Mystery: The arrival of the new Black Emperor

Chapter 575 Entering the Mist Town

Archbishop Radar Valentine of the Holy Wind Cathedral was the first to arrive at the scene.

At this time, the black viscous liquid-like substance in the shadow has not completely dispersed, and there seems to be some blood crawling like caterpillars on the ground.

Especially the end of the alley, which almost connects this dead end to the street in front.

The archbishop, who was stocky and had thick dark blue hair, looked at all this.

Soon, an old man wearing a black clergyman's robe and five Holy Emblem of the Night on his chest came out of the illusion.

This is Archbishop Anthony Stevenson of St. Samuel's Church. He looked at each other and nodded slightly as a greeting to Radar.

Anthony also looked at the scene: "The 'Black Knight' of the Aurora Society?"

Both bishops saw the few drops of blood that were still squirming just now but were now almost lifeless. Leidar said: "I think, yes."

He paused and then said: "Who killed this 'Black Knight'?"

Both of them knew that there were many demigods in Backlund, but there were not many battles between demigods, because once they started, the sound of fighting would quickly attract demigods from the church.

Even if there were situations where they had to take action, it would be difficult to determine the winner in more than an hour or two.

The usual situation is that two people are fighting. Seeing that the winner cannot be determined quickly, the official extraordinary demigod is about to arrive, so they will end the fight in a tacit understanding.

But the battle that just took place in this dark alley clearly had a winner.

Whether it was the black shadow that had no life left on the ground but had not completely dissipated, or the spiritual perception of the two saints, it was proved that the "black knight" was dead.

At this time, an old man wearing a white priest's robe and a soft hat flew quickly from the sky and landed steadily.

There is a pair of silver wings on his back that are full of mechanical feeling but look thin and light.

When the old man landed, his wings automatically folded and disappeared under the white priest's robe.

He was Archbishop Horamik Haydon of the Church of Steam. When his feet landed on the ground, the pupils of his two eyes suddenly became illusory, and a stream of information flashed in his eyes.

After a second or two, his pupils returned to normal: "The person who attacked the 'Black Knight' seems to be a Sequence 4, but he has good anti-divination ability, and no information about him can be seen."

The three saints looked at the blood that had completely lost its vitality, and then saw the shadow that had completely disappeared.

Although the other party killed a demigod from the Aurora Society, the expressions of the three people gradually became serious.

Backlund came and killed a "Black Knight" demigod in about one minute, but they didn't know anything about it.

Hobert came to the wilderness of the Balke family in the west of Backlund, and dumped out several corpses in the leather bags.

The battle with the "Black Knight" just now actually only lasted about a minute, so the extraordinary characteristics of these corpses had just begun to emerge at this time.

Hobert took off Mr.

It's indeed Louis Venn!

Hobert injected his spirituality into "1-109" and once again enabled the "grazing" ability of this sealed object.

Louis' soul was sucked out of the corpse by "1-109", and entered the leather bracelet on Hobert's wrist with a face full of pain, adding another dazzling blue gem to the bracelet.

Hobert's spirituality was immediately prompted with three more options, and he chose "travel," "flash," and "astrology."

In this way, Hobert can give Forsi the "Traveler's Knife" to use, giving her the ability to escape immediately when she encounters danger.

Using a thin sword to cut off Louis' head, Hobert accelerated the extraction speed of the extraordinary characteristics of other corpses, recovering one part of the "Black Knight" and three parts of the "Rose Bishop" extraordinary characteristics.

At the same time, several extraordinary characteristics from other pathways were also extracted from the corpse of the "Black Knight".

In the end, Hobert used the "Fire Crow Technique" to burn several corpses and then buried them in the soil.

He used "travel" again and returned to the study in the Earl's Mansion.

As expected, Forsi was still waiting here. She immediately stood up and asked, "How's it going?"

Hobert handed the head in the bag to Forsi: "I didn't expect there was an unexpected gain."

Forsi glanced at the head in the bag and saw that it was indeed Lewis: "What's the gain?"

"I also hunted an important member of the Aurora Society." Hobert smiled.

He did not specify that he was a "black knight" to avoid Forsi worrying or blaming himself.

Forsi smiled and said: "Thank you, Hobert."

Hobert pinched her face: "This is what I should do."

Forsi had to deal with the head, and Hobert also had to recover, so the two of them left the room and went about their own business. There was no time to "dance" tonight.

