling flowers and running water, gone forever."

Alger was stunned for a moment and said to himself: People who have gone to college are just different. These two metaphors are very appropriate.

He followed this topic and said: "In a blink of an eye, it's time for me to prepare for promotion to Sequence 4."

Alger got to the point: "If the time is right, I would like to ask you to help me explore a ruins together, which is the last of the three coordinates I found before."

Hobert nodded: "No problem."

He smiled and said, "I quite like exploring ruins."

After receiving the "Emperor's" promise, Alger felt that his promotion to a demigod was already half successful.

The two chatted for a few more words, and Hobert took advantage of the "trip" to leave.

Alger stared at the seawater under the moonlight in a daze for a while, and then a sense of joy filled his heart again.

First of all, today's exploration was very successful. Although he got the least amount of combat trophies, he was very satisfied.

Secondly, it was the first time that Alger felt that he was so close to the demigod level. Even though he was now Sequence 5, before today, the demigod level still seemed far away from him.

But just tonight, the magic potion formula is available, and there are important clues to the extraordinary properties!

He smiled slightly and continued walking on the beach.

Hobert returned to Backlund's Earl's Mansion and took out a bottle of good wine and two glasses from the wine cabinet in the bedroom.

As soon as the wine was filled, Hobert heard a knock on the door: "Please come in."

The bedroom door opened, and Klein, who had a somewhat bookish temperament, opened the door and walked in: "Sorry to bother you so late."

Hobert picked up the wine glass and pointed to another glass of wine: "Should we celebrate first?"

Klein picked up the wine glass: "Did you know I was coming?"

"No, I just see that you seem to need this very much." As he spoke, he took out the "Tyrant" card from his pocket.

When Klein saw this card for the first time, he spiritually realized that it was a "blasphemous card", and if used in conjunction with his "Poseidon Scepter", it could play a good role. Effect.

You can even temporarily suppress the negative effects of the "Poseidon Scepter". When you summon yourself again, it is not impossible to use the "Poseidon Scepter" in the real world.

He asked pointedly: "What should I pay to get this card?"

Hobert smiled and said: "I can't make the decision yet. I'll give you an answer after I ask."

He was actually trying to shirk it, wanting to take this "blasphemous card" to the "Country of Disorder" first to see how useful it would be to him? If it is of little use, then consider trading with Klein.

Hobert paused and then said: "But if you need it, I still have the authority to temporarily lend it to you."

Klein thanked him, drank all the wine in his glass, and left.

"Wait a minute." Hobert smiled and said: "Do you still remember the invitation I sent before taking action? There will be a tourism festival in Feneport in a few days. Are you interested in going to relax?"

Klein was slightly startled: "Travel Festival?"

"Yes," Hobert finally found the opportunity to explain: "This is a concept mentioned in a draft that Emperor Russell did not make public."

Klein suddenly asked: "The light bulb is also mentioned in the draft?"

Hobert started to show off his acting skills again, showing a bit of surprise: "How do you know... Oh, by the way, Mr. Fool can read Russell's diary."

So he explained "frankly": "Actually, it was a draft. It contained many inventions with very novel ideas, such as the light bulb. Emperor Russell proposed the idea of ​​using it for lighting, but the material of the previous filament was not good. The service life is not long enough.

"At the same time, there are many new concepts in the gaps between drafts, such as the business concept of the tourism festival I mentioned earlier."

Klein is different from Fors. If he has to reveal the fact that he is a time traveler in the future, and Klein asks why he lied to him now, he can say that this is a kind of protection for himself. After all, Klein has no Take the initiative to announce that he is a time traveler.

Klein nodded thoughtfully. He did remember that Russell mentioned in his diary that without oil, many of his ideas would be difficult to realize. It is possible that he recorded some of his "creative ideas" and they were used by Huo Huo. Bert saw it, and because of the technological progress of more than a hundred years, it was possible to realize part of it.

Before that, when he heard about Hobert's use of light bulbs, Klein had doubted that the "creator" was also a time traveler, right? Or is Hobert also a time traveler?

But after hearing what Hobert said today, Klein realized that this was what happened.

Then he asked casually: "Where did you get that draft? I'm very interested in this new concept. Can I borrow it?"

Hobert did not answer directly, but just smiled and said: "I remember saying before that Russell became the 'Black Emperor', so we have some intelligence and information here that the outside world does not have.

"That information is top secret. If you want to borrow it, you will have to pay a big price."

"Let's talk about it later," Klein said with a smile.

To him, those might be common sense things, but it would be a bit unworthy of him to pay a small price for some knowledge about "postpartum care of sows".

"If it doesn't conflict with my time, I will participate in the tourism festival." Klein smiled and said: "By the way, there is one more thing. I decided to sneak into St. Samuel's Cathedral to get clues about the potion formula.

"If you really have a way to hide yourself well, we can work together."

Hobert smiled slightly and suddenly turned into a pool of flesh and blood, flowing into the wine cabinet.

After Klein disappeared from sight, his spirituality could not feel Hobert's presence at all!

Soon, Hobert came out of the wine cabinet again: "How is it?"

Klein nodded: "I will plan how to sneak into the church. If I need your help, I will contact you."


Watching Klein leave with "Travel", Hobert thoughtfully opened the notebook on the desk. On it were simple instructions for making sacrifices to the "Creator" and entering the "Country of Disorder".