Hobert came to the study and took off his shirt. The wound on his chest had begun to rot and began to bleed some black blood.

It's just that in order to stop the possession of the "puppet", Hobert stabbed the wound with his own sword.

This sword caused great damage to the "puppet", but Hobert was also injured as a result, and he could only "give away" most of his injuries.

Hobert drew out his rapier again, opened a "gap in the underworld", and used the power of the underworld to restore the injured spirit body.

After sealing the "Gap of the Underworld", Hobert found a knife, dug out the rotten flesh, and then used the "Healing Fork" to quickly heal the wound.

After doing all this, Hobert sacrificed the extraordinary characteristics he had harvested today to the "Country of Disorder".

Sitting on the "Iron Throne", Hobert was crushing these three extraordinary characteristics of the demigod level while thinking about how to deal with them.

You can consider selling the extraordinary characteristics of the "Occultist" to Bernadette, and keep the extraordinary characteristics of the "Puppet" to see if Miss Sharon needs it in the future.

But how to deal with the extraordinary characteristics of this "Black Knight"? This time, Hobert struck cleanly and did not give the opponent a chance to turn into a sealed object.

The problem is that Hobert does not need the extraordinary characteristics of this path, and it would be a pity to sell it to the Orthodox Church at a low price.

After thinking for a while, Hobert thought of the old man Winston whom he had retained, and wanted to see if he could make a magical item.

Even if the negative effects are stronger, it doesn't matter, it's still better than using extraordinary characteristics directly.

As for the extraordinary characteristics of "Rose Bishop", it can be crushed and sold to the Zhengshen Church in the future.

There is also 1 copy of "Desire Apostle" and 1 copy of "Crimson Scholar" extraordinary characteristics.

The former will also be dealt with to the Zhengshen Church, and the latter will look for an opportunity to sell it to the vampires.

Saturday morning, Pulitzer Harbor.

Dorian seemed to have walked out of the Fishermen's Association in a leisurely manner, but he had some doubts and worries in his heart because he had just received a letter from his student Forster.

It said that she had something important to meet with him, and now she was staying in the hotel at No. 55 Haifeng Street.

What Dorian was confused about was why he, a student who had always been lazy, suddenly came to Pulitzer Harbor to meet him.

He was a little worried that Forsi had encountered any difficulties that were difficult to solve?

Dorian was not worried that this would be a trap, because at the end of the letter, there was a code they had determined long ago. At least in Forsi's view, this meeting was safe.

After briefly observing the hotel on Sea Breeze Street, Dorian finally walked in. After confirming that there was no danger, he came to the outside of the room that Forsi mentioned in the letter and knocked on the door according to the code agreed in advance.

The door was opened, and Forsi made an "everything is safe" gesture to Dorian, and Dorian felt relieved to enter.

"Teacher, I know this visit is a bit hasty." After closing the door, Forsi smiled and said, "But there is a very important thing I want to see you for."

Dorian breathed a sigh of relief. At least Forsi's matter didn't seem too dangerous or urgent. "If you have anything to say, please tell me slowly."

The two of them sat down on two chairs in the hotel. Forsi picked up a small leather bag and said, "I have been wanting to find Louis Wayne since I knew that he had betrayed the organization and caused you a lot of harm. Avenge you."

"Give up this idea!" Dorian sat up straight: "Even if you have 'Lymanno's Magic Book', you are definitely not his opponent.

“Even if Hobert is also a Sequence 5, even if he is stronger than Lewis, he may not be able to kill him.

"But as long as he is not killed, his organization will definitely retaliate! They are all lunatics. Even if Hobert is an earl, he can still become their target!"

He took a deep breath: "I'm very pleased that you have such intention, but there is no need for you to take risks."

It would definitely not work if Hobert was still Sequence 5. Forsi muttered silently: "Hobert has succeeded!"

Cough cough cough! Dorian choked on his own saliva and started coughing. He took a few sips of tea before he was relieved.

Then he seemed to realize something: "Halbert was promoted to Sequence 4?"

Forsi nodded slightly, he couldn't hide this, otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

Dorian asked worriedly: "Did you encounter any trouble? Did you accidentally leave any clues?"

"Probably not." Forsi said: "Hobert has changed his appearance, and he has a magical anti-divination item on him.

"According to his description, he saw the right moment and succeeded quickly, before the opponent even had time to enter the spirit world."

Dorian sighed: "That's good, that's good."

Forsi opened the delicate small suitcase on the ground, and inside was a human head wrapped in newspaper.

Dorian saw a face that he would never forget. His proud smile was gone, and his face was filled with unsettling fear.

As an "astrologer," Dorian's spirituality was certain that it was Louis Venn's head.

"Okay, very good..." Dorian whispered a few words with excitement, and took out a fist-sized pure crystal ball from his pocket: "It is made of star crystal and can effectively improve your astrology. "

Before Forsi could refuse, Dorian chuckled and said, "Louis is my enemy. If you help me get rid of him, I have to pay you some reward."

Forsi immediately refused: "No, it's not necessary. Hobert has left behind his extraordinary characteristics for my future promotion to 'traveler'."

Dorian said with a serious expression: "Do you want to make me feel guilty and uneasy?"

Then he smiled and said: "Don't worry, your teacher I still have some wealth."

Forsi didn't say anything else. If he didn't want anything, it might really make Teacher Dorian uneasy.

Dorian thought for a moment and then said, "Wait here, I'll be back soon."

Ignoring Forsi's attempts to stay, he insisted on leaving and came back about an hour later. First, he handed Forsi a box: "There is still a crystal ball in it, but this is a magical item.

"People who don't know 'astrology' can also use 'astrology', but they can only have a level of Sequence 7 at most.

"If you are a person who knows 'astrology', you can bypass some anti-divination abilities and improve the accuracy of 'astrology'; you can also use it as a medium to perform various forms of divination such as dream divination and roulette divination.

"The negative side effect is: don't use it under the starry sky, otherwise it will attract malicious looks."

After Dorian introduced it, he added: "This magical item does not conflict with your 'astrology' ability. It is equivalent to giving you a higher order of 'astrology'."

Then he took out two more documents: "These are two Backlund properties, one in Hillston District and one in Joe Wood District. The locations are pretty good."

Forsi was slightly startled: "Teacher, this is too much! Let's do this, I only want the crystal ball."

She made a rough calculation and found that the two properties were worth at least 6,500 pounds, and the crystal ball was also worth about 4,500 pounds, so Dorian's purchase price was 11,000 pounds! This is the heritage of the former Angel family!

They are indeed unknown now, but there are many such industries including land, forestry, real estate, estates and mineral deposits.

"No," Dorian said seriously: "Normally, the reward for assassinating Louis Wayne, who has the support of the Aurora Society, is at least 30,000 pounds. What I give you is still too little, but I can only give it first You have so much.”

Forsi knew that these rewards were hard to refuse: "Teacher, these are enough. Really, when we were hunting Lewis, we didn't even think about collecting any rewards.

"Hobert's main purpose is also to focus on his extraordinary characteristics."

Dorian smiled and said: "That's a good boy."

If Hobert is not Forsi's husband, and Dorian knows that the two of them are very affectionate, he will wonder if Hobert has other intentions.

Dorian even thought just now that Forsi's encounter with Hobert was an opportunity for her. At the same time, might this not be an opportunity for the Abraham family?

Being promoted to Demigod at a young age, he must be a member of a certain Beyonder family, or have the support of the Loen royal family as reported in the newspaper.

This is a demigod with enough goodwill towards the Abraham family, and it is likely that he will get more help from him in the future.

The key is that Dorian still thinks that Forsi and Hobert don't know that he is a descendant of the Abraham family, so he can feel free to ask Forsi for help in some matters.

Then, Dorian asked Forsi about the digestion status of the "astrologer"'s potion.

Forsi smiled and said, "No matter what I do now, I always do some divination."

Then she said seriously: "Not long ago, I discovered the fact that 'astrology' is not omnipotent. I mean, for various reasons, you cannot be too superstitious about the results of 'astrology'."

Dorian nodded with satisfaction: "This is not the first time I have said this, your talent is very high!"

Backlund, MI9.

Hobert found Byron in the lounge and chatted with him in the corner about Hugh's current situation.

Finally, Hobert asked in a low voice: "Do you know the real cause of Hugh's father's death?"

Byron smiled helplessly: "My position was too low at the time and I didn't understand the specific situation."

Hobert nodded and pretended to think for a moment before saying, "Okay, there's nothing else."