These were all preparations to "prevent Adam". Hobert waited for another ten minutes to prevent the other party from forgetting to explain something just now.

After making sure that Klein would not return suddenly, Hobert sacrificed all of tonight's harvest to the "Country of Disorder."

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert's head seemed to explode, and all the memories that had been left in the "Land of Disorder" "came back".

After waiting for more than half a minute, Hobert began to handle the trophies.

First, he took over the "Tyrant" card. This card had already been opened. On the surface was Russell with his hands raised and wearing a triple crown. In front of him were the believers prostrate, and behind him were lightning, dark clouds, strong winds and waves. !

Then Hobert opened the "blasphemous card" like a pamphlet. On every page was an image of Russell. He was either dressed as a sailor, or wearing a captain's hat and holding a sextant. , or singing with the sea in the background.

Read all the way, and at the end is Sequence 0: Tyrant.

The ascension ritual requires hundreds of thousands of followers who obey and believe out of fear, secondly, challenge a true god alone and survive, and finally take the magic potion in an atmosphere of fear and obedience.

Hobert smiled: This ceremony looks simpler than the promotion ceremony of the "Black Emperor".

Then, he wrapped the "Tyrant" card with his own spirit body, and then tried to mobilize the power of the "State of Disorder".

Hobert felt that although this "blasphemous card" had improved his spiritual body's status accordingly, mobilizing the power of the "State of Disorder" was far less smooth than the "Black Emperor" card.

If you use this to enter the real world, you can exude a majestic and frightening aura, and you may have the empty airs of the King of Angels, but the abilities you can use are far less rich than the "Black Emperor" card.

This is a bit useless, and may only be used under certain circumstances, just like the "Red Priest" card that has been lying there eating ashes. Its greatest use may be to provide a complete path to potions.

You can consider trading with Klein.

As for what to trade, Hobert thought about it, and it seemed that "Mr. Fool" currently had nothing that could interest the "Creator".

Finally, he thought, could he exchange "Fulgrim's Dog's Eyes" with Klein in the future, so that Archibald could be promoted to "ancient scholar"?

If you have an "ancient scholar" as your subordinate, it will be very convenient in many things.

But there are two prerequisites. The first is that Archibald is loyal enough, and the second is that after Hobert himself is promoted to Sequence 2, he is sure that he can recycle the other party's extraordinary characteristics at any time to avoid wasting his work.

In addition, after Klein becomes a demigod, he may need help from him or the Fool.

But the probability of this is low. After all, Hobert can now mobilize several demigods, and most of the problems that demigods cannot solve are currently difficult for the "Fool" to solve. It is better for the "Creator" to take action.

In the end, Hobert thought that it could be leased to Klein first, and then when he wanted to get some reward, he could pay it in one lump sum, or he could lease it and pay it all at once.

Don't worry about this, we can talk about it later. Hobert looked at the second biggest harvest of this operation, the sealed object that looked like green jade.

Hobert held it in his hand, using the high status of the "Country of Disorder" to feel the difference of this sealed artifact.

After the spirit entangled the other party and established a certain connection, a huge inverted pyramid appeared in front of Hobert's eyes. In the pyramid, there were many corpses covered with light yellow oil stains.

Deep in the pyramid-shaped mausoleum, there is a thick mist. There seems to be a very terrifying figure in the mist. It seems to be the most frightening thing in the world.

Hobert couldn't see clearly what it was, but his heart was filled with uncontrollable trembling and fear.

As if that were fear itself!

Withdrawing his spirituality, Hobert wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, put down the sealed object with a slight trembling, and immediately made a guess: it was the "artificial god of death"!

No wonder "1-109" refused to "grazing". It turned out to be because the feathered serpent was closely related to the "Artificial Death"! Perhaps it is also a by-product of the "Artificial Death" project?

In short, as long as the feathered serpent is grazed, "1-109" will inevitably move closer to the "underworld", and may eventually disappear completely in the "kingdom of death" and become a plaything of undead creatures.

If Hobert uses "1-109" to use the feathered serpent's ability, it will be similar to being marked by the "Artificial Death", and he will often be attacked by powerful underworld creatures.

Hobert went to hold the jade-like sealed object again. If he just held it, he wouldn't feel the fear coming from the depths of his heart.

Then he realized that even if he smashed it into extraordinary properties, he couldn't use it. It was just equivalent to scattering the marks of the "Artificial Death".

It may be necessary to wait until the "artificial god of death" is solved by the goddess of the night before it can be used as a normal extraordinary characteristic.

Before that, it could only be used as a sealed object, and as Hobert expected, it only needs to be used once to be marked by "fear itself", or the uniqueness of the current "Death" path.

Then he will move irresistibly closer to the "artificial god of death", not in a realistic sense, but in a mystical sense. Feathers with light yellow oil stains will grow on his body, he will start to dream about appearing in the pyramid, and finally Reaching the end of life in advance, the body was taken to the inverted mausoleum by the unknown power of the underworld.

In the end, both the body and the soul will forever become the slaves of the "Artificial Death".

Hobert mobilized the power of the "State of Disorder" to try to seal it, and finally got the opportunity to use it safely for 3 minutes. After using it for 3 minutes, he had to rest for 6 hours, otherwise any spiritual contact with the sealed object would be " Artificial Death" mark.

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