He went over there and poured a cup of coffee. While drinking, he said to a few intelligence officers who suddenly became cautious: "Sorry, I interrupted your chat. You can continue."

He smiled and raised the coffee in his hand: "I will leave after finishing this cup of coffee."

Byron smiled and said: "We were also chatting, and we didn't interrupt."

"That's good." Hobert smiled and said, "I just heard you say that you got some news about the Aurora Society? Are you finally going to crack down on this crazy secret organization?"

This was the main purpose of coming to the lounge. He knew that someone would complain about this today.

As he expected, an intelligence officer complained: "We are investigating the person who killed an important member of the Aurora Society."

Another intelligence officer joked: "I really don't understand why we need to find the murderer. After we find him, are we going to give him a good citizen award?"

Generally, the investigation of cases where members of such a secret organization are killed is just a formality. If evidence is found, it is recorded. If no evidence is found, the case is closed as a vendetta or uneven distribution of the spoils.

After all, no one cares how these villains die.

However, there was a lot of urgency in this case, and the intensity of the investigation was not small.

Others also began to joke about this matter: "It makes it seem like we are going to help the Aurora Society to take revenge."

Hobert said to himself while drinking coffee: It is very likely that you will become an accomplice.

After listening for a while, Hobert roughly knew that MI9's investigation direction was indeed misled by him.

According to the witnesses they found, it was currently determined that an Extraordinary from the "Apprentice" path committed the crime. After all, the other party used "Flash".

As for the signs of explosions on the streets outside, some people believe that they may have been recorded in advance.

This is exactly why Hobert used the "flash" ability yesterday instead of the "distortion" ability.

If Aurora would get such news, they would most likely suspect that this was the revenge of the Abraham family, or simply to hunt the "traveller."

Even if one guesses that the "flash" may come from magical items, it is difficult to guess Hobert's specific path, because judging from the traces at the scene, the murderer may also be an Extraordinary of the "Hunter" path.

The ability of the "lawyer" channel, as long as it is carefully circumvented, will generally not leave too obvious traces.

As Hobert said, he finished his cup of coffee and left.

In the afternoon, Qionas came to Hobert, and the two talked about the "Earl's Light" light bulb. Now that Qionas is also a shareholder of "Earl's Light", the relationship between the two people has become closer invisibly. Quite a few.

Hobert smiled and said: "The promotion of the light bulb is not over yet, because the big light bulb in the Order Square is still on!"

Qionas praised: "I have to say, you are a business genius."

Then he added: "There is a card game at the club tonight, do you want to participate?"

"Another day." Hobert smiled helplessly: "Todd will come back from Pulitzer Harbor this afternoon, and I want to have a casual meal with him."

"It seems that the popularity of 'Earl's Light' is not all a good thing." Qionas joked: "You don't even have time for entertainment."

After sending Qonas away, the smile on Hobert's face immediately disappeared.

Of course he guessed that Qonas' visit was to observe and test himself. Although Hobert found a good reason to go to the lounge in the morning, this was his first time after all, and he was in Go after the Aurora Society case.

It's not that Qonas doubted Hobert. After all, it seemed that Hobert had no motive for committing the crime. It was just that he wanted to completely rule out Hobert's suspicion.

Hobert's performance was also very natural. If he had just agreed to Qionas' invitation, it would have seemed like he was guilty. After all, he rarely participated in the club's entertainment activities.

In that case, Qonas will definitely test it further.

Because of Hobert's performance, Qionas has ruled out Hobert as a suspect.

After work, Hobert met Forsi in the study room of the Earl's Mansion.

"Teacher Dorian's reward was too generous." Forsi said, "He actually gave me a level 2 sealed artifact and two properties."

Hobert listened to the specific information about the rewards: "I might be able to use that crystal ball, let me use it for a while. As for the two properties, I suggest you use them to collect rent."

Forsi was slightly startled: "I plan to give it all to you. After all, I didn't play any role in this matter."

"You are Hobert's wife and Dorian's student. This is your greatest role." Hobert patted Forsi's plump butt: "Okay, let's go have dinner quickly. I'll There is still action.”

As night fell, Hobert used "travel" to once again come to the bank of the Tasok River, where he and Klein had met before.

Klein was already waiting here. There was no politeness after the two met. He took out four talismans: "By praying to Mr. Fool, I made a total of three talismans, namely the stealing talisman, the deception talisman and the deprivation talisman." .

"The Luck Stealing Talisman can steal the target's destiny for three seconds, and can exchange your own destiny with that of the other party.

"Deception spells can deceive the target, causing the other party to make wrong judgments or not notice some key actions.

"The deprivation spell can steal three extraordinary abilities from the target. The order of stealing starts from the most recently used one and goes back in sequence.

"Here are a fortune-stealing charm, a deception charm, and two deprivation charms. The opening spells all mean 'stealing' in the ancient Hermetic language."

Hobert put away these four black crystal card-like charms: "They are all quite strong."

With these spells, there won't be much of a problem in dealing with the "Crazy Mage" in the foggy town.

However, we cannot tell Klein the specific information about the foggy town yet.

Klein was also very cautious about this kind of action and did not reveal all his plans until this moment.

Then Hobert turned into a small puddle of flesh and blood and hid it in Klein's pocket.

Klein used "travel" to reach the darkness of Paisfield Street where St. Samuel's Church is located. After waiting for a short while, a group of believers participating in the night mass came out of the church.

Soon, several servants came out of the church with various cleaning tools and began to clean the street in front of the church, mainly cleaning the feces from the carriage parking spot.

Today, Backlund had a rare lack of fog. The crimson moonlight shone on the earth, and the red moon seemed to be watching everything that happened on the street.

Klein found a servant who was walking at the back, possessed him with the power of the "ghost spirit", then controlled him and slowly walked into the corner, made him drink the sleeping potion, and put him to bed.

Then Klein transformed into the servant and carefully cleaned the horse manure for more than ten minutes. He followed the servant back to the church and successfully moved into the servants' dormitory.

It didn't take long for the servants to fall asleep, and Hobert came out of Klein's pocket to take a rest.

Although the negative effects of "1-109" are easier for Hobert to avoid, if you have the opportunity, you still have to take a break to keep yourself in the best condition.

Although this is inside the church, it is not the core area. Archbishop Anthony who lives here will not pay attention to the situation of the servants and does not have to worry about being discovered.

One of the two people was lying on the bed and the other was standing on the ground, both waiting very quietly.

Until early morning, Hobert got into Klein's pocket again. Klein first used the "Paper Angel" blessed with the "Above Gray Mist" ability to interfere in order to avoid Archbishop Anthony's spirituality, and relied on With the help of the "Mysterious Queen", the corrosive aura of the "Resentful Soul" interferes with the seal core at the bottom of the church.

In this way, they quietly came to the place where the watcher lived closer to the core area, and once again used potion to make a watcher with thin hair fall asleep.

Klein transformed into a caretaker, ate all the white bread on the table in front of the window, drank a glass of water, and imitated his walking style vividly, seeming to arrive at the underground area with some difficulty.

When he arrived at the corridor in the underground area, Klein almost lost control of his emotions because he saw Leonard, who had black hair and green eyes, outstanding appearance, but a somewhat casual temperament, walking from the opposite side.

Klein knew that there was an angel with the "stealer" pathway living in the body of the poet classmate, but at this time he could only bite the bullet and move forward, hoping that the poet classmate was afraid that his secret would be exposed and pretended not to know.

As he walked forward, Klein quickly thought that it was the angels of the "Stealer" path who could sense his specialness, not Leonard.

He quietly breathed a sigh of relief: Then the possibility of the other party exposing me is very small. After all, he also has a lot of problems, and he is not an angel who believes in the goddess of the night. Once he exposes me, he will also be exposed. There is no need to take this risk. risk.

Soon the two people came closer, nodded slightly to each other, and tapped their chests four times clockwise with their right index and middle fingers, as if drawing a full moon.

Then one turned inward and the other turned outward, passing each other.

Klein was silently relieved. As expected, the "thief" angel pretended not to see anything and didn't even remind Leonard at all.

After walking cautiously in the underground passage for more than a minute, Klein finally came to a cold door.

He was very aware of the handover process between the night watcher and the watcher. He knocked on the door of the guard room outside the gate, and opened the Chanis door under the witness of the night watcher on duty.

Inside the door, the deep darkness suddenly surged, and Klein felt as if there were invisible tentacles in the darkness scraping across his skin, going deep into his body, and connecting with the eroded "resentful soul".

Klein tried his best to enter the door with an indifferent expression and closed the Chanis door.

He took the horse lantern nearby and lit it, and waited patiently in front of the door for a while, lest any night watcher come to collect or return something early in the morning.

According to his experience, as long as the internal watcher is not disturbed by the night watcher for five minutes after entering the Chanis Gate, then when an extraordinary case occurs that day and a certain sealed item is needed, the Chanis Gate will be opened again.

After five extremely painful minutes, Klein finally started moving forward again, heading towards the stairs leading to the second floor.

After passing the rooms where various extraordinary materials, potion formulas and secret knowledge were stored, and where cultists or wild extraordinary people were imprisoned, Klein entered the underground with steady steps.

This is a divided area built of steel, masonry or silver. The doors of these areas are closed, only the door of the armor soaked in the steel bathtub is open.

Looking past this sealed object, Klein's spirituality seemed to be guided. He turned a corner and saw a bookshelf made of white bones in a stone room, with only an ancient notebook with a hard cover placed on it.

It is the Antigonus family notes!

According to the agreement with Hobert, he would first get this notebook and then work together to search for clues about the saint who disappeared during the Backlund Great Smog Incident.

Things went smoothly, but Klein still showed no carelessness or recklessness. He cautiously entered the room and was about to reach for his notes.


At this moment, there was a sound of the door opening suddenly outside, as if someone was coming over.

Klein's pupils dilated, and he rushed towards the Bone Bookshelf, asking the Marionette to grab the Antigonus Family Notes. At the same time, he put his hand deep into his pocket and pulled out Hobert, hoping that the demigod could temporarily withstand the crisis ahead. .

Hobert originally thought he could hitch a ride directly into the foggy town, but he didn't expect Klein to be prepared to resist.

Without the cover of the "Resentful Soul" marionette, he had no choice but to "distort" the illusory tentacles in the darkness so that the seal core would not notice him for the time being.

At this moment, he saw a figure wearing a hood and classical robes standing outside the door. His face was beautiful but expressionless, and his eyes were deep but lacked spirituality.

Hobert twitched the corner of his mouth: They were already standing there, and you still resisted like shit! Get ready to head straight to the misty town!

So Hobert reached back and fished it out, preparing to take Klein with him.

But he found that he had gotten nothing. From the corner of his eye, he saw that Klein had disappeared, but the Antigonus family diary was still placed on the bone bookshelf.

Hobert looked at his hands and feet again, and then he realized: Why don't you just let me disappear? It would be awkward if Klein went to Misty Town and I didn't.

But then, Hobert felt that he would definitely be sent to the misty town. After all, the black dog spirit beast was still inside, and the "Crazy Mage" of the Solomon family should also be inside.

Without Hobert's help, it would have been almost impossible for Klein to make his way out of the town.

So Hobert looked at the man outside the door, his eyes seeming to say: Come on, what are you waiting for?

I saw a smile suddenly flash across the other's handsome face, and then pointed at Hobert with his index finger. Hobert seemed to feel something spiritually, as if something had changed in him, but he couldn't tell what exactly had changed. .

Fortunately, in the next second, Hobert's pencil drawing was quickly erased like an eraser.

Hobert's eyes first went dark, as if he had entered a deep sleep without dreams. After an unknown period of time, the darkness in front of his eyes suddenly shook, and a cold wind blew at him.

He struggled to open his eyes and saw that he was in a cornfield, with a fog above him, and the crimson moon hidden in it, appearing and disappearing.

Hobert quickly regained his thoughts: Cornfield? Why don't I remember any cornfields?

Immediately afterwards, Hobert realized that there was something abnormal about the corns. They turned their leaves one after another, as if they turned around and "looked" at Hobert.

Yesterday, the light in the author's bedroom broke. I came to replace it today. The originally planned 10,000-word chapter could not be completed ( ̄. ̄)

The author did not expect that it would be so troublesome to replace a lamp now. Even the lamp with a light bar cannot be replaced by himself, so he can only wait for the installation master to replace it.

The key is to choose the style. If you don't choose, it won't work. This makes the author regret a little. When I installed the lights for the first time, the light pattern looked good, so I installed one with a light bar.

If you are installing an energy-saving lamp, there is no need to go to all this trouble. When you go out to buy cigarettes, you can just buy the lamp back and you can replace it in two minutes.

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